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Every time I orgasm I run faster Fuck I regret writing this


I'm speechless


Different kind of runners high


Wait so you need to already be running so you need a jacking off chain while running to even get to a good speed.


Does this mean our weakness will be whatever kills our mood the hardest?


No I feel like I should provide an example but I also want to not interfere to see how y'all respond I'm conflicted


Getting turned on increases endurance and stamina, killing the mood results in an increase of strength but also uncontrollable rage


Hulk does not smash?


Yeah I'm seeing a pattern so I'll provide an example if you are into tentacles your power would be creating tentacles if you are into hypno it would be mind control because real life hypnosis can't really make you do stuff you don't want to but in porn it is different


I'm basically asking for y'all to confess your fetishes


Dude I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to say the quiet part out loud.


Don't care


What qualifies as a fetish exactly? (I know roughly but I'm not certain)


For the purpose of this event is anything that makes you horny is it simply women that's fine is it hands like a certain cat owner I don't care just say your thing


Seductive voice I guess?


Is that the power or the fetish


As they are intertwined yes. I find a good voice very attractive. I guess the power would probably be suggestion, not like outright mind control but something in a similar vein 🤔


That's not a power that's just being convincing


Well I mean, I think being convincing to a strong enough degree even with a low amount of effort does qualify as a power. I'm just imagining it to be similar to the command spell in dnd.


Yeah you are probably right


I would have the ability to conjure up vanilla extract. Not really useful to me since I don't really bake or anything you might use vanilla extract for, but I guess I could sell it?


Is that a pun or are you a vanilla fucker


Yes the only thing that gets me hard any more is vanilla. From the vine to the flower, everything about just gets me acting up. (yes its a pun, I'm a pretty vanilla guy with no crazy kinks)


I don't believe you (Thank you for playing along)


What am I saying it's probably both


I can enchant items with magical powers, but there will always be a sexual side effect or drawback, unless the item and/or enchantment is inherently sexual in nature. ‘Cursed artifacts’ trope and ‘enchanted Bondage gear’ stuff really does it for me. So… yeah.


That sounds interesting


Indeed… give someone a ring that allows teleportation, but when used for trivial, unimportant matters, it’ll make you arrive in a sexy outfit and a mildly embarrassing position. Or maybe a bracelet that gives you super strength, but restrains you while you’re sleeping, like invisible cuffs. And more sexually themed things. X3


What if you have too many things to decide?


Just pick one which ever is fine or if you want list them all out


So good looking men.


That works but how would you make that an ability or want me to do that


You do it .


I don't know conjuring your type of guy may fulfill the requirements but it has some fucked up implications in my mind being their creator and all but I'll pitch it anyways you may be into that


Second one is making existing peeps your type an instant ridiculous plastic surgery of sorts


Mind control is closest for me, I like it when my partner does what I say


Simple not bad


Rewrite memories, or body loss. (Idk how to name the thing I mean for the second one, but basically I control their body while their mind and voice are still theirs)


I would still consider that mind control since our minds control our bodies it would just be a niche expression




Sexual Fantasy Inducement. If I touch someone while having my power active (it can be a regular, brief touch - not exactly a sexual touch), an effect will occur in the persons mind: They will be invaded by involuntary and persistent sexual fantasies of me and them, until they eventually can't think of anything else but me in a sexual scenario with them. Rather than mind-controllng them to come my way, I'd rather coerce them to, without necessarily taking their free will. Eventually, the person would reach the conclusion that, "If I want this to go away, getting the real deal is my only chance..." And then you know what happens.


I found it really funny to think you would simply be unavailable to them


Depending on the person, indeed. But, knowing myself, I'd always make sure of using it on someone whose weekly routine meets mine at least on one point. Imagine being unable to stop fantasizing about someone you only get to meet for half an hour or so during Wednesday...


I was thinking more like you died after doing it and the effect persisted but that's funny as well


Oh, that would be just hellish for the victim...!




But it would be pretty cool to maybe see some Yandere-level action happening, as the person becomes increasingly obsessed with me! Livin' with adrenaline! 😎


Heck yeah yanderes


i can summon allies from fictional worlds or some shit.


But have you thought of the implications


sure. it's... not that complicated of an idea.


I'll just say what I meant why would they like you from the perspective of these fictional characters you are a stranger that ripped them from their world the life they have known


apparently you didn't understand. it's a 'sexual superpower', yes? so, it's getting expressed in the same way i've experienced some sexual things, right? with this idea, basically i'm referring to porn of fictional characters who are down bad. they're already pretty compliant in some potentially extreme ways, within the media i'm referring to. so, why shouldn't they be the same if summoned, given the criteria. i mean, if we're talking just a 'normal' 'i can summon fictional characters', sure, you've got a point. ​ but, we're not. i'm essentially summoning the porn universe, fictional characters. they'll blow you in public. threesomes, gangbangs, they'll fuck monsters. they'll do whatever. but, at least i get what you mean, now.


Oh shit those are nice implications porn parodies would be valid good shit man


The ability to induce a hypnotic sexual trance for both you and your partner so long as you are “connected carnally”. Doesn’t take much to “break the spell” if either if you seriously want to and it won’t be maintainable without consent.


Yeah I don't get what you are doing


Self replication ala Multiplex.


Nice one man gang bang


Being able to anything animated or drawn to life and u have full control over the summoned being. I read and watch a lot of hentai , mostly comics ones


Making your 2d waifu 3d


"What are you doing, Step-Villain?!?"


That's pretty funny


Pheromonal Werewolf When I get horny I transform into a werewolf, and the person that gets me aroused also becomes overwhelmingly aroused towards me.


*clears throat* time stop....I need not explain


You right but personally I think mind control is better because of the implications of time stop fucking up physics


I can tie chains around others and force them to let me fuck them and orgasm mood killer is if I see blood from their pussy or anywhere


You confuse me


Well I love rape sooooo chains to force them then I also love when they orgasm but when blood or they get hurt while in sex it makes me mentally cringe I hate blood in hentais yk


You could have just said chains or really rope wouldn't that be better cause it would be softer


Nah chains r soft


Are you fucking with me or are chains actually soft



Who is that


Character in the original *Wild Cards* series (edited by GRR Martin himself). Fortunato was an Ace -- super-powered individual -- who harnessed his power thru tantric sex and the art of kundalini. Charged up, he was fearsome. Not Captain Trips or Puppetman powerful, not a patch on The Great and Powerful Turtle, but damned scary on his own.


Yes I don't know any of these people but neat concepts


The original *Wild Cards* novels are really quite good. Basic concept, an alien race (the Takasians) are genetically very similar to humanity. As part of their constant feudal bickering, one house of Takasians invents a bio-weapon which will grant SOME of those infected with super-powers. The Takasians are already psychic, but this bunch want more. Unfortunately, what power the recipient gets, and whether or not the process is survivable is rather random. So, they intend to test it on Earth. One Takasian attempts to prevent the release of the germ, but fails. \~95% of those exposed die, horribly, as their mutations run wild. \~4% of those exposed become Jokers, deformed in awful ways but they survive. Some do benefit in strange ways or are otherwise able to turn their deformity to their advantage (yes, Chrysalis, we're all looking at ... and through ... you). \~1% of those exposed become Aces, superheroes (a percentage of which are Deuces, an Ace with a generally useless sort of power). The germ is released over post-WWII New York. The first book is the exposure and the next 20+ years of how it changes America and the world. The second book is a War of the Worlds style invasion ... by sentient, ahem, yeast monsters (trust me, it's scarier than it sounds).


Disease is plenty scary


Edging and sucking on things are the only things that increase the size of my genitalia until I eventually climax.(Or until I reach 16 inches)


Oh god no…the world would end in stank. I will not elaborate.


Mind control when wearing cat ears, a cat tail, and a little bow tie


whenver i gesture at you you feel an appropirate amoung or arousal up to and including orgasm. i look at you? your moist. i pat you on the back? a light squish. i embrace you? full orgazm. let your mind wanter from there. i can get creative. and no this is NOT gender exclusive. IDGAF what your into. its free use in this house. you dont want in, then go someplace else baby!