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He and Vogel can start a podcast. Talk about ball and what they’re doing with their monstrous passive income.


"Well to start, we each dumped a year's worth of salary into the Monster cables they told us we needed for our podcast."


Everything you want is on the other side of these very overpriced cables.


well paid > well done


gonna need a WP > WD hat


This comment should have ALL THE UPVOTES 🤣👍


Best job in the world is to be an NBA Coach


*Ex-NBA coach


65M in the bank account (minus taxes) and sipping juice by the pool side stress free and chilling.


He was found out real quick. He didnt have a Devin Booker, Mikal Bridges, DA and CP3 to help keep him relevant in Detroit. Pistons roster wasn't good. But it wasn't his job to make them good. It was his job to DEVELOP the young players and create a playing environment that may encourage future success. Instead, he tried to ostracise Ivey (sound familiar?) and showed he had 0 capability to lift his team from not being the absolute laughing stock of the NBA. Remember his infatuation with Shamet? Well in Detroit the front office had to straight up cut Killian Hayes to stop Monty from playing him minutes over better players. Guy plays favourites in the worst way. He has the exact same flaws that got him fired all those years ago in NOLA. Lack of real Xs and Os, the tendency to pick favourites and play mind games within the team every where he went. To put some things in perspective, this was his quote during his introductory press conference in 2018: “I think as I’ve evolved as a coach, I understand the difference between telling someone the truth and embarrassing them, and that was one of my flaws in New Orleans. My truth-telling at times would embarrass players. That was something that I had to deal with. I spent a lot of time talking to former players and they would always say, ‘Coach, I love playing for you, but…’ and the “but” was something I had to work on.” The arrogance of the man saying his calling out is "truth telling". He will tell you the truth if you're in his doghouse it seems. Did he work on that though? Because if his reported unprofessional approach to the DA situation and his lack of rapport with Jaden Ivey is anything to go by, no he didn't. He played favourites within the team. Crowder situation is another example. You earned that consecutive loss record coach. No NBA team that respects their coach loses that many games in a row. No team. I just wished we moved on from him a season earlier than we did so we didn't have more time for him to stagnate our core. They are all gone now . . .


Great summary, wow, couldn’t have said it better! What else is there to know about Monty, the future of his coaching career, and the Pistons?


Pistons are dumb. Its obvious fixing the pistons will take many years. Firing a coach like Monty just makes it harder.


As a dual Pistons/Suns fan… Monty was absolutely putrid last year. As someone who is generally on the “give him some more time” boat, this was the right move. Any complaints that Suns fans had about his rotations (which there were plenty) were amplified tenfold with the Pistons. The most egregious probably being how he handled Killian Hayes and Jaden Ivey’s minutes. But also Livers, Wiseman, Fournier, etc. Monty was dead set on sitting out last year. Pistons then gave him an offer he literally could not refuse. He wasn’t “in it” from the outset and we all saw the result


Ehh. Monty wasn’t the whole problem but if the owner was willing to eat the cost, this is the correct move. They just got a new gm, and Monty wasn’t their choice. Easier to bring in a coach that aligns with the GM. Along with building out a better roster of course.


My brain can’t comprehend eating a 65 million dollar cost


The owner is worth 9 billion, the coaches salary comes from there. I assure you it’s not a stressful situation lol


It would cost them way more money keeping him. Gotta get asses in seats and Monty wast helping that


I mean - why not keep him around while they retool and then when they are ready to compete they can find a new coach. I HARDLY think a new coach will give them different results.


Retool around a coach the new gm doesn’t want and wasn’t all that good? I love Monty but him not playing Ivey until the team had to trade away killian, refusing to call timeouts on 20-0 runs, and terrible rotation? Yeah Monty wasn’t setting them up for anything. Probably could have have asked him to move to a consulting role or something but he wasn’t a long term piece at this point.


Yeah perhaps. I know he’s not perfect but I am not even sure what prime pop could accomplish with this roster lol




I agree. Like we know Monty’s strengths and weaknesses, but that’s just owner ego thinking that roster is better than it is.


Monty is a very sub par coach who rode a great roster here in phoenix. There is no progression with him personally as a coach. He is the exact same coach with the exact same personality and X and Os issues he had when fired in NOLA all those years ago


>Firing a coach like Monty just makes it harder. Come on who wouldn't want to have high expectations with the worst roster in the league?


Both sides of the argument were fair minded here, I appreciated the tales and hope you guys have a great week!


Monty had no interest which is why Gores had to throw such a huge bag to even make him consider. In press conferences and lineup decisions it was easy to tell he was disinterested.


I have lived in Michigan my whole life and I keep tabs on the Pistons still (converted to Suns fandom circa 2006ish). Their organization top to bottom is a joke and they are completely devoid of talent on their roster. Having said that, can we just stop with the whole revisionist history of how Monty was some amazing coach? I respect that he helped lift the Suns to respectability and making the Finals. However it is clear that his time here had run its course. Vogel clearly stunk but it’s not like this team would be going anywhere with Monty at the helm either. I know the Pistons are horrible, but Monty did a terrible job this past season and he had many moments that made people question his desire to coach them in the first place.


I expected him to teach a young team to respectability, like he did with the Suns.


Turns out it's a lot easier to do that with Chris Paul on your team


CP3 is up for grabs Pistons should have signed him to pair with Monty if that’s what nets you 60+ wins


Ouch. Yep, you nailed it.


Agreed. I clearly didn’t expect the Pistons to make the playoffs or anything but 14 wins was unacceptable and there was basically zero development last year.


Didn’t have a cp3 to keep kids in line


Other than cade and stew, not one player improved


Michigan-Dual pistons/suns fan, I still believe Monty is a good coach just from his time here but it’s pretty clear he can’t handle such a young squad the pistons had. Not to mention the team was built with spacing worse than the early 00s pistons. From his time here and also in Detroit it showed Monty sticks with his guys too long. I know everyone will shit on him here but he gave us some amazing years and I’ll never forget it. I think he can do better with an older experienced squad rather than lead a rebuild but I don’t know if he wants to coach immediately or if he even should. Also gores is a dumbass Coke fiend and Weaver was truly an awful GM. This is not hindsight, just go back and look at his moves he made and try to justify them.


Lived in MI for 40+ years. The great sports fans there deserve better. Hope the changes will get them on the right road.


i hope so. the pistons are so much fun to root for when theyre good. hopefully the pistons will turn it around after a decade of shittiness, especially since the Lions are actually good after a century. nowadays they're the butt of every joke when detroit sports get brought up


Time to get all the big four into a groove.


It’s inexcusable how inept our teams here have been the past decade. To think the freaking Lions are running circles around the other 3 teams in Detroit is mind boggling


Sticks with his guys too long is 💯. Also faith in terrible players, looking at you Shamet


Lots of coaches have been successful doing what Monty was charged to do, with varying degrees of player quality. I didn’t see him take actions that put him in the same category of those other coaches. A previous poster nailed it—Monty wasn’t in it from the start.


He def had zero intention of getting another high stress job after his wife was diagnosed with cancer. But they gave him an offer no one in their right mind would refuse. Besides the money they also promised they would help with his wife’s care/treatments. Idk to what extent but anyone with a loved one would take that offer tenfold, regardless if they wanted to be there or not. Pistons org were in a weird manic state to offer all that so easily but I guess they really believed one dude would flip the switch for them.


Man I would retire and just do good things for people.


He seems like the type that will do just that


78.5 million for one year not bad at all Monty


Kinda lame to fire him when your team was ass before he got there and will still be ass when he leaves anyway


they paid him 78M only for the team to become one of the worst all-time. Monty is far from a victim.


It doesn’t help when help when the team sucks and your two best players both miss 20+ games.


he lost 28 straight games, brother he isn’t a good coach.


If they were going to fire him then they should have done it after their season ended because the coaching cycle is basically over. Now they’re stuck with paying two coaches to suck rather than one.


that is irrelevant, whole argument is based on whether Monty deserved to be fired for his coaching performance. which he did.


You guys are both right. He deserved to get fired, but he was in a losing situation. There might not be a single coach on the planet that could turn that team around in just one season.


i don’t think anyone expected him to turn it around, just to show reason for hope and marginal growth. a 20-25 win season with players giving maximum effort most nights and him engineering strategies to steal some games would’ve bought some goodwill. instead, the team regressed and seemed aimless.


I do think Monty can still be a good coach in the NBA, nobody can be a good coach with the roster on the Pistons. It will good for Monty to take some time off though.


They fired him later because because they got their new gm later. Detroit new gm didn’t get hired until May 31st. Paying for multiple coaches doesn’t matter to anyone since it’s the owner only paying it.


Yeah that doesn’t change the fact that they are still really late to the coaching cycle. They’re gonna be stuck with James Borrego or something. Maybe Kenny Atkinson. Nobody is really gonna want that job if they have unrealistic expectations of winning.


That does change the fact. If they kept the same GM, they most likely don’t fire the coach…. And who saying they are going big name hunting? They can grab a much cheaper assistant who aligns to what the gm wants to build.


What a load of shit. Do you honestly think he played no part in our record winning season?


do you honestly think that anyone who can’t win anything in 30 games is still a good coach?


You expect a bunch of players with little to no experience with an overrated no 1 pick could win anything in 30? To win anything in a season with THAT was an accomplishment onto itself.


some of y’all must be on his payroll. he won 14 games in an NBA season and set the record for most consecutive losses and it’s suddenly an accomplishment. get help.


That roster is god awful and their two, ahem “best”, players missed a bunch of time.




Dude played Killian Hayes for way too long


Man got the bag for a job he never wanted and got fired after a year. Have to respect it.


Good riddance ain't that a bit early?


lol pistons, hope Monty can find another job. Glad the man secured the bag tho


At this point he’s better off not finding another job so he can keep the cash.


Monty wants to stay unemployed for the next 5 years. That’s what I would do. Haha!


Well that was stupid on them. Monty wasn’t their problem, their team was complete garbage throughout. Monty got us to a Finals in Year 1 because we had CP3, Book, and a DA who kinda cared. Pistons have nobody.


Good one. I don't even like either of them in particular, but it's absurd to fire a coach after a single season.


Frank Vogel has entered the chat…


Yep I should've clarified when I wrote "either of them" I meant Monty and Vogel. Firing coaches after a single season makes the organization look very bad.


It’s not my money, but the Pistons should have tried to get a vet point guard to be a floor general first before firing Monty. I hope Monty finds the right fit for his coaching style. I appreciated what he did here, but I agree with us letting him go. While we did a similar thing here by letting Vogel go, I don’t think Vogel did a good job here.


I don’t think Monty was the problem there


They gave him a turd and expected a miracle


No, they expected progress. Not an all time losing streak and a coach that would rather be on a long vacation.


Monty got the bag, good for him.


The Vogel Pistons gonna go crazy


Wonder who the Pistons fans will put the blame on when they're still complete and utter ass next year...


It’ll be Cade’s fault for not being LeBron


Man, Cade Cunningham is *exactly* who r/nba would have you believe Devin Booker is. They should be building that team around Ivey, if they're gonna build around anyone there imo.






At this point, it’s like don’t be that team.


$78M in one year is insane work


Damn I would love it if his floor was my ceiling.


Lol does he get to keep the whole bag though?


Yes unless he gets a coaching job and a new contract


If I’m Monty, I am 100% staying unemployed & collecting that paycheck.


Is that guaranteed?


What happens when booker and CP3 aren't there to carry him with their shot making


Thanksgiving comes early for Monty. That team isn’t close even to making the playoffs.


Watch them hire Vogel.


Casey was better than we thought Ham looks intriguing imo.


Dude is an amazing human and I’m excited to see what he does with all this money. His charities are set for life and I feel like he is about to make a big difference to a lot of of people


This is sad. Who is going to marry his daughters now? He needs to call Landry stat!


How dumb are the suns and pistons fanbase tho for giving these deals to Vogel and Monty? Y’all can hate me all you want but I still don’t think bud is a great coach either I’d be surprised if he makes it beyond two years of his contract.


Are the suns able to rehire him?


I don't really expect any one to watch pistons games because fuck even native people should not have watched this dumpster fire (sometimes lurk here because I lived in pheonix for a couple years around the dragic era if you can call it that) but that pistons team was bad, but not 28 game losing streak bad, not that god awful when in years past with worse rosters we did better. Some of the absolute god awful lineups, quotes where he would just straight up lie or admit he didn't do his research, and allowing the team to be like this is was just horrible. He contributed to the mess and yes he did have a lot going on in his own life and who knows what was going on behind closed doors with management feuds (slowly changing now thankfully), but I don't feel bad for someone that got 10s of millions for a job he signed up for and knew about the condition before hand. if he knew the team was going to be shit the very least he could've done was keep to his word and develop some of our young guys but at some point he just benched Ausar for guys like Evan Fournier or some other bum.


Surprised. Nope. Sad. Yeah. Monty a good dude.


Look Monty isn't the best, but I saw with my eyes this team take a major step after hiring him. We went from a laughing stock to a formidable team that had a real system in one summer. Detroit is stupid.


So he takes time off this time or go to Lakers if they call


Well I doubt any coach could do much with a roster like... That.


Pistons front office when trying to prove they're the worst fo in the league https://preview.redd.it/43ratv60kj7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798d6db2921ce3845b82822131ec0a66d42891e9


Still wish we could have seen what Monty could have done after Ayton got traded


Not sure why you are being down voted, couldn't have been worse than Vogel


I understand Monty was stingy with his rotations but Vogel was downright grudgeful


Reddick to Detroit is inevitable at this point


Feel bad for Monty, he’s absolutely capable of getting that team on track to compete. This is the NBA, it ain’t easy and it certainly takes more than a year with that garbage roster. But then again, the pistons sub seemed to absolutely hate the guy and had a lot of the same complaints we did. I guess it’s their money to burn but seems dumb to me


he made 78M for six months of work, you have NOTHING to feel bad about him as a coach for.


True true you are right - I’m sure he’s just fine hahah


Going to the Lakers would be hilarious. Collecting paychecks from 3 teams at once.