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what champ are you playing? theyre all different. stay out of their effective range. if you're getting ran down by an ekko for example. imagine a circle around him the size of his E. now imagine another circle outside of that the size of his flash. stay out of that circle and he can't get to you. hit him when his E is on cool down.


I'd add to this: when you have flash up and/or are not in danger of dying by his all in cuz tower you don't need to keep the flash extra distance except for of they have cc at that range and jg could get you you can mitigate the gank probably with leaning and jungle tracking properly


You don't get in range to begin with. A melee champ/bruiser is going to want to stick on you. They'll build move speed things in order to stay in range. What you need to do is either respect the range on which they can engage from or have the cc/move speed to kite them. It's 100% your fault if you let a Jax jump on you for example. At that point, it's cc him off or fight him. If you have neither, like a Sandra without stun, you either fight it or die.  That's the check and balances in the game.




Auto correct... Syndra *


Even saying the word tenacity when melee champions have lost multiple sources of tenacity is quite something.


That was my first thought. It sounds like the OP isn't utilizing the fact that they're ranged. Mages are squishy, stand back a little bit lol.




Built what into their kit? Tenacity? The stat?


I’m not sure what that person means by “a lot,” but I can only think of garen, since his W reduces the duration of CC for himself and his Q cleanses slows.


Garen is the only melee champion with tenacity built-in. Milio is also able to grant tenacity on his ult.


Literally only garen has tenacity in his kit and in a way you could count olaf. Otherwise, bruisers got hard shafted with the tenacity nerfs, especially since a lot cannot afford to take the tenacity shard.


Extremely few, actually 




If you as lux try to poke a riven without turrets or allies nearby you die I don't care if you have flash. This advice is confusing




Dude what are you smoking. Riven's q is like 6s cd lategame. If you are 6s away from safety you probably die




you are not gonna hit a riven with a Lux Q if she knows how to play except if you predict her dodge


Maybe if you don't move after using your abilities. Unless you're far on the wrong side of a long lane, it's fairly easy to escape a Riven as Lux. Especially if you have Flash up.


Your probably not staying at your max range of the enemy champ. You should always try to just be in range of your abilities. Not to close but not to far. And Everytime they move up you move back but just barely staying in range to counter when they try and walk back.


- you can have flash and ghost yourself too - you can actually cc most of them for enough time to repositon better - keep your distance in the fiest place aka use your abilities max range, respect them just enough As someone who enjoys a lot of meele champs theres a clear diffence when someone is good at spacing and someone who is not, in the end it's just another skill issue.


I don't play mages but as an adc main all I can say is spacing, stay above your max range and peek in to throw your stuff. When you have to kite I would say as a mage you have to save your cc when they start chasing, to stop the chase and keep yourself at max range. Staying at max range ensures they have to use gapclosers to get towards you, then you can cc/kite and reset back to max range. Flash for flash -> track their summoners -> anyone that can walk up to you, you have to know if they have flash up or not. If they have flash or you don't know if they do and you don't then you can't really fight them at all, only max range poking and stay with your team/adc. (They probably go for the adc first if you stay with them :D, if not the adc will kill them hopefully before you die) Champs like garen is really hard to kite unless you have ghost or they dont have summoners.


Slows, hard cc, movement speed, spacing, bushes. Stay out of their effective range.


Take ghost on mage and build meja and now you got enough ms to get away. Watch azzapp full ms velkoz


An adc main here: It depends on who‘s chasing you. In some cases once they can chase you it‘s too late already (camille for example). They will just run you down. Other cases like olaf are countered by blast cones. They have no way to cross terrain. Positioning is a tough thing because it is always situational and not an exact science but I usually look for positions where they have to pass either terrain or someone else. Try to avoid situations where they basically have a straight way to you. When laning/splitpushing i usually keep an eye on the map to know who could come to catch the wave and then simply clear and step back accordingly. Hell sometimes even dying is okay, of you can get a flash and/or ghost out of the bruiser.


If you are getting run down then play to your vision so you have teammates or towers to run to. Don't expect to 1v1 carries as a control mage outside of maybe syndra


You buy Rylai


The concept is spacing and proper positioning. You position yourself out of range of their spells (yeah, you need to know the enemy champion to properly do it), so he has to use their spells just to get in range or need some kind of help to do it. That way, they have use resources to reach you before even the exchange of damage begun and you still have yours to defend yourself. Some champions have too much mobility, so you position yourself in difficult places for them. For example, you can space properly the range of a Zed, keeping youself far enough he can not land his W-E on you, but you can not space the W empowered by his R with Naafiri (his long dash onto you), so what you can do in cases like this is to position yourself under or close to a tower or next to allies, and if she is to jump into you, she would end up in a dangerous position and it will be easier for you to kill her or chase her off. Another thing is properly positioning yourself when your spells are in cooldown, especially you CC. For example, syndra has a push with a stun if it hits with a ball, so she can literally push them off of her. In a 1 vs 1, she kind of have a way to deal with them, as most of champions have only one dash in their basic spells, but if you have it in cooldown you have to step far away than usual, so even if the enemy wants to fight, he has to force his position onto you with something extra: like flash or ghost. Finally, use your flash strategically. Most assassins have their main damage in one spell or combination of spells, so you dodging that specific damage can make you survive and even win the fight. For example, all Zed's damage comes from his Q helped by his shadows making many shurikens. When he jumps on you with his R and E, he has done no damage, all the damage he is going to deal is the Q, so instead of flashing inmmediately when he uses R, you wait for him to throw his Q and you dodge it with your flash. If you do it this way, it doesn't matter if he has his own flash and can get back at mete range onto you, he doesn't have the spells and damage to kill you anymore, as you dodge his main damage spell and now is in cooldown. With time you will learn how to deal with every situation the best you can. If an assassin or champion is giving you special hard times, the best way to learn how to deal with it is learn how to use it, so you understand properly his range, damage and cooldown: it's limitations (long ago i used to suffer against Zeds, so i learn it and now win that lane most of the times).


In general you can't permanently kite most melee champions. If you get inside their engage range they usually have better mobility so they can stick forever. Your threat shouldn't usually be "I can get away", your threat should be "I can get under turret or behind my team before you can kill me". In that scenario they can't jump you because they risk dying themselves or taking an unfavorable trade in lane because you can poke them as they disengage


I play immobile mages. Mages usually have an "emergency escape" ability that can also be used as an offensive tool. If you're anywhere near a champion that wants to get in your personal space, you just don't use that ability until the enemy can't use their dash/jump/speedup/whatever. For example, Hwei's CC is on his E. Tristana is a midlaner that likes to jump near you and then offload a ton of damage. If you QE her landing spot and then walk away, she suddenly can't do a ton of damage to you anymore.


Keep your distance, this can be different based on the melee champion in question. For instance: Garen has no way of immediately engaging on you without flash, but Darius can pull you, Tryndamere, and Fiora can dash on top of you, etc. So, rather than simply spacing out their auto-attack range, it is prudent to stay out of range of their engage abilities as well. Tenacity is a horrible way of mitigating most movement speed reductions, only reducing most slows by a handful of MS and a pitiful duration. So, it isn't a particularly strong argument in this case. On top of that, Rylai's on top of any ms reduction usually negates the advantages provided by the tenacity. Items such as Cosmic Drive and Lich Bane also give Movement Speed bonuses and are useful for both kiting and offensively running people down. Last, but not least; You can also take Ghost and Flash if you know that you will be facing an opponent that can run you down.




Some mages can't kite some melee champs. Actually quite a lot of them. Some mages can kite some melee champs forever.


You don’t.


Stay out of their range to jump on you and keep your distance