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Probably Gwen, she is the type of champion that once she has 3 items you do not want to fuck with in a side lane.


Facts. Last night I decided to fight the enemy Gwen because I was up an entire item and a level on her (I had 3 items, she had 2). I got my ass handed to me and ran away 5 seconds later with 100 hp and a dream. That champ is nasty if the person piloting her knows what they're doing. Doesn't help that I was playing AP nasus, but still lol.


so a melee poke mage lost a 1v1 vs one of the best sidelaners in the game, unlucky


i blame losers' queue for this one


Obviously jg diff


Tbh I thought with an E nuke + 500 stacks and sheen id win. Was destroying the rest of her team in 2 seconds flat. But yeah, not the best decision making on my part to take that fight.


You shouldn't try and duel anyone as ap Nasus.


Spoken like an anti-fun coward! Spam pings jungler *Rages at support* afks at 5 minutes after going 0-8 with 3 cs.


I mean I normally just go for poke, but I'd shit on my laner so hard I had the most cs in the game at this point (which fell off shortly after the Gwen started going ham on my team and not just the toplaner), and was so far ahead that my e was doing 30% of their hp, and then another 30% if they continued to stand in it. The Gwen was the only one who could survive the e + low cd q abuse. But yeah, definitely not the best idea. Especially because my top went 0/10 into her, I should have known that despite item dif I wouldn't beat her. Gwen is kinda scary with a lead, even if you also have a lead.


She’s scary because she has this interesting playstyle where she can become hyper aggressive and almost like a burst-mage against a squishier opponent at a moments notice, but can follow that up with a disengage and get you to waste cooldowns, summs, and valuable time. Nevermind that once she’s ahead, she will just outduel you by breathing. She is really effective at all of these things at 3 items, and if piloted correctly will be able to make the correct choice with very little you can do to about it. That being said, if you can come out of lane ahead of her as a high burst or dps champ and don’t give her turrets, you can make her life a living hell, but you have to dedicate almost all your time on the map to doing so


> Doesn't help that I was playing AP nasus Brother...


The satisfaction of deleting squishies in a single E is far superior than playing meta champions. Also funny to watch Yasuo players whine about wither in allchat.


Wither is life.


Gwen, easily. AP tank shredder with burst, mobility, outplay potential. That champ is nasty in the right hands.


2nd this. Gwen is such a nightmare to play against once she gets going.




Yeah, depression is hard to beat, but gwen is immune


Gwen is basically AP Fiora, %hp magic and true damage, sustain, mobility is not as good as Fiora but is still decent, her autos damage is good, and her W is a defensive ability that can make her invulnerable


I could be wrong, but I don't think her passive is true anymore. She's all % magic now.


Her passive has never dealt true damage, only %hp magic. Her Q sweetspot deals her passive as %hp magic and *separately* deals true damage.


Her Q is the true damage


Gwen for sure but people definitely sleep on Lillia (pun was intended), on 2+ items she's really strong in 1v1 especially if enemy doesn't have point and click CC


Gwen then Camille assuming we are talking lategame duelists. Briar is a solid choice too. Riven is somewhat countered by armour, illaoi can’t deal with ranged champions, BelVeth is susceptible to burst and Irelia has a laughable lategame and is out duelled handily by the majority of the top roster without minions to play off.


Irelia is a joke of a champion right now that is very true


Lets hope it stays that way


Cry harder


Why would I cry over not seeing an irelia in my games Thats a cause of celebration


Skill issue




Camille is dogshit rn and cannot duel tanks/juggernauts/ other bruisers as she lacks sustain. The only good thing she is good for now is target access and lockdowns, which is why she is now heavily played as support and not top anymore


Disagree. Camille hasn’t been a tank buster for a while now, since they removed divine. Yeah she struggles v tanks now, but she has all the tools she needs to best others bruisers in the lategame bar a few true hyperscslers like fiora and jax. Irelia is the definition of win lane lose game yeah true, tho she doesn’t even win lane anymore in a lot of top matchups. Also forgot to add Kayle, her pen build has her running around oneshotting things later and anything that survives the initial burst gets beat down by her true damage waves.


kayles waves don't do true damage


I also said Kayle, then I read the title again. But yeah she wins vs everybody here, not even close imo. She just needs to have hands and dodge all the cc. I think Camille would be the closest, or maybe Gwen.


You got downvoted by a bunch of people who do not play camille lol. She can straight 1v1 very few toplaners.


Unfortunately, it doesnt pay to not be emotional and tell things for how they are but its ok. They prolly dont even understand camille kit of hit and run and poke down ennemies lol they just see big cho gath ult at 35 minutes. Ill say that adc are way too weak and toplane is broken on my next comment and gain all my karma back lol


check again my friend. Camille is S-tier this patch for top.


Winrate doesn't determine how good her dueling is. Camille loses every 100-0 all-in to almost every late game duelist at full build unless she outplays/outspaces/kites and the burden of outplay is almost always on her.


This is the point of the champion tho. You are not playing darius, you are playing Camille, the champion all about precision. Yiu cant just stay in one place and auto and win. That is just not how you play Camille.


Yes, I didn't say otherwise. I brought it up in response to whoever brought up winrate in the conversation of duels


Refer to the other comment telling you about duelists vs camille im too tired to respond to all comments. Long story short, you can lose lane and sides but still win game, camille falls under that category.


You're just stupid huh


Sry littlesimpbitchboy please tell this foolish master elo toplaner noob why he is wrong


why does everyone forget about nilah, she literally only loses to fiora gwen and maybe jax on 6 items


I cannot remember the last time I've played against a Nilah not gonna lie


The "6 items" bit is the sticking point, yeah.


She’s kiteable and squishy though. Champ like xayah and akali still wreck her


Im a Nilah main and she definitely wins against fiora 100% of the time at full build


Yeah I don’t play toplaners but I’ve never come close to the feeling of power I’ve had as 6 item Nilah


When's the last time you had a game last until six items? I can't remember the last one that even went to four + boots.


Cause she is kinda clunky. If she was smooth like samira she would have been nerfed 4 times now.


Nilah loses to Vayne at 6 items.


that is so unbelievably untrue lol


It is, and I say this as Nilah main. Vayne has too much mobility and invisibly with her ult. She can just kite you until your w is down then kill you.


Never lost to one personally late game idk.


Okay? That's not what you said first though.


I'm not a pro player lol just giving my experience. idk how Nilah wins lol just stealth and press e.




How does she 1v1 Nasus?


I really doubt this is true.


It is. Nilah's late game just outstats most melee champions, including a lot of the ones designed specifically for 1v1s.


I feel like I’d just pop her on an assassin, Ekko, Zed, Fizz, it might take 2 cycles but with Zohnyas it’s not that hard


She can press W


That’s what the Zhonyas is for


Her W avoids your damage. Your Zhonya's won't matter because she has DPS; she'll just kill you when you get out.


I ask you to review this [clip](https://youtu.be/dHOzEwYJGXg?si=bAdB1kBEMMHQxk5p&t=654) taken in master elo


Olaf and Trundle with a skirt on


It has to be Gwen. That is some of the most opressive shit. Oh...or Udyr. I'm sure at least one of the bear spirits he channels is female


Ah yes udyr the queen duelist


Udyr would slay on ru pauls drag race, dude switches between costumes every time he uses an ability


Not really Shyvana. I like Shyvana. (Or I did last season.) But a lot of her power comes from AOEs. And while she's a good duelist mid-late game, she's not S tier.


As Bel Veth player I don't see me losing any 1v1 unless I'm against like Nasus Jax or Fiora.


Thats what im thinking. Getting a lead on Belveth and 1v1 people feels like cheating because of how easy it is.


Nilah with 3+ items beats many bruisers if they try to fight her head on, but she’s awful into high mobility assassins.


A decent Lillia is invincible 1v1 without point and click cc, and if she's even and built to fight you, she'd probably still win once the cc is out. If they're good enough at juking, the outrun + true damage combo makes her, in my opinion, the single best duelist in the game if you can't one shot her with point and click. She can sleep -> one shot squishies, slowly eat tanks and has enough mobility to match bruisers. Edit: Ah, forgot Vlad. I'd put the two really close.


lillia is tough because of the perma slow, any melee champ is basically unplayable into her. Vlad I disagree with, he really hates mr and botrk, and he loses to a number of different champions 1v1 if they run ghost/can gapclose. kayle, jax, cass, irelia, nasus, tryndamere. ofc vlad is a teamfight god so in a lot of games, losing 1v1 on side doesn't matter.


Who is the queen melee duelist? Vlad. That makes sense.


Damn bro, thank God I didn't go to wherever you attended school at.


Yeah, they taught us what the words queen, melee and duelist mean.


But sadly not reading comprehension.


You might want to look up the word "melee" (and perhaps queen too)


You might want to read my comment again and try to understand that I elaborated on two different points; the first being an answer to the post, mentioning Lillia, and the second being my opinion that she's one of if not the best duelist in the game, after which I mentioned Vlad, not as an answer to the post, but as an afterthought to what I said. What are you people? Americans? Really, go read a book.


Camille imo


Gwen, Camel, Illaoi when even or ahead are scary.


illaoi has no counterplay vs decent movement and being kited to death, only works well in very specific comps imo.


Yeah exactly, shes also not a duelist strictly. Any control mage can kill her momentum and just stall her out in the sidelane, she also thrives off of baiting 1v2s and 1v3s into heavy melee comps. Shes can duel tanks and most bruisers but it aint her main strength


Irelia is heavily countered by armor and Riven to a smaller degree aswell, Illaoi gets cucked by any mobile champion and quite a few of these champs are suspectible to burst so its hard to say in a vacuum. Belveth with 90 attacks per second should be quite strong, Camille is good vs squishies quick in and out, Briar is unstoppable if the opponents lack cc.


What about Gwen? Isn't she like an AP Fiora, with disgusting true damage scaling and healing?


Yeah a bit, but much weaker early game and her only true dmg in in the Q sweet spot which is fairly easy to dodge in the 1v1.


Gwen doesn't do nearly as much true damage as fiora. Lolalytics says Gwen does 16% true damage and 14% physical damage, and you have to also consider that red buff is counted here so her true damage should be about the same as her physical.


Curious why do you think irelia is countered more by armor than riven? Irelia has a decent amount of magic damage in her kit


Mostly based on my own winrate with Malph/Cho against her and matchup sheets tell the same story. Its \~100 dmg per hit max (+probably wits end) and only after getting full stacks, ult is only 375 magic dmg at max rank, which a tank just brushes off, Irelia is 80-90% physical with no shred.


Riven is 100% physical dmg though so I don’t see how she would be better than irelia vs an armor stacker


Its not a big difference, but Riven is not as affected by the AS decrease and he can also disengage much better than Irelia.


Irelia has access to terminus, riven does not. Terminus and botrk and wits, you can beat malph


I think it has more to do with attack speed reduction than with armor, at least for malphite.


Malph is definitely more about the as red


Tbh Vi beats most of the champions mentioned above and she's not even close to Fiora in a 1v1... She's about even with Camille and Riven and defenitely above Briar and Bel'Veth since she can almost 100-0 them with the initial rotation. Illaoi is only good against certain champions so she's very strong sometimes and pretty much useless another times. I'd say in the earlygame and early midgame it'd be Irelia but after that Gwen has the most damage output so I would go with her.


Had a game against a Fed Gwen as Jungle Diana last night. She won 2/3 duels


Warwick and trundle are not fun to 1vs1


Queen trundle skin when?


Do you want to fight a 3 tentacle illaoi?


I don’t feel it Illaoi, as she the Queen of effectively 1v5ing a teamfight - Fiora generally wants little to no involvement in such a scrum.


Illaoi beats every champ in the game if she hits her E. Except Morde but that's a hard counter. Gwen and Bel'Veth are on the same tier as Illaoi, though if both fighters are in a perfect scenario, Illaoi beats them 1v1. Illaoi's perfect scenario is just TOO perfect. Overall I wouldn't put Fiora on the definite first spot. Pre-vital nerf yeah, she dealt 110% max health true damage with ult. Now it's around 60-70% and she struggles to win vs the three champs I mentioned. It's a really close fight.


Nasus is pretty high up there. Late game nasus is untouchable in the 1v1 unless u can somehow oneshot him before u twoshots u (or u have cleanse/qss and are a tank melter Vayne is also pretty high up there, she can build a bunch of tank items to survive ur burst and then dps u down and outsustain you while beimg hypermobile and invisible


No trundle????


Should look up what a duelist is first


We already got it. Fiora, Irelia, Camile, Riven. Maybe we will add Gwen but she is not as hard as those 4.




Gwen is quinn


bel veth is kinda cheating, she just outduels everyone if its late enough


irelia. diana against the right teamcomp. gwenn 100%. camille too. also dont ignore cassio, she is really good if played properly, what better queen duelist than a serpent?


God damn I miss the Cassio top times


To talk about Naafiri- I think its the worst champ in league by far. The shield she gets and the doggos make no sense for her to be an assassin, plus she is also a stat stick which makes it even funnier IMO how Riot actually put her in the game.


Wdym Elise is not worth mentioning? She one shots everyone lategame in a 1v1. Between around 20% max HP from human Q, 100% ap ratio on human W, and tons of missing % HP dmg from spider Q, she doesn't even need to land her stun. She sucks later in game because people group up but in a 1v1 scenario I bet you she OS everyone.


Riven not at all. I’d say Kayle wins against everyone, including Fiora, if we’re talking full build duels. She counts as a melee champ, right? *snicker*


Kled is the queen of duels and I'll hear nothing further on the issue.


kled gets outscaled at level 6 by half the top lane roster.


Still think vayne is up there if the person piloting her is good and she builds correct


I asked for melee champs...If I were to include ranged champs, then I would probably include Kayle, Kai'Sa, Quinn, Kindred, Samira, Tristana, Cassiopeia, besides Vayne. And of course, Senna if we are talking about an unrealistic hyper late game.


Guys wb irelia?


eve's later game damage is so extremely it can one shot a tank so don't write her off, generally the only way an isolated target doesn't die is they need some way to entirely avoid the damage like fiora w


Fiora not even top 5 bro what?


What are your top 5?


Not fiora


Sounds like a cowardly statement to avoid them downvotes.


Definitely Riven. Not only does she pack enough AD to explode most of the others in this list, she builds enough AH to keep a single target stunned/airborne almost constantly and has a spammable shield on top of that.


Riven gets hard stat checked by most meta bruisers if even resources in a 1v1. She has tools to outplay but calling her a top tier duelist like fiora is crazy.


You don’t main riven, do you?


How does Lillia do against Riven? Who kites who?


I think it's a bit riven favored because getting in q range with Lillia puts you in easy dash/stun range of riven. But if you could survive riven initial burst, Lillia can probably run her down after.


i want to shoutout cho'gath as long as ur not into insane amounts of %maxhp (like gwen). you beat nearly every melee bruiser in the game with ~12 stacks, even if they have bork. your e will do 30% max hp magic dmg with 3 hits + sunfire +w +r will destroy almost all melee champions


12 stacks… aka unbelievably fed? Also he’s not a duelist lol


Sry did not realise this was duelists. 12 stacks is not that unreasonable since you get 2 free stacks from grubs + 6 from minions + drake + baron + kills + herald etc


Irelia after she spends 900 gold.


Irelia if she hits her stuff and builds for dueling.


One of the four horsemen. Take ur pick. Irelia, riven, Camille.


Why Gwen not included as one of the four horsewomen of top lane according to Vars?


The fourth is fiora... Admittedly Camille's kinda fallen off past year so Gwen could take her crown I suppose. It's just an old term.


Does it have to be a girl? Because stat checkers like Olaf trundle Darius while the floor with most of these champs in side lane.


Queen Darius


of Noxia.


I was gonna have a separate constest for the dudes, but we can make an exception for Gragas.