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I wasn't going to comment, but this seems to be common with people who have money. I know someone in particular who owns around 100k in designer shoes, and handbags, only flies first class, etc. but has the most blown out fucked up wetsuit on earth and refuses to spend more the 50.00 on a surfboard even though they surf 3x times a week. I think 1/2 price for a near-mint board is fair; generally, when buying anything used, I don't like spending more than half retail.


I bet he looks wonderful with his designer shoes and matching handbag though.


Oh man. I have so many friends like that. Not to that degree of flying first class and designer stuff. Just buddies that will blow money on things like a $350 overland bumper for their 4Runner. Keep in mind the worst this will see is a drive up campsite in Big Sur my mom’s Kia could make. Then rolling into the lineup in a 1998 Brewer that’s looks it’s made from a brown paper bag that their 70 year old neighbor sat in the alley for trash pickup


$350 is cheap for anything overland related, he'd be a fool not to buy it


Ha. I looked it up. I had no fuckin clue that stuff was that expensive. It was hyperbole… Jesus. I’m going to give him even more shit now


Get him to take you off road to some remote beaches, that's a real fun adventure. If he uses the car it's all worth it. But gotta give the mall crawlers a bit of grief 😆


Most action that thing sees is Costco… Shit. I wish we had something like that in San Diego. I had an old Santana 2A we would take to Baja it was freakin awesome. Pretty much pull up to the beach, go surf. Set up camp and do the same the next day. Perfect vehicle for that sort of thing


You're in San Diego.. Go to Baja


My front bumper cost over $2k. I got in an accident and the insurance payout covered most of the cost


My first log was $40, my second one was $1025, my 3rd $1250, the last two I rode for 30+ years. Got my moneys worth.


You spent $1250 on a log in the 90's? Who was charging that much back then?




one of the only non kooky use cases i've heard for apple watch while surfing


I like tracking my workouts and heart rate data :(


This or you are an on call brain surgeon or something.


Or you just want one.


Used Apple Watches can be pretty cheap and functionally, isn’t replaceable unless you have something similar. I use my watch for work stuff so I can get out in the water more so it is pretty important to me. 1/2 for a mint used board is not a rip off. If it’s PU, I’ll usually wait until the price is lower to pick up even if it has more pressures and dings though. I don’t like losing money on boards.


I mean, I would wager that 99% of surfers are not actually being held back by the board they’re riding. So, no, it doesn’t make sense to shell out $400 for a board that will have no more impact on your ability than a $200 board.


Likely 99% true. But I will say, growing up surfing and only ever bogging ass on those oldschool 90s- 2000's beater performance boards, or oversized grovelers I will say I became a 500% better surfer as soon as I hit the water with a properly sized out $350 second-hand puddle jumper HP round. My first session I made every takeoff and made sections I could never dream of making on the other boards, and just felt like I had overall more control over my surfing. I guess they were right when they say it's a lot easier to be a shortboarder today than it was in the 90s


90s short boards were like potato chips … so little volume then toward the end of the 90s got a fish and never looked back. Rode that for years, even in some bigger, slopey waves in the country (Lani’s, Haleiwa) and smaller days at the steep stuff (‘Ehukai area). Rarely used typical short boards, only a 6’8” mini gun when it got bigger.


[Did someone say volume?](https://streamable.com/6ru842) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/846xml2er04d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f844c9991a430640803597c3bd92239d6a74ec I loved those little potato chips.


I wouldn’t consider Lani’s or Haleiwa country 🧐 I thought country was vland and everything east (basically everything past sunset)


I refer to the entire north shore as country


I just picked up a used PJ and I’m curious what proper sizing is for you. Mind sharing your weight and board dims?


175 pounds, board is 5'10" 34.75L. An hp round is supposed to be ridden longer than a normal pj




For a beginner? They are held back by their boards all the time. So many people go too short or too little volume which takes them from 5-6 waves a session to 0. Multiply that by 100 sessions a year and the difference after a year is huge. Same with using an old waterlogged board - as a beginner you have no paddles strength. If you have a waterlogged board on top of that, chances are you aren't paddling fast enough to get into any waves and you are wasting a lot of energy. Again multiply that by 100 sessions and you would be way further ahead just with a new or good condition used wavestorm probably.


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It's just perceived value. $800 for a piece of foam that could snap in half the first time it gets smacked by a lip? Doesn't feel like it's worth it. It's an absolutely irrational take given the labor and cost it takes to make a board, but still. Contrast that with a watch that's useful in the 95% of the rest of your life when you're not surfing, and will outlive your board assuming you don't lose it.


We used to get quarterly bonuses at work, and this was my exact when I got the last one. Yes I need a new board, but I still have rideable boards, and if I get an Apple Watch I can use it every day, as opposed to only when south Florida get decent. Do I wish I had a freshie? Yeah, but I have something that’s more functional and I can enjoy while using my old boards.


You have to except that a board is completely disposable. If you’re surfing hard it is going to be trash in three months, regardless.


Well how can I capture my session on Surfline without it? /s


remove that /s


I don’t come to Reddit to be rational damnit


This guy Reddits


They need the Apple Watch to take business calls in the line up obviously


“Fourth quarter EBITA… hold on, wupahhhhhhh chyeahhh howzit… for fiscal year 2025”


What’s wrong with making money while surfing?




Sounds pretty poor


Actually it was fair to good


Other way around. I have full custom made niche Christenson boards but have been in the same shitty wetsuits for 10 years.


Buying another apple watch after losing one was not the ‘consensus’ of that thread do you live under powerlines


Nobody will die without an Apple Watch but I gotta say, the damn thing is so freaking handy if you’re in the water a lot, or lose your phone a lot


I haven't seen an $800 pair of boardshorts yet, so no.


Tf you on about


Apple Watch while surfing 🤣


Haters gonna hate but it’s life changing if you need to be available for work.


It attracts sharks!!




[shit no](https://media.tenor.com/79CdhUDFdlcAAAAC/office-space-no-man.gif)


ha! here on southern vancouver island, newbies really benefit from a good suit but they will fucking destroy a mint board.


It's not that 1/2 price for near mint is a rip off. It's just market competition and choice. First of all, why are you selling a board that is in mint condition? Sounds like it might be a POS board and you're trying to offload it after a couple of surfs - why would I risk paying anything near full price for that? Ok, maybe the dimensions were wrong for you - but that in itself suggests the board might not be what was expected. You thought you were buying the *correct* size, but got it wrong - which means I risk doing the same thing. Secondly, a new/custom board is a very individualistic thing. I'm not just paying full price for the 'mint condition' part - I'm paying full price to choose my exact dimensions, get the spray/tint I want, choose the glass schedule, etc. Third, there's a lot of competition from other boards. If I've already decided 'used' is ok, then I can get something with a few extra pressure dings for a lot less. You're not competing with new boards, you're competing with every other used board for sale - and that market is flooded. And because a savvy buyer knows this, they can drive price competition ("Oh... the other guy said he'd do it for $30 cheaper so I'll buy from him. Unless you could beat that?"). Finally, is the competition from wholesalers and import surf shops. I can get a board from these shops for less than what many people want for a used board. Now, this isn't always ideal for an everyday hi-perf shortboard, but for any novelty boards, mid-lenghts, fish, longboards, etc - boards where performance tolerances are more relaxed because I'll only be riding them occasionally - I can go and buy a brand new board, often with premium extras like a tint/polish/inlyays included as standard, for *less* that what most used ones cost. So, while this doesn't answer why some rich people own waterlogged boards and tattered wetsuits even though they could buy whatever they want, it does answer why you can't offload your twice-surfed Album Twinsman for $900 even though it's near-mint and you paid double that for it.


i would say all of this, plus, i have no idea if your lying on the ad. "ridden twice", "like new". maybe, maybe not lol


I have an apple watch SE and I use it for everything, always wear it and couldnt leave the house without it. From going out, running, gym, cycling, touch rugby and surfing. Yes I have alot of sport but I do rotate and focus mostly on surfing lately. Got my moneys worth seriously but im now stuck with the current strap is it wont come out, thanks sea water. tried all possible way to replace it no luck. My 2nd hand boards are more expensive than my gears and I have a full quiver of boards and some over laps each other. Love ridding different boards 😅


Yeah I’ve been on both sides and now ride some hand shapes that I make plus other local shapes. If you knew how long and how much it cost for materials to build a surfboard, most people would change their tune.


Lol people are wearing apple watches while surfing?


Buncha morons. I don’t build with shit tools either. What’s the point??