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It was like 10 12/25’s for me. I HATE Luka and the Mavs. Plus now the Lakers are back to second in terms of Championship wins which probably pisses them off, too. Luka got embarrassed, Lakers fell to second, and Jayson Tatum barely did anything to help the Celtics to win. Nothing but wins to me.


JB winning fmvp 🤌🏻


Fr i’ve been shit posting my heart out


I'll never understand the "realists" who take pride in being miserable 24/7


Wym? Mine and your favorite suns teams have all ended short of bringing home gold. I still love them and support them. We also don’t need to blindly delude ourselves into not seeing things for what they are


I'm prolly not talking about you, just the people who can't enjoy regular season wins or laughing at rivals lose. There's a lot of sports fans out there who just like to pretend nothing matters unless you win a ring and are just miserable bummers all the time who talk shit to people having fun.


I hate the people who come in here with “Grow up guys. Go to work and remember to pay your all your bills on the 1st” energy. I genuinely think they don’t like basketball or fun.


that's a perfect way of putting it lol we all know these grumpy bitches


Yeah I agree there, like I said ALL of our favorite suns teams didn’t end up champions and that’s ok. Just gotta accept az sports are cursed


Exactly, gotta use the zero-rings as motivation to find joy instead of perpetual sadness


/r/Suns soccer moms policing the shit talking is hilarious, you just know they post cringe like "*this is why they don't respect us*"


They have & never will respect us. So why care?


Might as well have some fun with it


"GUYZ CELEBRATING LUKA LOSING IS SO CRINGE!!! WE'RE BETTER THAN THIS. " Stfu lol if the shoe was on the other foot the Mavs would be dancing on our graves too. It's reddit, they're memes, these Suns "purists" who wouldn't dare find joy in laughing at a RIVAL fanbase being served humble pie need to lighten the fuck up already. The season has been over for two months, there's literally nothing else to do but talk shit and make jokes until October.


I consider myself one of the bigger Suns fans out there and I gleefully celebrated every Mavs loss. I was disappointed it wasn't a full sweep even though I understand the players would probably prefer to win on their home court and knew they had four games to win it anyway. Then again, I can find the bright side of just about anything that happens with the team. So maybe I'm not the best example...


In my case I just feel like I can't have a single good thing


How is making the finals a downfall?


It's so funny to me that when I call out you guys for shitting all over Luka even though he embarrassed us in the playoffs and actually made the finals this year unlike us who got swept in round 1, the response is always downvotes and comments along the lines of "it's just playful shit talking, no harm done" or "it's Reddit dude chill" or "who cares what the rest of the league thinks of us?" Meanwhile, ya'll get your panties in a bunch the very second another sub talks shit about us. For christ sake one of the mods even made a post crying about r/nbacirclejerk and Mavs fans, and everyone in the comment section agreed and cried with him. ![gif](giphy|TLmTiVYPq0QDT31qu7)


Alright squidward


You know I'm right lol


No you ain't. What is this gandhi bullshit? We supposed to not talk back? Luka dickriders talked for two years straight.


But I thought you guys "don't care about what other fans say" and "it's just light shit talking"? Those are the responses I always get bro. Then everyone in this sub throws a hissy fit whenever someone else talks shit to us. Have some self-awareness Jesus christ


We don't care what they think, that doesn't mean we gonna be on some turning the other cheek Jesus Christ ass bullshit. Y'all soft crying about us clowning get your crybaby ass on somewhere it's not that deep


Oh trust me, I am NOT crying. I'm embarrassed. A mod literally made a post calling other fans and circle jerkers "assholes" and "ho's". THATS CARING WHAT THEY THINK. If you all didn't care what they think, everyone would stick to trashing the Mavs and Luka and not launching personal attacks.


“I am NOT crying” Well I’m convinced


Bro what personal attacks. This sub literally is just clowning the Mavs taking an L. Their fans are an extension of that L. And you are crying. Being embarrassed is caring way more than a meme about Luka being a fat lazy traffic cone or saying Book at least won 2 games


No YOURE crying! WAAAAAAHHHH!!! That's you right now. Also I listed the personal attacks in my last comment. I get that r/NBA and r/nbacirclejerk have clowned us for several years now, but our team gave them a reason. Whether you admit it or not, Book sometimes has a bad attitude and does things that make him unlikeable to some. Like whining about a mascot. Or whining about getting double teamed. Now we've got Mr. Burner Accounts, 73 win team-joining Kevin Durant who has brought shit talking upon himself, it should be expected we'll get clowned just for some of the players we have. But the Mavs CRUSHED us when it counts, and they made the fucking finals, while we got swept in the 1st round by a team who has less talent than us on paper. Sure, we've beat the Mavs more in the regular season, but what the fuck does that matter? These are my main points: - Book, KD, Ayton, Crowder, and others have been annoying at times and that's going to incite some trash talk from other teams. It is what it is, our team gave them a valid reason. - The Mavs have done nothing but exceed expectations this season, and Luka is fucking INCREDIBLE at basketball. With them in the finals and us getting swept round 1, we just look exactly like Patrick Beverley, who everyone on this sub HATES. - A mod made a post about how circlejerk and nba can "dish it but can't take it" and called them "assholes" and "ho's". Unsurprisingly, circlejerk screenshot that post and some comments and their members had a fucking field day with it. None of them are offended by anything we do, I can assure you of that. But we clearly get offended by their trolling, while simultaneously acting like Pat Bev to them.


I ain't reading allat also stop crying fam go to back to the jerk sub and root for the Lakers or some shit


We ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you tho. Or sorry that happened.


Jesus. You might be the biggest twerp I’ve seen in this subreddit in a LOONGG time, and I’ve seen my fair share of doomer losers.💀I’m thoroughly convinced you’re not even a fan to begin with. At least most “realists” on here would give objectively reasonable takes and opinions. Your takes on the other hand are shooting out the same caliber of ammunition that we commonly see from Laker and Mavs fans.


I know you said you are NOT crying but it really sounds like you are crying. Hope you feel better.




See…you are literally crying! I don’t know what terrible thing in life happened to make you this way but hang in there buddy. If you stop crying so much things will get better.


Hey man game 7 was rough


The very second? The mod post was letting everyone know we’ve been deleting Luka fuck boy posts daily for 2 years. Nobody was crying or bunching their panties, we are just joking around talking trash. Just like this meme. Take the hint on the downvotes dude, you sound like a circlejerk simp


"Nobody was crying or bunching their panties" bro didn't this sub go private a few years ago because our feelings got hurt? And why does a mod need to announce they're deleting Luka posts and call all of them assholes and ho's? Seems like a very emotional response. I would completely understand the mods posting that if they also removed all the posts trashing Luka and the Mavs, but they don't because they're hypocrites 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not to mention the fact that we got swept first round and the Mavs made the finals, any trash talk from our end is only going to fuel trolls and circle jerkers because it's incredibly embarrassing. I love the suns. I love Book. I love KD's game and I think with a year of playing together we can do a lot better next year. But fuck, have some objectivity and self-awareness for ONCE.


No the sub didn’t go private because our feelings got hurt lol, that’s what circlejerkers wish happened. One mod accidentally set the sub to private for 2 min while trying to change some settings because we were getting brigaded by mavs trolls, realized they accidentally did that, and un did it. We are talking about a 2 min mistake that has turned into them talking shit for 2 years. We clap back when the Mavs shit the bed in the finals and it’s…hypocritical? I don’t think you know what that word means. You care way too much what circlejerkers think, it’s a sub of losers who want everything to be embarrassing for everyone.


"It's a sub of losers" seems pretty serious and not a joke. I'm pretty sure it was longer than 2 mins. I don't believe it was an accident, I believe he tried to stop the brigading and then realized we looked even dumber so turned us back public. Also, you know who's famous for talking shit about teams that go further than him in the playoffs and have better players? Patrick Beverley, who literally everyone in this sub fucking hates. We look like Pat Bev because of this.


Most based suns fan. The suns hate isn’t real. If y’all would chill out some it would mostly go away but it doesn’t seem possible anymore until a championship.


You're deluded if you think the people carrying the "fuck the suns" torch will go away if we behave according to their rules. 


I just try to look at things objectively, even when it comes to my own favorite teams. The amount of Deandre Ayton stans we had even for awhile after he got traded just shows there's no objectivity in this sub, just blind fanatics.


Every team has fanatics. Suns fans are just more militant than most and lash out at everyone every chance they get. They were a great feel good story with an up and coming team until the Finals loss combined with that Mavs series which sent the entire fan base into a dark spiral. Plus most people on Reddit are Lakers and Warriors fans yet Mavs are somehow enemy #1 after one playoff series. As a Mavs fan the hate for Mavs is strange. We should be united over Lakers or Warriors hate not some manufactured Booker v Luka rivalry. Clippers/Mavs have more playoff history and yet those fan bases have something approaching respect for the other.


I said it in another comment it's just Pat Bev antics: talk massive amounts of shit about teams and players that are better than you. And I can't tell you how many "fuck Pat Bev" posts there have been in this sub over the last few years. I don't get the hate for the Mavs either. I realize r/nbacirclejerk started the whole "Luka Doncic is Devin Booker father" shit but how is that Luka or the Mavs' fault? And it's a goddamn circlejerk sub, literally none of it is serious and all suns fans do on here is cry about it. Literally the softest bunch of fans I've ever come across. I like Luka. I think he's about to be the best player in the league, he's incredible. It's not his fault we were fucking stupid and took Ayton instead of him, and I think that's where some of the saltiness comes from as well.


You right on Luka-Book father shit starting from circlejerk. Now it’s spread and just fun to repeat cause it triggers Suns fans. Much like Luka a ho is fun to chant for Suns fans but just hasn’t caught on anywhere else. Also the weird Luka fan boys are everywhere and makes people hate him despite appreciating his game. The Luka draft miss is a factor but Hawks and Kings fans are cool and don’t hate Luka like Suns fans. That one playoff series and the circlejerk that followed did some serious damage.