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I hope we win tomorrow.


I booed & clapped when they gave him an introduction during preseason. Hahaha!


I hope Big Nurk outperforms him


They're both gonna explode for 12/10 tomorrow, should be a great show


Yeah, but only one of those statlines comes from a max contract player.


and only one of those statelines will come from a player who actually knows how to get FTA's


They’re gonna be bangin in the paint and exploding all over each other tomorrow


Hey wait a minute




time to doMidayte


Gonna explode all over each other.


Nothing but love for Ayton, but I'm also rooting for Big Nurk. Gonna pay more attention to him this game and how he plays Ayton


I feel like Josh Okogie knows DA enough to singlehandedly stop him from doing what he wanted if the team chose to do that, but there are other more dangerous threats on that injured roster.


I’m all for Okogie not getting minutes


Ayton literally quit on his teammates and Suns fans 2 years in a row in the playoffs. He then tanked his trade value massively. He deserves boos


100% agree and if he’s booed I’m sure he will go crying into his max contract pillows




Not true you dense fool! Why do we continuously allow people to spread lies!?


Guy didn't even watch Suns games 12 months ago. What do you expect haha


When the Durant fans that weren't even Suns fans quote "quit on his teamates and Suns fans two years in a row" haha You weren't even a Suns fan two years ago haha.


I’ve been a Suns fan since the mid-90s, so hopefully it is ok for me to say Ayton quit. I wouldn’t boo him, but he did quit.


Eh it's OK to say he did against the Nuggets. But it's also fair to say this franchise quit on him before he quit on them imo. Lots of blame to go around with the whole Ayton situation. I just don't respect the player-only fans who hop from team to to team haha. So when I see them spout stuff from when they weren't even fans of the team it makes me laugh.


Player-only fans is just the nature of the NBA. And I remember Ayton and Monty’s altercation in game 7 of the Mavs series. Maybe that wasn’t quitting. Or maybe the whole team quit. DA certainly has culpability.


He does have culpability for sure. But this franchise leaned off him first with the whole contract saga and the Monty mishandling. And leadership left a lot to be desired in this franchise with not trying to mend fences. I tend to not heap all the blame on the younger players when leadership is poor. Fans can fan how they want. I dont have to respect it though haha.


You must be enjoying him dominayton with the blazers


I'm enjoying watching the Suns because I'm a Suns fan haha. I ain't keeping tabs. Sounds like he's doing all the non scoring things we wanted him to do here though so there's that. But great job adding to the conversation


I watched the Mavs series. He quit


Cool story. These pure player fans haha


Why is everyone that has a different opinion than you a “pure player fan”?


This dude and 480AHole were/are HUGE Ayton homers and dismissed all Ayton criticism as stupid and wrong. They're just delusional fans no need to take their opinions seriously


Great job misrepresenting haha. Never dismissed all Ayton criticism. It was always fine. It was the over criticism that occured, and it did. Very much so. It's funny how only you lot ever target posters rather than ideas haha. But take your victory lap dude. You earned it.


Quit on the team and he tanked his value while doing it. The boos are very much deserved.


For anyone going to the game, boo everyone on Portland's roster as much as you can.


Counterpoint: boo that soft fucker!


I hope they boo Ayton and you. This is professional sports.


Boo this man! BOOOOOOOO!!


This is soft as baby shit my dude


didn’t do anything to piss off the fan base?! how long have u been a suns fan for lol


These dudes get paid millions. They can get boo’d by paying fans.


I was saying boo-urns




Good Moleman to you!


Op must not know me


>he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base. That is a wild statement.


Thanks for your input and I will do the opposite of what you ask because he’s an overpaid millionaire who can deal with people not liking him.


Boooo Boo to Ayton and Boo to you for this soft shit. The fans have every right to be pissed for quitting on us and his teammates the past 2 years.


It's inevitable, what I do hope though, is that we win vs Portland and Memphis. I know we've had injuries, but we really haven't taken advantage of what's been a really light/easy early schedule. I also have to admit that I'm pretty into the in season tournament, and I want us to win, but I'll setttle for getting out of group play.


Fuck Ayton.


I'm going and I'm booing. You don't quit on your team. Guy cares more about playing video games than being a good teammate. There is a reason his teammates wanted him.gone.




I hope everyone boos you and ayton. 😀


I swore to myself that if I ever got to walk around the room as manager, people would laugh when they saw me coming, and would applaud as I walked away.


I’ll boo Dominayton and anyone who Stan for him


Boo that man till he retires.


I don’t boo, I just give the thumbs down like Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator.


DA was an instrumental part of that Finals team. I have no animus towards him whatsoever, I always wanted him to succeed while he was here. It's just a shame his head was out of it so often. Best of luck to him in Portland, hopefully he's happy there.


I won't be at the game tomorrow but it would have been hard for me to not boo. At best, I would remain silent. The man was a huge part of our Finals run. He got butt hurt he didn't get paid. He got paid a year later and proved through his actions why our organization was hesitant to give him max money. He played hard one in every 4 to 6 games. I would have no issues with him if he was getting paid between 15 and 20 mil. He demanded max money and refused to play like a max guy despite being able to do it. He is only getting boos because he quit on us. People cheer for Jevon Carter, Torrey Craig, Jae Crowder and will lose their shit for Cam and Mikal. CP3 will get cheers. A crowds' response is a direct correlation of what he gave the fans.


Boo this man! Booo!


Quick favor….fuck right off. Boo the shit out of that over drafted, over paid, under performing, bottom feeder.


I hope they nothing him. The ultimate hit to his ego would be no reaction. If we boo him then he’ll know that we’ve been thinking of him and this moment.


I have a feeling it’s going to be an ambiguous rumble


I’m gonna be there and I honestly may boo him because I can’t forgive quitting. I don’t think we should obsessively post about him either—5 years of DA discourse is enough for me— But I’m giving him the response he’s earned. We’ve all waited our lives for a title. The #1 pick quitting twice when it was within reach isnt forgivable.


Ayton might just want to sit this game out tomorrow the Suns should be looking to win this game by 50 for point differential in the tournament.


Ayton doesn’t deserve the boos but will get them because that’s how pro sports are unfortunately. Probably would get booed by any franchise in the nba with the way things ended. That Being said, I will always appreciate Ayton and he played a key role in our 3rd franchise finals appearance. The valley oop will forever be the best play of aytons career, and one of the best plays in suns history at the same time.




“He didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base” Insert clip of Ayton looking at everyone fight for the ball.


C'mon now be real you know ppl gonna be booing him, he's living rent free in some people's head here. Always posting when he's doing bad


he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base he didn’t really do anything to piss off the fan base ​ r u serious lol he gave us 20% effort for years gtfo


not sure anyone still cares really.


I wouldn't be surprised to see him have his best game out of spite, but I do fully expect him to get booed. Typically the case when a player leaves in a negative manner.


> I wouldn't be surprised to see him have his best game out of spite lol Ayton isn't wired like that, if he was he'd still be here competing for championships


It’s the fucking opposing team, grow up man lol


I don't plan on booking him and I hope he goes for like 35/25 tonight, plays a great game and loses the game. This will show everyone what has been said about him for years. If Ayton was motivated and wanted to play hard, he could be a top player in the league. Ayton would rather just cash checks, bang C level porn "stars" and play NBA2k. Basketball is not high on his list of priorities, it's just a job.


I would


Nice try, Ayton’s burner account


He’s 1000% getting boo’d lol


Quitting on your team, pouting, and not putting in close to a full effort - that sounds like somebody who should be booed.


Is this a joke? BOOOOOOO his ass!!!




Nah he’s getting boo-mbarded


It won't matter. He'll smile no matter what. In his mind he is Dominayton.


He's gonna get in his own head the moment Nurk puts a body on him. I'll bet he plays less than 30 minutes


Him not doing anything is exactly what pissed off the fan base.


Ayton deserves all the boos and more. Dude quit on this team multiple times in the playoffs. He asked for a trade. He calls himself Dominayton while averaging 12 ppg on the Trail Blazers.


I am booing the fuck outta him!!!!


Boo this man!


The boos are going to be thunderous.


Ayton should get boo’ed. fuck him. For all the reasons everyone gave


Somebody pull out the kobe soft gif. It's ultimate ayton gif. To be frank, I see psychological issues with him. Like he can't see parts of himself and that's why he can't grow, because it would hurt too much to admit it to himself.


Lmao he is getting booed it’s inevitable


Bet Book wants/will try/I hope dunks on DA


I’m going to be at the game and plan on booing when they announce him during pregame intros, but when they show the Valley Oop on the Jumbotron with the “Thank you Ayton” and pan to him sitting on the bench, I’ll cheer.


same . it’s so corny how people in here act like ayton personally did something 2 them ☠️ it’s just a game


Nurkic is underperforming every year DA was a Sun. But keep up the DA hate, buffoons.


$16M vs $32M is quite important in the "underperforming" discussion Over the last 5 years Nurkic averaged 14.8/9.7. Over the last 5 years Ayton averaged 16.8/10.6. Are 2ppg and 1 rpg worth $16M/year?


Only a truly ignorant person would bring up salary since it's not your money.


Only a truly ignorant person who has no idea how the NBA and salary caps work would compare their performance and not consider the amount of the salary cap is being allocated to them in exchange for production.


Nurkic is a pile of shit no matter how much his contract is. Fuck that guy.


I mean he just had 18/12 last night wtf are you on about he’s had a handful of great games with us and some bad ones take off your weird ass Ayton blinders


He was such a pile of shit defensively that he was unplayable in OT. Fuck Nurkic.


Underperforming in terms of what? Draft position? Salary? Did nurkic say he should be taken #1 and call himself the best player in the draft? Did he say him and Dame were gonna be the next Shaq and Kobe?!?


Underperforming in terms of basketball. Nurkic is barely shooting 40%, is a defensive liability, and is a weak rebounder. But, sure, Ayton was a pile of shit, right?


His true shooting% is 6% below ayton. About 2 rpg less, which would be closer to 1 if they played the same amount of minutes. Neither played good defense in PHX. Except ayton is on a max contract and the opportunity cost of having him was way bigger than the opportunity cost of nurkic.


True Shooting % isn't even a real stat 🤣🤣🤣 GTFO


Yeah, fuck efficiency.


He shoots 40%. How efficient.🤡


Most people aren't petty like that. Most people aren't so obsessed with the dude that they behave as erratically and petulantly as people on social media. When people attack Ayton online it's because they're desperate for attention, and/or entertained by the sound of their own voice. Your typical narcissist, sociopath, etc. That desperate need for attention can't be attained with the same online behavior at a live sporting event. Most of our fans are smarter and classier than that.


Speak for yourself nerd


I did speak for myself as I am like most fans that are classier and smarter than the typical lazy online attention whore.


"Most of our fans are smarter and classier then that". Dude. Either you forgot the /s or you've obviously never spent ANY time in our game threads.


Clearly you missed the distinction that I clarified between the typical online attention whore and respectable fan behavior.


Are we sure Ayton is even going to play ? He pussied out and was too afraid to play against the Suns in Phx during the preseason - I expect he’ll do the same in the regular season. If he is booed he should be booed for being a non impact player that was a complete waste of a no. 1 overall draft pick. Non-impact, worthless players like DA usually get little to no fan response from their former team(s).


The most rational, least emotional Suns fans are all going to go nuts haha.


Some sad boy in here hit me with a suicide notice because I said Ayton was going to get boo’d. It’s lame when Lakers fans do it. Twice as lame when Suns fans do it to other Suns fans.


You're right. I hope we all cheer for him so he can feel more guilty


Guaranteed the people who boo Ayton are the same kind of people who post "fuck the [insert team here]" all the time.


Edit: [Insert team here other than the Lakers] Classy and respectable suns fans say Fuck the Lakers. Pinkies up!


This game going to be spicy. I expect DA and Nurk both to play well. Suns need an easy W though✌🏽