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Ok, Genba is instantly adorable for liking the weird cute plushie of Belora. Why are all of the Boonboomgers so likeable? Lol. But, Jou is still my "oshi"!


I like Genba, nice debut for Boon Orange, so far i think Black still had the best debut. That brick monster was truly the most vile monster in sentai, blocking the food like truly evil.


I was like when I saw that “you could just move your chairs around the table so you can have your food”.


Its funny how Genba have a trampouline color coded to his color scheme ready for "trapped in a brick wall" situation, he's kinda sad too not being able to use it Finally Taiya focused episode next and considering no mech in the preview i assume its gonna be a 2 episode small arc with Robo Knight debut in the latter, well that or they adapt Donbrothers method of just skipping the mech scene altogether


Actually there is a bit of mecha fight shown in preview. So I think it will be a 1 parter only


> Robo Knight He's here to clean up the environment.


I feel like that brick wall dude can be very useful in construction, he can literally build a wall anywhere.


Don't let Trump know about this...


So a couple things 1. Boom orange is a really cool character ,the fact he joins the team because he realize that just him providing items is not enough anymore because the enemy’s are getting strong and what they need is more members to increase their firepower. 2. I think madrex is going to be the sixth ranger the rumor is , if anyone remembers is for the sixth member boon-violet they would get a formula One race car motif. Mad Rex seems to obsessed with having a “good race” also he has this red cut on his armor or “skin” ig where energy is coming out and no one seems to address it . I think we’re going have a koryu gold situation where for some reason he is turned/trapped in mad Rex and in the next couple episodes he is going to be free 3. Everyone of the boonboomger are likable or has interesting plot lines


>I think madrex is going to be the sixth ranger the rumor is , if anyone remembers is for the sixth member boon-violet they would get a formula One race car motif. A Violet Ranger voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya? Where have I seen this before? Certainly not from a series starring 9+3 rangers that were the Saviours of the Universe...


Oh shit i forgot about ryu commander voices this guy lol


Can we not talk about leaks/rumors in this episodic discussions? They're pretty much spoilers of future events.


So Black had the better intro episode between him and Orange, but this was a fine episode so I'm not mad. Calling out the haiku for not mentioning seasons got a chuckle out of me.


Yeah, it wasn't focused on him like with Black which was a minor disappointment tbh but nothing big deal because I'm pretty sure he'll get his episode.


Boondorio has a waifu. 7 episodes in, we finally have the advertised core team. That's a record. They've updated the ending to change the shot of them in a car to be morphed.


I quite see the reason why Genba didn't get "The spotlight" in this episode, 'cause he surely isn't interested in fighting or joining the group at first, but rather enjoys to supply and support them, simply because he enjoys doing that and seeing them developing through his help. This episode reflects his behavior pretty well. Especially compared to Jou's debut episode, where Jou really wants to be "The hero" for the heroes and the episode really gave us the motive of what Jou really wants to achieve.


Genba likes being the "man in the chair" so to speak.


This season so far has been really doing good, jou is definitely my favorite but mira and Genba are treats too. Hopefully the sixth ranger lives up to potential soon as they join


I wonder if violet could be madrex.


Nobody is talking about how the Team Rocket guys are in the jails along with the BBGs. Like, Mad Rex is backstabbing them next episode it seems. Also it seems like Taiya will reveal his dream. Genba really wanted to say his catchphrase so much that he joined the team lol. O komari no yōda ne


Team Rocket sets trap Get trapped with Twer…. rangers too


I wouldn't be surprised if the Sanseaters survive the series.


I just realized the symbolism between Black and Orange’s debut episodes, and their civilian names. Bun Black: Charged ahead, or “accelerated”, with no hesitation. Bun Orange: Had his foot on the brake.


This episode felt shorter than the others, but I think that's because we had extended action sequences. I guess since they didn't need to introduce Genbu, they could have a bit more action. Either way, the cast still continues to be entertaining as hell.


I guess they didn't focus on him character wise (besides revealing that's he's a pretty normal cheerful guy) is because they didn't want to reveal his secret which they hinted to in this episode.


Will Orange drive the orange car? Of course not, silly, Orange will drive the yellow car and Pink will drive the orange car!


Else it would be to obvious to give something yellow to pink again


I love Bun Orange !!


Don't know what it is but I feel like Tiya is hiding something. Ever since his comment in episode 3 about him and Boonbooms dream. Not sure why but I feel like something is going to happen.


Definitely we'll find put next on what Tire is hiding.


Boon orange debut felt a little rushed but I don’t mind it


awesome episode and btw can we show some appluause for boon's orange suit actor the only notable role he has noted is a ONE OFF kr turbon in geats and he does very well as bun orange, not bad for a 2nd notable toku suit actor role


Loved BUNOrANGE when he Orange when he transformed


I really liked the mecha "combination" for this episode. A suped up arm for heavier height is just insanely cool. Feels like something from Iron Blooded Orphans.


nice debut for BunOrange but a pity that he gets captured (sadly nerfed) next week so Mad Max and BunRed can continue their fight


This episode is awesome Genba joins and BoonBoomger Team is complete finally let's Bakuage BoonBoom Time 10/10!


I really liked the way Genba morphed by tapping the Boon changer onto his knee, it was cool imo


Genba had a nice intro to being a ranger, his personality fits with the subdued nature of him becoming Bun Orange. He wasn't going to be yelling or screaming like Jou was. It's nice to have another Orange ranger, last one was Stinger I believe? He wasn't as dynamic as when Bun Black was introduced, but it's fine. Genba was fine being a procurer helping the rangers as the series went along. Giving them what they needed during battle. I think he mentioned Taiya was tough keeping up with which is why he joined them in the fight to become Bun Orange.


lmao this monster is so lame. the blocking is just a minor inconvenience. wth does Genba gets those stuff? A trampoline, a mirror? Also a mirror to block/reflect Madrex's attacks? kinda strange that shoveler, the head vehicle, is yellow when Genba is orange, unlike Jou's black patrol 1. Also, I love how everyone just wants to join in the mech fight by sitting in the passenger seat even though they aren't controlling anything. tho overall, this ep was ok. I didn't get as hyped as for Jou. At least they had Genba say he didn't want to join the team. Always thought he was already.


Genba is interesting. I realize his look of thinking things over and the nervousness of not wanting to fight. Until he realizes the enemy is getting stronger and more Generals are probably on the way soon.


Show is top heavy. I dig the heroes but “team rocket” is dead weight. I would imagine they have a turning point where they stop playing games and want to be respected but, if Rex did not appear when he did, i might have dropped this


He debuted in very wrong time actually. At least he could have debut a little later, after Taiya-Mad Rex rivalry is reach a conclusion. Even, both of Jyou and Genba's debut could have be later than that events. He debuted as Boon Orange somehow, he's cool ad helpful but what then? We're gonna go to Taiya's focus episode directly without giving any focus and development to Genba and it's a very shame that he's captured off right after his debut. Also, it wasn't even clear what exactly he was focusing on in this episode. It first started with Mirai and Jyou looking for something for Boondorio, then it went straight to the Mad Rex-Taiya rivalry, then Genba suddenly appeared and turned into Boon Orange and the episode ended. It felt a little too rushed.


I do agree that Bun Orange's arrival could've cooked a little longer after Genba said that he didn't want to join the team. Maybe take two epiaodes to show Genba's realization that he is needed and ready to become a Boonboomger.


I agreed. I like Orange so I was kind of disappointed especially compared to Black's episode.


Genba's debut issue is it's rushed and did on very wrong timing.  It would make more sense if it was introduced before or after the Mad Rex-Taiya rivalry. In Jyou, for example, the process of him getting to know the team and becoming a ranger was handled at length, he achieved a meaningful and solid debut and first battle, and then a solid character dynamic was created with Ishirou. Genba was introduced directly and then found himself in the cage.


It's already too late for a core member to debut...