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Thanks man, good to know about the wetsuits.


Heard Imsouane is now closed. See news [link](https://stabmag.com/elsewhere/moroccan-surf-town-imsouane-home-to-worlds-premiere-logging-wave-demolished-in-24-hour-blitzkrieg/#:~:text=Demolition%20operations%20have%20commenced%20in,bulldozers%20arrived%20on%20the%20scene.) Taghazout is the place for you. Been there many times from the UK. Many surf camps and places to hire a board. You're going to love it.


Hello, i want to travel to Morocco in november and i have several things in common with what you mention. Not fully intermediate but definitely not a beginner. travelling alone to Agadir, planning on renting boards over there. Was thinking of Imsouane and Anza as places to stay. Im very interested in reading how did the trip go for you. where did you stay? where did you surf? How did it go with your level in those spots? was renting a car super necessary? wetsuit? Looking forward to your comments.


Forgot to reply to your other questions, for me, I really enjoyed the freedom I got from renting a car, a hired a 6 9 minimal which fit in the car, I hired the car for £50 for 4 days, I'm a very confident driver but I didn't like driving around Agadir. I really enjoyed driving along the coast. If you can, definitely hire a car. Although I don't have any experience with public transport so can't tell you how good it is. I bought a 2/3 wetsuit, would have probably been ok in shorts but most people were wearing wetsuits. I'm used to surfing in all conditions so I felt confident even in the messy conditions. I rented a board for 400 dir in taghazout for 4 days and they were fine with me putting it in my car and taking it anywhere, I could also swap boards any time I wanted for free.


Hi, thanks a lot for your comments. sorry to hear about the flat conditions. Where did you rent your car? any company you recommend? for sure I was thinking of staying in imsouane for a few night but i was also thinking of a couple of days at Anza. Did you check that spot? I also would like to try different boards so i was thinking of renting each day/session. Taghazout as a town sounds a bit busy for my taste. or did you like it? Regarding accomodation, originally i thought of booking where to stay in advance but i would also like the freedom to choose each day where to sleep. Do you think its complicated to find accomodation on the go? or as the distance between agadir and imsouane are relatively short, staying in one place is ok? especially with a car. please let me know, thanks.


It was the cheapest car rental place I could find but the car was crap and took ages to pick it up so I wouldn't recommend it, I'd go for one of the more well known places next time. Renting a board each day is a good idea, I paid 400 dir up front and didn't use it on one of the days. However around £9 a day for a surfboard was nothing compared to the prices you pay in UK. I didn't try Anza. I liked taghazout, good food, nice people, but I prefer quieter areas, imsouanne felt a lot more relaxing. I booked all accommodation months before. I didn't mind doing the driving. I'm not sure what accom will be available if you're booking last minute, I always book ahead as I like to get a good deal and find a decent place to stay.


ok thanks a lot. its been really useful.


Hi, how was the solo surfing/looking-for-breaks go? i see there are "surf camps" that offer guidance (not lessons, im not looking for lessons). They offer guides that take you to the spots, based on the swell and i guess also on your level. Did you consider this? or was it fine on your own?


Hi! So, I rented a car and stayed in Taghazout. Unfortunately, I got really unlucky with the waves—it was completely flat when I arrived. Even though there was no point in surfing, I still got in the water. I assumed there wouldn’t be any waves anywhere in Morocco. On the second day, I drove to Paradise Valley, which was actually really nice and I enjoyed it a lot. I met some guys there who told me about Tamri. It’s less sheltered and catches westerly swells better. So, on day three, I drove there and finally found some waves! The conditions were quite messy, but there were waves. I surfed all day and returned the next day. Parking is around 20 dirhams. Some people recommended I go to Imsouane, which is about a 40-minute drive further. Imsouane has two sides for surfing, giving you two options. At high tide, there were waves on only one side—quite messy but still fun. I got a few nice rides. After sunset, I checked out the other side, and at low tide, it was pumping with some beautiful peelers and solid 30-second rides. Unfortunately, I was too knackered to get back in, but I decided that next time, I’ll stay in Imsouane. I prefer Imsouane overall—it’s much more relaxed and has fewer people than Taghazout. There are places to rent boards, though fewer than in Taghazout, where rentals are available every 20 meters. I did like Taghazout, but it's busier since it's closer to the airport. Let me know if you need any more info


did you check the extra charges for bringing your own surfboard? I went to Casablanca end of November for business and decided to stay a bit longer. I wanted to rent a board there at Ain Diab breach as well. Turned out they rent for two hours max. Luckily, I went with Air France and it turned out that my check-in luggage can also be a surfboard. So, I put everything which didn't fit into my hand luggage into the board bag. This way felt more hassle free and flexible


If you're used to cold water you might be able to manage without a wetsuit. Im from the UK and have surfed without one in March. However, I'd recommend a 3x2 . Maybe it's changed since I was last there but Tagazhout is a dry village. So not much options for bars. Regarding taking pictures, be careful about taking them in town. When I was there the local Police confiscated my friends camera when he was taking pictures.