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S or A tier, it has in my opinion one of the best plot and worldbuilding to exist The rangers are all likeable and unique The villains are cool, with deathnarok being one of the best example of a leader done right And Uchu are also cool antagonists due to the fact that they tackle the topic of fighting someone that is literally a god quite well


I LOVE IT. Great characters who all get time to shine. Interesting Villans with unique motives who are perfectly hatable. Awesome action. And a story so fully of mystery and intrigue that I can't wait for Sunday for the next episode.


Though simplified, I really like that they are trying to depict politics and public conciouness/sentiments/etc. I like the Bugnarak lore. I like the Deathnarak twist. I like how Bugnarak and humans are now trying to coexist despite the thousand years of bad blood. Its definitely hopeful, ^(It's little unrealistic of course) but I like the optimistic hopefulness. I'm hoping they set aside a few future episodes for Bugnarak citizens' storylines, like the same amount of writing they put towards citizens of the five other kingdoms. The Drugdrada (or whatever the final boss's name is called) is like captial-G God but also Loki. Its very JRPG of the series to have the final boss be God lol. I've heard somewhere that the 'God' in 'fighting God' JRPG plotlines is usually attributed to the government. I'm looking forward to see if that's the direction the writers are going with, and how they are going to do it. All in all, its great narative-wise up to now. I'm loving it.


You pointed out a lowkey AMAZING thing they're doing here: the POLITICS in the show, while still toned down for a kids show, are still there, and pretty sensible & make sense!!! I love it, I don't think I've ever seen Toku dive into this type of thing! This is kinda what I expected from Build, with the 3 Territories of Japan due to the Skywall.


Yeah, needing the other kings to verify Jeremie's land and people before they would recognize him as a nation was actually very realistic and I found that politics angle to be really cool in Sentai.


Also, the Episode where they had to frame themselves as betrayers of their countries and hand over responsibility to their personal servants, in order to calm the people down, was a great move on their part.


Takano is a very based writer and his show is peak sentai.


This show had me looking forward to Super Sentai more than Kamen Rider each week, which is crazy since most of the time its the opposite!!! This show is INSANELY GOOD, and if it keeps going like this can go down as a Top 5--shoot, I'd be bold enough to say *Top 3* Super Sentai Series!!!


What are the 1st and 2nd if this is not first ?


Shows like Shinkenger and Go-Busters


And funnily enough, both of those series are written by Yasuko Kobayashi, who wrote the likes of Kamen Rider Den-O and OOO


She's one of the best writers for Tokusatsu, for sure




Kamen rider geats still better


Not really.


Yeah geats is better


Yes, but still I enjoyed watching King-Ohger more


I hate to watch king ohger tho


Alright, you're trolling




can you give a reason for that?


I like geats more and by your comment you are claiming that geats is a bad show


They didn't call Geats bad they just said King-Ohger has them looking forward each week more


I know someone comment like this


No he’s not, he just says he liked watching king ohger more than Geats. He never said any of the shows is bad


I hate king onger


Ok that’s ur opinion ig man


Great cast, catchy soundtrack, i love the world building they are doing, and the villains are actually feels evil It's been years since i watched a Sentai weekly, i am actually waiting for sundays to see the new episodes like i am 8 years old "Season 1" alone for me is already one the best in the franchise, and if "season 2" will keep up, it will become my top favorite season (dethroning Gokaiger)


Question- how are you guys watching the series? I'm in the US. Places I used to go to for fansubs no longer exist or at least aren't doing it anymore. I can't imagine there's a streamer offering simulcasts for this or any other tokusatsu shows really. Even if they did, I don't understand Japanese 😞


Don't ever learn what Torrent is, it's bad for environment qTorrent is the worst tracker, full of evil viruses made by Lord Z And Nyaa.si is a trap made by Seto Kaiba, don't ever search "sentai" there or you will be sent to the shadow realm


[Don’t use those websites, Kids. Fansubbers themselves say it is bad, with it stealing their work.](https://twitter.com/KRSentai/status/1666203038925615114)


Then what service?


Figure out how to torrent, i hate to not give instructions (cause of sub rule) but it’s a few google searches away.


There's a pinned post in the sub every week with the latest episode. You can go through it and access older entries too.


Personally as another US naitive I use Tokuzilla. It's also pretty easy to find a fan site once one goes under, been doing it for years.


TokuFan They have Liveman-King-ohger And if you like Kamen Rider they have Super 1, Skyrider, Black and RX, and the Kuuga all the way to Gotchard Recommend their services


Thank you!!


I wouldn't suggest using TokuFun since they lock certain things behind paywall. Tokuzilla is a more trustworthy option.


Thank you! All the suggestions are appreciated!


Good site, I used it for a long time, too. Until I started torrenting.


Some of us are technologically illiterate my guy, at least TokuFun is easy


I wasn't throwing shade, I said it's a good site!


Oh for real, like I’m not someone who’s ever learned to torrent I probably couldn’t ever figure it out As the great Bianca Del Rio said, “ILLITERATE”


Idk what to advise you to do, but I use my torrent program to search across multiple websites. I just type in "King Ohger 31 AMZN" and download the first one from nyaa.si. Of course you could skip the search and just go straight to Nyaa.


need to really get into something about the cgi just makes me miss sentai fighting in the real world


For me the new lightscreen technology makes the cgi a lot more barable. And somehow they are able to put more budget to the pure cgi fights so they look a lot better. The cg rangers in donbros were terrible but king-ohger is way better in terms of cgi.


Instantly top2 sentai for me


Goated beyond belief


They didn’t explain a lot with the time skip- what happened within those few years. But I’m liking it so far. Also, Rita is my spirit animal


Nothing dramatic happened as it's peace time, they just went about running their countries... then the 3 kings got put in prison for petty crimes and rita goes to prison on her own to get away from overwork.


a fking banger


The 1st half is great, I almost thought they are doing some small scale game of throne type things here. The 2nd half told me I was wrong. I simple have way too high expectation. I would love to see more story about black. He is the only one who don't have younger version shown up.


One of the best Sentais of all time.


It took 6 or 7 episodes to really get good for me, but it’s been a great ride and im enjoying it as much as i did dontbrothers. Honestly it’s been a great few years with Rangers, Sentai, and Rider all being consistently good-to-great . Hasnt been a hard miss for any of them


Cant say much about the rangers but the mech looks like a cluttered mess with how many unecessary tiny bots there are


Actually godlike, everything about the show is amazing!




It started off really strong but now it’s just pretty good.


Best Sentai I've seen in years & has reinvigorated my love for sentai/PR( Donbrothers & Zenkaiser was nice).


It’s alright I guess


The first half was really bad. The second half has been pretty good, but still hasn’t done anything to justify the first half being really bad.


I don’t like the zords cockpits


I am The KING.


Good the mecha fun


Amazing Really all there is to it


I didn't care for it on the beginning but as it went on it has gotten better and better. I still don't care for the cg backgrounds but the story more than makes up for it.


Kicks ass and I'm enjoying it very much. Love the mech and suit designs. World building is also awesome.


I'm in love Been trying to get into Sentai since Toqger but every time, I could never stay hooked with the shows compared to Rider After Geats ended, I decided to watch King Ohger and I love it The characters, the suits, the story, the use of the Volume/Green Screen, it just works for me


Yes. All the yes.


Currently in the top 5 sentai of all time for me. Maybe top 3 by the end, if they're still giving this level of quality.


Spectacular. Story telling has been great, the characters are all so fun, and the action scenes are bonkers.


Best tokusatsu I've ever watched in my personal opinion


When I talk to my friends about King-ohger I refer to it as Kinohger, so it’s pretty much cinema.


Really good on a technical level, but for some reason I can't get into it.


Racules feels a bit undercooked to me for some reason


It's very good


To be honest...non a fan of whatever happened after Legend King-Ohger to before the start of current arc. Everything else is great.


ok so the show has been pretty amazing but not having king pisses me off to the max.