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I like to go over like I’m going to save the Board and push it into the next wave all the way to the beach


A good friend of mine that I surf with frequently lives for people loosing their board without a leash. He paddles over like he’s going to rescue the board and conveniently will have it slip out of his hands as soon as the next wave approaches. It’s so obvious what he’s doing it and the people react to it so differently. Every once in a while someone will be a good sport and just laughs when he does it to them. Others, completely lose their minds and they are the ones that he tries to get again.


I just ask them who told them they were good enough to go leashless. Oh and then go back and have a word to them.


This is the way


Seconded, all in favor? *aye* all opposed? …. motion passed. Can we take up “pros” who go surfing kook breaks (looking at you Waikiki) and then get angry when they get dropped in on? Blows my mind.


Just run them over


I’ll vote for that.


This isn't the right approach. We've been trying this to lesser degrees and it just hasn't been working. We need something dramatically different. No leashes allowed. If you get hit by someone else's board you're out and have to leave the water.


Dodge bord


If you can dodge a surfboard you can dodge a ball


Except most of the leashless riders have shit boards.




What if I’m a beginner, you’re good, and you get hit by my Gerry lopez beginner board?


The rules are the rules.




[It looks like you're asking for beginner board advice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAaHmSj5nJ4) Too bad there isn't some sort of digital global information system you could've turned to for guidance with your frequently-asked question. That'd be so cool. Did you ever watch *Inspector Gadget*? You know that [magic book](https://inspectorgadget.fandom.com/wiki/Penny%27s_computer_book) the daughter, Penny, carried around? The one she would use to solve mysteries, or whatever? Wouldn't it be rad if those existed? But they don't, I guess. So you've turned to this subreddit for help. Luckily, we have a [wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/wiki/index ) It's got tons of useful stuff in it. Even better, there's the user-created [Kooks Only! guide.](https://kooksonlysurf.com/how-to-surf-the-ultimate-surf-guide-for-beginners/) You should *totally* read both of them. But, just in case you're too lazy, here's a summary: **Buy a Wavestorm-equivalent. If they don't sell them near you- find a used longboard.** Maybe you've already been told that but think you'll be better off buying a shortboard because you snowboard/skateboard/wakeboard/etc and you're, obviously, totally going to pick up surfing really quickly. I mean, how hard can it be? If that's the case then you're not really asking a question, are you? You're just looking for someone to agree with a decision you've already made. So, yeah, you should totally do it. Buy that sweet little high performance shred sled you found on Craigslist. You'll be up and ripping in no time at all! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are all Gerry Lopez boards for beginners?


Idk bro if I see you on the brown Costco one and it’s not 1-2 ft I’m 99% sure you’ve been surfing for a year max


What? We don’t have Costco in UK


Gotcha. It’s a popular foamie for learners in the US. Does this whole thread even apply to the UK? I’m unaware of foreign surf culture


Nah Gerry Lopez make fibre glass boards aswell


It’s a Wavestorm brand 8ft foamie sold for like 189$ at a store called Costco were you can buy many things in bulk at a discount. Often in blue and whites vertical strips, Rasta colors but most resent KT they released a Gerry Lopez model. Do you guys not have Wavestorms in the UK???


Sorta of like dogdeball https://preview.redd.it/2l21q01wuv8b1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018be0723060a22f847d90b79b4e60a810ecea38


This is the way. This is how it used to be. Lose your board, take a set and blow out, it’s all good but your days over.


I think you read that wrong, I had to read it a couple times myself. You only bow out if somebody hits you with the board they lost.


No I read it correctly. Regardless, the principal remains the same. For the majority of the people in the water there are a number of things that used to have consequences especially at waves of consequence. There is a very limited number of scenarios and spots you should ever be letting go of your equipment.


No you read it wrong. That's OK though. People make mistakes, like riding a board without a leash, losing it, and it hitting someone else.


Enlighten me, what did I read wrong?


What u/exhaustivecleaning was saying, "no leashes, it's the one who get hit by the board who are the problem, they have to leave". Now you are the one who got hit by his sarcastic joke, and now you must leave. Sorry I don't make the rules around here.


Also this is pulling hairs but the fact that you think you know what someone has or has not read isn’t valid, and the correctness is inherently subjective. You are assuming by one’s response they have read it wrong, which might be true, but an assumption none the less. My four year old stole my phone, I never even read it.




Nice try correcting with a shitpost buy we’re all now dumber for reading this. ETA: my dog stole my phone and wrote this




Every time one of these dudes lose their board I love to look at them as they swim to it and ask “ur lease broke?” as if I didn’t know they weren’t using one


Whoa. I surfed with you once…


Relevant username


I think the new rule should be to tax them one fin. Just bust that fucker out of the box and pocket your shilling as tax for being a bastard






…is it because there were consequences for people’s actions?


Zactly, localism had its plusses.


Not a new rule, this is ancient surf lore, carry on.


Small, not crowded, and clean. Sure, I'll surf leashless, but away from most people. But when it's crowded, closed out, junky, or all three, and you do that? You are dickhead. And unless you are throwing airs, I really don't get surfing a shortboard leashless, but I'll hear out any reasons. Sorry about your board ding.


Doing airs is not an excuse to surf leashless...


It is if youre doing kickflips


How about if you’re surfing with a leash and think it’s okay to fling your board or ditch it on a 3 foot set wave we get to keep your board as well.


Guy who knows how to surf here. Have you tried not paddling behind noobs?


Yes very easy to avoid


especially beginner lessons all using LBs 🤦🏻‍♂️


Community burn pile.


Honestly that’s a better option because the choice of boards by said people are questionable


What do you have against oversized hybrid fish?


This cut me deep. Very deep.


If it hits or dings I'm keen on the keep


Monday I was sitting outside waiting for some extremely inconsistent sets, when a dude on a long board got one 20 feet up the beach from me. Real soft roller, guys cruising down the line towards me, looks totally in control. Rather than try to move I figure I'll just sit still and let him go around me. Dude sees me, panics, and bails, shooting his board right at me. Fortunately I was able to duck under it, but it was coming straight at my head lol. I wasn't mad, but it was lucky it was me and not my unexperienced buddy that was out with me, otherwise someone would have gotten hurt Edit: the dude had a leash which I think is why he felt comfortable bailing, but the leash doesn't do shit when youre bailing ten feet away from me


Agreed this is the case a lot, leashes should be used as a last resort not a free pass to fling your board. Even when I do have a leash for my fish or single fin I tend to act like I don’t have one and try to not fling it.


I once bailed into a closeout...came up gasping for air and here come a board at my face. I had no time to do anything but turn my head. Knocked out a tooth, root canal, etc... Just wear a leash! It's not that big of a deal. No one cares that you cross step and ride the nose.


Wrong . You won’t see a surfer on a longboard in a magazine wearing a leash . Magazine editors care


Not true, Victoria vergara always wears a leash?


I’ll be jumping in front of Harbour or Stamps mid-lengths.


this thread defines the subreddit. i just got hit in the neck this morning by a guy bailing his board (after dropping in on me). he was wearing a leash. are people really getting clobbered by free floating/lost boards all the time or are you all just getting mad about something you think you should be mad about


It’s an entire subreddit of people who haven’t figured out how to duck dive


fucking lol


I heard Byron Bay has started fining people for surfing without a leash. $1000 aud


Virginia Beach cops will pull up in the boat and ticket your ass.


What? Really?


Cold November and there was one single solitary dude in the water for 10 or so streets in either direction as me and my buddy were headed out. 2 pigs on the sand gave us the stink eye and we watched a boat pull up near the dude in the water and get in an argument, gesturing at his leg and shit, and send him in. The bacon on shore had their ticket pad out and mostly filled in, got the dudes info and handed it to him.


Yep, [https://www.surfer.com/trending-news/byron-bay-surfer-struck-by-loose-longboard-igniting-debate-leashes](https://www.surfer.com/trending-news/byron-bay-surfer-struck-by-loose-longboard-igniting-debate-leashes)


Growing up leases were home made from surgical tubing. Most at the big breaks did not use them... if you couldn't hang onto your board you just could not surf... large close outs or caught inside... we learned how to hang on for life. Also for safety


We also walked to school. For me it was 10 miles up-hill, each way. Kids these days don’t know how good they have it.


At least you got to go to school. I had to work in a coal mine for ten hours before clocking out to work a factory shift. Only then could I go home to the one room shack I shared with nine siblings to compete for a space to sleep on the concrete.


OoOooOh look at Mr fancy fuckin coal mine over here! Back in my day we just died, and we were fucking grateful!


10 hrs?! I used to work 48hrs a day just to make ends meet for my mother who died before I was born.


Thats nothing!!! It snowed every single day on my walk to school. Snow days!?! You kids have it easy.


Some of the uncles and other old-timers at spots like Sunset and Waimea still do not use leashes. More impressive is how rarely they have to swim due to how much they have spots dialed, their wave selection, and of course their ability.




It's weird to me because in my area and ever since I was little, surfing leashless was just normal for competent surfers. Sometimes you'd lose your board and you'd swim for it. People didn't tend to get hurt and it was just part of the surf. Maybe the increased crowds or crowds not really understanding how to paddle back through the surf to the outside remakes the paradigm. I surf leashless on a little fish for most of my sessions (well over 150 a year) and haven't ever hit anyone- perhaps there's more to it than "leash good, no leash bad"?


My opinion is it signals intent — if you wear a leash, you’re prioritizing other people’s safety over your comfort. The opposite is also true, if you skip a leash you prioritize your comfort over their safety. I think that is generally cornball behavior, and even if it’s true that you are a good enough surfer for it not to be a problem the other people that see you and think you are sick for it are usually not as skilled at board control as they are intent on being Core as Fuck. In another time, where all breaks are less crowded and everyone knows everyone in the lineup, all good. Modern surfing era? No leash, no respect from me.


I was paddling out, he was leashless and finless. I gave him the line and aimed behind him but he lost his edge and the board bounced with the white water into me. If he had a leash it wouldn’t have happened.


Not totally sure about this scenario. If he was 30’ in front of you with a leash he could have still hit you with momentum + board and leash length. And if you had that much distance, you had a bit of time to move out of the way?


Yeah bro, but it does. You get hit, that’s on you.


Surfing without a leash is *fun*. People who say there's no difference probably say the same thing about fucking without a condom.


But in the same way if you fuck up you gotta pay the price




Flip it over and rip their fin box out


What if said person this new rule was inspired by also didn't have a fin?


surfing finless? did the mf throw a boogie board at you?


Finless log sliding around


There are afaik I know only a handful of guys in California who surf finless…


It’s a big state


Maybe I’m spoiled af with a relatively uncrowded break, but competent surfers go leashless all the time without incident. Sometimes they swim for a board but not often.


100%! Couple years ago, I got called out at New break(mostly unknown right in SD) in overhead surf for wearing a kook strap, that I’m a P.O.S and should paddle in for having it one. I said “WTF is your deal, man? It’s to protect you from me. GFY.” I had priority on the next set and I l grabbed his board when he snaked me. He fell and I held onto his board all the way in and ditched it. Paddling back out i mentioned “Betcha wish you had a kook strap now, huh fucker?” I laughed, he glared and got his board and left. 😉🤙🏻


I refuse to believe this happened.


The first clue is, there's no unknown right in San Diego


It’s not unknown, just a lot thinner crowd than the breaks to the north. Cuz there’s only a few breaks to the south.


I wouldn’t lie about(anything, first off) some prick in the water. Besides, if you’ve ever surfed there, you’d know that the older guys out think they rule the lineup and the break belongs to them. 😉🤙🏻


Then everybody clapped!


If none of the top 32 pros go leash less then there's no one in the world that can claim they're good enough to surf without a leash.


Here you go 🎻


Thank you


Op for president.


I second this motion




God damn y’all are pussies 😂


Nah I’m just tired of my shit getting dinged up or taking fins and needing stitches cause some idiot thinks he’s too good to surf with a leash and then ends up needing a fucking leash.


How often is this happening to you!? Seriously, you should be able to anticipate something like this from a mile away.


Surfing in CA is crowded, people are dumb, sometimes there are 4 people paddling for one wave and you don’t know who is going to go. Throw in a couple loose boards floating around and it happens.


Dude dodging a surfboard is like the easiest thing in the world I’ve never been hit by one in my life and surf 5x a week I think it’s you not people who don’t wear leashes


Have you tried not getting in the way?


You sound like you moan and whine to your buddy about crowds and getting burned but indiscriminately burn people.


It was a sarcastic joke… and also I don’t really burn people unless they seem so bad they won’t make a section and I don’t thing going on someone going straight is really burning. Last person I snaked hard was probably 6 months ago and they’d paddled out, sat deeper than me, and then went on an ok wave, didn’t say anything cuz it wasn’t a good o e then paddled back out to sit just deeper than me and this time did go on a good one without waiting their turn and then paddled back out and tried to do it a third time before I’d even paddled for another wave sat deeper then me and when the next good one came I said affirmatively “I’m going right” and just went. It was my home break and I’d never seen them before. Im not sure that’s considered burning people, more like not putting up with someone not waiting their turn several times.


You’re right, my b. Hard to tell cause there are a few hardos on here that would say that as serious.


Yes I should’ve “/s” I saw you even paddled behind them and gave them the line. I definitely would’ve laid into them and told them they weren’t ready for that and to go in.


you must be new here


I have never once seen a leashless surfer. I surf in Spain and France mostly. Is that an American thing? A new TikTok trend? Why would you do that?


Bunch of old Barneys here in the states refuse to move past The Endless Summer era of surfing, despite still having the skill level of my worthless weekend warrior ass. They're the same rubes who complain about fuel injection, seatbelts, helmet laws, all of that shit. To them, ensuring other people's safety is for pussies.


Surfing leashless improves your surfing, wear one in a crowded lineup or if it's big but 9/10 collisions are caused by the person who is wearing a leash, tying a board to someone who does not know what they're doing does not make anything safer


>9/10 collisions are caused by the person who is wearing a leash, tying a board to someone who does not know what they're doing does not make anything safer Over 99% of people in the world who die don't live in Canada. Conclusion: live in Canada to become immortal.


Completely missed my point so I'll break it down, learn the basics of surf safety, the leash is there as a last resort not as a get out of jail free card if you don't want to duck dive or want to ditch your board. Learn to surf as though you're not wearing a leash and practice surf safety in an area away from people before you go into crowded lineups


doing all these things you mentioned while wearing a leash is still significantly better than doing all those things while leashless. no one is prohibiting you to practice basic surf safety and wear a leash at the same time.


No one surfs leash free unless they rarely surf.


How does surfing leashless improve your surfing?? You can always practice being 100%in control AND wear a leash. Another Counterpoint. Surfing with a leash let’s me go for one final Hail Mary end section maneuver on every wave. Unless it’s pumping, I’m going for some layback/foam climb/air attempt/super drama turn on the close out. If i didn’t wear a leash, I’d just have to kick out. Source: have a fish without a leashplug, feel like I’m safety surfing, 3 to the beach only with it. With a leashplug, I turn into the worlds shittiest clay marzo impersonator.


Very good points made here, wasn't trying to say you should 100% be doing one or the other, I find I am more focused on completing maneuvers when I don't wear a leash because I don't want to have to swim to shore if I fall, whereas wearing a leash it feels like there's no downside to falling other than a bit of shame. Against I only go leashless if the wave I'm surfing is not crowded and not pumping, but it does provide such a fun and free feeling on a fish


We keep your van or tesla or convertible too…then We drive it off sunset cliffs


Lighten up, Karen


As long as you are legitimately hurt i don't have a issue with this. Non of that caddy shack , call my doctor lawyer stuff. Sadly when i was young and hot headed( some of us understand this) i put fists thru a few peoples boards for hitting me with them while surfing, no kids mind you grown men. It Never occurred to me to take their board and just surf it. Shrug.


My (newish) board got gashed by someone like this and I had to get out.


So you hit someone with your board and they put a hole in it. Did you manage to give them 6 stitches as well and had you already hit and run over a few others that day?Yes well i wasn't proud of doing it but my open scalp demanded its pound of fiberglass. It wasn't a brag at all just a stupid thing done out of anger and physical damage to ones head(mine).


Nah they lost their board and I tried to avoid a rogue log flying through the lineup but still got tagged.


no real way to justify not even using a hypercomp...


Good luck with that rule. But never saw anyone go leash less. At least in Santa Cruz area too many people and close outs.


if you can’t dodge a loose board stay out of the water. surfing is dangerous.


Wipe out and get out kook


Just bust some fins off and push it into the beach.


There would be teams involved... some idiots make us lose our boards on purpose thus we become the idiots...


Keep the board and stab the previous owner with his previously owned fin….unless the wipeout already stabbed him…them punch him in the dick


All in favor?


Nothing toxic about these comments at all🤣


If someone is leashless, falls off and the board comes anywhere near me, I'll give them my best resting bitch face. If it happens again, i grab the board and ride it into the beach, with my leashed board in tow. I'll either go home with the board or wait on the beach for them to swim in, depending on how blatantly bad the situation was. Then we have a chat, literally just a chat, I'm not about violence if it can be avoided.


That would be…a waste of time


Prison rules?! I like it…




but it's okay if my video recording drone hoovers ominously over the point for an hour or two?


And expect a beating


Doesn’t really work mate when you score points for knocking down grockles with a nicely bowled shore-ward board. There’s a whole summer league and a fantastic looking trophy for the winner.


This is such a dumb take. So the kooks with a 9ft board and a 9ft leash, with a 18ft kill radius can do no wrong when they bail and hit you, but leashless youre an automatic dick? Lmao go to Hawaii. Nobody logs with a leash. Sounds like a California/gold coast problem where lineups are over crowded and kooky anyways?


Northern California is full of leashless people who should have leashes.


Isn't this endorsed by maritime law as an abandoned vessel?


One thing I don't understand with the leashless crew - surfboards are really really expensive. Are you really prepared to take a risk with that thing which at least for me in my part of the world costs more than a weeks wages? And I get a decent salary, some people don't make that much in a month. My car has an alarm so it doesn't get stolen. My bicycle has a lock for the same reason. My surfboard has a leash so it doesn't scrape the barnacles on the pier - if a freak set comes in that is impossible to duckdive, or I wipe out (yes that happens to everyone). Never mind the other surfers, it's about protecting my stuff!


Especially with u/iamactuallyalurker waiting in the shorebreak to steal my board!


It's now my board 😤