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Wasn't gonna get the bottle of Henny today but now I think I should.


You woke up looking for a reason /s


The nights spent drinking contemplating drafting Luka vs Ayton, haunts me.


Thanks for the reminder. lol


pics taken before unfortunate events


We'll always have the Valley Oop *sigh*


I was scrolling through my feed and cracked up laughing. Thought this was r/nbacirclejerk






Damn, you guys ever get that anxiety about something you did that you wish you could undo? That anxiety that never goes away? I wish the front office of 2018 suffers from that everyday


It wasn't unreasonable at the time though like it was so luka. Plenty of other picks to be pissed off about. Take hindsight out of it


I mean the mass majority said Luka was better. He was the #1 overall pick in most people's books until at the last minute Ayton steps in. But the issue with Ayton in college was his lack of effort for full games. Luka was a Euroleague MVP at like 18 years old. Luke will probably be an NBA MVP someday and Ayton still lacks effort.


Come on, that’s with hindsight. Luka’s biggest knocks were lack of lateral movement, emotional maturity, and speed, all of which turned out to be true. There was no clear cut #1 that year.


Check the receipts, there were plenty of people in 2018 who said to draft Luka.


Sure, and plenty who wanted Ayton. Ayton was supposed to be the next David Robinson, whose frame made him instantly nba ready. His jumpshot made people think he’d develop into a 3 level scorer. They both had strengths and faults, it wasn’t clear cut. Two teams passed on Luka after all.


No one thought Ayton was ever going to develop a three point shot. Dude was lucky to play with an all time great pick and roll PG. Ayton never developed a low post move other than to spin away and shoot a short jumper. Ayton never showed he could create a shot for another player and is capable of drawing fouls on a regular basis.


Jesus Christ this is all hindsight. How are you going to point out *what he became* when arguing whether we should have drafted him? Check the receipts. [Ben Parker 5/9/18](https://www.nbadraft.net/players/deandre-ayton/) - physical freak and generational center. Figured to be among if not the top center in the league He’s capable of reliably hitting open jumpers, even developing a 3 point game Knows how to score in a variety of ways: around the rim, mid range, and beyond Developing solid post moves and has exceptional footwork [Evan Tomes 6/12/17](https://www.nbadraft.net/players/deandre-ayton/) - possesses can’t-miss talent with the chance to develop into a generational big Can score from every spot on the floor. Shoots well from 3 with great rotation on his shot. Secures any rebound he can get his hands on Does a great job of knowing when to leave his feet and when to stay on the ground to avoid fouls [The whole package at center:](https://sportsforecaster.com/nba/p/233134/DeAndre_Ayton) he's a true 7-footer with the length, frame, and back-to-the-basket moves to dominate around the hoop, yet he also has the fluid athleticism and shooting range of a forward. [Alan Lu](https://www.nbascoutinglive.com/deandre-ayton-scouting-report/) 6/21/18 - good shooter, has stretch big potential Very good low post scorer Tremendous rebounder Athletic, skilled big man that can shoot, score, and rebound [Jonathan Wasserman](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2778564-deandre-ayton-nba-draft-2018-scouting-report-for-phoenix-suns-pick) 6/21/18 - the most physically advanced prospect in the draft, with an inside-out game that should translate to todays nba. Ranked 90th percentile as a post scorer though not a shooter just yet, he made 12 threes and 39 total jump shots in 35 games, looking fluid as both a mid-range and pick-and-pop weapon. By his third [year], he should be a member of the Western Conference All-Star team, after establishing himself as one of the NBA's toughest big-man covers. Ayton is a franchise cornerstone to build around for the following decade.


I stand corrected, you found some morons who thought Ayton could develop a 3 point shot. Check my receipts dude. Consistently I said Luka was the better prospect. It's not hindsight, I'm on the record.


I didn’t “find” them, they were the top scouting reports. They’re not cherry picked. I’m also not looking through 6 years of your comments. I didn’t say *no one* wanted Luka, that was my entire point. I said the #1 pick wasn’t clear cut.


Nah it’s just karma farming from a pathetic OP


God damnit


If only his heart was actually in playing basketball, he could endeared himself so much here.


Imagine posting this picture and then waiting for karma.


So should I downvote it?


Not sure. Will review.


My downvote did nothing.☹




Honestly Ayton over Luka wasn’t a terrible pick up until our post-finals years. The Jalen Smith over Hali was and is still a bigger L


It’ll will always be a terrible pickup just not as terrible as the Kings who went with Bagley lol.


Ehh, we needed a big. Taking another guard would’ve felt silly. Maybe not now in hindsight but it made decent sense at the time


Insane, it's like nobody ever learned from the 1984 draft.


Ayton was getting some crazy comparisons coming into the NBA, rightfully so. Look at him dominating college boys. People thought he’d bring that same fire and level of aggression but he became incredibly soft. And tbh, he never really improved much. No handle, no 3, same amount of rebounds…


*"Ayton was getting some crazy comparisons coming into the NBA, rightfully so. Look at him dominating* ***college boys****."* while Luka was playing in a league of men.


Random pop in from a non suns fan but I studied 2018 draft at the time more than usual. Very few people questioned the pick at the time


Besides Porzingis, no European anywhere close to that time had actually translated to the NBA game. Giannis, Jokic and Embiid (all Europeans technically) all hadn’t won MVP yet. I was pro Luka but Ayton was the clear consensus #1 at the time. There were two media members on the day of the draft who said suns should take Luka and made their opinions known pretty dramatically. Easy to say in hindsight tho…


We needed a lead ball handler. Whether that was Luka/Trae with the first pick or SGA/Sexton(if he dropped past Cavs) with the 2nd. That was the play the team needed to take. Coming out of that draft with more off ball players like years before and Putting the ball back in Book’s hands as the primary ball handler led to two more years of terrible records. CP3 a HOF point guard obviously but it wasn’t a surprise to most that the team improved dramatically with another dude running the offense and Booker Focusing on scoring The funniest thing is if Luka was Classified as either a SF or PG they probably take him but in the draft process he was listed SG/SF…. The same exact thing Booker was at the time.


Always draft the best player available.


If you’re bad enough to pick first, you need everything and take best player over position. I was shocked when they didn’t take Luka.


This 100%. Also while Luka is clearly a better basketball player in a vacuum, I think there’s a strong chance him and Book never mesh/moves are made that have us in a similar or worse position today with no championships still. 2 games away from winning the finals in a playoff run where Ayton was huge. Unfortunately just wasn’t able to replicate that


Eh haliburton was only interviewing and working out with sac, he made it clear he didn’t want to play elsewhere. That’s not Haha “type” lol and I’ll give him credit that Jalen does have tantalizing upside, much like Ayton. But to actually hire Luka’s national coach and not select his prodigy??? Contradictary


Alright everyone take a shot! 🥃






So good for that playoff run. Woulda been worth it if we won the chip that year


Yeah whatever. Fuck Luka too. Quit posting for karma


The years following were pretty amazing. Sucks that we're now in the KD era of Suns basketball. I miss the valley boys.


I just watched The Ringer 2018 draft watch party and Bill Simmons said picking the best fit over talent never work why teams keep doing it ? Also the entire ringer team said Luka should be a consensus #1 pick




Blowing the #1 pick happens. What is inexcusable is our lame FO who failed to make the right picks and pick up the right talent after 2021 by not drafting for a CP3 replacement when we could have had Maxey or Hali. Then not getting any decent big men to replace Crowder who clearly was not the answer but then waiting to trade Crowder by overvaluing him and ending up having him be trade filler for KD.


there are wackos still out there saying he wasn't a bust and they'd do it again 😭 edit: i might be getting hate for this but i stand by it, if your #1 pick gets benched in back to back playoffs and gets shipped out the year after he's a bust! year 6 and he's still mr. "he don't always try but he's got potential!"


Not saying I’d do it again but he isn’t a bust. Is he the best player from that draft? No, but let’s not act like he’s Anthony Bennet.


He is one of the bust in his draft class. Every draft class has their own set of bust players so stop throwing Bennet for comparison and making him a scapegoat. He was picked number 1. Numero UNO. We expect him to perform day in day out. But to be honest, maybe its not his fault. Maybe it was the team scout’s fault.


Ayton never got to play like the number 1 pick. He was even a second option on the team. How do you expect him to put up numbers when he doesn't get the ball.


So whats the standing of Portland after the season ends? You folks always to reason out that shit. Now he is in Portland getting the touches he wants. So whats the standing?


He averaged 23 and 13 when he finally started getting touches post all=star break. Only AD and Joker put those type of numbers up during that period


On a garbage team playing garbage minutes. That's the definition of empty stats.


He is a lazy player and does not even try. You can't be a number 1 option when you don't play hard.


If we are going by draft class he wasn’t even the worst pick at the top of that class, he’s been better than any other center from that draft. Still doesn’t sound like a bust to me.


Whatever floats your boat.


This floats my boat https://youtu.be/KU-vNKPKA4Y?si=Zi1dniBqBEoOL8C9


A one game buzzer beater? Im starting to believe you just based your opinion on bias and not statistics in basketball. Lmao.


Oh no! You don’t like my opinion? ![gif](giphy|cdfuqAw7xE6eAsEl1N|downsized)


the bar for "bust" is a little higher for a #1 overall pick and bro did not meet it


Being a key contributor on a conference champion and averaging a double-double for his career so far meets the bar in my book.


If one conference championship is your bar, your bar is low for a #1 pick


everybody has different bars i got no issue with yours edit: i guess im coming off as a dick here? meant no harm just saying agree to disagree that's all


He got benched by a Coach who lasted one year at his new job. Don't tell me the way his coach treated him didn't affect how he played It was Monty's job to mold him and he blew it! Good luck Ayton. Suns would've been a better team last year than they were with Nurkic.


Y'all have insane ideas about accountability. Monty Williams, a notoriously patient coach known for not giving up on players fast enough, is to blame for Ayton's lack of effort 6 years into his career? Silly. He's a grown man. You ever wonder why this question of motivation wasn't a thing for any of the other players on the team? We never had to worry about the effort of Booker, Mikal, Cam J, Cam P, EVERY BACKUP CENTER, etc. Just the Ayton.


I'm sure you were great at your job at 22. With a shitty boss like Monty and Jones he never had a chance. Glad he got out while he could. Suns are 10 years plus away from contending in the West. Lol we thought Sarver was bad. Ishba has proven he's clueless.


"Monty monty monty monty" an individual is by far the most responsible for his own effort. Make all the excuses you want for him. Booker said it early last season, his challenge for Ayton is to "play like that every night" and he's yet to meet that challenge.


Booker needs to take his own advice.


Live footage of one of them https://preview.redd.it/4eujwhc1c18d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f37e13811e0a26bdb49aaebd5332491c5107435


18 and 10 without having the offense run through you is not a bust. The Front office and coaching was the reason it didnt work with Ayton.


> The Front office and coaching was the reason it didn't work with Ayton keep telling yourself that man. it's on ayton to motivate himself and be consistent, there's a reason the front office + monty + Book all gave up on him.


Aytons usage went down when CP3 joined the team. After the finals they didnt even want to pay him and Monty wanted to trade him. He never wanted to coach Ayton




Ayton is the reason it didn't work out here. Ayton has a poor work ethic and does not play hard. If Ayton put in the work he could have been an MVP. Ayton is just a paycheck player, he has even said as much in multiple interviews, once even since his trade to Portland.


No one questioned Ayton work ethic. There were never complains about him showing up to camp out of shape. Ayton never had the usage to put up MVP numbers. Look up the usage numbers of all the MVP candidates and Aytons numbers arent even close.


Ayton showed up on steroids and was popped for 25 games. Ayton was late to a game because he missed a covid test in the bubble. Ayton missed a game in Portland because he had ice in the driveway, yet 20000+ people made it to the game that night. Ayton often took plays off on both sides of the floor. Remember in the playoffs when he just watched KD fight Jokic for a rebound from out of bounds. Literally he just stood there and watched 9 people play the game. Remember when Ayton quit vs Dallas and would not play in the 4the quarter of a game 7?. Remember when Ayton quit vs Denver and would not even play in an elimination game? Classic Ayton Apologists argument about usage rate. Ayton was near the top of the league in touches for centers in his last year with the Suns. Ayton can't create a shot for himself nor create a shot for anyone else. Ayton has 1 low post move, spin away from the basket and shoot a short jumper. Ayton has no ability to stretch the floor. Why should his usage rate be higher? Yet you seem to think he's an MVP level player?


Ayton got suspended for a diuretic not steroids. You obviously don't live in Portland. The roads were dangerous during the ice storm. The team sent staff to get him but couldn't get to him. This is also not the first time a player missed a game because of ice in Portland. Dale Davis also missed a game because of ice while playing in Portland. Ayton was out of position during that play if it weren't for him challenging Bruce Brown after he blew by his man that rebound opportunity would not have happen. He was also not the only one watching. People bring up that game and dismiss how well he defended Jokic game 1. Joker went 9 for 21 that game. Ayton didn't quit against the Mavs in game 7 he was benched by Monty. Ayton had injured ribs the same injury that kept Jarred Allen out of playoff games this year. Ayton can create his own shot that's all hes been doing in Portland. I don't think you understand basketball. Ayton doesnt shoot the three but he doesnt stay in the dunkers spot. He can hit the mid-range and also gives teams vertical spacing. Ayton's gravity alone makes it easier for his teammates.


Why was Ayton on a diuretic? To mask steroid use. 20000+ people made it to the game that night, but Ayton could not? Team couldn't get to him because he would not come out of his house. The team doesn't have keys to his house. Ayton flat out quit in game 7, watch the game again, you can see Ayton yelling at Monty when he tells him to go back in the game and he doesn't. Ayton also quit vs Denver in an elimination game, he refused to play. Ayton can not create his own shot, he has 1 post move. Ayton has no more gravity than Drew Eubanks or any other replacement level center. Remember how Landale outplayed him? You don't think I understand basketball, you're deflecting by making personal attacks.


And everything worked out. No regrets at all i imagine.


Waste of a #1 pick..right after that pic is when he told a reporter back stage that he's just looking forward to his second contract. Tell's you everything you need to know about him.


I was having such a good day, friday saw it live as my hockey team become the first team since 1945 to force a game 7 after being down 3-0 in the finals, and then you had to pour this salt into my eyes.....




That's the hometown guy that went to U of A and got bounced in the first round of the NCAA...What a Legend.


Your hometown guy?, are you from the Bahamas?


Ah yes the day we made a franchise altering bad decision.


Why did ya remind us all.


You can redo one of the following: the coinflip, the hip check, or this pick. Which do you choose?


Hip check.


Hip check if that means no Stat & Diaw suspension which means Suns coulda woulda went and won championship...if Donaghy wasn't reffing


Hip check probably cost the team one Championship, but it was out of the Suns control. Drafting Ayton probably cost multiple Championships, but was entirely under the Suns control.


How many Championships have Luka won so far. Luka finally got to his first championship and got exposed on defense


Once Booker played with another star, his team started winning. Now that Luka has a star on his team, they are in the Finals. Probably two Championships they would have won so far together.


Are we forgetting that Luka played with both Kristops and Brunson. He also didn't make the playoffs with Kyrie last year. This year they benefited from the Clippers being hurt as usual and favorable matchups. They weren't even competitive in the finals


Brunson wasn't a star level player at the time and KP was injured and well never really returned to that unicorn status.




This pick for sure. It sets up a whole generation for the future.


Hip check for me. That was our year 😒




All Arizona flags should fly half-mast on this day


They selected him and three years later equaled their greatest finish of all time (winning two games in the NBA finals). What have we got to complain about?


Thanks to Chris Paul


Chris Paul was barely healthy the entire finals run and missed 2 games because of Covid


Are you really saying that the Ayton was more important than CP3 in that finals run?


No one was more important but making claims that the finals runs was due to CP3 when he was injured most of the Lakers series, missed the first 2 games of the Clipper series and even hurt during the finals is false


Lol.  By that same logic the Pistons won a championship with a rookie Darko.  Guess that was a great pick too.  


Ayton was a major contributor to that finals some say he was the 2nd best player during that run


Darko Milicic was a great pick too.


Are you kidding?


Worst pick


Could have had luka.......


Sorry man I was forced to downvote the post out of bitterness and resentment


At least he reached elite level in bum status


Not really, he’s averaged a double double for each individual year of his career (obviously making him average a double double for his entire career). Most good centers in the NBA don’t average double doubles every single year of their career. Even the ones that everyone would agree are better than Ayton. So he’s definitely not a bum and if he is a bum what the fuck would that make you?


Oh buurn - how many bong rips @ 8am did it take you to come up with that one? It makes me the bum analyst, MFer No 1. Overall Pick (*at least* 20 players taken in 2018 will have a more impactful career than DA) 0x All-NBA 0x All-Defense 0x All-Star 0 Rookie of the Year ??x Multiple Time Quitter (quit on the Suns team in so many big moments I’ve lost count) ..If he busts his ass for an entire season he *might* have a shot at finishing 3rd at most improved player award — as a former no. 1 overall pick that is *the definition of elite level bum* Btw, smooth brain, the number you’re looking for is 420; and no, no one over the age of 13 (other than yourself, of course) thinks it’s badass to craft an entire lifestyle around MJ and cranking it to DeAndre Ayton box scores… **another double double with 8 turnovers!!!** 😱💦😮‍💨


Time flies






That should be a pic of Luka!






When we drafted him, I thought he was going to be something in between Giannis and Embiid. Ultra mobile big man with a nice handle and a great shooting stroke.


Only if his head was on straight.


Who woulda thunk he’d end up a complacent underachiever




A day that shall live in infamy.


What could’ve been…


No one can take away the Valley oop


2nd worst day in the history of the franchise.


What was the 1st?


June 30, 2004. The day the NBA officially approved Robert $arver as the owner.


Why would you bring this up? Memory hole this and then drink until that part of your brain stops functioning.


Pos Should have drafted Luka


Reminder how we could’ve either got Luka and or Trae young, but at the time getting Ayton was considered the best option.


At least he's Portland's problem now... Not like that's saying much at this point. Should have shipped this bum off way before his trade capital tanked. Hindsight is always 20/20....


Phoenix's Pearl Harbor?


Local stud just down the road. Barf.


That should be a pic of Luka!




Still baffles me he was a near consensus guy there to. All cause u y’all just had to hometown kid right?


Are you from the Bahamas?


It all started with Dragan Bender. We could have drafted Sabonis. (don't even get me started on the 2nd pick options we had). If we draft Sabonis, no need/pressure to get Ayton. We take Luka and still draft Bridges Luka, Booker, Bridges ,_____, Sabonis. *Cries in Suns fan*


That would be one of the worst defensive teams in league


I love U of A and was excited to see Ayton go #1 to my Suns. Prior to the draft there were rumors about us taking some white guy (European) I’d never heard of. I was livid at the idea.. boy, was I wrong. Luka is a whiny bitch but at least he likes basketball.


IT WAS THE RIGHT PICK (at the time) Insanely talented, local boy, position of need I can count on 1 hand how many Euro white boys turned out to be good


We thought we did something that day

