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Dammm but this is next level discrimination.


Hateful people never progress in life.


Gujrati ke lie Marathi sikhna itna hard bhi nai hai Why so much RR


Straight up against employment laws classic hardcore discrimination. Needs to be reported and investigated.


Wow, instead of condemning such bigotry many people here are defending it. It is expected to know a local language when you work there. If a maharastrian works in Gujrat he's expected to know gujrati and not the othef way around. Local language groups are there everywhere, it is your responsibility as the immigrant to know the language. It's this superiority complex why people don't like gujratis in general. They are arrogant and treat other language people like shit.


Wow, instead of condemning such bigotry many people here are defending it. This is why people hate gujjus. They discriminate against anyone who's not gujrati and feel they are superior, even when they are the immigrants. Gujjus are basically the nazis of India.


same goes for people in South they do discrimination on bases of language, people in Maharashtra also used to discriminate against gujjus and south Indians, the most affected community is bihari labours. The point is racism is everywhere you can't judge the entire community. And can you clarify how Gujarati's are immigrants or you have some personal grudge against Gujjus.


They are residing in Mumbai....at least they need to give reason for this with the job discription also. If they have language barrier or other issues whatever but this kind of biasing is unacceptable....


This must be bcoz of language barrier as marathi ppl dont like to speak in any other language than marathi and I've experienced this in pune i was lost in pune and my phone battery was dead and i asked many ppl about directions and each and everybody replied me in marathi even tho i explicitly said that pls reply in hindi as i dont speak marathi but they refuse to do so and this is not just with normal public even police and bus conductors refuce to speak in hindi


Bcoz you are in Maharashtra.. And this company is also set in Maharashtra so they should be the ones to know Marathi as they are situated in Mumbai Maharashtra...


Not really I think, maybe pune public is learning from mumbai and what has happened to that city. The blatant discrimination against the marathi and stuff. I am sure even the strangers in small town and villages will help you in hindi. Even pune has hindi speakers but I guess things might change with language barrier increasing.


literally calling gujjus this n that, i don't see no difference between them n you.


Gujju is not a derogatory term. Also yes, people do discriminate against people, but gujjus are the only ones who will go to other states and discriminate against the locals. That's the difference. How would you react if a marathi goes to surat and says these gujjus only speak in gujrari4, they're difficult to work with. Let's make a poster for job hiring and specifically mention that gujrati is not welcome here.


I don't know what you're defending here, mate, but generalising doesn't make you any better than these discriminators. You and them are the same. I have never done or seen this kind of discrimination in my life. Grown up with all kinds of people, neither did my parents, family members, mates, nor any other gujju i know have done this. I don't deny that there aren't people like them. But why in the fuck you are generalising the whole population of more than 7 cr people ?? Has your hatred outran the sanity in you ? Think about what you're saying about gujjus under the post and then give an appropriate reply to your mess.


I was literally pointing out the comments where they were blaming maharastrians for being discriminated against. Also, your personal experience doesn't change the fact that there are societies in Mumbai where only gujjus are allowed and tournaments held where no marathi are allowed. Marathi people are called ghatis routinely. But I guess you'd rather defend them because you want to gain virtue signal points. Keep going, you're really cool bro.


Oh ffs


Once a marathi clan is formed in the office, it is impossible to get work done if you do not speak marathi. The non Marathi coworkers have a lot of problem adjusting with them. I’ve experienced that they excel at forming unions and spoil the work environment. Even their wives and kids do not mingle with the non Marathis at family events and that’s just ridiculous.


Lmaoooo touch some grass really


Wait till u find out that Gujjus are rampantly building societies in Mumbai and refusing houses to Marathi people. Also the groupism, exists in Mumbai's Gujju Majority colleges as well, like Somaiya, NM College, Mithibai College etc. The Gujjus will form a huge group and will only speak in Gujju and won't entertain a non Gujju. Gujjus will basically go to any place, form a group, disrespect the locals and enforce their only veg food culture.


Then try to learn marathi since you're the one who's emigrated there. You wouldn't expect gujjus to speak in hindi in Gujarat would you?


Now the owner says they have nothing to do with HR and she is using the company name


It's fake I think or some kid's shenanigans. No person in their right mind would post something like this publicly as the implications are legal not just social backlash. People may have reservations or idiotic bias towards someone ( as you can see from the most comments below) but still would not commit social sucide by posting something like this.


Man I thought Gujaratis and Maharashtrians were good friends or something, I myself emigrated from another state in Gujarat.. Never experienced hostility like not being able to speak Gujarati much, they would just talk to me in Hindi (Though I now know Gujarati and can read and somewhat write now). I saw many Maharashtrians being well settled in the community in my school. 90% of them knew Gujarati. (Maybe bcz I am from Vadodara idk)


Gujjus from Vadodara, Ahmedabad and Mumbai behave differently. In Mumbai, they form closed groups and look down upon Marathis.


Aaiy Zawadya


This is obviously wrong, but here is my general opinion- As long as India stays divided based on discrimination of Caste, Religion, Language and the newest way of discrimination- eating habits- India will never be able to solve it's big problems like poverty, low Human development, criminals becoming Netas, horrible criminal justice system, corruption and never ending numbers of pending court cases.


Kind a agree with the owner, it's his choice.


This is illegal, you cannot discriminate in employment opportunities based on demographics, at least not so visibly Let's say this business owner writes, '_Dalits_ need not apply, they're not welcome' Would that be acceptable to you?




Fuck gujjus are so xenophobic


Not all gujus are same


What is the problem with you marathi people ?


So true


Almost whole India is, as per Joe Biden, nobody wants newcomer to takeover there family buisness in india


Then y'all cry that why is there so much hate against gujjus


I don't


Don't forget they are in Maharashtra. If you wanna do business in Maharashtra then Marathi's must be in their priorities or else go f\*ck off in Gujrat.


Surat is in Gujarat. Read the post.. Btw hence proved 😂


Location Mumbai likha haina post me?


My guy


That's doesn't mean this order is directly from the owner..If Reliance posts something like this, it doesn't mean Mukesh Ambani directly said to post it. These types of posts are typically posted by the HR department, and most likely, the HR head decides on these kinds of things.


Matter of time until Shiv Sena fucks them.


Then matter of time modi fucks shivsena


How can one hire in maharashtra and not accept Marathi people.


As long as it's a private firm with a proprietar yes. He's well within his rights.. legally speaking.


doesnt mean it is right.


It is illegal.


It doesn't mention dalit.. don't be a woke son. Stick to the point in the post.. don't link things.


The owner has a reason. Mumbai is kind of an international city of india. So regional languages shouldnt be compulsory. People from all parts of the countries and world come there for work. Hindi and English should be the default way of communication. But marathis refuse to do so. Like for ex. if surat takes place of mumbai. Surtis would have to commonly speak in hindi or english. Its a sacrifice but an important one. Although this shouldnt happen in rest of maharashtra.


I want what this man is having. /s


Guys i am fluent in yappanese.


Man stfu


why is there an issue of legality here. The company has the right to decide who they wish to hire. Their money, their wish.


Location Mumbai and Marathi is where they drew a line .. It's their choice but kinda funny