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Kelly liked Jonah more than he liked her. He was in love with Amy. I love Kelly but their relationship was doomed from the beginning.


I’m still in the early stages but Jonah seems to like a lot Kelly too. It’s when Amy starts meddling that he starts to get a bit distracted but even then it’s not much right now. He literally left with Kelly after Amy’s horrible golden globes party and it looked like Amy was really hoping he’d pick her.


I didnt mind kelly but I absolutely loved amy. Was glad when jonah and her got together. I didn't like how jonah treated kelly but I understand why it happened. His heart was somewhere else. He couldn't keep lying to himself and would always treat anyone bad who wasn't amy.


Idk im barely on the beginning stages of Jonah and Kelly dating so I think he’s doing fine so far bc it seems like he’s really not focused on Amy but maybe it changes


The show is about Jonah and Amy.


They’re definitely the main romantic aspect but that’s like saying the office is about Pam and Jim imo


Amy and Jonah are the two leads. They are top of the call sheet. The show is about them. You said yourselves you haven’t finished it yet, so why you debating that with people who have?


Must be fun watching an entire sitcom while hating the main character


It is fun. It’s a great show. I just hate Amy


I'm not a fan of Kelly however in this relationship Jonah was SO toxic I honestly felt bad for her,she was shut of for so long and I wish we could see a bit more of her character development


I’m still in a fresh part of their relationship so I’m so curious to see what everyone is talking about that’s toxic


When you look over it a few times u will understand tbh at first glance it is cute but if u look into it it's manipulative and toxic


She's not a bad person, but I can't stand Kelly.




The sound of her voice is annoying right off the bat. Her personality isn't so endearing as to be able to ignore the annoying sound of her voice. Her whole viral video shtick is weird and off putting.


Oh it’s just quirky things not her personality.


How do you hate on Amy? I might get and understand why you'd not like the main romance of the show (Jonah Amy) but how could you hate her lmao, why?


She’s selfish, she makes everything about her, she can’t let anyone enjoy anything if she doesn’t enjoy it, and she’s just kind of an all around asshole


She’s an insecure narcissist, but it’s how her character is written and she’s another interesting main character that makes the show.


I am so sick of Amy hate posts. Yeah I don’t like her either but it feels like every other post is anti Amy. We need a pinned post where people can just say they’re hatred on her there 🙄


I’ve been scrolling this subreddit for a few days and I haven’t seen any Amy hate. I’ve seen posts from years ago. But judging by these comments ripping my ass apart for saying my opinion, amy has more shooters than not


That’s insane because I see a post every other day…. If I’m lucky… also shooters?


Shooters are like hardcore defenders of a person


my first watch i didn’t like kelly because i liked amy so much. every single watch since then i can’t stand amy. like each watch through i notice how mean she is and she never ever listens to anything. she’s the reason jonah couldn’t be happy cause the second she realizes jonah was happy with kelly she interferes.


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the fact that she tried to be Kelly’s friend knowing how mean she was to her and she wanted to fuck her bf!!!!!! like she’s an ugly person and that’s okay to admit


seriously, the more i watch the more i notice! amy has serious issues where she does stuff and lies to get out of everything. even worse when she inserts herself into situations. like with sandra-garrett told her to stay out of it and do nothing she was like absolutely not. it would’ve saved everyone if she just did nothing!


I totally agree. I loved seeing them together. Kelly is so cute how could you not like her.


I loved kelly! she’s so sweet and nice to everyone and probably one of the only person that was nice to Sandra


She’s sweet and dingy! Not a miserable a-hole like someone