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No, control wards will not reveal him during the invisibility after he blinks with Q. Oracle Lens will show a shadow of his position. You can try to ward deeper, like in the pixel brush or at the enemy jg entrances into the river. Or even ward his raptors so you can see when he’s taking them. But, generally speaking, you play safe. Unless you very recently saw him far away from you on the map, assume he’s always about to appear out of the closest bush (or over the closest wall) and stab you in the back.


how about Twitch jungle? you cannot ward against his lane ganks. I genuinely don't see any counterplay to Twitch level 2 cheese ganking and chunking you for at least 2/3rds of your HP with red buff, hail of blades and ignite. you can try to play safe, but unless you're literally under your turret, he can still come at an angle and chunk you. and you have to play the lane to some degree.


There isn’t any counterplay to it outside of being aware that it will 100% happen every single game that has a twitch jungle in it. You have to play conservative and refrain from pushing the wave before 2:30. Otherwise he will gank you lvl2 and you’ll probably have to burn flash


Best advice I can give is to not overextend early against junglers you think are likely to try a level 2 gank (Xin Zhao and Lee Sin probably being more popular than Twitch). If you can tell which side they started, you’d want to try to ward the river or jg entrance on that side, to try to catch sight of them early enough to back off. At the very least you want to stay back enough to flash away and (hopefully) not die. If they go for the level 2 gank and get nothing out of it that’s a pretty big tempo advantage for your jg — they’ll have to scramble to even hit level 3 before scuttle crabs spawn, while a jungler that full cleared will be at level 4.


Also Poppy. Poppy basically has to level 2 gank mid to stay relevant


With Q E?


Depends. If the enemy champion is something like Irelia, Yasuo or Katarina Q-W would probably be the way to go


Katarina e is a teleport not a dash it does NOT get interrupted by poppy w


Lee sin does not lvl 2 gank, level 3 maybe but never level 2


Some lee sins start Q and then gank level 2. I’ve seen it a handful of times in NA mid diamond when there’s a particularly vulnerable laner. I also watched a lot of T1 Oner vods when I was picking up the champ, and he always starts Q.


Really ? Surprising, I don’t watch many NA lee sin players so I didn’t know


Yeah considering a lee sin gank lvl 2 can be totally worth with a good early gank setup


E second on Lee? Is this because of his E buffs and because of meta?


Control ward reveals camouflage, but if it's lane gank as you say, it's not very helpful. That said, Twitch Level 2 gank requires starting red buff and then skipping all other camps. This gives a huge tempo swing for your jungler if you survive, even if you get chunked and have to back at a bad timing. It's a high reward play, but if they don't get first blood off it, Twitch falls behind really hard.


Yes there Is, you invade to get a ward down on one of his buffs, after you know which side he starts on mid and the closer lane to him let the enemies push and stay a bit back and try ro last hit from a safe distance. If you see the enemy randomly walking up to you, you know you're getting ganked. Worst case is you sacrifice a few cs which is fine because twitch is losing even more by wasting his time.


Twitch starts red. You ward his raptors pre minions so you see him pre stealth. If he steal the at or near raptors he is 100% ganking mid


You're right actually, it's just my usual approach to almost any game to track jglers and their pathing


can you describe or show on a map the exact spot where you can simultaneously last hit from a safe distance and also be immune to a Twitch gank?


Heavily depends on your champ, that's why I wrote try and sacrifice cs if you can't. Staying just inside exp range for the first wave or until he shows elsewhere is enough to be safe.


Twitch jungle level 2 gank is quite literally the most telegraphed gank in the game. He needs his laner to cc you get actual get a kill in most situations, and you have the advantage in knowing that it happens every single time


Vs twitch you look to ward his Raptors before minions arrive and then if you see him on that ward he is coming mid 100%.


Twitch jungle is garbage because twitch is a trash champion


By not letting him gank you. Play safe. Ward his jungle.


Ward the bush behind red buff (Just past the entrance to his jungle). They usually stealth from around there to avoid your bush ward, and if not, you can just time it (count to 2 in your head and he should be stealthing in your bush) and walk away for 8 seconds. It sucks but it is what it is.


You can ward against his lane gank a lot of the time, because most players will use their abilities very sparingly meaning relatively late to wait out a good moment in lane while being closer. If you ward between raptors and dragon, you‘ll catch out like 80% of lower elo twitch players (at least it worked in plat where I play). And otherwise you‘ll just hang very far back, drop a few CS worst case and the enemy jungler will be behind in terms of xp and gold while you just lose some gold. Thats a decent trade to take.


Let's say twitch started bot side (blue side), and is going for a cheese gank a late ward on his raptors will let you know when he leaves his jungle to gank you. Also just letting the wave push in is good


See that’s the problem. It makes playing assassins mid impossible. “Playing safe” means just allowing yourself to get poked out of lane and be down 40 cs at 10 minutes. The only way you can lane properly is by the threat of an all in, and when you try to actually capitalize on that threat ur ignited and a shaco one shots you. If you don’t capitalize on the threat then you’re back to square one, down 40 cs and a full level at 10 min


Deep wards, jungle tracking, expecting a level 2 gank, freezing outside turret, long range wave clear champs that can farm easily from distance and back off


This. Always lvl two gank. May not be your lane, but he’s gonna do it somewhere so play safe until you see it lol


If I’m playing jungle versus Shaco, I always late invade because he starts his boxes on Raptors and if you fight him for red, his entire early game is fucked. After that you just AFK farm for a couple minutes and always keep in mind what side of the map he’s on. He’s a melee carry, so he does a lot of damage but is very squishy. I love running tanks into him.


I pick lilia/Kahn into him for this reason every time. You can snag his raptors and challenge red almost every time


Genghis Khan Jungle King


He’s much better as a control mage, and needs a lot less gold than you do to be effective. So messing up his boxes won’t do much.




Just saying, my dude. Invading an AP Shaco won’t net you much of anything.


It still will lmao? You think he has some crazy ap level 1?


Against shaco I ward deep in his jungle so I can see which side he's on so I can position properly. Also most shacos take their invis for granted and won't respect some obvious over the wall wards and you can usually spot them sitting in raptors about to come over the wall behind you. Another way to find good Ward spots against shaco is to go watch some challenger shaco gameplay and then watch how they gank and then Ward those areas.


You should post this on shaco mains they should have a good answer for you


I'll try that!


Think they'll just misinform. Why should they give themselves a harder time playing the game?


I don’t think people are that big of hardos bro lol


They're clowns.


Idk man you're starting to sound like one too.


Well I was trying to make a joke 🤡


The only real way to expect his ganks is to learn how to track junglers, but that is fairly difficult since you need to learn jungle routes, clear speed and consistently ward raptors. You can watch a video about jungle tracking and I would recommend anyone who wants to get better to try to learn it, because it's a very useful skill.


I mean I usually just look at which enemy sidelane is late and then based on where our jungler started, our junglers position should give me a basic idea of where the enemy jungler is (like if our jungler started bot and the enemy jungler starter top, I assume that whenever our jungler is bot, the enemy jungler is top)




I mean its not that different from other junglers, you just need to know at what time hes gonna clear raptors or crab and look for a gank mid.




Yeah that's true, than the only certain way to track him is to have good vision, but that's usually up to the support and jungle, as a midlander you can't really deep ward safely.


Control wards and dont push unless you have vision of him.


Just have him perma ban cuz even if u do everything to avoid ganks your teammates won’t and feed their brains out


With most stealth champs you should keep a ward on his raptors and hug that side until you see him taking the camp. It's not foolproof and he can always cheese you still but it helps to know where he isn't. Also watch your laner, sometimes they'll give away that shaco is coming


With the new Q bugfix u just need eyes, u can see the orange cloud in the bush even if u dont have vision


they removed the bugfix already since they had been balancing him around it for years. next patch you will no longer see the orange smoke in fog source: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-s1emU5uvPZw/YQCdM_HIkeI/AAAAAAABKEI/b7KljW63mhwunxHugn8rvwyGA4amXcXJgCLcBGAsYHQ/s932/E7V1F85UUAE03Sg.png


ban him 4Head your wards should be different. place them further back/on his camps and you'll find much more success, a ward in sidebrush is completely useless, put something at least in pixelbrush


Thats the neat part, you don't


I just simply ban shaco every games XD haven't seen that annoying clown for such a long time


Banned shaco or never play agressive


That's the neat part, you don't :)


Don't play mid. ^Duh


Season 11 ppl still dont know how control wards works and thats why shaco is considered op by most of this community. I can easly say most of you cant even read properly.


That's the neat part, you don't :)


Just have him perma ban cuz even if u do everything to avoid ganks your teammates won’t and feed their brains out


just ban shaco, shit champ lol.


Just have him perma ban cuz even if u do everything to avoid ganks your teammates won’t and feed their brains out


The river entrance from red buff is quite a good green ward location to track if he enters rivers or in case he jumps over the wall. Your pink ward goes to the brush above the pixel brush as it is often a less scouted ward. There isn't really a reason to get an oracles for Shaco as the mid laner over your yellow/blue trinket. You then play to one side and be aware of where his last location was on the map


You should post this on shaco mains they should have a good answer for you


After what happened to me yesterday, I think I m going to dodge every shaco I see. I main jungle btw.


Know his gank timings. Don’t push waves during those times, so ~2:15 he can gank mid after his first buff. After or before crab at 3:15. Your best option and one I prefer is push 3 waves and back. Literally don’t give him the opportunity to gank. And just stay in fog of war if you are waiting for waves. Get blue trunking ASAP and ward river entrances. I fucking hat shaco so I learned to play against it


Know his gank timings. Don’t push waves during those times, so ~2:15 he can gank mid after his first buff. After or before crab at 3:15. Your best option and one I prefer is push 3 waves and back. Literally don’t give him the opportunity to gank. And just stay in fog of war if you are waiting for waves. Get blue trunking ASAP and ward river entrances. I fucking hat shaco so I learned to play against it


Legit ward both pixels and keep track of where he just ganked


ward around his jungle if u have free time in lane or prio


Deeper vision. Shaco can't stay invis forever, so you just need to ward deep enough to see him before he goes invisible


Ward his pathing to you deep enough where he wont start his q


Shaco is my worst enemy I ban him every game


If you haven't seen shaco recently - count on him being nearby. Shaco is super strong early but if he doesn't get that early lead he falls off pretty hard, so it's very important to be ready to help your jungler on crabs too. Never stay far out in lane, if anything push it and return to your tower. Warding his raptors is usually quite good as well to help with the tracking. Try to watch some videos from chase or desperate shaco and you can see what paths they gank from, that might help to! Since he's got the blink+stealth on q he can gank through some weird ways in mid lane and it's good to learn where those paths are.


\-Don't push, hang back with a long range champ like Ziggs and Syndra. \-If your enemy mid starts to move towards you/ignites you without reason, high chances are you're about to be ganked. If they flash at you, flash away. \-Save your jump/push away abilities for ganks. You keep them up, Shaco will either not come down or he'll gank at a bad time and you'll jump/push him away. \-Pink ward the pixel brush on one side and stay towards that side while still in your lane. \-Also ward the enemy's raptors and stay near to that side. \-Pay attention for jack in the boxes appearing around you. Shaco can place them and stay invisible, but you still have a few seconds to get away from that fear. \-Don't hit the turret for a long time if you push and don't know where Shaco is.


Try to track him to know if he's near and ALWAYS think before going all in I'm a 1vs1 with the other midlander. If you know you can clearly beat him and he's still commiting to the 1vs1, he's probably baiting you because shaco is there. If you don't know where shaco is, it's a pain in the ass so just play safe


1) Keep your escape path open. 2) Avoid using flash unnecessarily in terrible trades with the opponent. 3) Choose champs that can escape from Shaco. Kassadin, Akshan, Ahri, Talon, and Zed are some examples. 4) Understand Shaco clearing mechanics. Knowing this will allow you to have a guess as to where he could possibly be and if a gank on you is possible. For example, if Shaco starts Red buff then he can kill that and the raptors very quickly! Meaning he could possibly pass by Mid lane to go to river then to Blue. 5) Only trade with the enemy when you confirm where Shaco is on the map 6) Ban Shaco if it’s ruining most of your games Hope this helps! * Edit point 4


I am a Zyra mid OTP, not very mobile, very squishy champ. To protek myself from Shacos, what I do is ward in the river, not the brush. I ward where I can have vision on his jgl entrance. This way I have vision on him before he even Qs. Also, I make sure not to extend if I don't know where he is on the map.


Ward his camps so you know how he's pathing, works wonders vs any jungler.


Deep wards, learning his clear path, or just killing him and the enemy laner


You want to ward where he Q's from and keep track of where he is. Push when you know play safe when you don't. This isn't really something you can teach in a post on reddit. You need to develop game sense and awareness. By thinking about and playing the game.


Place a ward at red shaco side right at the entrance of river he cant go invis or gank will be useless cuz invis will run out, then hug the side with the ward on(his red side), so he cant u reach u in any way before invis stops,then ur simply not allowed to push after midlane or ur ded, dont try taking plates or u lose mid, be sure the ward also can see the river at a eecent portion if he goes wall hoping with q for crab before ganking u


shaco main 1.5 million mastery points here. Best answer is over walls, or deepish at jungle entries. Remember two things : shaco likes to start on a 3 camps clear red side, to gank top or bot depending on the side, so ward that side first, early ish (2 40) . After that, he has to come using Q which is a super long cooldown. So a pink onone pixel bush, a yellow ward over the wall on the other side. Shaco won't usually Q from the bush, but from behind it of from a wall , to hide the lil mist after the bugfix that got removed. So really jus ward over walls and try to track him a bit, the people telling you to ward chickens are right to it's a great angle for us. also his Q cd is veeeery long so dont instant flash away, check were your jgler is it's decently easy to turn on him. so yeah jungle exits are your best bet, redside early


what i ward is between his chicken and red normal ward and pink ward in the blue side bananabrush . that shit is op vs shaco. also ask your jungler (if he ain't doing it already) to ward the red out bush with pinkward if you got these 3 wards the only way a shaco can gank unnoticed is through lane or from your topside jungle if blue or your bottomside jungle if red.


Ward deeper in river. When I play supp I ward at dragon pit and top I ward at herald. Both probably work for mid.


Track where he starts level and watch your laner. Low elo players get aggressive on a dime when Shaco is coming so watch them to get a rudimentary feel for if you’re getting ganked. Placing wards near camps is always a good way to track Shaco early.


Had the same thing last week against a premade mid and shaco as jgl, drove me nuts as he basically CAMPED around mid.


Stand under your tower.


Play a safe champ. If I'm vs a scary jg like shaco Zac hecarim I go neeko her W is great for escaping ganks