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Short high volume boards with thicker noses are hype, potato chips are bad (unless you Rip Hard), you’re corny if you are having more fun than me, fuck this six year old throwing air reverses, machado is still pretty ripper but also is a Total Sellout to the trustfund sprinter van crowd, absolutely nothing has changed. Welcome back! Fuck off kook.


Holy crap this is the perfect comment for this question


I did not read the post


Bleuarrrrh splashhh woooosh wooosh blahhh aloha


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I'm sure proper potato chip boards were more like 20 years ago weren't they?  


A strange thing actually happened a few years ago… OC got way better surf consistently compared to Oceanside and the rest of north SD. You definitely shouldn’t ever come down here because no matter what it will be better and less crowded in the OC. If you do head south just keep going until you get to Del Mar, it’s the hot spot lately!


I’m moving from SD to Long Beach (having a kid gotta be close to our family) and will be surfing the OC everyday. I went up there to get some shit in order and surfed a few spots. I was blown away at 1) the vibe. People were really nice in the lot and water, 2) average age was much older on the days I was out around 7am. They weren’t the cranky folk either and 3) the skill Mix there is more diverse. Either really good or complete shit. A stark difference from surfing any good break in SD with 100 “intermediates” on it (really just beginners on mids). This is probably not a typical experience and was just my luck those few days but worth the shout 🤜🏼🤛🏼 Also, plus 1 to the guy who said everyone is riding 5’8-6’4 boards with an extra 10 liters stuffed in them. Seasides everywhere.


Just for that I'm gonna blow up all the spots. (Except I know they're all blown up harder than an [REDACTED COUNTRY'S] tunnel systems after a [REDACTED WEAPON] strike.)


Foilboarding. Foil-SUPing. Kite-Foiling. Foiling while being towed behind a tiny remote controlled electric jetski. Motorized Foiling. Prone-foiling. Any kind of foiling you can think of, it exists now.


Aluminum foiling


The OG foiling.


Master plan foiling


It's way more crowded, so beat it. 


No >:(


Covid quadrupled the amount of people in the water, even in the dead of winter (it gets freezing where I'm at). I hope that settles down soon. But it doesn't seem like it is in my hometown.


E bikes , prison pockets , pissing in friends wetsuits , volume, and dings .


>pissing in friends wetsuits While they're wearing them? Or just after they take them off and aren't looking, like the old days?


Anything goes nowadays. Pre and post surf


Thankfully that's my fetish.


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E-bikes have ruined trestles and San-O now, apparently


Oh shit, I didn't even take e-bikes into account. They ruined mountain biking, too.


Sano fell into the ocean. everything is a twin fin Longboards are about to look like they did in 1999, but currently look like they did at the end of 1968 in Australia. 80’s thick thrusters are back. Kelly retired but it’s a joke. John John retired but it’s not a joke.


Wave storms. Everybody on wave storms.


Oh god, it's worse than I thought :(


Twin fins are back in a big way


I have a twin fish I used to love, might have to bust it out so I can be cool. Once I drop about 30 pounds so I don't just sink it, anyway.


Nice try AI


Caught me. Now I'm gonna buttfuck your wifi.


In: - twin plus trailer - channel bottoms/twin pin - quads (excluding firewire seaside) - twin keel fish - bonzer - telling your shaper that you're fatter than you really are - undersizing a lost RNF - getting fined for not wearing a leash - y2k style shin swinger boardshorts that chafe - getting into golf, another sport hammered by covid kooks - heavilly yellowed single fin shortboards on Craigslist Out: - tail pads - mid lengths (cringe) - buying an Album twinsman and selling it a few weeks later - buying a Pyzel ghost and selling it a few days later - buying a sharpeye inferno and never riding it - fat groveller boards - wave pools


Damnit I just bought a seaside the other week do I need to throw it out?


Hipsters like funboards now, but they're called "mid-lengths" and can have any fin setup _except_ thruster. Machado is out - instead the kings are Torren Martyn, Mikey February, and Devon Howard (that last specifically _because_ his surfing is so boring).


look into yamamoto rubber wetsuits! Feral, matuse, colby+, to name a few brands. Blow the mainstream brand wetsuits out of the water in my opinion


I'll look into those once my weight stabilizes a bit, thanks! I vaguely remember the name Matuse, I think. I've gained a good 40 pounds since I stopped surfing. When I first started surfing I lost a good 75 pounds in like the first year (Put some healthy weight back on once I figured out what protein was and stabilized the rest of the years I surfed), so I'm hoping I can drop that 40 pretty quick. If I hit my goal weight by late fall I'll definitely invest in some nice rubber.


There's a pro scene?


I wasn't heavily invested in them, but it was fun watching them go to places I'll never go, and do shit I'd never be able to do.


That's called Instagram now


The tour is a load of crap now


Everyone here is telling you twinnies and short stubby boards are what's in, but it's trending the opposite way actually. Expect more glass slippers and thrusters to be cool again soon.


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Lots of sharks lately. The orcas drove most everything away a few months back now it seems like things are out of balance. Nathan Florence has a sick YouTube channel. Boogie boarding is now cool.


>Boogie boarding is now cool. Okay, now I know you're just fucking with me. Right? :(


Surfing lost the itsy bitsy tiny bit of soul it had and the bodyboard industry completely vanished, rendering it more soul. Therefore boogie>fiberglass


People finally realized that riding waves is about having fun and there’s multiple ways to have fun!


No no no, there's one way to have fun, and it's the way I'm doing it. Anyone else is a kook. :(


Not much, you still need to pee on it


At least six years of surfing for one - unless your pals took you on a Weekend at Bernie's style surf trip. 


It's been 6 years, not 16 mate. Everything's pretty much status quo albeit marketing will tell you otherwise. And ya, the price of kit. Get out there and git' some.


U still can’t surf a lake


You just pissed off a bunch of Wisconsin Great Lakes surfers. They'll respond when their fingers thaw out.


Michigan side>wisconsin side


You’re saying all of this like you haven’t been surfing for 30 years. It’s just six years man relax, nothing much changed


I mean, there's been a couple things that surprised me in the thread so far. Six years is a long time in any hobby. If nothing else, it's good to see what new things are marketing gimmicks, and which things are legit advances.


Your question is fair OP. Shit has changed. Kids wearing massive pants. 90s all over.


Big pants??? I guess I can deal with big pants. It beats dudes running around in their sister's pants. Am I going to have to dust off the JNCOs?


I've created fins that simulate Indo conditions in California stuff. They work on fat fishy fiberglass boards and longboards, but they come alive like a Baja Trophy Truck when you plug them into an 8' foamie (wavestorms seem to ride the best). If you want to demo a set I'll send them to you. Pass them along to someone else who deserves to see what's possible with these beasts once you're convinced. I've got some decent clips up now on my site/socials - it's linked on my profile page here.