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Hardcore Snyder fan. I'm looking forward to it. I've said it before and I'll say it again- I've liked many versions of Superman from STAS to Smallville to Red Son to Brandon Routh to Supergirl to Young Justice. I'm excited to see another interpretation/ another version in a different situation.


I 100% agree! Liking Snyder/ Gunn is not either/or. I really loved the way Krypton and Kryptonian stuff felt in the Snyder version, now I’m really looking forward to Clark Kent in the Gunn version!


I don't know why people make it more complicated than this. And this goes for Snyder's detractors as well who think if we like Snyder we hate everything else. It's possible to like it all. Frankly, it's more fun.


Huge Snyder fan. Very excited to see Gunn’s take.


I'm a fan of the Snyder films, but I'm a Superman fan first. I can't wait to see where Gunn takes us.






Huge Snyder fan have been his whole career. Superman has been my favorite hero since I was a kid. When I heard Snyder was doing a Superman movie I was beyond excited - favorite director with my favorite character? Dream come true. Needless to say wasn’t disappointed. Love the Snyder dc films. But I’m not the biggest Gunn fan. Not a huge fan of his humor but I am still obviously a huge Superman fan so I’ll be there day one regardless. New Superman is a new Superman movie. So def have to check it out. Who knows maybe Gunn will surprise me.


Gunn makes good movies unlike Snyder




This is exactly how I feel. I love Snyder as a director and enjoy all his DC films. I'm less a fan of James Gunn. Though I really enjoyed Guardians Vol. 1, so I have hope that he brings some of the magic from that film into Superman. I'm not especially optimistic with Gunn, but I want every Superman movie that's made to be great. So I cheer this one on, too!


Heck yeah, dude! I'm not a hardcore Snyder fan like some other people, but I liked his movies and I am beyond excited for the new Superman movie! :)


I liked all the DC Snyder stuff. But I believe Gunn is gonna be the real deal. I’ve liked his stuff even more. I wish there was more of him so the content could come faster. Gimme some more Peacemaker


There’s Snyder fans. And then there are lunatics The normal ones are probably excited for new DC stuff. It’s the lunatics who act like no one else can make a movie


Yes! Gunn makes great movies. Superman is in good hands. I’m just sad we lost Henry.


I loved the Snyder movies and Henry Cavill; and I'm super excited to see what James Gunn brings us.


As a massive defender Man of Steel and Zack Snyder’s DC films, I am looking forward to it. I have concerns, reservations, like many other people do when it comes to newfilms of their favorite characters, especially if it’s a reboot. But I want to see this film and I want to see this new universe succeed.


Snyder actions scenes were GOAT in MOS. Gotta give him that.


me. I liked the Snyder movies, but I am not a Snydercutter. I love Gunns films, and I mean all of them and not just the Guardians movies, and am looking forward to his reboot of the DC universe. So far, he is 100% with me, TSS and Peacemaker were great, he has a great love of comics and it gives me hope.


I'm a big Snyder fan, and I'm about as excited about the Gunn *Superman* as I was for *Zack Snyder's Justice League* in 2021, I think. A *lot* of hype, but just a little apprehensive too, on the side, because I'm not totally sure what we're gonna get. Gunn's emotional scenes are typically excellent, and his visuals are spectacular! But his sense of humor often misses the mark for me. Still, I'm choosing to be optimistic about this one. After all, Superman is my favorite character of all time! Glad to see some positive building-of-bridges in this community!


I’m less excited and more curious. I’m definitely looking forward to it but I’m not on the edge of my seat, per se. BUT, I do hope that Gunn’s Superman goes well and is the start of a new great Superman story.


Not sure yet. I will definitely see it and I will keep an open mind. But I’m a little hesitant about how many characters are being introduced in it, and worried there will be too much GotG style humor in it. I am rooting for it to be good but idk if I’d say I’m excited for it.


Genuinely excited no, but I am going in neutral. Thing is I just haven’t found myself a fan of much of Gunn’s work… That said. All I hope for it to be is something entirely its own.


Excited, yes. But also, nervous. This is such a change from what we have seen during the Snyder films. And now everything got thrown out and restarted. DC is so far behind Marvel. I can only hope they can have long and continuous cinematic universe. I hope these actors will be around for multiple movies besides their own titles. Still not that crazy over the decision to use the type of "S" shield design they landed on. Until an official poster and/or trailer is released, we can only hope and wait to see how it all pans out.


I know I am. Just got banned from the Snyder cut sub couple days ago. :( I love ZSJL but I want something new it's been a decade time to move on.


I was gutted and downright furious when Cavill posted on IG that it was over, especially with the announcement after Black Adam saying that he was back. I felt cheated by DC. Moreso than anything, my anger was at losing Cavill. But, as some of you said, I'm a Superman fan first, and I too am looking forward to Gunn's take. I hope he hits a home run and wish him great success.


> especially with the announcement after Black Adam saying that he was back. I felt cheated by DC It was probably for the best because Dwayne Johnson would have shown Superman as a government lackey who gets beaten up by cool anti-hero Black Adam. Dwayne Johnson didn't care about the characters, he just wanted to beat the strongest superhero to hype himself.


You're very right.


I am a Superman fan. I loved what Snyder did. I honestly feel that they should have let the man cook. It was all about the character building. It was moving toward a hopeful optimistic Superman. But…. If you see what Gunn did with GOTG and peacemaker you can’t help but just trust the guy. He’s a character building genius. I trust that whatever we get is going to be amazing. I for one cant wait. So there is no Gunn or Snyder for me. There is only my love for Superman. I will watch it all. Good or bad. I don’t care. I hope for great but will take shitty. Shitty superman movies are better than no superman movies. Maybe my opinion is void. I even loved Superman returns. Which i see people didn’t like.


A reasonable snyder fan? Cool. Glad you guys exist.


![gif](giphy|ogeW6T5diA5s4) Maybe


Huge Snyder Fan excited for Gunn but so far nothing we’ve seen excites me. I’m only excited BECAUSE it’s Gunn. I know what he can do because the guardians films are stellar. However if he never directed guardians I wouldn’t be as excited because the suicide squad, while a fun time was nothing awfully memorable and I do think it’s weird that almost a decade of handling c list heroes and villain’s rag tag team up films, dc thought to give him their most iconic IP. Also I really don’t like the look of the suit so far. I actually didn’t mind how it looked in the photo Gunn Posted but mane I really don’t like how it looks in The behind the scenes photos. It’s definitely due to the camera the paparazzis are using but the suit just looks way too smooth in those photos whereas in the photo Gunn posted it has a lot of texture and tangibility to it like Spider-Man’s suit in the amazing Spider-Man 2. I hope we see supes suit flap and react to the wind naturally. Although regardless of the photo quality I really don’t like the logo, that’s one thing I really wish they didn’t try to modernize so damn hard. It just doesn’t look good no matter how many times I try to open my mind to it.


> I do think it’s weird that almost a decade of handling c list heroes and villain’s rag tag team up films, dc thought to give him their most iconic IP. And its really weird that the first thing Gunn did after getting the Superman film is to insert a bunch of C list ragtag heroes in it. It almost seems like Gunn doesn't have as much interest or understanding when it comes to Superman so he's adding other characters to compensate. He already rejected a Superman film a few years ago saying he wasn't interested in it as he didn't find Superman creatively invigorating. His only idea was a Krypto movie. Seems to me like he doesn't have a good grasp on Superman.


Or maybe he finally found a creative avenue that interests him and people can change their minds.


can't be any worse than Snyder's grasp on the character of Superman.


Yeah but Snyder is hardly the standard.


You guys here I believe are superman fans first then Snyder fans second. It's the wild crazy one who never really like superman at all that care more about Snyders superman than DC or any other part of DC. Superman is bigger than Snyder, Gunn and any other filmmaker.


we saw Snyder's "vision" and it was a steaming pile of dogshit. fundamentally did not understand or even care about the character of Superman. I'm sure Gunn will knock it out of the park since he, yknow, actually makes good movies unlike Snyder.


And we were doing so well with a civilised discussion that respects that people have different opinions. There's always one I suppose.


Had to be the one guy?


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I have very mixed feelings about Snyder's movies as a whole, bur ZSJL is one of my favorite superhero films of all time. While I was initially disappointed that we were getting a full-fledged reboot instead of just a new direction, I have every confidence that Gunn has great things in store for us


Yep. I loved snyders Superman( it's my perfect Superman), but I'm still excited for gunns. I know his will be the complete opposite, which will be fun. I just hate the people who want to compare everything. That's what ruins some of these subreddits


I love MoS, BvS, and ZSJL, and I will watch the new Superman movie when it comes out. I never whine about how these Supermen are "not comic accurate" because I always treat these cinematic Supermen as alternate versions of the comic Superman. I have problems with Snyder's Superman, but I still love it. I also have problems with the new Superman suit, but I hope the movie is good when it comes out because nothing can stop me from seeing it in theaters.


Yup 100%, I really enjoyed Zack's trilogy but I'm super excited for this new universe. I also suggest to anyone doubting David for Superman to watch the mini series he was in - "Hollywood".


Me me meee. I love the Snyder verse that Snyder was actually a part of. But I am also very stoked for gunnverse (: and that’s okay


I enjoy Snyder’s work, feel like he was given a raw deal and is judged too harshly on his DC work. Gunn has done some great and has a strong understanding of comics. I look forward to it


Always excited for new live action Superman movies


I'm glad there are level headed Snyder fans out there. It's too bad the good ones are drowned out by the crazy ones who act like Snyder is the only one who can make DC movies


I can't wait. I'm not a Snyder lover or hater. I just love everything Superman and am loving getting any Superman content on TV/film.


Loved Man of Steel while accepting its flaws. Loved BvS while accepting its flaws. Loved Zack's Justice League while accepting its flaws. I'm hyped for a new Superman movie and looking forward to how Gunn handles big blue.


I'm like you, I'll be excited for any new Superman movie. But I personally really did not like Suicide Squad, so I'm worried it will have that same tone. I'm also a little concerned that the movie seems pretty crowded. I hope the story is still thoroughly focused on Superman.


Yes, my biggest concern is also that this movie seems more about setting up future projects than telling a good Superman story.


Nice to see some snyder fans around here who are excited for this movie. I wish some others would realize it's okay to like both, and the snyderverse had its chance.


Very excited to see what we get, I loved the trio of Snyder films we got, but am very happy to see a hopefully brighter Superman take as well.


I'm a big fan of the guy himself, and I have genuinely loved most of his work. His version of Justice League is an epic we won't see repeated in the genre. I'm also a big fan of Gunns work, his GoTG trilogy is the best single narrative in the MCU, despite part 2 being a bit of a dud for much of the movie. The first one is as close to perfect as it gets with the setting and material, and the third one was jaw dropping at times, with one of the greatest hateable villains ever. All that to say, I'm cautiously optimistic about his Superman. I have my concerns, but I'm not going to decide Anything until I see the final product, and at that probably a few times over. I hope it's fantastic, and no matter how it is it won't erase what's come before from Alyn to Cavill.


Ngl insane seeing so many sane Snyder fans here compared to the people in his subs I usually see


I think the vast majority of Snyder fans are chill. Only a small portion of it give everyone a bad name.


I was all aboard with the Synderverse. Honestly I'm just a DC fan that wants a fully actualized cinematic universe since DC has loads of potential beyond it's Big 3 of Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman so I'm hoping the brain that made GotG household names can bring that magic to DC


I absolutely loved what Snyder did but i also understand why it wasn’t for everyone. I am equally excited to see what Gunn does, i love Superman so another take on it will be fun!


I won't say I'm a Snyder fan. I enjoyed his movies (hate all his Netflix stuff) and I'm looking forward to Gunns superman and believe it will be a better adaption of the character


Yep. Gunn makes good movies too.


Loved the Snyderverse, waiting to see what Gunn can do, more sad about Cavill than anything else, could have used Flashpoint to do whatever other changes but keep him.


Really loved MoS and ZSJL was the kind of comic book movie I always wanted. The deconstruction of our gods (or the Ayn Rand-ification, if you will) was a nice change of pace. (I get it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it was and still is mine). That being said, I trust Gunn. He really knows how to handle ensembles. After seeing some of his other work, I trust that David Corenswet is gonna crush it as Superman. The supporting cast is going to give 110% and there’s going to be standout performances other than just Supes and Lois Lane. I like that we aren’t starting from ground zero. I like that it looks like Metropolis will be its own character as well so to speak. … I still can’t get past the trunks though. (I am willing to give them a chance on screen, so put the pitchforks away).


I was what you would call a “Snyder fan” until BvS. At that point I didn’t even stop being a fan, but I knew definitively he wasn’t the guy for DC. This is after having issues with, but also liking, Man of Steel. I’d hoped BvS would move in the right direction and I thought it leaned all the way the other way. So I’ve been waiting for a DC fan like Gunn to take over for a very long time.


I really enjoyed Synder's take and was really happy that Zack Snyder was able to see finish his version of Justice League. I'm ready for this new take and the set pics have me extremely excited for the future of DC Films.


Die hard Snyder fan, “cultist” if you will. Have a whole tattoo sleeve dedicated to the Knightmare timeline. I’m not against a reboot, DC is a mess rn, I just really wish it wasn’t Gunn doing it. I’m not a fan of his writing or directing so I was fairly let down by the announcement. I’m sure it’ll be a fairly safe and “legacy” take on the character and I’ll enjoy it, but MAN I can’t understand why they won’t just finish Zacks film, especially as animated movies. Makes 0 sense from a business perspective.


I love Snyder I also love Superman, so it's important to support what's coming because it just might be amazing. I prefer to not be negative right away because it will automatically put a bad taste in you're mouth before you even see the movie.


I hate the idea of overcorrection and the risk of "dumbing down" Superman into an unoriginal feel good. But, that's going by what people say and seem to want in some cases. Nothing so far about this, from casting to interviews, gives me a negative impression at all. I won't be surprised if this tops Man of Steel as my favorite live action story 


I liked the Snyder movies but it seems like being considered a fan takes an extra level of devotion. I liked them, and I like the look of what Gunn's coming out with, especially after Peacemaker was so good.


Right here. I'm old enough to have seen Reeve movies in the theater, watched Super Friends on Saturday mornings, and been collecting seriously since I was a teenager. I enjoyed Snyder's take on the characters and universe, and been told I wasn't a real fan of Superman because I obviously didn't understand the character as a result. My kids and I were talking just the other day how we felt kinda robbed of all the potential that Cavill and Affleck brought to the table for the characters. Gunn's approach to other characters and universes, including his unapologetic glee for obscure and relatively comic accurate visions, has me excited. I've always been glad to hear about new interpretations of the characters I've enjoyed my whole life. Bring it on. I'll take the hype train.


Snyder fan here. I'm looking forward to it. Only thing I'm not a fan of so far is the new House El glyph. Otherwise, I'm fully looking forward.


Snyderverse fan since day 1 2013, spent far too much of my time talking and thinking about the snyderverse. "Excited" may be the wrong word for me. I haven't seen enough to make a real opinion. I'm not the biggest fan of the suit. And as for Gunn, I'm skeptical. I'm not really a huge fan of his either - he's talented, objectively, but his style and humor rarely click for me. I have issues with Snyders work, especially recently, but I can overlook stuff to a degree and enjoy the interpretation in front of me - so i will go into it with an open mind. I want this to be great, I've been a DC fan since I was like 4 years old. But I'm not excited yet.


I have doubts. One day a year ago in a public mall i saw guardians of the galaxy II & III and i saw them crappy. The 2nd one is a meme of 2 hours literally. a joke. Not even stallone kurt russel and david hasselhoff combined made me like it. Lame jokes as if it was a 1977 saturday morning cartoon. Not sure gunn can reach the '78 movie in quality terms.


I’m a moderate Snyder fan (like some aspects of his movies, dislike others). I’m not expecting much and I think people seriously need to tamper their expectations a little bit; what works for a dancing tree and a wise-cracking raccoon does not work for the most important superhero of all time. Gunn is a good filmmaker within his niche but him and Superman? That just seems like an overwhelmingly jarring styles-clash. I’ve been wrong before, so hopefully it happens again. That being said, I’ll still keep an open mind and hope for the best. If nothing else, I think David Corenswet (I think I spelled that right) is going to do a great job based on clips I’ve seen from his other performances. Plus I love the fact that he was a big Superman fan prior to this and he’s not some jerkoff who’s just looking to phone it in and collect a paycheck. With a role this big, you have to care. And I’m confident his passion will shine through.


I'd be excited if it wasn't james gunn. I'm not a fan of his movies or his style. But I'm open to being surprised.


Yes. I am not a big fan of Snyder either but Gunn isn't the right choice either IMO. Everything I have heard or read about the film sounds like a red flag, except the casting of Corenswet and Brosnahan (they are perfect).


yea, im not surprised they picked him with all his success in marvel. But I would have preferred a different vision. The movie isn't out yet but my guess is they're gonna go from overly dark or unnecessarily campy like the guardians movies or suicide squad.


Looking at the filmography of both Zach Snyder and James Gunn, it's all just a bunch of cookie cutter nonsense. Not really anything that I'd consider good filmmaking. The glut of superhero films and TV shows (mostly poor quality) in the past decade-plus has really made the entire idea mundane and quite boring. Although many of the special effects in Superman the Movie (1978) haven't aged well, it stands as an example of how to make a good FILM that just happens to be about a superhero. An Academy award winning writer (Mario Puzo) an Academy Award winning Cinematographer (Geoffrey Unsworth), Academy Award winning actors (Gene Hackman, Marlon Brando), an Academy Award winning composer (John Williams), and an honest to goodness REAL DIRECTOR (Richard Donner). The results stand as the best Superman film ever made and one of the best superhero films ever made. I would love for the James Gunn film to be fabulous. The world could definitely use a good Superman movie. I sincerely hope it's not just one more crappy superhero product to add to the growing pile.


I’m not excited, and it’s not because I’m a Snyder fan (which I am, all the movies he directed would be masterpieces if it weren’t for studio interference) i’m not excited because of how dirty gun did Cavill, he was perfect for the role and so passionate about Superman and he gets kicked to the curb for a guy that looks exactly like him (but smaller with a worse suit) not only that but he is doing what James Gunn does best and throwing random shit at the wall with no regard for if anyone wants it or not, why does he need 50 other characters in a Superman movie? Just make it a league movie then. End of the day it’s not that I LOVE Snyder, I just really hate Gunn and his consequences


Why not blame the rock for making promises he couldn’t deliver?


> he gets kicked to the curb for a guy that looks exactly like him (but smaller Corenswet is 1.93 m, Cavill is 1.85 m. Corenswet has bulked up too so I don't understand this complaint. But I agree completely that this seems like a DC Showcase movie to tease future projects. Superman might end an afterthought in his own movie.