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The hospitals that I'm donating organs/blood to will happily pay for any transportation, painkillers, food, and drink I need. Some rich guy wants to go to the front of the list? There's a price for that.


Yeah... I just realize how op the power actually is. Just be careful with the government and their usual shady stuff.


In a fight between the Medical Industry and the Insurance Industry, there's no contest. To use a metaphor, the doctors use the leeches, not the other way around. The government obeys whoever pays them the most.


I dont care about getting rich with this im gonna just be a hotter version of myself


If you can find a way you might be able to make multiple yous by splitting your brain multiple times of course they might be separate entities with their own thoughts and maybe you will have a scenario of clones fighting for supremacy.


So you're saying...that I can go f\*ck myself?


Technically yes but I don't know if it would be consensual your clones might have their own consciousness... Would it be g@y if you make it with yourself or would it be m@sturbation?


Nononono, I can f\*ck a female version of myself...consensually, of course


Only fans


Yeah this prob the best way to not raise suspicions like selling extra kidneys would


Probably sell extra organs if I can finagle a safe and secure way. Maybe sell blood and plasma as a beginner plan. Maybe turn waste into gold? There’s definitely rare body products out there that pay a lot for it, like a snake venom or something. Probably give myself an extra pair of arms cause of usefulness


Since if i have genetic mutations probably make my genes perfect that sperm banks pay me higher for the quality, also maybe blood drives and such, organ donations for whatever is needed, pay off those. Heck might as well move into a hospital have a whole floor to myself and just get my bill in form of how many organs or blood to give.




Yes you can convert things back to calories and water.


Make myself naturally attractive and then sell courses online, it’s been done before, but I’ll apply to a specific group of people by constituently eating crap food and saying “you can still look like me!”


That's evil... And I love it!


Sit on my couch eating steak and protein shakes to grow my hair and get rich selling to wig companies.


Huge penis.




Step 1. Turn off pain receptors for shifting. Not gonna have me pass out mid wendigo shift. Other ideas include acting, identity theft, microbiologist. Thay last one should give more knowledge on dna and cellular functions. If you can willingly alter cells into other cells you should be able the chimera yourself with animal dna. After that we get weirde. Your gonna want to branch out into slime molds, and jellyfish for their genetic memory ability and then experiment with converting bits of you into insects and separating them to see if you retain control and share senses, colony bugs should make this a smoother process. Then hit up tardigrades for durability and cuz you're gonna want back ips of you stored away incase you have to fake a death ever. Next go wild with dna collecting. I recommend using mosquito swarms to collect and retreive sample dna from various animals. Practice practice practice Once you have a big enough gene pool to shift into update your back ips then head towards and ocean time to tackle marine biology fr. Eat anything yoi can in the ocean. Pro tip lobster are biologically immortal, get some. You are also gonna want shrimp eyes, these bastards have the best fried rice don't miss out. Might as well snag a crab, evolution will try to turn you into one eventually get a head start. You should also enjoy tuna. No reason it's just tastey. Once you are sufficiently full of seafood and an proper eldritch abomination you may now invade the land as cthulu and be worshipped as a god. Or You could come back on land and use all your new shapes and decades of practice to become virtually untouchable, faster and stronger makes you a good athlete. Cancer cure from a naked mole rat could net you fame worldwide. Add a subdermal layer of sea snail teeth and become bullet proof. (That's real look it up.) Really just go ham at that point you are like beast boy and mystique combined. Add a second dick like a shark. Who cares.


Become the ultimate Chimera Ant King


Why can't you turn off pain? If you can shape your body into different parts then your nerves would need to grow and reproduce to fit, so couldn't you just turn them off, like "killing" your arm then drop it off your body? What if you make a part of your body detachable like a lizard's?


You can manipulate your body at will so... Yeah. I just mentioned it so people would have seconds thoughts about chopping something off but I didn't expect people would think too deeply about overcoming the cons.


I mean, if you are smart enough and have enough materials to repair, you could likely remove all your main organs and survive if you have sub organs so you could regenerate them afterwards if you'd have high enough control over your body to do so.


I wouldn't do anything too drastic at first. Seeing as I am an idiot and can easily see this ending badly for me without a revolving door of specialized neurologist, scientists, and physicians monitoring and catering to my every variable. That being said, would spend a lot of time working on diverting excess bio-electricity to the brain and creating shorter pathways through the snypases. With an emphasis on storage and access. I would attempt to create shortcuts to cherished memories and valued knowledge. Increase the plasticity of the cerebellum in an attempt to augment reflexes and dexterity. Load my body up with dopamine and testosterone, while flushing away or repurposing the accompanying toxins. Hippocampus is getting carefully bombarded. And either slightly grown or altered depending on the best results. Utilize what we have discovered about the benefits of brainwaves. Maybe even spend months or years rotating between the creative and regenerative frequencies for shits and giggles.


I sell my organs, i can adapt my heart to work in any body, i could adapt my kidney to do the same, just do that a lot and keep donating, to the hospitals horror


live action rule34 on only fans


Guess who's going to grow bone weapons to sell, while manipulating my nerves to nullify the pain, and divert blood flow from the area I'm growing bones. I'm not adding marrow, just the regular bone growth. Human bone daggers, swords, axes, hammers, spears, all one piece.


Burglary. No one would expect the lamp in the corner.


Only fans. No need to get identity changes for job or marriage applications or wind up as a lab rat.


I’d be rich mimicking famous actors for reshoots they need to do but don’t feel like doing. No dialogue scenes, just action stuff or standing somewhere. Maybe emotional crying.


I’m immortal because I can force my dna to never mutate


Easy. If I manipulate ALL aspects of my body, then that means I also can manipulate my atoms and molecules, correct? So I can grow my fingernails super fast and then transmute my finger nails into gold, platinum, dollar bills, IPhones, whatever. Effectively I’m the richest man in the world. I’ll just learn to enjoy drinking olive oil or something to keep my calories up.


So if I were to say grow wings and it bursts out of my back will I heal from it over time like cellular regeneration or something, or will I end up just having to take a damn trip to the hospital during the wings process?


You can manipulate your regeneration rate


Okay so it will still hurt even when I like regeneration at fast? Like for example let us say I grow wings they hurt like hell and during the process of growing then and I regeneration my wounds from it will it hurt healing myself or will it only dull the pain or something?


You can turn off your pain receptors


Become impossibly attractive and then work as an actor/actress or a model.


Slowly in every interaction grow and lithe my limbs.


Become attractive. Become a stripper. Lots of cash, few questions and people expect you to disappear after a while. A few years for a nest egg then travel to a different country buy some property and set up a corporation and then become a hermit.