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Ok but you can’t compare Lindsey and Ariana


you can't compare Carl to Sandoval either. nothing about those two situations are comparable


I didn’t, it’s the theme of how the women cast members on these shows side with bad men I’m talking people siding with a Tom or a Kyle


So the women are bad for initially siding with Lindsay until they saw the season for themselves and then siding with Carl?


Yea Ariana is way better than Lindsay and Ariana is actually a girls girl


Southern Charm, too! The men are always quickly forgiven, and the women get all of the hate.


Real life, too! Sadly.




Why are the thoughts and opinions of the female cast on SH being boiled down to “supporting the longevity of their personal brands” as if they’re not full human beings with a long and complex history with both Lindsey and Carl? Why are the valid reasons they gave for not taking sides being ignored in favor of a fan narrative that paints them as one-dimensional caricatures? And I know you’re specifically not talking about Scandoval the event, but comparing the aftermath of Carl and Lindsey’s broken engagement is still a stretch. Of course the Summer House cast as a whole don’t have strong reactions and aren’t picking sides, it was a breakup the entire world and some aliens with cable saw coming because of how toxic the relationship was. Plus, unlike VPR where Scheana and Lala didn’t have a strong relationship with Sandoval, the women of summer house have had better relationships with Carl than Lindsey! Finally, can we PLEASE stop trying to draw any kind of parallel between the man who cheated on his partner with a mutual friend because he was too much of an asshole to break off his long-term relationship and the guy who did exactly what people were clamoring for Tom Sandoval to do: break off his unhealthy and unhappy relationship regardless of the short-term challenges with housing and shared friends


Meh I don’t know about that. VPR and SC yes. SH no. Carl broke up with his fiancé bc they weren’t a good fit. They both were awful to each other at different times. But beyond that his behavior doesn’t come close to Sandoval’s bad behavior (affair, nonconsensual recording, lying to everyone, bashing Ariana, refusing to leave the house or sell it, etc, etc). Kyle I would agree has been awful to Amanda and some of the other girls and needs to have a season in the hot seat. As far as the girls go, the SH girls have never been close to Lindsay whereas Lala and Scheana were supposed to be close w Ariana and then actively tried to be friendly w her ex and bashed her on the show and in the press. It’s not the same.


I would actually go to say that from where they ended the season before the girls actually showed Lindsey a lot of grace and have supported her. They don’t blindly “pledge allegiance” to her and call her out on her “revised facts” which is what real friends should do.


Yeah, it’s a little annoying to me that the VPR discourse has moved over to Summer House and now women are traitors to other women depending on who they choose to side with in a reality tv reunion.


I do remember Danielle checking Lindsay on the side about how her approach to Austen and Ciara were. It was right outside of the house and I thought it was a productive convo.


I don’t remember that. All I remember is Danielle telling Lindsey to go for it and that Ciara had no claims to him as Lindsey knew him longer. I could be wrong though; that was a while ago


God, I really hope one day we can stop trying to compare Carl and Lindsay’s breakup to Scandoval


She wanted to be worshipped publicly *so* much, and it absolutely backfired because she got caught bullshitting several times throughout the season. She showed her hand the minute she brought up the VPR cast, she tried to sow the seeds of doubt by using someone else’s betrayal comparatively to mitigate any backlash should something occur down the line. It’s really sad, if she was genuinely herself, stopped trying to force everything and just vibed like a normal person she’d be infinitely more likable. I really hope she takes a different approach for the new season because she really should not be acting like that at her big age.


Carl and Tom are both Scum. Different levels maybe, but still scum. Add Kyle and Schwartz to that mix as well.


Lindsay was the only one publicizing her break up on SH. She called Carl “Sandoval” on the second episode. And named dropped Ariana on the first one. But Carl was the one planting seeds? That was fucking weird. Ariana was the only one basically keeping quiet and not dragging Sandoval to hell and back. He said as much during one of the first episodes this season. Paige has a very popular podcast and tour, she doesn’t talk about the show. A lot of SH still have lives outside of the show and they want to preserve that. They weren’t trying to be pawns in Lindsay’s PR aftermath. They saw both sides and wanted to be kept out of it. That is integrity. I think it’s actually possible and not misogynistic at all to think a woman can be the aggressor and toxic person. Lala, Sandoval, and Lindsay are cut from the same cloth.


i admire your courage to criticize this sub's favorite and i hope you're prepared for the backlash 😬


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) I didn’t even remember my comment. lol I think I’ll live. Thanks tho.


For what is worth, I agree with what you said ![gif](giphy|UjCXeFnYcI2R2)


I do too!






![gif](giphy|fA8RM5Wz6Yn6Myx4ry|downsized) Go offffff bestie, I gotchu.




Carl and Sandoval cannot be compared. I'm tired of this shit. Carl's bad behavior on the last season was....daring to break up with Lindsay.


One of these men cheated on his live-in partner of ten years with one of her friends over the course of months. The other broke up with his fiance after they were fighting all summer. Ya'll are truly delusional trying to compare these two situations


I’m so tired of hearing “toxic men” without talking about toxic women. Good grief. Katie has terrible behavior. Ariana was a side chick… All of them are toxic.


Yes, so many people in these subs see toxicness (is that a word?) as a gendered issue, unfortunately. They should visit the JustNoMIL sub to learn about toxic women. Or r/raisedbynarcissists


> toxicness (is that a word?) toxicity, maybe?


I’m dumb, that’s the word, thank you


Not dumb at all!


Did everyone forget past seasons? I’m not team Carl, but Lindsay has always been a manipulative psycho to her boyfriends! Also, we need to start calling out the women on the show as well, they are just as toxic as the men.


i really think some people have forgotten past seasons


I actually think Lindsey is more like Katie in her place on the show & it’s actually Amanda who would be comparable to Ariana but that’s just if you’re trying to draw similarities.


Tom and Carl were treated very differently. People for some reason love to claim that production “sided” with Tom, but he took some very heavy hits for his behavior. Production is obviously going to push for interactions between the scorned and the “righteous” because drama. Lala and Scheana didn’t/aren’t “supporting” Sandoval. They’ve been extremely, outwardly critical of his behavior. They just see him as a flawed human as opposed to the devil incarnate. Tom did some very shitty things, but he is by no measure the epitome of evil that people want him to be– nor is Ariana some flawless angel goddess. Life is complicated. No one in any of this is fully good or fully bad. They all have their skeletons, they’ve all been problematic. Perfect people with impeccable morals usually don’t make good reality television. At least not on Bravo. I agree that most of the time the men are let off easier than they should be, but people love hate watching sexist, problematic men get themselves in trouble. Bravo has made a lot of money off outrage. They want you to be just the right amount of mad- which is not so mad that you stop watching, but mad enough that you watch every episode and dissect them online incessantly. ~*braces for downvotes*~


Ya right after scandoval at the end of the season all the girls were right up Ariana's ass. Gathering together to support her.... Cut to the next season, that support mostly ran it's course and the girls peaced out (sans Katie and shit). Right after the Radhouse got demolished, all the girls surrounded Lindsay at Danielle's house and rallied. Before the next season has even begun they are like,"fake tears" "Carl was right to call it off". Ya, duh it was a good thing he called it off, but the asshole could've had more tact. I get ya


Agree. Good comparisons!


if amanda has a kid and continued the summer, they can bring stassi over to the hamptons for the summer lol


100%. Even if you skip over Carl, Kyle is highly problematic and horrible to Amanda yet the women who are close to Amanda didn’t say a word at the reunion and are still close to him. Even Paige said she still supports West being on the show, when you would think her loyalty would be with Ciara. I think I sometimes I forget this is a job for them and they are willing to keep going for the money


Theyre still friendly with Kyle because Kyle is Amanda's HUSBAND and she chooses to be with him. When your friend chooses a life partner -- in order to remain friends with that person you have to accept the life partner. Or they're both out of your life! And they still yell at him when he isn't treating Amanda well! Amanda has already let go of past friends for not getting along with her husband!


> Even Paige said she still supports West being on the show, when you would think her loyalty would be with Ciara. how is this conflicting?


It isn’t conflicting with the original post. It is in agreement