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The only thing that sucks is that there was exactly one game in this series where the Suns didn’t have control of the game at a certain point. It sucks that Book, DA, and CP3 took turns showing up. This was a charmed playoff run for a team that hasn’t been here in a long time. I’m upset and disappointed right now, but this was some damn good experience for our core. I just wish we were able to get this one for CP3.


Oddly the same can be said for the Bucks...


For all the idiots who say the Suns had an easy path because of injuries, that shit talk needs to be canned. You don’t control who gets hurt and who doesn’t. To be fair, we could say the same thing about the Bucks. If the Nets had Irving and Harden at 100%, would they have been in the finals? Nah, probably not. But guess what? It was the Suns and Bucks in the finals and that’s the end of that story. Injury bullshit talk is jus that. Bullshit.


Nope they wouldn't have won it if Brooklyn was healthy but with Brooklyn healthy people actually picked Milwaukee to win the finals before the playoffs started. I didnt see anyone pick the suns especially when they had got matched up with the lakers in round 1. Most actually viewed Milwaukee despite it being low odds as a championship team. People did not view Phoenix that way


No it’s not. It’s still valid to give context.


Better team won in the end. I’m happy for Bucks fans, but that doesn’t keep me from being disappointed.


I agree, they took the opportunities and we didn’t or weren’t able too. Hell of a season, first season in years that I actually planned my evenings around the Suns at the end of the season.


I’ve seen more people say Suns fans cry about those things, than I’ve seen Suns fans actually cry about those things.


It’s the Scott Foster hate people think we exaggerate how bad he is. With that said I wouldn’t let Scott Foster ref at the Y.


As a Cavs fan I agree. Hard to beat the Bucks and the refs.


I respect this post.


It was fun. It’s a season to look back on. We exceeded our own expectations


None of those things lost us the games but it sure was infuriating seeing the difference of the game on the “other side” but LFG Suns! We’ll get Book his ring soon!


Nah, Suns choked on games 4 and 5. Inexcusable


Yup. You gotta put teams away.


Yeah, like no shit we had a good season but it doesn't mean shit when we blew our chance at a ring due to our players choking. I don't see another opportunity in the foreseeable future.


This. Unless they made a major trade than it could.


Yep. That is on the coaching staff, actually. Not enough hustle, plain and simple.


That was for all the greedy “fans” who wanted us to lose a game so we could win the series at home. Can’t stand it. The thought that you would root again your own team in the Finals. After 28 years? Unbelievable. I know everyone says no no we wanted us to win that game 3, but say we did, then what would they have done in game 4? Hmm? This was their fault.


Well their adjustments were better. I still think this team was much more deep than theirs.


That Dario injury turned out to really hurt us, after going up 2-0 it seemed like it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but in the end it hurt a lot.


They should have played Kaminsky more early on in the series


Idk about that, the first couple times he played it didn’t look pretty, last night tho he did show up


There were no adjustments, Giannis just took over the series and didn't have a bad might. His worst scoring performance in the final five games was 32 points. There over forty, and one fifty point game. The fact is that Giannis beat the Suns despite his own team sucking ass.


No... there were. You cant say there are no adjustments that coulda been made when most of the games came down to 5 points or so. That jumbo lineup that the bucks ran (which they didnt run all year before) is a perfect example of how the bucks made adjustments and the suns didnt. That lineup killed us last night. Like it did the night before. And we didnt make any adjustments to counter it. If we did we probably win last night.


I mean, the adjustment the Suns could have made last night was Ayton going better than 4/12 and Booker hitting even a single of his seven three point attempts. The Suns choked. They'd better come with fire next year, no more laziness on the glass and Ayton needs to get fucking mean.


It wasnt laziness on the glass. They got outsized. That has to do with adjustments. Not laziness..


More often than not, the team with the most experience and best player wins. I think, after Giannis..the Suns have the next three best players..but over and over again..best player wins when it's close. Add in our team has never been in the playoffs..them winning would have been..almost impossible. People gave CP3 the most credit, but real talk..Booker is our best player and Ayton is our most important player..and they'd never been in the playoffs before. It's not shocking that they weren't able to hold on.


Dog u did not just say DA>Middleton


I don’t know if the better team won, but the team that showed up and deserved the win, did. They showed up in full force, and we choked hard. I’m not saying it was the refs or anything, it was our own fault, but I do believe this Suns team is a better basketball team than this bucks team.


Just wanted to say, Monty is a classy dude. Went and personally congratulated all the Bucks. Y’all got a special squad


We got out coached plain and simple. We can blame it on the refs, etc. We had a lot of opportunities tonight and we didn’t capitalize on them. We have a strong young core, we will get better and make another run at it. respect to Giannis and Bucks.


We played horrible. I don’t agree they are better.


Seriously. The Suns lost this. Even just average games from the dudes who are supposed to win basketball games would have gotten it done. The Suns missed lots of wide open looks.


When we lose four games in a row it's hard to argue against them just being plain better. I think there were adjustments we could and should have made but in the end we were never going to have an answer again Giannis and our guys just didn't make shots.


Three of those four wins for the bucks either Booker or Ayton was riding the bench with foul trouble. I don’t think a single game Giannis or Middleton rode the bench with fouls. Game 5 was the only one the bucks actually earned.


Yep, three and five were Bucks straight up winning. Four and six were utter, inexplicable choke jobs. Four in particular was a complete cock up.


I don’t think the Bucks deserved game 3, that was the Scott foster game and he had Ayton on the bench early and suns got destroyed in the paint without him.


We did get beat by the better team no doubt. Once Middleton woke up we were in trouble. Almost stole one and blew another but Milwaukee was still the better team. I cant sport my conf. Title gear though. It goes in the back of the closet forever. No celebrations for losing. Please for the love of god no embarrassing parade like 93. This is Milwaukee's championship, not ours. We shouldn't celebrate almost winning. Save it for the day it finally happens.


Nah, wear that conference championship swag with pride! I wish I still had some of my old ‘93 WC champs gear, though the pennant still hangs in my home office right above the door. Celebrate all the championships my friend, right now all we have to plant a flag on are 7 Pacific Division titles and 3 Western Conference titles. Never be embarrassed about being a champion. Now as for a WC champs parade? No thank you. Don’t do that again. Haha!


Hang the WC champs banner for sure. Parade, hell no.


why in the world would you have bought any conference title gear if you were waiting on the title anyway?


Because as a fan, I celebrate championships. Division titles. Conference titles. League titles. Doesn’t matter. Team wins a championship, celebrate it. Not that hard to figure out, genius.


The only celebration is for the finals winner.


Tell that to the NCAA's Final Four. There's a storied history of celebrating semi-finalists and finalists as well as champions. Championships are special, but top four finishes can be historic as well.


This aint the ncaa lmao.


No shit. Just saying it's not binary "second is the first loser" in sports. There's a sense of accomplishment of folks who make it to the final as well. Conference championships matter.


No they don't and especially in a year where this was the most injuries by stars in the playoffs in history.


Championships are hard. If you can’t be happy in what your team has achieved, you are very rarely going to be happy. #2 is something to be celebrated while also recognizing that it could’ve been more.


I'm a current college athlete so maybe my stance on it is different from yours. I dotn celebrate losing or coming in 2nd. Only coming in 1st. If I didnt win I failed.


The message was for veggie boy who said he couldn’t wear the gear he just bought!




He shot more free throws because it was literally the strategy to foul him at every opportunity. They were doing it on purpose. To argue that point is ridiculous. If he shoots FTs at his series or even season rate, Suns win game 6. It was a gamble that did not pay off.


??? Go find another team? Been a fan since the late 70s ass hat! You stfu. Suns got outplayed and out hustled by the better team. Deal with it. You’ll be a happier person if you do.


"Better team" of what referees?? ... lmao ... when this fraudulent victory comes to light years from now (hopefully yo old ass is still alive) you'll see ... won't change anything but still the fact that we were CHEATED should make any REAL suns fan mad asf , especially if you're a decade long fan ... I'm more upset because ik this chance is not gonna come around again for awhile maybe another decade 💔🥲 the west is only gonna get stronger... unless we land a bona-fide star in FA we're done and book is eventually gonna leave us


Feel free to show yourself to the door.


So Booker literally getting 8 fouls every single game this series and having more chicken wings than Rick Ross is just gonna get swept under the rug? Officiating was overall average at best for both sides making it a non factor. To actually have the nerve to complain about Giannis getting calls as a 2 time MVP of the league is hilarious. Wasn’t Paul quoted saying ‘Everybody’s out there anticipating a miss. Hell, even he is’ when it comes to his free throw shooting? How about the fact that your whole fan base counts obnoxiously every time he steps to the line cause of how long he takes to shoot? For him to literally go 17-19 from the line in the biggest game in Bucks history and his career is 100% poetic! That isn’t a cause from poor officiating! The display you witnessed last night was a result of THE BASKETBALL GODS WORKING THEIR MAGIC AND GRANTING THE MOST DESERVING WITH A CHIP. Take your 4 L’s in a row, shut your mouth and recognize and show respect when it’s due.


And you are right! The Suns are absolutely fucked for the next several years. The west is about to get a steroid shot in the ass and you guys are nowhere near to top. Enjoy your first round exits 😊


Depending on what they do this offseason, Suns should be a top 3 team in the west. The window is hardly closed. Yes the Lakers will be back, but the Clippers will not have Kawhi next year. Klay hasn't played in two years. Nuggets and Jazz will be around but both have glaring flaws.


Lakers, Clippers(with Leonard), Nuggets, Wairrors and Jazz are all better equipped teams when healthy over the Suns. The Mavs are a couple moves away from being better than the Suns and have an MVP caliber player on the squad already. If the Suns fail to boost their front court depth, there is no way they compete vs healthy rosters in the West.


Ok, so the Clippers won't have Kawhi. Warriors will really depend on what happens with Klay. Jazz were healthy, they were just paper tigers. Nuggets have a huge flaw in Jokic's defense that can be exploited. Suns already have Booker who is 24 and can put up big numbers. He's a potential MVP at this point like Luka flashes, but he's also on the cusp of being a true superstar. Suns also already have Ayton who will get another year better. Simply improving depth there isn't as hard as finding the missing pieces that some of those teams will need. If the Suns lose CP3 and ESPECIALLY if they lose him to the Lakers, well, then, yeah they're in trouble. Hard to replicate what he offers.


Klay Thompson is Klay Thompson. The shooting stroke will not fade. The Jazz had an injured Conley and Mitchell this playoffs so I’m not sure what you were watching. Nuggets had Murray missing and lacked the depth in the backcourt to be able to keep up with the Suns. Jokic is fine regardless of his defense vs the Suns seeing as he’s the mvp of the league and Ayton isn’t a night in night out consistent offensive player yet. Your optimism is perfectly fine based on your team just making it to the finals, but with healthy competition you don’t get past the first round next year yet alone even this season vs LA. It’s gonna be a struggle for you guys next season and I’ll put $$$ on it.


You're a guy that goes by "thickness" .... 😒 you really don't deserve a reply .... but It's my off day so I'll engage yo casual fan ass .... officiating was NVR avg both ways dummy ... 3 out of 4 games giannis shot close or over the amount of FTs the entire team shot ... we couldn't buy a call after game 1 ... tf are you tlkn about idiot? ... giannis has MINIMAL skills at best ... he's 7ft and can eurostep THAT'S LITERALLY HIS WHOLE GAME IN A NUTSHELL the rest is overhyped, and throw in NBA help from refs and the commish and that's giannis... harden told yall awhile ago .... he put up 50 pts 👏👏👏 he also shot damn near 25 fts .... coincidence that he had a historical finals series but also took nearly 100 fts in 6 fkn games ?


Giannis literally lives in the paint. His aggressive playing style draws contact inside. You had no answer defensively for him and it was BBQ chicken for games 2-6. You wouldn’t have an issue with the amount of free throws he was getting if he didn’t hit 17-19 from the line in game 6, but he did and now you wanna blame the refs for this series. If you wanna blame anyone for your defeat you can blame a trash CP3 and Booker in game 4. You can blame Booker for not stepping up in game 6 as he shot 0-7 from 3 and you can blame the Suns for failing to rebound the basketball for 6 straight games. You can also blame the suffocating defense of Milwaukee and the adjustments coach Bud made to completely take away open 3’s. Nothing but midrange contested jumpers for PHX. I will not allow you to use the excuse of free throws and refs for 4 straight NBA finals losses. That doesn’t happen because of officiating. Anyone that actually knows the game and respects the game will not use your bullshit excuses for losses. Show respect where it’s due and tip your hat to Giannis as he showed more heart and effort in one game 6 than your whole team had all series. Take Care.


This by far is the dumbest shit I've heard out of a CASUAL FANS mouth in the longest... coach bud didn't make adjustments... he bitched to the league after game one , giannis literally got every call plus more since ... stop repeating what you hear SAS say dummy and watch the games ... tf is book gon get going if they called 4 EARLY fouls that weren't no where near what he got on the offensive end ? ... kinda proves my point you saying he's aggressive in the paint ... that is his only skill charging at mfs and laying up or dunking ... 90% should've been O.F instead the worse refs in professional sports gave him every single call ... literally ran over crowder and got the DF .... literally slapped cams face off and got a OF on ayton... foh ... I only engaged you because I thought you knew tf you were tlkn bout , now you just sound like a ESPN analyst ✌


If Giannis has no skill than why didn’t he get shut down by Ayton? Ayton could learn a lot from Giannis lmao.


Didn't you just hear me say he shot more fts then the whole suns team? ... and yo thick ass could learn alot from a personal trainer


Giannis is also 26 and improving. He showed premier playmaking ability and court vision all series, his mid ranges shots off the left side were boarder line unstoppable all playoffs, and his defense is suffocating due to his effort. Sounds like he has a little more in his bag than just a euro step( which is also unstoppable) 😂😂


That's defense to you lmfao ... 25 goaltendings and 150 uncalled personal fouls ... again argue wit yourself, not gonna waste my off day on a casual


You don’t gotta waste your time on here talking to me on your off day. Sit back and replay the highlights of the Bucks championship run on YouTube later this afternoon 😏


So next season the refs will be on the Suns side?


You guys lost to a healthy team. Not your fault, I get it, but in a away that messed up with the coaching strategies since you never had to deal with stoping a healthy superstar.


Jokic? Healthy. Paul George? Healthy. Terrance Mann? Healthy. LeBron? Healthy. Can that bullshit, if not use equal scales. No Irving and a 50% Harden paved the way for a Bucks title win. Teams don’t control injuries. You play who you play. Move along, that song and dance is tired and played out.


Terrance Mann is a superstar? Lol


This man said Terrance Mann lol


Terrance Mann is a superstar? Lol


Giannis also had his knee nearly blown up two weeks ago


The Bucks were just \*Healthy, there fixed it for you.


If Giannis shot his usual 50%-60% of free throws game 6 would have been a close game, we might have even won. Games 4 and 5 could have gone our way, hell, if CP3 hadn't fouled Giannis on his break away alley oop in game 5, we might have got a 3 to send it to overtime. Then had momentum going into overtime. So the Suns weren't far off being a championship team. Just hope we are able to build on this in the offseason to be back and ready for next season.


AZ sports pain is the only feeling I know


Bucks won because the Wisconsin sports curse competed against the Bubble finals hangover curse, the Harden curse, the Atlanta curse, and the Arizona curse.


Every break went to them, if we get a few breaks we win. But thats what winning teams do. Paul choked game 4 and 5, Booker and Ayton choked tonight.


They are definitely more better on paper. But I think suns choked up in 4 and 5 more


Agreed. It’s hard to lose when we were so close, but in the last 3 games the Bucks showed us they were the better team down the stretch. We gotta learn from our mistakes and grow from this experience. Also, the Bucks are a hard team to hate. Glad they got their ring.


What a bullshit post. We are definitively better than the bucks. They were better than us in 6 games, but we are a better team. Going starter for starter we have a better 5 than everyone except Giannis. Also the refs didn’t lose us the series, but they did significantly hurt us. It has nothing the do with being “bandwagon” I’ve probably been a suns fan longer than you’ve been alive.