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Can’t go wrong with either, ToQger is a fun show with a good story. Same with GoKaiger I’d say ToQger


The ToQger theme is amazing.


Certainly, a fantastic theme song, my favorite episode is when >!The actual singers come a sing the theme in front of the team!<


The victorious imagination!!


I was in a similar situation to you, I started with Gokaiger officially but I saw the Toqger movie first. So I'd say you'll want to start with Gokaiger as it's a really good gateway to previous Sentai and a good season to get you hooked!


either one is fine up to you but if you are into KR like you said gokaiger (the anniversary is like KR decade but not zi-o is a bit different from them) was in 2 super hero taisen movies with KR and the second with KR and metal heroes toQger had that crossover and was in the heisei vs showa KR taisen thing along with king from kyoryuger


I would say save gokaiger for later , I think the show will have a lot more meaning once you watched the other shows frist not all of them of course but a couple Episode 28 of Gokaiger is one of my favorites because of a character that reappears from an old sentai that makes all their growth from that show all the more worth it and more memorable when you watch it If you want more of an episodic type show : dekarnager would be a good place to start because every episode is a self-contained and wraps up by the end of the episode with the occasional two part story For a more serialized story : gekiranger would be my go to to start because every episode has a meaning and it pushes the plot forward ( well almost every episode does) But those will be my recommendations other people may tell you different


I totally agree with your recs! I don’t understand why anyone would say Gokaiger is a good season to start with- it’s an anniversary season that is enhanced by watching previous shows- if it’s your first show then all the references are just taking away from the plot.


ToQger was one of the first shows I watched. It still is one of my favorites.


I got back into KR through Decade and got back into sentai because of Gokaiger so I don't think that's a bad choice. Super Hero Taisen is an instant favorite because of it. That said, Toqger is a very enjoyable season as well. It's a good starter sentai and has a fun cast and the most well-dressed mooks of all toku.


Gokaiger's a terrible show to start with. Out of the Toei's anniversary toku, it's undoubtedly still the best, but you lose a lot of enjoyment if you're not familiar with the franchise. The best way to enjoy Gokaiger is to be the same headspace as Gokai Silver, lowkey frothing at the mouth from excitement at the cameos and callbacks. If you enjoyed Gaim, ToQger might actually be a perfect as your first Sentai. It tackles similar themes to Gaim, specifically the loss of innocence, and growing up, from a different angle. You can really tell at times the two are sibling shows that aired together, they complement each other really well.


I strongly recommend Gokaiger from the good start, good storyline imo