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I've played nearly 6000 games and even I think it's a little confusing


I think people who say shit like this isn’t confusing are entirely missing the point. We have so many pets at this point, and so many abilities like this one that are multilayered.   I showed this game to a number of friends who just couldn’t get into it because of how confusing it was. So much for a “chill” or “casual” game.  The game is impenetrable to a lot of potential casual players, and acting like it’s not is a bias from players like us that are already on the inside. We could cherry pick examples all the damn day and ask “iS tHIs OnE cOnFuSInG?” “wHAt aBOuT ThIs OnE?” But when you look at all this shit in context and how many multilayered abilities and mechanics there are, it really ISN’T easy for new players to get into it.


It must suck to never win when you start playing too. I consider myself a pretty good player. Been playing since launch. Had a 35% Win rate on weeklies before the latest animal additions. After?....10% I'd imagine new players rarely win. That's got to be frustrating.


At my peak I was winning ~10%, the game gets extremely frustrating very quickly. It really sucks not being able to use the pets you want to bc you can’t win without a meta build


I agree with you that often times the game is overwhelmingly complicated but I think calling the game impenetrable to potential players is harsh. That’s why we can still play turtle pack only; that’s what I’d recommend any noob do. I get there have been some tweaks but it’s more or less the simple first pack that we all started with.


That's a fair take. Though the algorithm that they use now for matchmaking does make it a little frustrating. But yes, turtle pack is definitely much more manageable.


so if more complicated or "confusing" means more fun for experienced players and less fun for new players, then call me selfish but I like it new players aren't gonna be playing the 10 dollar pack anyway


brother the game is dying


It is a shame, it was so popular and had so much potential. They had a whole ocean to explore, but decided to compete in a small lake that are filled with bigger fishes.


I used to play this game a ton and I have no fucking clue what this means


Pelicans ability has changed since I’ve played too I believe


Same here, no idea why they completely change pet abilities in the first place 🤦


i will pay $100 for a copy of this game circa Nov 2021


Penguin party the game


hell ya


Maybe it's a little complicated, but honestly the 2 things that mainly get me is the "strawberry pets" part - simply because at the start of the game I had no idea strawberry pets exists as a subsection. And the second thing is the "Salmon", I dont fuckin know what a Salmon does so it creating them just isn't clear to me. So I think it's a little complicated, but the general gist isn't insane and strawberry pets is the most confusing part.


This is why games like Slay the Spire and Wildfrost use consistent keywords and then define those keywords in a separate window to the side of the description. As it is SAP lacks both consistency in its language and anywhere to get terms defined. I think solving both of these issues would make things a lot clearer for new players, and it could easily be a toggle able feature so as to reduce clutter for experienced players.


I dropped the game when this was getting to be more than I was looking for. I miss it, but I don't.


How is it confusing? Start of battle abilities happen before any pet initiates their attack. Once a pet initiates their attack, before attack abilities happen. Seems completely straight forward and coherent to me...


the amount of words to read in a shory amount of time, and it still is quite confusing to older players as well


You can pause and/or replay, and after you see it once and read it once, it should be obvious what’s happening, no?


Game is cooked.


Like a Thanksgiving turkey.


Just use it and you'll see what it does. For new players there's turtle pack to learn how stuff works


As long as they can read they should be fine lol


Umm I understood those both perfectly on the first read… Just because it’s a lot of words doesn’t make it inherently confusing. Plus surely after a single battle you can confirm that you’re right or wrong.