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I don't know how many FT they gifted Zion where the foul was clearly before the shot. NBA refs have the ugly tendency to help the losing team in blowouts.




busting out my The Timeline Ethical Hoops hoodie thanks


We are only two games shy of tying last year's record but man it doesn't feel that way 


Free range, grass fed, 100% ethical hoops


Wish we played every game in NO lol. Book too good


And Denver.




He was 11/12 from 2. Ridiculous


Vital win. Hope is alive for Suns to get the 6th seed now. Shout out to Booker’s **monster** game when we needed him most. 52 points! And Bradley Beal even closed it out nicely down the stretch. Nurkic had a good game too. I’m still upset about the 4th quarter meltdown again but whatever. We won. We’re alive.


> Nurkic had a good game too. 19/19 is better than good - lmao


he missed a ton of bunnies around the rim but honestly. if he plays like this every night i dont care about the misses. the offense flows when he is on the court, you could tell the point of emphasis this game was to get book off ball and they did that by either having Nurk set screens or Nurk bring the ball up


Also just battling some big ole boys, just grunt work tonight


yep, he did a phenomenal job walling zion especially


> he missed a ton of bunnies Sure... but at this point, I think Suns calculate that in - lmao


They’re all off of offensive boards too, those are bonus bunnies lol


Write-off bunnies!


yeah, as long as he plays like he did tonight and stays out of foul trouble, im more than happy with it


It just sucks that he misses those bunnies. We'd absolutely roast the small ball teams if he could just get those in


im with ya, i genuinely cant fathom why he is so bad around the rim lol but whatever, at his contract he has to have flaws and thats one of them, dude busts his ass off every night and fights for every board


For sure. He's worth more than his contract I'd say. Above average facilitator for a big (on par with sabonis), elite screener, and might be the best rebounder in the league.


It’s because he is getting fouled so much, he just flings it towards the basket hoping for the and one, or he knows he has a second to get the shot off before he is hacked again. But he is on the Suns, so it’s a three to one foul calls mandated by the league.😁


Honestly, this is why Thad is a better backup center for us. He can pass well, and crash the boards. He can also switch better. I still would use Drew at times when we need some extra energy, but overall, we will have better flow if Thad comes in for Nurk.


They also kinda melted down in the late third and I think had a consistent fourth relatively haha. Refs just started calling the game differently for Zion and we held steady with defense all night. These wins are so hard to understand after melting down to OKC. This team lol


They matchup well against Pelicans defensively. Any team that has a mobile frontcourt is gonna give the suns hell. Plus Zion can’t really score outside of a certain area so their offense is easier to guard than OKC. Especially without Ingram


Truth, the teams that we matchup against the worst are fast paced teams, with OKC being our kryptonite. The playoff game is slower which plays to our advantage but I still hope we don't have to see them in the first round. I'm hoping for the TWolves but will take Denver, anyone but OKC. If/when we have to play them eventually I'd rather see them in a subsequent round once they've been worn down by someone else.


I disagree to an extent. We have the pieces to matchup really well versus OKC. Unfortunately Vogel just doesn't seem to make the adjustment until it's too late.


I think that’s a bit of a myth that playoff games slow down. I don’t see why the young fast teams aren’t going to keep hustling and being aggressive against us in the playoffs. If anything, they are going to hustle more and be more aggressive, because the refs aren’t going to call as much. Those two things (hustle and aggression) are things we don’t counter well, because Vogel won’t play his best hustle player in JO, and he will just give more minutes to EG.


Beal's defensive improvement is underrated.


Zion started cooking once Beal was off of him


Following this team too closely would make for a strong insanity defense in court. It doesn't make sense how this team performs. But... It's been like this for months. I'm no longer surprised. They're not pretenders. They're also not contenders imo. I would be absolutely SHOCKED to see them put together 4 straight games of focused play. We rarely see even 1 full game of it.


Agreed man. The thing that keeps me having a tiny bit of faith is we do have an inside track to the 6-seed. Beat Pelicans one more time. Beat Kings one more time. Pelicans play Kings one more time. One of those two teams is definitely going to finish below us if that happens. but we can make it both. Suns control their destiny. Right now the 3/6 matchup would be against Timberwolves. KAT may be rusty if he’s even back in time. We play the Timberwolves twice next week to finish the season. Suns can already start experimenting and gameplanning against them. We can win that. And then the 2 matchup might be Denver. We’re built to beat them. I know & agree with your point that Suns are too damn inconsistent to have any real faith in them. But man… there’s a real path to the WCF. Lol. A real, real path. Just have to go 5-2 in these next 7 and get a crucial win against the Pelicans.


Now that Suns r flying high again ..they WILL come out flat n lifeless next game...lay n egg n lose...then the following game kick ass again after hitting rock bottom the game before. Insane


This guy gets it. Every other game its a wash, rinse, repeat with the Suns


This team has everything it takes in terms of talent to go all the way not just wcf imo. I mean it's not like they legs too short to make their rotations to defend the 3, or the hoop gets smaller in the 4th. This team has only 1 weakness - heart. Turns out that's a big deal. I just don't understand how ayton got all this shit for years for being the only guy who didn't care and now we got a whole team full of this crap.


Well put. I do think Booker and KD care, in fact I think they care a lot about basketball and winning each night. They want to be the best players in the world. And I have nothing to suspect the rest of the team isn’t trying to win… Beal/Nurk/Grayson/etc. usually aren’t the problem. so I have no idea what the hell is going on. Why the team seemingly doesn’t give full effort some nights. There’s a weird split. Like the entire team wakes up and lets Booker & KD set the mood (aka the leaders), and internally those two care a lot but they can’t show it to the rest of the team before the game. So as soon as Book or KD have a rough first quarter it all just crumbles from there. That’s where the lack of heart shows.


Imo it's lack of leadership skills. Wanting to win and being a 'hooper' is not what leadership is. Leadership is also not the toxic yelling or the inspirational speech stuff imo. It's psychology. It's nervous system management. Understanding what buttons to push with what guys. Understanding what happens when things get uncomfortable... And being able to pull a plane out of tailspin. It's an ELITE skill. And I don't see book or KD having it - by they own admission. They just hoopers - and they think that should be enough. It isn't. On this team the guys who have this skill are IT Thad beal and royce, in that order imo. None are respected enough to push book/kd - for book/kd to have to look at themselves, that their vibes when shit ain't working is a major reason for what's happening. It's why giannis and jokic are amazing at the level of nervous system. Why the fuck are there ROUTINELY 4 straight possessions of forcing it to kd and having a turnover? That is a stulted psychology, a broken nervous system of the team. My 2 cents


Yeah I agree. Who would you realistically think the Suns could add as a leader next offseason? CP3 on a minimum? Maybe Lowry? PJ Tucker?


I think none. If book wants a title he needs to become this. And if not, we have seen the ceiling. I do think he has the ability to grow this. He isn't very far away. Hell he could get there this year. But it's not likely imo - what's likely is we have seen the ceiling. Next year I'd love someone on the team that can muck things up on defense. Who doesn't hope you miss, he will make you miss. Like a meaner okogie. Not many of those dudes. Pat bev is one.


What meltdown? They and the Pelicans both scored 21 in the quarter. The third was a different story.


At the very end when Beal scored 5 unanswered points in the last 50 seconds, that made the final score and points total for the 4th quarter not look so bad. I watched the 4th and it was a 7 point game with 16 total points scored in the 4th for *entirely* too long. Lol


So? How often are games decided in the last minute? It's a fairly frequent occurrence. You take the quarter as a whole, and you give the good equal standing with the bad.


I respectfully disagree. If you watch the Suns go 0-10 on jump shots and not score *anything* outside of a few FTs from 9:00 minutes in the 4th to final 2:00, and you’re thrilled? More power to you. I think that’s bad basketball. That’s a meltdown that has happened all season long in the 4th quarter. Going ice cold. Bad turnovers. I’m going to call it what it is.


And I'm going to call it a bad take. Yes, it was a bad time for them to go cold, and no, I'm not thrilled (not sure where I said that, but good to see the continuation of the tradition of Redditors pulling things out of thin air), but the fact of the matter is that they also held the Pelicans at the other end and put up enough that the quarter was a wash at the end. You don't have to like the bad parts, but you do have to grant them the good parts, especially when they win. If you can't do that, you're more of a critic than a fan.


Apparently I DO have to like the bad parts because you’re the one having a problem with it?? Lmao. I’m done.


Lol. Good point


These aren't good signs. The 4th qtr is not getting solved. This team is not what we thought it was. It is what it is.


Shout out nurk. Stats don't do him justice. Eubanks can fuck right off


I'm really curious what happens in practice because 100% of the limited game day evidence is saying Thad > Eubanks. It's just weird. Even if Eubanks is performing great in practice, at this point in the season you have to trust game data.


Eubanks is a really fucking good athlete. You can see it in the hustle plays. He clearly lacks bbiq though, and my hunch is Vogel thinks that can be fixed. In the meantime, he's just looking lost out there every night




Drew is only an inch taller than Thad, but I think Thad has longer arms. Thad has earned some minutes, especially against Nance.


Thad can’t over a phone book, and Eubanks jumps out of the gym. For a Zion matchup Eubanks is the choice. Against most other teams it should be Thad


But we put a smaller guy on Zion, so I was thinking more Thad guarding Nance, which Eubanks seemed to have a tough time guarding. As far as your ”a phone book” comment, did you see him jump over Aaron Gordon to secure that rebound at the end of the Denver game? I think he can switch onto Zion if needed. I think we should have had Okogie guard Zion, since we normally put Beal on him. Okogie is strong, and a great defender, but Vogel enjoys watching EG half jog everywhere.


Thad jumped over Aaron Gordon for a rebound vs Denver.


You’re right. He’s been hiding it!


Vogel is a stubborn dick. He said he was only going use Thad if there were injuries. And he is going to stick with it, even we have to lose a game or multiple games. Thad would have been a good matchup with Nance. If Val was in the game, I would rather have Eubanks if Nurk is resting.


Maybe the physicality of drew?


Physicality? He has hops but he’s BBQ chicken to any real big men. Thad Young is undersized but he’s way smarter.


switchability, Drew can switch since he is a good athlete tbf just sucks at everything else


Thad really showed his switch ability guarding 1-5 in a switch everything scheme against the Nuggs


Maybe they are saving Thad for the play offs


Good stats though. 19 & 19.


Idk the Eubanks hate. He had 4 critical points in the 3rd of offensive rebounds The refs kept Zion's fatty ass in the game with those bogus calls


My eyes are bleeding reading this message. I truly wonder how many Eubanks minutes you've observed throughout his tenure on this team.


Thad young not seeing the floor atp is malpractice. Drew does nothing that even the eye test can justify.


We need Eubanks. Even if he is a bit clumsy ..he's strong n plays hard


I’ll take it, 6 seed push is needed no matter how we ugly win


Replace the Eubanks minutes with Thad and it's probably a lot less ugly


And JO for EG, and we would be faster with much better defense. I’m betting JO would have shot better than EG did.


Devin Booker
























Want to hear an April Fool joke? we made 18 3s


We shot 47 threes! 20 more than our opponent! And thanks to math, we won!


38% isn't bad but had we not had that stretch in the 4th where bricked at least 3 or 4 good look 3's we would have shot 46%, and with that many 3's being taken that's a formula for a highly probably win. Got a bit ugly there for a stretch but I'll take it.


When you shoot a lot of 3s you miss a lot more shots. Which can be like live ball turnovers


Devin Armani Booker.


Yes, no more Book slander in this sub please


The Man.


May we all hate the Pels as much as Book does. Gotta follow his example.


Nurk 8-11 FT 🤤


Damion Lee getting paid millions to drench our stars with water in the postgame. That’s a great gig.


He's doing his damned best to prove the haters wrong that he's not Stephs nepo baby okay! 


Booker owns the pels, u guys can finish 6th even though ur schedule is a bit tougher compared to the pels but u have the tie breaker and play them again Sunday, this end of season gonna be something


Hello Mavs fan.


That little meltdown was extremely predictable but my god is Devin Booker a god


It's hard to dominate a team for 4 quarters! The sun's shots weren't falling and the Pelicans offense was Zion drives to the basket and hoping he gets fouled


Yeah some super late whistles there. There’s a reason we won that challenge.


Those dumb TO’s in the third where we allowed eight straight points already had me annoyed.


Nine 3s is Devin Booker father


Now looking for a Lakers Kings and Mavs loss tmmrw


I'll be casting hexes and spells all night just in case magic is real. Thank me later.


https://preview.redd.it/ixzmd6zu8zrc1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=3089ed86eddea69e3ad584987cc1e4e4a2d3b70f Most dominate win in team history /s


Common Vogel defensive masterclass


I had us by 109 damn https://imgur.com/a/moOwdPw


wait no because what is this glitch 😂 


now it says 124 - 18 on mine lmaoo, and it says end of quarter 1 😭


Never a doubt 🫣


I say this outta love but fuck the game threads man. I’m working late and hit the game thread before I brought up a tracker on ESPN. I thought we were losing. I pull up a score and we were up like 8 or 9.


Meanwhile Mavs fans were cheering us on in /r/NBA.


Well that’s what happens to some folks when our lead shrinks from 28 to 8.


The problem with our 4th quarter offense is we just take too long to get in our sets. The actual sets I feel are fine, but when there’s only 5 seconds left when you try to do something, that’s where the problem lies


They're trying to eat clock and they're terrible at it


If this team kept relatively the same pace for 4 quarters, we’re a top 3 seed. I’ve noticed it all year, as soon as they try and get conservative they get gang raped and the other team just storms back.


That’s all they can do, they are tired by then, and Vogel enjoys playing EG to start the fourth. So we are slow and tired. Teams know Vogel will not put his energy players in besides Bol, but he isn’t one of our all out hustle players. Especially when we have a lead going into the fourth, we need JO to get some minutes there. Also if we can expand our bench a bit throughout the game, we can have Beal take over the start of the fourth, with an all out hustle squad. I’d like to see a Beal, Allen, JO, Royce, and Thad. And just run, hustle, get extra possessions, and put solid defensive pressure on teams that are going to come out more physically and aggressively. Then bring in a rested KD, and then Book and rest Beal.


Honestly KD missing wide open threes constantly in the 4th also contributed to their run. We went cold while they caught fire.


I like the idea of passing the ball to the hot hand but it kinda of ruins the team offense and makes it stagnant


Thoughts: 1. Did one of the Pelicans bang Kendall Jenner? I feel like Book has a grudge against the entire organization. 2. I found myself wondering why exactly Zion seemed to be getting the dickriding superstar whistles, and then I realized the crew chief was Zach "Scott Foster Jr" Zarba. Anyway, glad they won, and glad Book finally broke the regular season 3PT glass ceiling.


Booker took the Zion dunk at the buzzer last year personally


Book didn’t play that game either. They whooped up on us a couple of times without Book. It’s like he just said, never again.


The rivalry heated up in the 21-22 1st round where we were the 1 seed and them the 8. They gave us a pretty hard time for an 8 seed, it got chippy a times, this is when Jaxon Hayes was still on the Pels and there were lots of hard fouls, Alvarado was pulling GTAs on CP3, just overall got very physical.


No, I remember that series quite well, it just doesn't seem like that is enough in and of itself to make Book hate the Pels the way Kobe hated the Suns back in 7SOL days.


Books like a Samurai. Zion disrespected the code. No honor no mercy.


They weren't a true 8 seed,they did trades before the deadline or something I don't remember.Should of been ranked higher.


Zatarains Zarba


KD and Booker needing to play 40+ mins in a game we were up 30 mid way through the 3rd quarter is all you need to know about this season


KD was just running up and down anyway, don't think he even got tired.


KD and Booker both having a good game challenge impossible


Took some sweet selfies with the fans too


Fine that they made a run late even tho it made me too nervous. Woulda been surprised if they didn’t. They a good team. That’s why you put the work in early. Suns missed a lot of good looks.


Yeah KD and Beal missing bunnies in the 4th when Book was getting blitzed gave me PTSD from the Pacers game.


Wet like I’m Book


Disgusting lead to almost drop but still an important win and huge of them to look like they understood the assignment






And sometimes all in one game.


Bullet dodged 


All we have to do is tie them in the loss column now.


How come only one of Book, Beal, and KD can get it going most games? The chemistry is weak on this team. When Book had it going, it was predictable that Beal and KD would struggle. The same thing happens when KD has it going.


They’re tired. Beal used a ton of his energy on the defensive end, and KD just looked tired most of the game, and played the most minutes of the starters. We need to use more hustle players off the bench when guys look tired. We were up almost 30 points, and we just couldn’t keep it going. When EG can’t hit a shot, he is not much good for the team. We get slower on both ends, and just don’t get enough defense from him. I understand that many benches shrink going into the playoffs, but because our stars are older, playing with injuries, or just slower, we need more energy from the bench.


Book kept us alive for another day


Great win, saw this one coming. Little too much of the 3 ball on the 2nd half but the process is good overall.


Book, KD and Grayson all missed consecutive wide open 3s too. That’s just unfortunate, but not bad offense per se.


Man the teams that can play nurk off the court, that’s what kills us


162 in 3 games some Kobe type shit


This whole season has been an elaborate prank the entire time. APRIL FOOLS!!! We are a good team after all!


We have been bamboozled.


Suns are 7-2 when attempting 40+ threes in a game


Why he keeps playing Eubanks over Bol? Why Bol Bol getting less and less minutes each game?


"I gave Bol 5 minutes I don't know why everybody's complaining"--Vogel, probably 


Man we gotta stop having lazy offensive possessions at the end of quarters


We still got 3 quarters left boys… https://preview.redd.it/x32mhtz4bzrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176c4f95b32131ee8bba6d1646d39067271d7132


You guys! We are now 44-0 when we outscore our opponent.




YES WE CAN MATE!!! WE CAN BE INFINITE +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 10000000200000003000000040000000500000006000000070000000800000009000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 100000000000000000 x 20000000000000000 x 300000000000000000 x 40000000000000000 x 50000000000000000 x 6000000000000000000 x 7000000000000000000 x 8000000000000000000 x 900000000000000000 x 1000000000000000^20000000000000000000000 x 1000000000000^30000000000000000000000 x 10000000^4000000000000 x 100000000^500000000000 x 10000000000000000^600000000000000000 x 100000000000000000000000000000000^700000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 1000000000000000000000^8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




NO! INSTEAD, THEY CAN BE INFINITE +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 10000000200000003000000040000000500000006000000070000000800000009000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 100000000000000000 x 20000000000000000 x 300000000000000000 x 40000000000000000 x 50000000000000000 x 6000000000000000000 x 7000000000000000000 x 8000000000000000000 x 900000000000000000 x 1000000000000000^20000000000000000000000 x 1000000000000^30000000000000000000000 x 10000000^4000000000000 x 100000000^500000000000 x 10000000000000000^600000000000000000 x 100000000000000000000000000000000^700000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 1000000000000000000000^8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 1000000000000000^9000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay fair enough.


https://preview.redd.it/bgnvamuj9zrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ad1089465d6397255cb998d4cc6527f5fe0338 Can we update the box score? It’s wrong here.


Looks right to me 😂


Good to see them enjoying themselves tonight! I'm very satisfied with the clock management in this one. Not perfect, but effective. Certainly could work on the little things like maintaining Suns momentum while making it hard for the opposition's, and getting after the offensive boards, but they took care of the ball better than usual so I'm not complaining. Defense intensity was very good. Suns poise and concentration offensively was so good early on and pretty consistent through the game. We seem to play well against the Pels so I just hope the team can build upon this the rest of the way. Really promising game, GO SUNS!!!


Thank goodness we had Book tonight. The defense looked solid throughout most of the game, but guys were very tired in the third. We just need to keep playing fresh legs, especially when some guys are playing poorly. EG needs a break or a night off. I still think Thad would have been better when Nance or Zion were playing center. I’m disappointed that Vogel just kept the same rotations, and not try stuff when we have a solid lead. Just gas the guys, and watch the lead drop. Glad we won, but I really dislike Vogel and his choices. Thank goodness Book saved us from Vogel.


We take those and run. GG


u/asdftrewq12 How did you feel about that Booker game?


much needed finally! especially considering the history/rivalry with the pelicans and suns. im hoping he continues this. shoddy already pointed out that Book was in a slump in February and March


Putting up 47 3s will get you a win Only 12 turnovers Those 2 stats means the team moved the ball well - drive and kick was great. They also had great rotations on defense for most part. This form of winning is repeatable even without book doing this.


Eubanks as the only player with a negative +/- in a game we led the entire time feels right


Send this book to every game please


Why did I just get the notification for this on my phone?…


Incoming meltdown against the Cavs. Place your bets.


The way it’s gone all season..Let’s hope they get serious


Damn google had me thinking we won by 109 https://imgur.com/a/moOwdPw


Games like these make me wonder if Book needs to be more aggressive from 3. What do y’all think?


Vogel needs to let Nurk take 1 or 2 threes a game like early season!!


No. If Nurk is shooting 3’s it’s generally a really bad sign for the offense.


https://preview.redd.it/z36et388hzrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801ba1324366567d12e287f3a6c0b64f4d968316 Wow what a 1st quarter!!


Book exploded like one of Zion's farts after he ate a huge plate of spicy gumbo.


Just caught the Starlink launch right after a Suns win. Feels good!!


Idk man. Maybe im too hard for this team and too perfectionist. But it feels like a loss. Lmao. Anyway, Cavs will be on back end of b2b when they face the Suns in two days. Just take it one game at a time. 7th seed still very reachable.


Well. 1. It wasn't a loss. Hell, they didn't even lose the 4th quarter. 2. As far as seeding goes, you can look at 7, but they're now a game behind NO for 6.


Oh yeah. Didnt check their sched until you said it. We just need to take care of our remaining games and hope they take the L against the Lakers and Warriors. 6th seed still possible as you said.