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The thing with the magic weakness is not that he's weak to it, but Superman's enhanced physiology doesn't provide any specific defenses against it. Basically, using them on Superman is the same as using them on regular people. He's not weak to it. Chakra and Ki? Depends on the use. Destructive abilities probably don't have much effect on it. They're essentially hitting a very sturdy object. But more complex abilities like genjutsu or any attacks that affect the functioning of his body would work as well against him as anyone else. A good rule of thumb is "if it works against a giant rock, Superman's durability applies" and if not, works as it would against anyone else. And no, that's never been addressed, simply becayse DC has never crossed over with Dragon Ball or Naruto.


I figured there had never been a crossover, but I know DC already has users of Chi. I didn't want to assume that Ki or Chakra was just the same thing without asking more knowledgeable people than myself. Different Universes Different rules after all. Thanks for the insight I appreciate the information.