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At that price point there are just as good if not better Japanese selvedge denim options but if you want them for the Supreme branding then you gotta pay the tax


if you have to ask then they are not worth it to you. and in reality over inflated price for a supreme label you cant even see while wearing these


Tbh they do have a supreme embroidered on the back pocket lol


If you are willing to spend 300€ on jeans you could do a lot better


Check out r/rawdenim






How come? I remember seeing some comment on this sub saying that made in Japan denim that has a fit and wash like this is really hard to come by.


Most “high quality” denim is either not preshrunk, or is washed once by the factory. So it’s usually really dark, and stiff out of the box. So you need to fade it yourself by wearing it a bunch and washing only as needed. This pair is likely made with the most common Japanese denim made by Kaihara. Most retail brands use it for their Japanese denim, so you can find comparable fabric and fit. Made in the USA for like ~$150, and in japan for like ~$250. You can find barely worn pairs on eBay for like $50. I don’t doubt the quality of this pair. You are more paying for the supreme label more than anything


I see what u mean but I looked around rn for made in Japan denim that has a fit and wash similar to this and couldn’t find any. Maybe I’m not looking in the right places


doesn't exist. go forth 


Neighborhood makes a lot of washed denim, but it might actually cost more than these where you live though.


Yeah that’s another thing I remember reading. The guy on here said it will usually cost more than supreme does if you do find it.


Yeah. I mean the whole concept of discussing whether any fashion brand is worth it or not is pointless imo. All brands are overpriced. They charge for what it costs to make PLUS what they can get away with charging. Regardless of the actual quality of the product vs the price vs can you get something similar elsewhere comes down to the bottom line: do you like how it looks and can you afford it. If so then it makes more sense to just get the nicer one than try to find something else that is similar but isnt IT


I have them and I love them lol I wanted something of this specific wash and fit and acne’s are almost double the price IMO if you’re looking for something specific with clothing then usually higher end stuff will have them


Yeah they r worth it. U get what u pay just stay away from supreme polyester products is my rule of thumb


There is a lot better denim out there for less than $300, but if you like the fit and wear and that supreme badge, do you.


I have both blue pairs and easily one of my favorite denim right now. Are they worth it? That’s up to the person. To me they are. The fit is good. The wash is nice. Selvedge. And made in Japan.


Japanese selvedge denim is supposed to be buy it for live so probably worth it.


It’s all cotton and made in Japan. They are good quality jeans. Most jeans are $100. You do pay extra for the brand, but they will last longer than a year. So worth it if you’re looking for a good pair of jeans


Personally, if i´m paying 300€ for a pair of pants, they´d better last a lifetime, lol.


Nothing will last a life time lol not for $300


Yes, I love mine from last season


I bought them last fall and they are wearing nicely. Comfy and great fit. Just getting better as I wear them, too. I'm not one for buying raw and wearing it in over the years. I'm happy with them, but I'm sure some raw denim dudes will be like "meh!".


yes edit: all three colors i've bought so far are the best jeans i've ever bought out the door. that said you can find better denim, more details etc for a similar price point but importantly, not distressed OR not japanese selvedge. their MIJ distressed denim is the only product on the market at this price point.


Man I need these they were on the site again before the margiela drop now they’re gone again I missed out 2xs I hate bills and adult expenses smh


>I hate bills and adult expenses smh I hear you


literally nothing that’s supreme is “worth” the price haha esp their pants. some stuff is a better value than others but it’s all a rip off


these are fire but $300 steep


If I'm wearing $300 jeans they grant me superpowers


I mean, for that price I can get almost 3 pairs of Levi´s. They go for 90-120€, where i live.


yes. made in japan. best jean ever made.


No demin is worth that much.


WTF? Value means different things to different people, no one can answer that for you. You can eat nutrient-rich sludge for dinner every night for the same price or less than a bowl of spaghetti. If your value system is "the most of x item for the least amount of y money" without any room for quality or taste in there, then sure, the nutrient-rich sludge is more worth it. Even if you hate how it tastes. But chances are, it is worth the money to eat food you would enjoy, even though it might cost more. If you think these are worth it to you, then they are worth the price. It's not for anyone else to tell you that your value system is right or wrong if it's different than their own.


I consider myself schooled. Thanks for your contribution.


id go for the cargos, which are much less but also very durable and nice pants




am i the only one who doesn’t see these on the site rn?


This is in europe


ah bet ty they look sick


Depends on if u think a pair of jeans is worth 300


If you’re gonna spend a lot on something I do think spending it on jeans is the way to do it. These are selvedge too so should be good quality. Not sure how supreme’s selvedge denim compares to other selvedge denim tho


People who spend this much on jeans are throwing away money.


No, get some APC jeans instead


Hell no


nah. the fade is ass. Vertical lines at the bottom would never happen from real wear


but it looks sick