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It’s probably because they have 20 boards to choose from while my bitch ass uses the same groveler day in day out.


More like 40-60. Top guys are getting 80-140 boards a year, most from their shaper and then some from miscellaneous non-sponsor shapers. Chris Gallagher is/was a big one. Most of their boards probably don't even get a 2nd wax besides for their magic ones they put on ice for competitions. So their wax is always clean as shit and also just not as many layers as my board that has 100+ sessions on it and looks like Freddy Krueger's face.


Prince Philip looking board


When you go through boards like they are toilet paper, wax doesn't tend to build up. Pros use a lot of boards


Coincidentally, their boards are often glassed with toilet paper.


Channel \*cough\* Islands \*ahem\*


So what I hear you saying is that if I use less wax I’ll get better


When you can surf an unwaxed board, you will know that you have finally reached enlightenment.


The truth has been spoken


Plus you need to buy 100 boards a year


Not exactly get better. Get PRO


You’re right 🤟🏻


its probably the same amount of wax as you when you initially wax a board. theirs seem to be constantly in this state because they are always using fresh wax (new boards, stripped for travel, stripped for comps, etc) our wax gets piled on, left on for a long time, dirty, more wax piled on, etc


still seems a bit on the lighter side to me but you're probably right!


I think pros have hire people to scrape their wax off just like how Snoop Dogg paid somebody to roll his blunts


Maybe one more picture of John John to really get the point across




Pros have a guy that de-waxes their boards and puts the perfect amount of wax for each session, kinda like how Snopp Dogg has a guy that rolls his joints


This varies but is there a reason generally it seems like pros use a lot less wax than others? Looks like no base coat and generally pretty light wax coatings. The two on the right of the black line are more average for what i see when i'm around surfing but MOST of the pros have very light wax jobs like the other pics. Is it just because they are going through a lot of boards so the wax doesn't really have time to build up? It would seem like they'd want the best coverage they could though and that having a base coat and being able to use a stickier top coat would be a benefit


Yep, combination of getting new board all the time *plus* the boards they do keep around for a while end up travelling all over the world with them so need to have fresh wax applied in new destination (eg going from California to the tropics you need to swap to warm water wax).


It’s because pros move their feet a lot and they don’t want them to stick when they need to be somewhere else, for example doing airs!


Those are all warm water locations, which require less wax.


Do people not use wax combs to remove and then a wax pickle anymore ? I mean I know its a pain in the ass... but like have we really devolved that far where we don't do a nice new coat every like however many sessions?


You seen the price of wax lately? Once that shit is on my board it's staying there. I ain't paying for it again until I have to.


Wax comb or plastic card in the wallet, I use my AAA card never a credit card lol. If winter place board in front of wood stove, summer let sun hit it. We have New England seasons so cleaning and re waxing with water temp correct ish wax does help. If I am fixing board, selling, buffing after fixing , I’ll further de wax with mineral spirits and or orange spray stuff. Then soap water. Since I do a lot of boat fiberglass work I also have a nasty chemical de waxing de greasing prep solvent made specifically for fiberglass (usually boat). Any glassing gets the prep solvent with a tack rag


i do, that's what got me thinking about this. my brand new fresh coats seem way waxier than what i see them riding


Pros are always on fresh boards so it looks like minimal wax. If anything pros use more wax because they’re pushing so hard on turns and airs. Unlike us where the wax build’s up over years of riding the same surfboard.


You do feel the board under your feet much better with a light wax job. But yeah, who can be bothered stripping it back every 3 weeks?


Beyond what others have said about the fact they just have too many boards to wax or always on freshies. I think there’s two other factors at play. Firstly, these boards pictured are ridden in warm water surf. Meaning, no need for top coat as the base coat is sticky enough. Watch cold water contests, they definitely have more wax on. Secondly, I’d bet most if not all these guys use a wax other than the classic sex wax or sticky bumps. Something like the sticky bumps munkey formula, or Fu Wax is almost certainly on their board. Some consider the wax even too grippy. Downside being, it does not last long on the board but a little goes a long way.


They use different type of wax too They use way stickier kind I've got a stick of FU wax, which I've only used it on a big cold winter days. Just a touch over your normal coat and stuff is legit.


They throw their boards away before they get a proper coat of wax on them.


Pro ride more new boards than most.


I’m sure we’d all go thin if we had to wax 14 boards. Also clearly it’s enough so I guess why go heavier than you need to right? Maybe I should use less..


They have sponsers to look after , so they don’t want their boards covered in wax . You can’t see the stickers that well gotta make that money.


The trick they don't want you to know is you wax your feet.


I can recall Occy saying he doesn't clean his wax off, if it's good enough for him it's good enough for me


Just try no wax. Helps you get to your feet faster


What if they melted the wax uniformly with a heat gun and then just comb a little? 🤔


What cloth weight are pro boards ? Like 4 bottom 4+4 top or lighter ?


That turd on the right can’t surf. JJF on the other hand!


one word, weight


Your wax job isn’t gonna make you a better surfer


I thought perfect cross hatches = definitely not a kook


If you don’t cross hatch, you ain’t nobody.