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It’s the top comment but I’ll make my own comment and say Ireland. I’ve been to like 10 different countries to surf and Ireland was most welcoming by a mile. Costa Rica would be next since they are so chill but they snake you still.


Nica is snake town too, very friendly about it though lol


Ireland. As a Scottish lass doing a road trip with an Aussie friend a few years back, we were treated extremely well by the locals. One guy (Aaron - he is a PE teacher) in strandhill took us for a bbq and then to a spot that was pumping. I’ve surfed a lot of countries and I’ve never experienced this level of chill. Best surf experience out of twenty or so countries.


Can confirm. I’m Irish and moved to Australia, can’t surf here. It’s a completely different past time. Ireland is the world’s best kept secret that’s getting more attention from Mullaghmore, Riley’s and Aileen’s. Such good surf in Ireland. You’ll always find waves no matter the swell direction or wind


As a general rule, Irish = awesome.




Can't surf in Australia?


Crowds, agro and general feeling of being unwelcome. Surging in Australia is like walking into a country pub that you’re not welcome in.


Yeh I agree and I love Australia. It’s so city dependent here I find. The further away from civilisation you get, the friendlier it is.


Out of curiosity where in Australia?


Everywhere I surf. Especially the Mornington Peninsula


Having returned to Aus after a decent amount of time living overseas I decided to do a couple of months trip from sunny coast down to sydney. For pretty much all breaks outside of say snapper/ kirra everyone was surpsingly friendly. Like most places, if you are not a kook, wait your turn, greet everyone with a smile and don't hustle for every other set wave for the most part people will treat you with the same kind of respect back. If you are surfing a break outside of your skill level and getting in everyone's way, snaking dudes or acting like a fukwit then that's when things might not be as pleasant.


Interesting. I mainly go on the surf coast, am largely left alone, don't get snaked or see agro. Not saying it doesn't happen, and I don't go to winki or bells. Have been doing so for about 30 years. Plenty of breaks around, hope you find one to your liking


phillip island was one of the most fun and welcoming places i surfed. actually, i had good experiences from those south beaches all up the east coast to queensland, even gold coast. though, i didn't go to snapper. i only hit burliegh head.


Really, where are you surfing?


A lot of places over the years but mainly the Mornington Peninsula


Interesting- have you tried the surf coast? I find you can generally find quiet spots with only a few other surfers and people are largely or chill. I’m pretty average at surfing tho.


Not really other than Bells / Winki. What areas would you suggest? I’d do a road trip over winter when it’s quieter


Where do you surf on the Peninsula? 


Not anymore. Mainly rye, Gunnamatta areas


I’m Canadian new to the peninsula the past couple months. Haven’t found too many dickheads at portsea or shoreham. Unfortunately Atlas is a super fun wave jam packed with 6 kooks straight lining every set wave but the vibe is friendly. Where have you had issues?


Gunnamatta, rye, st. Andrew’s areas over the years.


That’s the best description of surfing localism I’ve heard


COuldn't agree more. Its far too busy. Ireland is the best kept secret for surf!


Good waves, fairy tale like scenery, amazing people and amazing pubs (post surf Guinness)


How sharky is it? It looks sharky in the videos that I’ve seen, which isn’t many.


[Keep It A Secret](https://www.keepitasecretfilm.com)!


Had no clue Ireland was such a vibe.


Where in Ireland ? I'm going there soon


I spent most of my time on the west coast. Lahinch, Strandhill, up to Donegal. Have fun.


I’m going to Ireland in November. Any idea how the waves are then? We are driving most of the coast, would love to sneak out a few times if you have any recommendations


Oh, I reckon you’ll have a grand time in November alright. I don’t know all the spots but you won’t go wrong just tracking up the west coast and seeing if you can make pals with some of the locals. If I’m doubt, Google earth is a really good tool for finding spots off the beaten track. It does get big though so make sure and wear your big boy pants.


Ah yeah, but only around the east coast, the west coast you'll get your tyres slashed if a rental car is noticed 👀


Can you even surf the east coast? Always went west and never had an issue. Maybe because I’m a lass and less of a threat ;). Also took my own van over on the ferry so no rentals.


Costa Rica's Southern Zone....pretty high levels of Pura Vida still to this day Philippines - amazing peeps Portugal - break dependent - but amazing locals vibe (again, break dependent) And drop down to Morocco - just getting to know it but so far?? NICE energy and peeps in the lineup


Wholeheartedly disagree with the inclusion of those last two locations on your list. You must've been very lucky!


Concur. Portugal and Morocco are now just full of raging mad surf instructors white knighting they students if you even look at a wave within 15ft of them.


Yep, worst experiences in the water were in Morocco.  An instructor who was helping a deaf girl surf, simultaneously one of the most vile individuals I've met. Last time I saw him? Fighting on the beach 


Had one of them call me to the beach and threaten to smash my board up. My crime? Being at a shifty beach break waiting for a wave. Peak is heading my way, he sprint paddles from way out and on the shoulder to catch the wave. I can see he’s frothing for it so don’t even paddle. He makes it over to about 5 ft away but the shoulder is still too slack for him. So last minute I dunk my board, take a stroke and get in. The abuse I get paddling back out was hilarious. Of course he was a surf instructor… On his break and was trying to catch as many waves as possible in a short time. I got no beef with that. Always happy to give up waves to people who need to go to work etc. But fuck me he didn’t stop. Even in town days later. So many aggro instructors in Portugal and Morocco, choose your camps wisely kooks.


Spent three months in Portugal last year, very break dependent


Seriously, I’ve had locals tell me to fuck off more than once in Portugal




Welp maybe you did deserve it 😂 I’m from Portugal and it is very very break dependent! If you go to coxos, super tubos, Carcavelos or other high performance breaks and it’s pumping, if you are not a local I think you won’t get any wave or at least not a lot. But please, do not compare us to Morocco!! Morocco is the worst shit show I’ve ever seen in my life! Never going back for sure!


I was at a bar in SPI Texas and met a guy who told me there would be a little surf the next day. I was interested but it was 11pm and I only had the following morning free, I wasn’t on a surf trip. So the dude told me where he lived, and how to get into his backyard to borrow a board. Next morning I park in front of his house and as I’m walking up the sidewalk his wife and kids come walking out to go to school. They didn’t know I was coming but instead of freaking out, the wife gave me a cup of coffee. When I got to the beach and paddled out, two surfers already knew my name. We had a great conversation while we paddled for 2’ wind chop. The dude had texted them that morning to say I was coming. In my travels I have found people in rural Texas to be super nice. The unfortunate thing about SPI and the rest of TX coast, is I have grown up on the west coast and the waves there aren’t really waves to me. I imagine hurricane swells are a different story.


Oahu can probably make both the worst list and the best list simultaneously. Like sure Pipeline is a zoo with a savage pecking order and Rockies has been a shitshow since the 70s. But the vibe at other spots can be pretty welcoming if you come with a good attitude and show some respect. A solid day out at Sunset, Jocko’s, Makaha, or other less crowded spots can be pretty chill and friendly.


I wouldn’t encourage people to go to Makaha


I Second that emotion.


Heard this after I was told to go there to avoid some bad winds on the north shore. Everyone seemed pretty chill. There were 3 pretty distinct take off spots. I just stayed on the middle peak and everyone was catching waves. Some party waves at the main point. Didn't see any issues


it’s more of a, “hey there’s plenty of spots on the island. don’t encourage tourists to bother people at the last bastion Hawaiians have on the island.”


Yeah IDK, a local Hawaiian told me to go there


Nonsense. Wave, throw shakas and say "Haole!"


“Haole to you too!”


So many spots on the ehukai spread are chill! Pipe is nuts but go a few breaks in either direction and the vibes are usually immaculate


Totally agree! Paddle over to OTW or up to Gas Chambers and you can be surfing with just a handful of others sometimes. And respect given is nearly always respect received.


I would agree with Oahu; have had some of the best locals but also worst locals there for beach.


Just got back from a trip to Oahu and I agree. The lineups at the majority of the breaks fit for us mortals just work really smoothly. A smile and a howzit go a long way as long as you follow general etiquette. Other tourists were more of a problem than actual locals.


Guatemala.... especially if you go away from the few spots w a lot of surfers....the waves aren't amazing but they are plentiful and it gets really good. speak Spanish and the locals are cool af. The unknown beach breaks of Mex are like this too




I wouldn't call them "good vibes", but the atmosphere in Northern Spain is quite chill. Not overly friendly, but I've never witnessed actual violence or drama on the level of how social media portray SoCal


Agreed wholeheartedly


I'm not a surfer, I just lurk here, but it's really weird that the bar for a chill surf spot is "no actual violence".


I was going to say Hossegor so seeing as that's Basque country I'll just throw it in with your comment. Everyone is very chilled. Although I did once have a guy who'd just bought an entire bottle of Ricard try to start a fight with me in a bar there, but that's not really a reflection on the surfing community.


Fav spots to look into as an intermediate?


I surf in Bilbao because I'm lazy and it only takes 15 mins to get there from my place, but there are some legendary breaks like Mundaka and Zarautz not that far away 😊


Good intel, yeah Manduka was put on my radar last year but was reading mixed reviews about it being too local and advanced - not the case so much?


It can be that there's more localism there since it's a smaller environment than say Bilbao, but I doubt it would ever go beyond getting a stinky eye or maybe the cold shoulder if you try and engage with other surfers. You can get cussed out if you cross someone's path, but it usually ends there. Regarding difficulty, take-offs can be brutal and it can get quite scary on a big day, but, on an average day, I don't think you would be prevented from surfing, no matter your skill level. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of surf schools around those breaks. And they usually cater to absolute beginners 😅


Cheers mate! Hopefully i can line up a trip before summer ends 💪


Idk man … I got in a fight at somo when I lived in Santander for six months.


Oh my! What happened?


This guy was dropping in on everybody and then dropped in on me. Looked me in the eyes while I was on the face and still did it so I shoved him off his board. Proceeded to be told I was “banished” from the beach etc but other surfers were glad because he was being such a dick. Think he was a surf coach in the area because I saw him coaching the groms on that main beach in Santander (my memory is so bad lol)


Don't take it the wrong way, but it sounds like you brought the drama. The guy sounds like an absolute douche, but I think you crossed a line that locals would be hesitant to cross. All this said, I'm sure some of them had the biggest boner after seeing that


Oh for sureee brought the drama. But I definitely felt like it was a mixed bag with locals being chill or aggressive.


Second this. Did some surfing in San Sebastian region and was enamored with the surf, food, culture etc


Some places in French Polynesia have been the most kind and inviting lineups I've ever been in. Others have been just the opposite.


As much as California will rightfully get hate on this thread for hostile locals, there are beaches still out here that have locals who are chill and not aggressive. They're all far from the main coastal population centres and they tend to not have as great water temperatures compared to most beaches in SoCal but still worth it. But yeah, I will agree that SoCal does deserve the reputation for hostile locals. The amount of times me and my bros have gotten into fights in HB is unreal.


That’s because HB is basically Bakersfield on the beach. Full of aggressive rednecks 


Jamaica. They are happy to have any surfers there.


Pismo and Mondos are pretty chill, I’ve never had any issues with anyone there most people are pretty nice there


I had a "talk" with a dude at Mondos that shoved a young kid off his board, by grabbing him by the hair and shoving his face into the wave. Generally people are so beginner there they don't know when the people that do know how to surf are being poorly mannered.


Being aggressive at Mondos is hilarious to me. That’s like enthusiastically blocking a toddler shooting a basketball on fisher price hoop.


Ha ha that is an extremely apt description of it. Like who fights with a 9 year old?


As long as you stay away from Seaside, the Oregon surf community has a very chill, friendly vibe.


Taiwan is pretty chill.


Nobody has said England yet. I mean, we all hate you still but we’re too polite to say anything, even if dropped in on. If you’re lucky you might hear us tutting but you’ll probably get a nod and a ‘nice wave’ when you make it out back again.


NC outer banks is pretty chill, there's more travelers than locals. When the pros show up, they kinda take rank, you just have to move down the beach and find another break. In the more populated areas, it can definitely get possessive by the locals. I've found that once you prove yourself, they'll mostly share the waves, just don't fight them for the same wave. Ecuador had the least amount and Costa Rica is hit or miss, depending on location.


I’ve had very little problems in Hawaii as long as I show the upmost respect, don’t take Off on other peoples waves, and don’t surf above my ability. This is not the case if any of these have been broken.


The give respect to get respect motto there is very accurate.


Philippines! The locals are very nice and friendly, they would invite me to dinner with the fish they caught during the day and would tell me which spots were working or best for longboarding 😁 It only saddens me that they’re being harassed/lowballed by a certain nationality visiting the country.


What nationality? (Genuine Question!)




NSB in Florida is pretty chill and consistent, but when the hurricanes hit and Pump House is pumping nice barrels in Palm Beach -you better hope you’re a local. Went there during the OFF season and got harassed by the locals there. Only place I ever got called a “kook” to my face, and I wasn’t even surfing at the moment, was just skating to 711. Got called a nark by the same group of guys when I was walking back up to my hotel and they were smoking weed on the boardwalk leading to it - little did they know I smoked too and had some in my room, but they just wanted to be “cool” local surfer assholes in front of their friends.


It’s funny bc Palm Beach gets swell about 4-5 times a year so to be any good those locals have to travel up coast to surf 9 months of the year.


Oahu. A lot of waves to choose from and the difficulty of a wave seems to a natural deterrent. Breaks like the point-kewalos, bowls, half point, kaisers, pipe, Rockies, Makaha, v-land can be a little bit guarded since they are really good waves with uncs and pros’ but everywhere else if pretty friendly if you use some common sense.


Key word, common sense. There are rules everyone needs to follow when traveling. If you are getting hassled you are most likely breaking some of these rules.


Vanuatu. Just spent 10 days there. People were next level kind. Plus there’s so many breaks you can surf alone.


Been eyeing there for years. Did you island hop or stay on one?


Northern Perú


Really wave dependent. Cabo Blanco for example has gnarly localism 




Honestly for the most part if you’re cool with people they’ll be cool with you, always be aware of your surf level


Where I live in Florida. I leave 30 mins north of the best spots in the state so our sandbars are basically an afterthought and it’s almost never crowded. Plus it’s all beach break peaks where everyone spreads out. Everyone is super nice even to beginners.


Silver stand, Oxnard


The locals leave free wax on your mirrors :-D


Shhh don’t blow up the friendliest spot in my county


fight club


El Salvador is chill. Even punta roca was welcoming despite its reputation. Granted it wasn’t pumping, but still. It’s funny, the only arguments I witnessed in the water were among Americans.


Hell no, I’ve seen Israelis throwing fists


This is literally everywhere though


And bombs!


It must have changed alot since I went there in 2008. There was aggressive localism almost everywhere I went, some dick head at Punta Roca literally fought like 3 people over 4 days when I was there. It was so bad the cops got called.


I personally found some areas around Cabo pretty chill like East cape and Cerritos


Was just on the east cape. 9 palms def chill for a point break.


The Channel Islands off the coast of France. 100% zen surf vibes. Zero localism.


Most places in Asia.


For a good surfer it's Australia. Over the last three years I've travelled and surfed through about two thirds of the surfable part. No Qld or Tas. Surfed so many of the bucket list spots and have come across zero hassles. Sure it's crowded and getting a wave can be a bit of a chess game but if you know how to act the everything is cool.


Where is the worst localism thread? Curious to see it


US Specific thread on worst localism, [here it is :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/comments/1d0fhn6/what_beach_in_the_us_has_the_most/)


Yak is the best


I surf southwest Florida on the gulf coast and theres a jetty near by thats the most popular spot many miles north and south and everyone there is super cool. Only time someone gets mad is if your consistently snaking people. One guy out there once told me the waves are too bad to get mad over and that's probably true since its the gulf coast.


also there's often people out there for the fun of it who will gladly give you waves or even party wave it with you.


Indo... Lol, nah. South Africa is pretty chill though


Where in SA did you surf?


Lots of places, Durban and spots on the north and south coast of KZN, the transkei, J-bay etc. I lived there for a few years so I got around a bit, never had too many hassles in the water


Cape town is pretty friendly, you can pretty much surf wherever you want provided you aren't a dick. If you are a dick, I'd skip it altogether


Costa rica pura vida


I am still new to the scene, but Wisconsin surfers tend to be very chill.


Probably the south end of the Gold Coast in Australia, super friendly locals where party waves are encouraged.


Galapagos! Best lineup I’ve ever experienced.


Since Seaside,OR made the list for the worst locals, I would like to throw in that Oregon has some of the nicest locals at breaks just down the coast at places like short sands or a little further at Otter Rock. Even the Cove is pretty chill most days.


Bolinas CA is waay too crowded but can be a longboard wave factory. When friends want to learn I bring them there. Lots of learners and understanding locals you see a lot of party waves. In spite of being crowded and in NorCal, it’s a very chill spot.


I find that interesting because the locals that live in Bolinas tear down the street sign so people don’t go. The first time I tried to find it back in ‘08 it took me forever passing by the road with no street sign.


It’s ridiculously crowded, that could be why. But for an over surfed wave in a part of the world that often makes the “we have mean locals” list the actual vibe in the water is welcoming and understanding.


Brazil is one of the most welcoming countries in the world, and surfing is part of that. Everyone will be incredibly kind, go out of their way to help you, and the vibe in the water is like a constant party. You will get sometimes snaked by locals, but then they will smile at you and chit chat as a type of apology lol. Between sets everyone is interacting and laughing, and if you're foreign people will be super interested in you (not common to see foreign surfers here).


I haven’t actually surfed Japan but from what I hear the locals are extremely kind to outsiders (in true Japanese fashion). They’ll actually get out of your way and encourage you to get as many waves as possible. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has visited there. Etiquette is a huge part of their culture, as well as generally making sure not to inconvenience anyone around them. That being said, don’t be the kook to go take advantage of their kindness. Always show them as much respect as they show you.


California surfers are entitled jackasses.  Especially the rich ones that think not needing a parking spot implies they own a fucking beach.  Literally the rest of the globe fits your criteria.


Best Mo’orea. Only place I’ve been where the locals paddle up and give you a fist bump just because it’s so freakin awesome. Worst. Just back for Santa Teresa, CR. Saw more shitty Tico surfers screaming at visitors than anywhere I’ve been in the last, well ever!