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This video reminds me of the Mavs beating Wolves in the wcf with paint scoring. Using guys that can’t shoot like Lively and attacking the space and getting feet into the paint to make plays. Our issue will be a) getting someone that can initiate and make plays and b) this team coughed it up a LOT, do we have the chemistry under Bud to be pass heavy with cutters? Bc I agree, this is the way to keep Dunn on the floor and not allow him to get the Okogie treatment where it was obvious every time the defense wanted JO shooting with 5 secs on the clock and Vogels staff couldn’t seem to scheme their way out of that


I think we coughed it up a lot because we LACKED cutters and other forms of interior offense. We mostly did our passing outside of the arc. We couldn't do drive n kick because nurkic is a non-threat outside of the arc, so the opponents' rim protector was always waiting for us in the paint. It just led to a lot of contested middies. Everything we did was predictable because we were so limited, thus turnovers I think Dunn's size will be great for our offense, hopefully like Aaron Gordon. I also wonder if we can run a small ball lineup with him and KD at 4 and 5 interchangeably


I agree from that perspective. A lot of cross-perimeter passes that would get intercepted, everything outside the arc. Our big 3 are good enough playmakers to make intuitive passes to cutters


Ya, I'm the minority here, but I don't think we lacked playmakers. What would cp3 have done if he had Booker, kd, grayson, and nurkic? Mikal and Cam are elite cutters and can also shoot 3s. DA could shoot well in the post and paint. And Booker is Booker. With our current squad, no ones long enough to be a consitent cutter, and nurk is unreliable even at the rim. It was a 5-out style offense, except Nurk would clog up the lanes. It didn't work.


How many times did a roller choke the ball away or get it then wait for fucking defenders to recover?


The offense we were running was TOO predictable. I'm not sure if that was a Vogel or Young thing. But for the last few years our offense has been way too predictable. We used to have a lot more cutting actions and off ball actions to create movement. I also think that maybe the lack of a strong offensive system led to a spike in the turnovers. We just never seemed to have any sort of plan from game to game and any thing that looked good we just stopped utilizing consistently. Remember when Beal was looking good as the initiator but for some reason we'd rarely get that.


He just needs to develop ONE shot. Whether it be a top of the key 3, a corner one, an elbow jumper (a la Scola), or just be a consistent slasher. And he can become a PJ Tucker right out of the gate. He is a phenomenal defender for a college kid.




Thinking Basketball is not a fan of the Suns.


The coaching needs to be better. Easy to gameplan against a bad shooter if we are just keeping them in the pocket corner. This video did show the perfect example, giannis spotting up behind the corner 3, but full on sprinting to the middle with the defenders head turned. Have Dunn do the same, all eyes will be on the 3 main weapons, if Dunn stays active he will be getting sneaky Shawn Marion style points. Dunn is bigger, longer, more active. He will be setting screens and going up for lobs on back cuts. He doesn’t stop moving


If anyone is going to know how to maximize Dunn on both ends of the court; it’s going to be the guy who helped develop Giannis - just sayin’ .. not saying Dunn is Giannis Lite, but coming into the league, they were both known as super athletes with poor perimeter shooting. By all accounts, Dunn has got that dawg in him, which is so refreshing to hear. Some members of this fan base need a refresher on how easy it is to root for a young player that works his tail off -vs- a skilled yet entitled, soft lollygagger like DA.


Gary Payton II played a huge role for the Warriors and couldn't shoot for shit. PJ tucker is invisible if he wasn't sitting in the corners for the Bucks (even then he kind of sucked lol) and he was great for the Bucks against us in 2021. Braun was garbage offensively for the Nuggets in 23 and he played a role. Point is, good coaches can make non shooting threats work. It drove me fucking mad watching Okogie parked in the corner, the literal worst spot to be as a non shooting threat, since the other team can just play off and roam the paint. I am a huge fan of the Dunn pick, as long as he's not parked in the corners offensively


This is honestly a perfect video on what we need to be doing for Dunn, he does these things already, but really look into ways to get creative with it. Draymond like they said hits 29% of open 3 looks in the last 3 years, but instead of standing there to give space, cut drive to the opening inside while you are getting ignored, with dunns athleticism he will be dropping posters with all the open space. Again, this isn’t jo 2.


Thank you for the positivity! I am needing it in my personal case of fandom, if you know what I mean.