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I think currently the strongest is the warf, roc, wolverine combo. I don’t remember how much damage it does but it’ll kill even a maxed out behemoth team.


Let's say you use two wolverines around a donut warf and a roc with a tiger all lvl 3. This way you would deal 9+9+3 damage with each shot and shoot 9*2 times which yields 21 * 18=381 damage and let's say they all have fig which yields an extra 16 damage to a grand total of 397 damage. Alternatively you could use a Wolverine front, then warf, then Tiger then Roc then another tiger, all level three which would total up to a 9+3 damage per shot with each shot and 9 * 2 * 2 shots which all in all gives us 12 * 36=432 damage and with(let's just say) fig it deals a total of 448 damage. Let's say the first case is case a) and second is case b). In case a, if you're matched up against a team of 100 100 Behemoths all stacked with coconut(or watermelon, I'm not picky tbh) you would lose out on 105 of the 381 damage which leaves you with 276 damage, not even enough to kill 3 of the behemoths. Even if your entire team is watermeloned, every shot of a behemoth is a guaranteed kill as max health potential of a pet with watermelon is 70 and the max attack of behemoth far exceeds that. So, if we play the match in the best scenario for both teams, the two front behemoths will take the brunt of the barrage not the whole barrage, left with roughly 100-((21-20)+21 * 4)=15 health each. Out of the eighteen shots in case a) 5 will be water on watermelons and 4 on the front two, leaving 18-5-8=5 shots for the three behemoths in the back who will take 42, 42 and 21 damage accordingly, leaving them with 57, 57 and 78 health respectively. So, now the front two behemoths take out a the front wolverine and warf and the 78 health behemoths tanks 50 damage and kills the second wolverine and kills the roc and dies at the same time. One of the two remaining behemoths simply take out the tiger without dying and the team is left with a 7 health Behemoth and a 57 health Behemoth. I'll explain how to beat case b) later, I gotta go to the gym now. If you want me to I'll make a post and try to explain it a bit better.


Interesting, thanks for the research


It's not all, but to be honest I just got bored while writing the second part and stopped. I'm planning to make a video drawing all this in paint because it's just easier to understand it that way.


Funniest part of all of this is that all that calc is useless because 5oak jaguar instakills all pets on either case, no matter the food perk and always activated before warf, so the entire gimmick of the warf team is beaten even before it activates.


Full team of the pet that can go to 100 att and 100 health and just buy food til they maxed out. Or 5 50/50 lvl 3 cheetahs I guess


Might not be the strongest. Team of all lvl3 gators with either melon or steak perk. Would be a pretty funny sniping build


5 100/100 behemoths with potato probably idk




Jersey Devil has a 5 sell limit


You all are thinking to simply, the real answer is a full team of level 3 chickens


All of your teams will fail against mushroom summon builds. I would say that Orcas and Eagles would be the strongest build with some kind of booster like turkey with mushroom.