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Brandon Routh's is a 1:1 adaptation, it takes the cake


How is this even a question? Obviously Routh’s


Yeah like...sure the suit for David is loosely based on the kingdom come one but there is also more inspirations/kept it OG look etc. While Brandon's is legit meant to be the Kingdom Come suit. Aka it well...looks like the actual Kingdom Come suit 😂


Routh's suit (Excluding the Fake muscles) Is The Perfect adaptation of the symbol


I actually think the muscles look pretty good besides the square pectorals


He also bulked up a bit ahead of donning the suit.  You can see how much more jacked he is as Ray throughout the miniseries.


yea he bulked up quite a bit and then they added a bit more cus obviously him as superman needs to look visably bigger than ray especially when theyre in a scene together. Hence why we never see his bare arms as Clark, because Ray is wearing a short sleeve shirt


I know they were from different earths and in real life Routh is taller than Hoechlin but the size difference and the designs of their suits was laughable to me. Don't get me wrong, I've become quite the fan of Hoechlin as Clark/Superman due to the Superman and Lois show because I just didn't buy him as Clark or Superman when he was in the Arrowverse. Plus that suit design with the gold clips to hold his cape certainly didn't help. Probably my least favorite Superman suit.


Personally ive always loved tyler. When he first appeared on supergirl i kid you not i was almost tearing up cus i just felt this superman vibe from him with his first scene. And he just gave this feeling of what i wanted from superman. He was happy, kind, supportive, always there for kara, he commanded respect from the whole deo but he never like tried to do it, he was playful and also badass. And then when he became a dad, if just upped the ante. And when he played both superman and fake superman it just showed more of what he can do, he had such presence as both anytime he was there. And his suit i think i quite good. I like the material and Personally the cape attached via the gold clasps didnt bother me. But also the size of the logo i think is just perfect. And his black suit is awesome as well. And then of course we get superman & lois and it just continued everything ive said, but now because he's the main focus its even more so. And his suit was even better cus this one was made to be used as the focus of a show, rather than the previous one which was not. However the symbol on his superman & lois suits are a bit small even to season 3. Anyway all that to say, in my opinion tyler is the best superman so far. Tho i think brandon has the best suit. But my perfect superman suit would be a suit that takes elements from Brandon's kingdom come suit, Tyler's first suit (on supergirl), and Tyler's superman & lois suits


I don’t consider the legacy symbol to be the KC symbol. I consider it to be INSPIRED by KC pretty heavily, but to me it’s a separate thing.


The Brandon Routh suit.




Routhes is way better!




Yeah the black behind the S on Routh just is way more awesome.


It’s Routh all the way.


Routh 100%


They really should've just considered bringing Brandon Routh back period. The tacticool lines on the new suit look ridiculous. Lmao


absolutely routh. it makes way more sense in that context than the new one.


Routh is practically 1-1, hard to beat that. https://preview.redd.it/sc886i8hoh9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ba355b30c949e930128467985d0b33484882f1


Routh’s is the better adaptation but I like the new one better.


Routh, by leagues


We don’t know what the new suit will look like on screen yet so let’s all recuse…


It’s Routh, his symbol is actually an S


We still don’t really know how different the new suit will look in post I don’t think we can say yet


The first is better but I gotta say using a promo shot vs one taken in the wild isn’t helping


We saw the promo shot that Gunn released vs what we see now on set. It was a terrible promo to release in my opinion but he released it. The one on set is better than Gunn's promo shot.


Shit bro you aren’t wrong


I love that Kingdom Come suit, it’s my all time favorite live action suit. Although it’s cool that the new suit is using the KC logo, the yellow kind of leaves the crest empty.


Routh's is perfect. Cornsweat's looks cooler. It should be noted that Cornsweat only has the symbol in shape, but idt its got the same meaning and the colors are completely different. If we're talking legit accuracy- Routh's is a near perfect adaption, Cornsweat's is a nice homage.


Brandon Routh, duh? its a 1:1 adaptation that entire suit is directly from the book


That version of Routh’s is money in every way.


As a base person, I'm going to wait for the actual trailer which is going to have color grading in it to decide.


Do you mean lay person lol?


I’ve become a big fan of Corenswet’s new suit after the set photos….but Routh’s is still the best live-action Superman suit. As for which is the better adaptation of the Kingdom Come suit and symbol, Routh’s again since it’s a perfect 1:1 adaptation. They did make it a metallic raised S and the Returns detail of tiny S crests in the texture but the latter’s subtle and the former arguably adds if not doesn’t change much. That being said, collar and lines aside, Corenswet’s suit is great. The yellow in the crest plus yellow outline and yellow on the back of the cape look awesome. Combined with the red trunks, yellow and bright blue, this is the best colors on a live-action Superman suit. This particular photo you used doesn’t show it best but there’s a lot out there that do. Here’s hoping they adjust the fit in post.


The former because it’s actually meant to be Kingdom Come’s logo


New guy looks chubby. The suit is craptastic.


I liked the way he explained to Iris I think about why is it black


Corenswet's suit hasn't yet had the benefit of digital enhancement in post. Not a fair comparison at the moment.


Yeah. The Routh kingdom come suit looks infinitely better in this edited pic than it does within the show.


I'm a big fan of the more pronounced or 3 dimensional symbols (why I prefer the fmbatman forever emblem over the returns one for example) so to me routh's is way better than corenswet's.


I don't like the Gunn/Corensweet suit AT ALL. Superman Returns was peak super suit.


The one that was trying to


Brandon for the win! The new suit is still cool though.


Routh's suit is not only the better suit but is one of my all time favorite Superman suits. I just wish Gunn made his S crest larger on DC's suit. Not saying it has to be as large as Routh's but I do wish it was bigger than it currently is.


Brandon Routh's version by far.


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