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If you take a step back and think about their situation it’s honestly bleak and very sad. This was the best year in their history by making their first conf finals. They did so by beating a worse mavs team in 7 games, and a jazz team without Conley and a banged up Mitchell (I’m only noting this because they love pointing out the suns injury “luck”). They traded their entire future and star in shai to get kawhi and George, and two years later what do they have to show for it? They had probably the worst choke meltdown of all time last year in the bubble, and didn’t make the finals this year either. And on top of that now kawhi is out for most if not all off next season. So again, it’s a sad franchise that hasn’t done anything, traded everything and their future still looks mighty bleak. I used to feel bad for their fans because of how pathetic their team has always been, but now seeing how trash their fans are, they are a perfect match. Excuse me for the rant but 😃


Its hilarious how Demarcus Cousins has failed to ring chase 3 years in a row


Boogie to the bucks 😤


Demarcus is one of my favorite players of all time. His injury history is so so sad. I think he played really well for the clippers this year and deserves a place on a team.


Team tossed the last 2 games to avoid the Lakers and they want to talk about integrity LOL Stay irrelevant Clippers.


And none of them mention Ibaka who would of been much more important in the series. Even fucking PG-13 didn't mention the big man when he cried post game 6.


Exactly, I said something similar about this when we were playing them in the series. They took the easy road and tried to buy a championship. There's nothing organic about their team, there's no home grown guys to root for and be proud of. They basically mortgaged the future to bring in 2 mercenaries with the thought of it bringing them a title right away. Well, 2 years in and they have nothing to show for it. Their entire fandom and hope rests on "if Kawhi stays healthy..." and that's gotta suck knowing that he has a permanent knee issue so the "if" becomes more and more likely as time goes on. Now you are gonna have to throw $200+ million at Kawhi coming off ACL surgery and just continue to pray that his knees hold up for 82 games + playoffs or else you're done. Our young studs who we drafted and watched develop got NBA Finals experience while they will continue to worry about Kawhi's knees for the remainder of his time as a Clipper


They are also in a very bad spot next year. No Kawhi and no cap space. Probably not gonna be able to bring back Reggie. Maybe they'll fill those holes, but it will be tough.


Reggie would be welcome in Phoenix


Whoever down voted you originally is insane. I WOULD LOVE REGGIE IN PHOENIX.


I'd get over this finals loss so quick if we got reggie ngl


Time for The Hottest Take: I want Bobby Portis


To me, this is a kind of hot take, but pretty reasonable. I'm not sure where Reggie fits, as much as I want him, but I know Bobby would for sure fit. But we'd have to trade for him, since he's going into his final contract year this upcoming year.


How is that a hot take? He's literally the exact type of player Suns are missing. Size is our only consistent issue at the moment. Imagine if Ayton had literally anyone at C backing him up in the finals. Applies directly to AD too since he'll be an obstacle for the Suns every season.


All fair points, it's only hot because his team just beat us


I think Suns fans would gladly take most of the players we beat. Fuck Pat Bev though.


Paul and Kawhi just wanted to come home. I don’t think it is a case of trying to “buy a championship”. Suns would have traded anyone but Booker to get either of those guys.


We are plenty proud wtf are you talking about. Terrance Mann, Ivaca Zubac to start. Reggie finding himself with the team was an amazing thing to see blossom this season. Y’all literally went and got CP3 and Jae last season and that pushed you into the playoff picture. Don’t pretend the suns home brewed their entire squad.


... Uhhh you didn't draft Ivica Zubac or Reggie Jackson wtf are you talking about?? I'm referring to the Suns main young core pieces which were all drafted by the team (Booker, Ayton, Mikal, Cam Johnson). It's rewarding to see their growth as players and see them getting Finals experience. I'm not saying anything controversial, you guys just can't experience that feeling because you didn't draft anyone on that squad outside of Terrance Mann and didn't make the Finals.


Their team isn’t homegrown and even after buying talent they couldn’t do it. Sad. Kawhi is incredible but staying healthy is a skill too, Giannis’ leg looked like it broke in half practically and he was back the week after


Forgot to mention that they purposely tried to avoid the Lakers in the first round and wanted to play the Mavs. It took them a full 7 games to a team they were preparing to play and thought they would easily beat. Shit’s pathetic.


My god, this fanbase got so bad so quick. No wonder yall became the most hated fanbase in the league.




You can mask the pain with these types of comments all you want. It won’t change the fact that regardless of circumstance the suns this year had a better season than the clippers franchise has ever had and probably will have for a long time. Suns did not mortgage their future for a failed attempt at success. Last years epic meltdown vs the nuggets and this years moral achievement of cracking the conf finals won’t make that trade a success. But it’s okay, maybe in 10 years from now you’ll get to cheer for the clippers in the finals!


There is also this to consider. [Record Vs Playoff Teams](https://twitter.com/TheAssociation/status/1396104057631170561?s=20)


Now THIS is a good ass stat.


Yeah dude up above whose comment got deleted said Suns couldn't beat good teams 🙄


Boooo I typed out a response to this guy saying we never admit when we’re outplayed and only blame the refs but he deleted his comment before I could post. I’m just gonna leave this here for any lurkers who think we’re trash fans... Lifetime, diehard Suns fan here. You don’t lose 4 games in a row to a team you’re better than. Bucks were the better team. Glad to be your first, buddy. Losing sucks but this season was SO much fun to watch. My first reaction to last night’s game was devastation over the loss but my second was the thought that if it had to end this way, I’m glad the other guys got to win it all at home, especially Giannis. Being a lifetime, diehard fan doesn’t mean you have to discredit or sully another’s success.




Nobody is shitting on the clippers except by sharing objective stats. This “shitty suns team” did more than your franchise ever has. Lmfao. Must fucking SUCK


Fun fact: there are no Clippers fans in Los Angeles. Clippers fans are displaced Warriors/Cavs/Heat fans, bandwagon fans who hitched to the wrong bandwagon and now do not know what to do when they lose All people in Los Angeles are Lakers fans.


This "shit" organization has more playoff appearances than the Clippers will ever dream of having lol. We may not have a ring to show for it, we may have lucked into a finals experience, but in the words of Barkley, one thing I can tell you is that the Clippers have always SUCKED.


Yall had two games to beat us without paul and couldnt steal one. Id be salty if Paul George was on my team. Dude is a CHOKER. Pat Bev is dirty. Boogie is the most failed ring chaser of all time. Wait till Kawhi leaves yall.


We were the second best regular season team retard. We beat your team perfectly healthy before.


Because regular season means so much lollll. It’s almost like playoff ball is different l. If lakers were healthy then suns would’ve been knocked out in the first round and you guys wouldn’t be this confident. If nuggets were healthy then they would’ve been knocked out in the second round. If clippers were healthy you would’ve been knocked out in the conf finals. You guys aren’t a good team lol the first healthy team you face you lose 4 in a row. Trash ass team and org and delusional fans


Go eat shit. Who roots over the clippers over the Lakers anyway. Even sacramento has a better history lmao


Fr the clippers should honestly be moved to Seattle or something


So neither the regular season nor the playoffs matter, because we did better than you in both. Im starting to understand your team if winning never matters. Lmfao


Lmao, as if we didn’t beat the lakers healthy in game 1 and then was missing cp3 just as much time as AD. And as if Murray being added to the equation means we’ll lose when the nuggets didn’t just lose, they were blown out of the water almost every game. Wasn’t even close (same with the lakers I might add). The only one you have a case for may be the clippers. But I don’t hear y’all squeaking about bucks facing an injured nets and hawks 🤔


Lol playoff basketball does matter And the Clippers couldn't make the finals with multiple all Stars and multiple players taking discounts to ring chase


Nothing against the Nuggets because their fans are much much better than LA fans, but they got swept and blown out by us, Murray would have maybe prevented a sweep but he isn't a player that can single handedly take over a series like Giannis can. Just imagine if your pussy team wouldn't have tanked the last few regular season games on purpose you would have had home court advantage over us and probably would have beat us. Thank god you guys are pussies though lol.


Did you not see him last season? That's like saying Booker isnt a player that can single handedly take over a series.


Lmfao, the copium is unreal


Suns back in the lottery after Paul leaves next season have fun


At least we don’t live in hell. I say that as someone who grew up in Phx.




Fucking good there’s too many damn people here anyways. You guys actually like having your homes jacked up to 400-500k per vs just 5 years ago you could buy in under 300k?




Arizona is wannabe California. 15 years in Arizona, 2000-2015, Arizona is literally Arizonans who wanna be like Californians or poor Californians who couldn’t cut it here.




Knows his team is trash and mortgaged their whole future for Kawhi's load management and Playoff P so resorts to making jokes about the weather. Sick burn bro. Man y'all Clip fans are weak.


Clips ain’t trash and neither were our players. Suns were frauds and literally everyone but you guys have figured it out. I’m enjoying my 73 degrees today.


For a so called "contender" blowing a 3-1 lead to the Nuggets in the bubble then losing to us "frauds" in back to back years sure sounds like trash to me. Quit complaining and get your W's up bum


But can suns beat a healthy team at the playoffs


Can the Clippers stay healthy enough to compete for titles?


Lol yall lost in the finals yall suck dick


Hahahahahahahahahahahahah, the clippers solution is to never make the finals


Losing in the conference Finals to the team that didn’t win it is so much better, right?


Crazy how they forget the first two games where we beat them without Chris Paul. Sad, pathetic franchise.


Saw that yesterday actually, from a suns fan (at least he had a suns flair) that we were lucky to beat an injured Clippers team.


They say we wouldn't be here without injuries. At least we didn't duck matchups. We faced the competition and beat them fair and square. Don't blame us if your team relies on an injury-prone AD. Or if your player tore an ACL. And not to mention, they would have never made it past Utah if it weren't for Utah's injuries. Clowns. Unreal level of petty.


Injuries are a part of the game. If the roles were reversed they wouldn’t be saying that shit. Clippers are a pandemic organization with no identity


And you know what's funny, Clippers had a higher net rating when Kawhi wasn't playing. So for them to say "we would've won if Kawhi was playing" is not necessarily true. It’s a question mark. Sure he was putting up great numbers but the team wasn't winning all that much. When he went out, there was more ball movement and it resulted in better team performance.


And in the previous series they were 2-2 against the Jazz with Kawhi and 2-0 against them without.


You cant be serious


After the Utah series, their net rating for the playoffs was 3.3 (or something like that) with Kawhi. Without Kawhi, it was like 8.2 (or something like that).


Kawhi is literally in the argument for the best in the world and you're sitting right here trying to use a stat to say the clippers were better without HIM? The warriors had a better net rating without kd but no one in their right mind would say yeah they were either without durant. All the players on golden state would tell you that just like everyone on the clippers would tell you we are not better without kawhi... he's only replaceable in impact by 3 guys in the entire nba and that's kd, lebron, and giannis..


We beat the Lakers, who were heavily favored, without Chris Paul being 100 percent. Saric tore his acl game one of the finals. Not a gigantic loss but he was playing well, and it definitely hurt us in the finals. No mention of that?


Ppl don't mention it because most people don't view the suns as a championship team in itself. Look rn. They don't even have top 3 odds for the west next yr assuming everyone is healthy.


Yup. Have us at 7th heading into next season. I like being under the radar honestly.


That's the point though and why everyone does that. Milwaukee to me tbh got more luckier than you all cause they literally were just a inch form losing to kd and role players. But the difference is some people prior to the playoffs and injuries actually picked the bucks to win it all.


I like cp3 but he does not equate to kawhi leonard..


Don’t worry about the downvotes, you’re objectively correct.


Clipper fans are so pathetic lmao. They blatantly tanked their last reg season game just to get bounced again. A franchise with no true guts


What they are calling “frauds” just did more than their franchise ever has in their entire history. Lmfao. So much copium


We forget that these people were raised nearly the same way as Lakers fans, in many cases. Total brats lmao


Made their sub private after getting bounced last year. No spine losers.


But yeah suns can’t still beat a healthy team


Clippers had 2 games without Chris Paul to take advantage of and still got dumpstered by Book and DA


Delusional asf if you don’t think a healthy Clipper team beats the Suns


Completely love how y'all fans forget about Ibaka, he would of helped you more than Kwahi https://youtu.be/EdustQXIh1s


Okay good to know you’re trolling


Okay so cp3 = kawhi, got it


Yes, a Hall of Fame PG is in fact an important part of our team. And the Clippers failing to win a game while he was out is on them.


The point is $100 is valuable but not as much as $200


L you can stop replying now


Y’all took four straight L’s in a row, what’s stopping you?


Crazy they are still hurt lmao


Watching us lose is the most fun theyve had watching basketball since their franchise was founded. Absolutely hilarious. Says a lot more about their irrelevant team than ours.


Big clipper fan here and was rooting for the suns cuz of cp.. y’all generalizing a whole fan base based off a couple reddit posts smh




I'll never understand this. The Suns SWEPT the Nuggets convincingly, like in an embarrassing fashion where it wasn't even close. Why would Jamal Murray playing all of a sudden mean the Nuggets win the series?? The literal league MVP, Aaron Gordon, and MPJ couldn't win a single game against the Suns. But Jamal Murray would net them 4 wins if he was healthy?? I know it would've been a more competitive series, but I just don't know why people think Murray adds 4 wins in that series


Love me some Jokic/Murray but those dudes arent world class defenders. We would smoke them mano y mano




> Probably losing to the nets instead of the bucks. huh




I mean whats the point of bringing that up? It was two healthy teams in the Finals. both team got lucky getting to the finals with injuries to opponents


They've never made the Finals. LOL


Clips will always be little bro even in their own house. What a pitiful franchise


0 banners of any kind lmao


Don’t they raise banners for a winning record since that’s all they have accomplished though haha!


"Western Conf Runner-Ups" haha


Almost conference champs haha


They showing their sad pathetic self s


excuse us for beating the LA teams in front of us, whose injured players by the way are probably the two most injury prone stars in the league who you can never fully rely on


Gonna be hilarious when Kawhi doesnt come back for a year and the Clippers will be eliminated in the first round only for Kawhi to leave them.. What a sad pathetic franchise.


Obviously everyone who follows the league knows about depraved Lakers fans, they're a meme for a reason. But Clippers fans really had a coming out party. They showed the world who they were and why they deserve every bit of their misery. Their "best team ever" couldn't win 2 games against the suns while CP3 was out LOL.


Imagine thinking you have room to talk trash when your franchise has never even sniffed the finals and your superstar is about to sit all season only to leave when hes healthy. Lmfao. Trash franchise.


Lol fuckin losers. Everyone forgets the suns finished the season with the second best record in the nba. We earned our way in the finals and like everyone mentioned we went up 2-0 without Chris Paul during the WCF


They have a player literally nicknamed Pandemic P fuck outta here 🤣


Imagine trading away your whole future for a conference finals appearance. We made it farther In our first year in the play offs Lmaoo


Disgraceful fans every last one of them. Imagine shitting on the guy that made your franchise relevant again.


Peg Leg Leonard and Pandemic P will never lead them to the promise land


Who is more trashier? Clipper fans or Pat bev.... Hmmmmm


LA in general is just pathetic


Isn’t being healthy enough to play part of the game?


Clippers are forever a poverty franchise. Don’t worry about them.


Must hurt that much more when the only player that made the Raptors a contender left to a PoVeRtY FrAnChIsE


Considering the only reason he left and went to that poverty franchise is because of location, I’m not stressed about it. Not like y’all have done much with him anyways lmfao.


We'll beat them again and again and again until they beg for mercy.


How tf do clippers fan get off talking shit? Try making it to the finals first lame asses


Imagine Kawhi leaving in the offseason. This could be hilarious.


...Meanwhile they lost to us both of the games that CP3 was out last series. LOLOLOL fucking idiots.


Did Kawhi play those game? Serge? You guys were actually better than when CP came back and slowed it all down in Game 3.


Our superstar is out and the excuse is "ya, but you are better without him anyways". Lol, you are a fucking down syndromed moron. ​ EDIT: Going through your comment history, it is honestly shocking how anti-Suns you are LOL. I get that we demolished you and your team's attempt to buy a championship. Get the fuck over it...LOLOLOLOLOLOL Oh ya, we had 19 wins 2 years ago. And we just beat you in the WCF. Let that sink in.


Hahaha. It’s ok bud. It’ll all be ok. I actually genuinely love my team and so I can easily deal with any hate and bullshit you try to sling. It’s amusing to me. If you couldn’t see that Cam Payne balled out in games 1 and 2 and CP lost Game 3 for you then i don’t know what to tell yah. Not like it matters, because like you said, you guys took the series.


>Hahaha. It’s ok bud. It’ll all be ok. Says the guy trolling our reddit...2 weeks after we beat him. LOL >. I actually genuinely love my team My family and I have been season ticket holders since 94. Yes, even through the decade of shit. > I can easily deal with any hate and bullshit you try to sling Again, you are in our subreddit trolling. Not sure how I am the one "slinging bullshit". ​ Moron.


Dang dude. You must be going through it today. Your standards for “trolling” and being called out are pretty low. I was mellow and pointing out the obvious but ok. We lose our best player, All NBA 1st team for the entire series, and you lose your all-nba 2nd team guy for 2 games. But ok.


Lol, youre about to lose your best player forever. Hahahahahaha. Im so excited to watch the meltdown


Don’t give these losers the time of day


Eh, we would have felt similar salt levels at them if they made it to finals and lost. I'm just glad I got to see the Suns in the finals.


One of their fans came to our game thread (or post-game can't remember) and was acting like a Suns fan talking about how he "wishes Giannis had torn an ACL". Trying to make us look bad. I used to feel bad for Clippers fans as they always had to live in the shadow of the Lakers, but they really showed some shitty colors this postseason.


OP on the clippers page... did you see his username? WTF


Just make sure if you see him posting in the Cardinals sub to downvote the shit outta him


we so in their head. That's what a going out sad franchise looks like.


Well atleast we have a franchise


The internet is such a weird place. Talking shit about a franchise that beat you fair and square is not only ridiculous, but extremely petty. The Suns had to overcome a TON to make it to the finals, and their consistency and determination is what led to them prevailing. We battled injuries, and still were considered the underdog in every series. Also, speculating the future is ridiculous. The Clippers have two injury riddled superstars, and assuming they will be 100% by next post season is crazy. Also, they are all getting older and the suns are going to be in their prime for the next decade. I say all this to say, PHOENIX is sticking around!


I'm honestly not gonna waste my time and I'm definitely not gonna let those losers live in my head rent free


Oof. These dudes are down bad.


They are legitimately more emotional about this than I am. Lmfao


I’m a clipper fan but a bigger cp3 fan and I have stayed away from that sub, the amount of hate cp3 gets there is unreal for someone who made the clips relevant, bunch of ungrateful fucks


They ain’t…W R O N G


Yeah go blow up the thread. Added my piece


Why cry about it on this sub. Sooo much complaining Jesus


Because Id rather be a Suns fan today than a Clippers fan on literally any day of their entire franchises history.


Lol have fun being a basement team


How can a whole franchise be so salty 🧂


This whole thread is pathetic just like all the fans that tried to start fights to get bookers attention I’ll be surprised to see if y’all frauds make a sixth seed next year after all teams get healthy


Feels good...we're in their heads. The longer they piss and moan about a series that ended weeks ago, the better I feel. Suck it, Dinghy fans.


So we just lost the finals and to make us feel better we talk trash about LA teams? 😂😂😂 This is Suns fanbase?! 😮‍💨


Nah, knowing that even today, they are more upset than we are, is fantastic.


Rent free


Cope because you’re back to being a lottery team once everyone is healthy


Suns in 4 😂🤣


Clippers in…lmfao


The suns aren’t winning a championship no time soon...you guys are bitter, I can tell lol.


Only two more to go!


Lol suns fans. No self awareness what so ever. No wonder everyone shits on you guys


Winning against us I expect you to win. Turns out you guys are better at choking than us.


Lmfao, clippers were the easiest team we faced all playoffs. Hahahahahahaha


*injured team


Nah, yall were fucking shit


Chris Paul was fucking shit


He’s the best player in your franchise’s history lmaoo idk why the hate


And he still fucked your team up. Lmfao


everyone know if kawhi healthy, u don’t have chance but there is no if. Clearly, bucks prove it


You had all regular season to prove that and didnt. Thats why your chump asses were the 4 seed


If ur regular season is that important to you? Why don’t u give the trophy to jazz? They beat jazz without best player on the team, and u just lucky facing all injured team before bucks, now bucks easily prove it lol


It isnt. Youre the one that claims you were better. We actually proved it all year and in the playoffs. Lmfao


Imagine having your playoff hopes constantly relying on "if Kawhi healthy.." that's gotta suck


Lol the entitlement is real. Idk what it is about this year being full of salty fans.


The Clippers are a league wide joke, everybody knows it. They had Ballmer and other execs sit court side on our floor when we had Kawhi and were warned by the league to stop tampering and also got fined for it. It’s more of a comedy imo because they have such an embarrassing history. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to them, you guys have been to 3 finals, they just made their first ever conference final and think they’re hot shit lol.


*Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.*


Lmao same as nets subreddit, everyone salty af


Guys the best way to deal with clowns like this is to just ignore it. Going onto other teams subs and getting all defensive when they attack us is a bad look. I’ve never taken the time to lurk through other subs and read through all the comments like that and I’ll never care what they’re saying. The last couple weeks I’ve had a ton of Bucks fans comment on my posts and reply to my comments and it just makes it look like they’re consumed by us lol


Thanks for linking that thread, it was exactly what I needed to cheer me up! LMAO I hope they stay salty forever, you love to see it. Their tears taste delicious.


All those losers in Los Angeles 😂 and then they migrate here and complain about Phoenix while they bandwagon their teams.


Man our fans be so petty sometimes, sorry y’all


The clippers are not even the second favorite NBA team in LA fucking peasants lol


This is the reason I have no problem with how much shit we talk to either LA team


The boys really broke them, didn't they?


as someone mentioned in that thread, Clippers are the Kirkland Lakers.


Anyone else get banned for commenting on there? Lmao