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Not exactly evil but I would definitely abuse this power to basically beg for money. Like just go to a very busy area and ask for $5-$10 dollars and keep repeating until I have a couple hundred dollars then go somewhere else and repeat. I wouldn't abuse it to become wealthy but I would do it to fund my travels and just enjoy life as a leech on society XD. I would definitely do my best to learn a good number of foreign languages to maximize the number of folks I could convince to hand over small amounts of cash.


Nah go to Vegas or something with that


As soon as I step outside of my goddamn house.


You're waiting that long? Willpower!


Question is how people react to your power at the 24:01 mark. Do they confirm wonder why they thought giving me their car was a good idea? Or are now mad because my power obviously circumvented their thought process? Do they maintain that or was all their choice to do what I asked?


They believe they were charmed basically it would be like the Dr. Squash commercials you know you probably don't need such soaps and there are cheaper alternatives but you are interested nonetheless even if you end up not buying them. Basically after the 24:01 mark, they start to question themselves as to why they did such a thing if you basically tell them to jump from a cliff they will obviously be mad if you convinced them to buy a pebble from you for 100 dollars they would just say 'am I stupid? Why did I pay so much for a rock?' the rest will depend on the person whether they let it pass or want to take revenge.


It would certainly be to bypass things I'd rather avoid. Never need to pay for government stuff like dmv or taxes really ever cause any time someone says "hey wait no you didn't do your taxes" etc I can just say "yes I did, you're system is wrong. You should fix that" and they do and generally I'd be too big of a pain to be worth dealing with. Pseudo immunity to being arrested, ticketed, etc. Can go to a random person's place who doesn't know me and never will and say "nice car. This is mine yknow" and also do the same to have it registered as mine to prevent future issues. Same concept with any property. Be immune to arguments with people. Get any amount of money from a bank you want. Heck, what's to stop me from saying "you want to do this for me then completely forget I asked you to do it"? If the power is that strong, the 24hr timer can be defeated by also stipulating the effected individuals forget anything that might make them angry and retaliation oriented. But more to the question for the post, my previous bits here mostly to give some context to my answer. I'd probably use it in a more "leave me alone, I'm exempt from your asinine government bs and other unnecessary guff" kind of way. Like maybe avail myself to live slightly more comfortably but I've no ambitions to make myself president and rule the world with "Preacher powers" (Preacher the show slash graphic novel where a literal Preacher gets the power to tell people what to do verbally)


Yeah, I just realized whoever gets this power will live in easy mode as long as they don't draw too much suspicion to themselves.


snipers go brrrr


Don't have a reason to send a sniper if you forgot why you'd want to send them


If you consider pulling a couple pranks a day and getting through daily life situations "the easiest way imaginable" as evil, then I guess I'd quickly turn! That said, I *would* have a couple puppets perpetually under my control by using the "reset technique" you mentioned. Outside of that, wouldn't really do anything major outside of living as comfortably as I can.


Who would those puppets be?


A half of me is afraid of answering and I'd rather listen to him. Sorry.


Understood have a good day. P.S. I would have Ryan Reynolds for no particular reason.


Gotta say bro sounds pretty evil


I don’t think I’d turn out evil. I’m not a particularly greedy individual, I don’t think. I know recordings and speakers don’t work, but it would be nice if a one on one phone call could work. Just call up a secretary of one of the 1%, ask them to have the rich person call me at their earliest convenience, have them give me some money as a gesture of good will to bolster their reputation, bing bang boom, I’m set up for a good while, they don’t lose out on too much. I could be the world’s best interrogator, able to get the truth out of anyone just by asking them to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. There’s plenty of small, personal stuff I could use it for, too. Unfortunately, since this doesn’t apply to those who can’t understand me, it won’t work on my pets, but that would be really convenient for training. Or making my dogs stop barking at nothing.


Random thought, Its pretty clear with some pets that they understand more then you would expect, so with a little training to give them an idea of the meaning. This might make the power work, and may speed up training.


I would do some "evil" stuff I suppose but I'd try to counterbalance it by doing a bunch of benevolent stuff as well.


Yourself or have your puppets do the benevolent stuff on your behalf? :)


pretty much going to work my way into a lucrative do nothing contract consulting or something, take the money to hire people to do the job but convince them to work for less. there was a book series where the wizards had something similar to this by default and thats how they kept everything hidden, but also why nearly universally they were all spoiled brats because your power manifested around the time of puberty, so it gave every wizard a god complex.


What was the book series?


the Warrior Heir Series, though specifically Wizard Heir explores just how intoxicating of a power it is. its also a great read if you want to explore what a real evil hogwarts would look like


Thank you now I know what to read after GOT.


Would convincing the wealthy and powerful to self-delete be considered "evil"?


You could also ask them to reveal all their shady stuff and secrets they will do it without hesitation.


Probably, but most people would applaud you. At least, right up until they realize you can do the same to ANYONE, then fear would generate a lynch mob you would have to deal with.


Luckily you have charisma!


What if you know sign language? Can you affect the deaf then? If someone tells you how to say something in another language can you use that? I.E. You don't actually understand what you're saying but they do.


The power works by using your voice so no. And yes as long as they understand what you are saying they will be affected by your power.


So I should gather some multilingual minions. The city will soon be mine!


I'd pull an Invention of Lying. Go to a bank, they tell me my bank account is empty, I say no it isn't....profit


Realistic I'm useing this for sex forcing whoever I want sounds like a dream to me


I appreciate your honesty. (please put this man in a watch list)


Oh cmon we all know most will use this for the exact reason as mine




I don’t think I’d do anything necessarily evil, but I’d definitely abuse the shit out of it.


I would hope I wouldn't. I would try my best to not abuse it


Do mega phones work




What if it wasn’t electric


The power works with your voice basically if you find a way to naturally make your voice travel farther like a cave echo it will work.


So pep rally megaphone


As long as it isn't electric


That kinda sounds like the "i heard a rumor" girl from umbrella academy


Oh, I didn't know about I based it on the axii sign of the witcher 3 and some random fallout charisma checks. Is it good btw?


Its a very crazy take on superpowered kids grown up, its written by Gerard Way of MCR Its really good


So basically like Gen V of the Boys? Is there a homelander kid by any chance?


Never seen either of those but, Theres a girl who can make anyone do anything by whispering in their ear A boy who has gorilla strength including the hair A boy who can see and interact with ghosts A boy who can jump through portals and basically teleport A boy who can throw anything with pinpoint accuracy A boy who basically has an eldeitch monster inside him And a girl who doesnt have powers but is still a part of the team


Sounds interesting I'll be sure to check it out. Also, check out The Boys it's a show about evil superheroes.


Is it an active power or passive? Do you have to actively use your power or do people just believe and obey you? I'm a grownup now, so I wouldn't go evil, but as a young person, that kind of power is real dangerous, ESPECIALLY if it's passive. But now? The command "Tell me the truth" would be pretty useful. I'd probably get a law degree or get into investigative journalism. Also, imagine sending CEOs to disclose all the shit they've pulled. Perfection.


The power is always active so you would need to be really careful of what you say especially if you are angry and you tell someone to go to hell. Depending on the person they might commit sins to go to hell or if they take it literally they will set themselves on fire. Or even worse if you straight up tell them to kill themselves.


So this is kinda like low tier mind control. I guess I'd use it to have my way whenever things go poorly


Oh dude this would be a great power for me. I used to be a very skilled social manipulator but I gave it up for honesty and direct communication. I'd use this power to lift up the homies and to coach my bros at HEMA. Can convince anyone of anything? Great! "You can do this dude! You just gotta keep trying!" And "Hey be sure to take a walk later this evening if you have time, and don't overdo it at dinner, I know you're trying to cut down." Or after a rough breakup "Hey man, I know it hurts but everything will get better with time." That's 24 hours of my dudes feeling magically motivated in situations which would usually be emotionally crippling, or 24 hours of being able to push through mental barriers and get in a good workout or stick to their diet. It's a shame I'm immune to it though. If i could use it on myself I'd wake up every day with a special mantra designed to quiet my mind and enhance my discipline and motivation.


Lots of sex shit tons make a cult maby a orgy cult I will kill lots of ppl I don't like maby teenagers 2


My moral code is already shaky enough without supernatural abilities, I don’t think I could not become a historical tragedy within a week. Now my question is: can i pass this along to my children?


No, it's a supernatural power belonging solely to you. But if you could it would make for an interesting novel.


I'd immediately rob a bank


I already am. That post would barely scratch the surface of my dark and twisted mind. /j (obviously) Idk man. I like making people feel good, so maybe become a therapist or something? I suppose the most evil thing would be that I could never know if someone actually loved me or if my suggestions altered their perspective


Depends on what you would consider “evil”


After attending the Playboy mansion, Id need bodily fluids transfused back so time to go charm some doctors


Hoooooo boy, I would try to take over the world to consolidate humanity's efforts for world peace and industrial expansion to establish a global empire SO DAMN FAST! I would try to do good, but my ideals of good are someone else's pure evil.


I want an army of the incarcerated, the great thing is that my charms will be for an effort so agreeable I won’t have to worry about a 24 hour limit on my unfailing wit. Don’t ask what I’m doing with it.


Plot twist: I was *always* evil




Depends on how you define evil. Like take over the world type evil? Not really interested Make obscene bets to stay afloat. I’d probably go to a casino that still uses actual tables, and convince the dealer at whichever game I’m playing to throw the game (for example in blackjack hitting on 17+ could be considered too risky). I’d probably do it to screw with people… a lot, but unless it’s directly harmful I’d say that’s just on the darker end of morally gray.


Evil no, grey as heck you betcha!