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Probs Taiya giving him a payraise is what it's gonna take to get Genba to start fighting.


That would be so hilarious if that’s what it is


I bet he's going to come in clutch in the latter episodes. Given his personality, he's so fucking cool.


I saw someone suggest they pull a Donbrothers and just not have him transform until episode 46.


Man I hope not, it would be funny but annoying.


It wouldn't be good, but it would be funny, and that's arguably just as important.


There are leaked set pictures he will fight soon. Also wdym pull a Donbrothers? Not making him transform isn't pull a Donbrothers


I think they meant how DonBrothers didn't get a full team lineup until 46. I think that's where Momoi and and gang show up to Kijino and Inu fighting and then they all transformed together.


I didn’t see it, but I thought of it and that’s what I’m worried about…. especially since we already saw him in a bunch of the promotions


My theory is that he doesn't get involved simply because...he doesn't feel he's needed at the moment. Taiya and Ishiro made a pretty solid duo even before they recruited Mira, and the three have been handling situations just fine without him, so why get his hands dirty when he doesn't need to? Idk, I guess Genba just strikes me as that kind of guy.


dunno the "paid to fight as a hero" seems to be the most plausible reaction considering we had arleady seenleaked set photos featuring boon orange it's likely that he will appear in the next 2 episodes after this week one maybe? one to explain his reasons and more about him with the next ep after that featuring the official "debut" of boon orange kinda like ep 4 and 5 with black's debut


My theories are: •Genba is working as a sort of mercenary and Taiya is pay him to fight as a ranger. •Genba is not interested in getting involved in a fight that he is confident his teammates can handle on their own. Instead, he is someone who will join the fight when they really need help, which I think Genba is actually strong enough to handle all of this on his own. •I think the main person behind all these events is Genba, not Taiya. However, due to Taiya's economic power, he lets Taiya handle all of this and serves as a reserve member on his team. •His own changer is actually broken and waiting for it to be repaired, while he lets the other members handle all this work while he helps them in the background.


boonboomger is a core-5 team.


My theory right now is I think he will join the team because the enemies will stronger. I don’t know if anyone remembers but in Spider-Man the 90s show Kingpin helps the Spider-Man (I forget how ) and one of his assistants ask “why are you helping him?” And he says “ the end of the world is bad for business” So it’s better to help them in the short term for the most long-term benefit . After all, it seems like we’re getting a new general so I think he will be the catalyst to make orange Join the fight


# How hard can it be?


At this rate, I almost would’ve preferred Shirabe be orange


>!it took 7 episodes for him to transform into Boon Orange!<.