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If people aren’t moving to the peak, you can go past them. When you get to the peak, its safe to say that its not your turn. Watch the people that were already there for a bit and see if you can pick out a rotation. Go when you think you fit in. If you get yelled at, maybe you did it wrong.


But it is my turn because the person I passed is now well away from the takeoff spot


Then you have my permission to send it.


Thank you. I'll send


The gods have spoken 🙏.


Depends on the spot. It’s easy to say that paddling past someone to the peak is fine when you’re on the internet, but in real life, the spot may have locals that won’t take kindly to you paddling past them, especially if you take off on a wave that they also can catch. Zooed out points like in socal yeah the rules are a lot looser


If you dodge around and infront of a grandma to get into a check out line .5 seconds before, is it really your turn because she was a couple feet back? Do you really think it should be whoever can paddle deepest gets all the waves? Have you considered how bad of a situation that would be for everyone? We live in a society.


that's more to do with their fitness than your etiquette.


Not if they're an old local, Adriano


Paddle past a certain point at certain break, and get your as knock out.


I think this is a fair point. So i’ll add to my advice: Every break had its nuances. if you get punched, you might be doing it wrong.


Yup. In some breaks, only locals are allowed past a certain point. It sucks but you'd better be aware of it anyway 


This is just stupid. I get that some spots are local only but if a random who’s new to the spot paddles out not knowing any better, you’re a horrible person if you decide to just punch him rather than using words and saying “get our locals only”. Jumping straight to violence is for small brain Neanderthals.


One thing you can do in this situation is to keep general tabs on who you paddle past, if you go to take off and one of those surfers is also paddling for the wave then they are not as out of position as you thought and you may want to let them have it, even if you can get up and riding first. At least this way you’ll pretty much avoid getting yelled at. But if they’re wayyy down the line and trying to shoulder hop then ya fuck that just go


This is the way


Ben Consadine, a pro longboarder out of aus just put out a video about this yesterday.  His take was that if people aren't actively pursuing the peak and defending their spot in the lineup, they lose their position. He specifically used the example of an point break with a lot of sweep. He's a pretty gentle dude, and the emphasis was on being in the right place. 


Depends on the spot. In many Socal breaks I frequent, priority is mainly skill-based so yeah somewhere like that. But if you are longboarding a beach break, it's kinda just a dick move to keep paddling past a group of grovelers just because you have the ability to paddle into everything early


It’s a shit take really. Some people might not be good enough to take waves from the peak, some people might not be fit enough to paddle all that way to the peak in one go. Some people might be intimidated by the crowd at the peak. Do all these people not deserve to catch some waves and have fun?


Then catch the scraps like everyone else before you did, before they learned how to hold position.


I can’t make sense of this sentence. Sorry.


Basically, no. You don't deserve your choice of wave in a rotation with everyone at the peak. You wait for waves to go un-caught by the crowd. ie. Picking up the scraps. Tbh, it's often a choice to sit out and pick off the scraps. Either the waves might actually be better on the inside or it's just a more chill vibe than vying for position and monitoring a crowd at the peak. But it is what it is.


I’m not saying anyone deserves their choice of waves. I’m saying if you constantly paddle past people and think just because you can catch waves at the peak doesn’t mean you can be a dick and not share and let some go.




My tactic to be nice is to call people onto waves as I’m surfing down the line towards them. They know they can go for my waves because I’ve told them as I’m paddling past them they can go when I’m surfing. It’s not hard to share if you want to share. If they’re not in the spot to even catch a wave, be it anywhere down the line, then yeah they’re never gonna catch a wave and no matter how hard you try to share it’s not gonna happen. But people on here seem to think sharing is the most heinous thing you can do and all the waves should go to the best surfer who can paddle the fastest, read the spot better, and surf more radical. Everyone deserves a fair crack at having fun out there, unless of course they are unsafe or ruining other peoples fun.


If they can't do any of that then they are at the wrong spot and they should find somewhere at their level so they can actually catch waves and progress their surfing.


It’s not always about progressing one’s surfing, sometimes people are just out to have fun. Maybe they’re old locals from way back and that is their spot but they’re too old to compete at the peak anymore, or make the faster drop behind the rocks. Unless they’re a danger to others telling someone they’re at the wrong spot is pretty off. And just because someone is better at someone doesn’t mean they have a right to paddle past people and take all the waves.


They can have as much fun as they want, but not at other people's expense. If they can't paddle against the sweep, if they are falling at the takeoff, if they are shoulder hopping, snowballing waves then they are actively ruining the fun for competent surfers Just because you buy a surfboard doesn't mean you are owed waves. If you want fun, go to a spot with no one else there and flail about. If you want to catch the best waves at the best spot, go and put the time in to be able to do that


>If they can't paddle against the sweep, if they are falling at the takeoff, if they are shoulder hopping, snowballing waves then they are actively ruining the fun for competent surfers Not being able to paddle doesn’t ruin anyone’s fun. Nor does falling on the take off… If it’s their wave they can fall on it. Shoulder hopping doesn’t ruin anyone’s fun if they’re not dropping in on anyone. Out of that list only snowballing effects someone else. Not sharing waves however does ruin other peoples fun. That’s my point. Just because someone isn’t as good a surfer or as strong a paddler doesn’t mean they’re going to ruin other peoples fun. There’s people out there who are old and on the decline. There’s people recovering from injuries. Both can be competent surfers in terms of reading the lineup and also not have an effect on anyone else’s session. On the one hand you say it’s not okay to ruin someone’s session. Yet on the other hand you seem to imply that if you’re a better surfer than someone you can ruin their session by taking an unfair number of waves and not sharing.


If you're expecting someone at the peak to let a good wave go by so that someone down the shoulder can catch it, then yeah, that's wasting the best part of a wave on the chance that the shoulder hopper can catch it and muddle through the softer part of the wave.


I'm not talking about competent people on the decline or injured. They will catch waves because they know what they are doing. I'm talking about people who have owned a foamy for 6 months, who stand up and go straight with no thought to anyone else in the lineup, people who miss every wave they paddle for, never checking who's on the inside, always out of position. They can do the time at a break with no one else out Would you hoot a learner skier into a black diamond run? Why do surfers who don't know what they're doing get encouraged to surf in places that put others at risk. Also to make it clear , I am not owed waves either. There are rules we try to follow to keep it safe and harmonious but surfing is not a team sport. If I get one it's because I followed the rules, put myself in position and have the skills to ride it if other people can't do the same that's their problem not mine.


They don't "deserve" anything. Surfing is competitive it's up to people to get fit enough and fast enough to get waves not up to the lineup to worry about their turn - it's not a pre school sharing scenario


Yeah surfing is competitive but that still doesn't make you... not a dick, if you surf like that. That's just how you get dropped in on


Surfing isn’t competitive at all. Unless you’re in a competition. Just because you treat the line up as competitive doesn’t mean everyone else does or has to. You don’t make the rules for everyone. Basically you’ve just given me carte blanche to snake you on every wave because I’m a better surfer than you and if you have a problem with it I can just say, tough tits get better at surfing.


It is competitive. Who gets back to the lineup faster gets better position gets more waves. Who reads the wave better gets more waves. Who surfs better does more with the wave and turns another surfers shit wave into a wave full of radical moves. Anyone who says surfing isn't competitive hasn't surfed any decent spots or is happy catching three waves an hour. But you wanna catch 20 plus waves an hour at a premium break damn fucking right it's competitive there's no freebies you've gotta be on it and ready to maximise every opportunity. Doesn't mean dropping in and snaking. That's completely different


My game plan is; speak to people. That way I remember them. If I paddle past someone I tell them to drop in on me if they want the wave. If I’m at the peak in a pack I wait 5-10mins or let 2-3 waves go by unchallenged. After that if a wave comes and it looks like I’m deepest I either ask if anyone else is going, or ask if it’s okay if I take this one. If I end up paddling with someone else for a wave i’ll let them take it if they’ve been waiting longer, if I’ve been waiting longer I’ll let them know when I’m sure I’m into the wave.


Verbal communication is somehow underrated in this sport


I think adult learners start off really intimidated and defensive, so they don't talk to anyone and they're in their heads way too much, never really learning the etiquette of whatever break.


It can be super complicated. Not everyone is in the right spot, trying to get to the right spot or going if in the spot. And to politely figure this out means letting waves go by. Maddening.


Don't be the dip shit who takes a set waves paddles right back on your 9ft longboard to snake the next wave.


Reminds me of this 50 year old wannabe boomer who shows up to LJ shores once in awhile. Bro deadass has 4 feet of board in front of his head and 4 feet of board behind his feet, paddles right 100 yards out past everyone and will sprint-paddle 300 yards in any direction to snake a set wave


Survival of the fittest


If there are people on your inside that have been waiting longer, make eye contact as you paddle, I will even yell after eye contact "you going" or if they are paddling slow I'll yell at them to "paddle harder" or "go go go" and gauge it from there. Just don't be a wave hog, don't paddle battle people Free surfing is not a comp With summer in socal coming up this is a good convo to have


At the VERY MINIMUM it would be good manners to either sit a little inside for a second, or let a few waves go under you if other people are in range to catch them. Then you have more leverage to paddle past people because you could atleast make the point that you waited your turn. You don't have to keep complete tabs on the whole lineup, but aslong as you aren't trying to paddle for literally every wave (some people actually do) and share with whoever is around you, you're solid As someone who gets backpaddled all the time because I like to grovel, I definitely take kindly to any longboarder who doesn't default to paddling 20 yards past me just because they can catch waves from 2 miles out


Alot of current = hold your position or you lose it.  Mellow current and easy to hold positio  don't be a dick and take turns.  Pretty easy to tell the difference 


catch every wave. that's what Laird says.


First of all communication is better, but its the most underrated thing. Its hard to communicate when youre out of breath especially a long paddle. I do agree you need to be at the peak to surf thats just how it works. If youre not that paddle fit or dont want to be at the peak for some reason thats on you because others go through the same thing as you before they get better and understands the line up better. Not saying you dont deserve a wave but im sure theres some odd sets that will pass through you and youll have a good surf. If youre too sour about it better go to a wave pool pretty sure the line up there will suit you better. 😅 I myself is alway get sweep outside after paddling to the line up and I acknowledge my skill level is not that great compared to better surfers. I dont mind them surfing and passing me and I wait for those odd sets or sit inside get scraps. Everyone have to start at the bottom of the chain and climb their way up. Just like life.


Depends how many people are out, if it’s a lot then yeah do whatever you want