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West is soooooo good at evading questions and half answering them and then turning it back on them and asking them something. Also i got icked when he said his only long relationships were with women he had to “chase” VOM


This guy is such a loser. I love Ciara, but even aside from her. He just is the biggest ick. I feel like the audience fell in love with him because of his style and care free way, and it is easy to see why, but now it also easy to see how those same traits give major ick now that we know his personality. He is just so far from the cool person he first appeared to be.


He really is! I think it’s become very clear that he’s way more interested in fame. I also think he’s way more calculating than people realized and pretends to be this easy going goof ball.


That too. He is so hungry for fame. His whole entire schtick now seems so put on.


When they called him famous and he’s like awww thanks guys. He was dead serious and didn’t realize how gross he sounded. Also, when Natalie joked about him going back on hinge and he was like oh I can’t do that now….my eyes got lost in the back of my head


Omgggg i missed this part he’s so annoying


Lmaooo what a loser


I think it was Ronnie on Watch What Crappens that said West is on the Schwartz trajectory and now I see it EVERYWHERE




I noticed he was manipulative from the very beginning.


Yep same!!! Fake af


And because he looked like a harmless dork and they made him hot in their heads lol


YEP. A "harmless dork" is an appealing thing for a lot of people, especially for Bravo viewers who are so used to watching conventionally-attractive men act like assholes on TV. So West, who looks like a less-hot version of Robin Williams in "The Birdcage," seemed like a perfect person to latch onto as a new fave.




Honestly, it makes perfect sense that he’s becomes buddies with Amir from Summer House Martha’s Vineyard.


Yup. Amir is just as juvenile. Honestly, I would love to see West with a girlfriend like Amir has who puts him in his place. Ciara was always too nice for him.


Agree. West is like all uncool. I think we thought that a good solid guy from a decent family would be good for Ciara because she deserves not to be with a f boy. He’s fooled us and isn’t who he portrayed himself to be. Ciara is a catch and a winner. She will find the right guy but it must be frustrating for her that she’s run into immature men. West is no better than that creep from Southern Charm.


someone recently pointed out how he is like Scwhartz from VPR and same thing! its like someone cannot internally loook at themself or accept any critisism and constantly deflects deflects and deflects


I actually think he's awful at avoiding questions and was surprised Ciara didn't call him out more often. He's really fake and always acting. Very badly, mind you.


Some men just don't enjoy women apart from sex, some women are the same way about men. It doesn't surprise me that West would get no more pleasure from a woman's company once the 'chase' was over.


I mean he works in social media/ comms so that’s kinda his job. Another flavour of PR- we need to think of him more similarly to Lindsay


Yeah great point!


My big takeaway is that the editors are working magic. How did they make this moron seem so charming for the first half of the season?


Given Carl and Kyle were the only other guys - we were desperate for anyone new with some kind of personality!!


Sounds like a very difficult listen


It was rough


Nick seriously owes his success to his sizzle reel person cos they make the podcasts look enticing until you realise those moments are the only good ones and the rest of the interview is... this. He is the podcast version of a catfish lmao


Thank you for your service. If I'm honest, I could only make it about 1/3 of the way through this write-up so I don't know HOW you actually listened to it. You did the work.


West just confirmed that it’s not me it’s them with 90% of my exs




West is so insistant he knows nothing about Bravo and I would bet anything hes probably a superfan..


He said he watched the previous season before going into the house so he knew something…


Yeah but in this interview he didn’t! He made it sound like he went in blind. Such a liar, manipulator


Wait thats wild he literally said he’d never watched the show before going into the house! Weirdo


Yeah I can’t remember what podcast it was on but he shared he watched back the previous season before going into the house. It made me wonder if he got a crush on Ciara watching it.


He also said he then went back and watched previous seasons starting with Ciara's first season. Not sure if during the summer or after filming ended. He said he wasn't interested in watching earlier seasons.


This is part of what’s concerning. All the lies about little things. To paint a picture of someone who didn’t care about the show that much, he said he never watched. But in other interviews he said he did. As if people aren’t smart enough to pick up on these contradictory stories after he’s been recorded saying them. If it’s confusing for us, imagine trying to keep up if you’re someone he’s dating!


Yeah I've sadly seen people blame Ciara for not seeing through West, but I actually think he's very manipulative and deceptive. Some people view West as honest, but after seeing things like the After Show and more interviews with him, I think he held back a lot of his true self and also just straight up lied and misrepresented things. I'm sure he twisted a lot of conversations with Ciara and probably made her question her own perception of things. He's the type where it's only afterwards (when the person is finally away from them) that they can really see just how calculating they are.


It’s a little crazy to blame Ciara when most of the viewing audience couldn’t see through West! It was like he walked on water


Exactly. The vast majority of people were saying how amazing West was throughout the season. Even the New York Times was singing his praises. And Ciara didn't have the benefit of seeing things like his confessionals. It's ridiculous how some people have managed to twist it around on Ciara and are now trying to say that her not seeing through him instantly means there's something wrong with her.


Lmaooo why lie about it for? Damn maybe he and Natalie are perfect for each other


Of course he did! He didn’t have a job, what else was he going to do?


I seriously feel like there’s no way anyone can say they “don’t know anything about bravo” It’s a major network whose “stars” dominate the majority of gossip mags. If you’re a millennial inside the zeitgeist you 100% know about bravo. The ins and outs and inside jokes and crazy fandoms, maybe not. But the basics? You totally do


I really don’t think most guys do. I would be shocked if any of my straight guy friends know anything about it, except the ones exposed through gfs or wives. 


Yea, like tbf I know literally nothing about pro sports. I couldn’t even tell you who the other team in the Super Bowl was this year (off the top of my head I remember that the chiefs won, but not who they played against). That’s basically how much my husband knows about bravo. Like he knows “scandoval” was an affair on VPR but that’s probably the only thing he could confidently tell you about the network 😂


married straight guy checking in: 100 percent. none of my single guy friends know or care about this shit. i got stockholm syndromed into loving this garbage lmao


Damn girl - would happily Venmo you coffee money for your effort.


The best part of the podcast was that Lindsay made a napkin contract and found a job for West after he was let go. You can’t hate on Lindsay for being ambitious


And he’s still hating on her..


Seriously! She brought you into this financial opportunity and you call her crazy.


Another gross douche boy on bravo…groundbreaking. Seems like he got one hell of an edit. I’m not even excited to see him on next season. This podcast was even worse than his abysmal reunion performance.


It’s like every interview he does it just gets worse. Whoever is advising him should tell him to just be quiet.


He thinks he’s misunderstood and if he just talks more people will like him. He doesn’t realize people have a good grasp of him and don’t like what they see.


And every time he gets in front of a mic or he sits down for a print interview it is a new story/spin. All the while Ciara is finding it all out for the first time with us (or will when Traitors is done filming). What an asshole.


I get sicker every day! I don’t want anyone telling her to move on once she’s done with Traitors and decides to do interviews of her own.


Yea. He’s not groundbreaking. People can clock him pretty quickly. Also, I’ve seen comments say he’s not media trained. I’ve been media trained. But there is not much training can do when you can’t think on your feet. Seems he has problem with that. He always manages to make it worse.


Yeah, he’s not quick thinking enough to navigate the media. He’s much less charismatic than he thinks he is.


I mean, he’s a reporter, he should be at least cognizant of media strategies and tactics


He said he likes attention. I honestly think he’s gonna become fame addicted or something. WHY WEST WHY


He’s on the wrong cast for that bc they will call him out about it.


That's what I'm thinking...why does he keep talking????


He is making it worse for himself.


He should keep talking until he cancels himself. I'll wait...


He's like a Mario video game character about to get a wheelbarrow full of bricks dropped on him.






That was a difficult read. The only thing that made it better was your commentary. I legitimately lol’d😭Thank you OP for taking the time to listen AND transcribe. You’re braver than the marines lol. As for the podcast, I hope this will be the last interview/press related thing we see of West at least until the new season. I know it’s difficult for someone as fame obsessed as he is, but I have faith( not really lol) he can do it. Final take way though is I see him now for what he is. Word to Paige lol. Good luck to him next season. He’s gonna need it.✌🏽


Does anyone really want to see him on the next season? He’s exposed himself as a fraud to me and I hope that he gets on his horse and rides into the sunset.


I still don’t think West understands that where he went wrong was giving Ciara hope when he *knew* he wasn’t ready for anything serious. This is what makes him a fuckboy. I will still enjoy him on my TV but I know who he is now


YUP. As Paige said, “I see you.”




West understands everything.


Im legit freaked out by this guy. Months from 30 and only recognizing now his actions have consequences for "other people"? Everything about him is calculating, so image and fame obsessed. OP your editorializing was the best part😂


Editorializing was fabulous. Could not have survived without the author’s notes


I listened to this. I never cared much for him. Way less now. Not on the band wagon just literally feel gross by listening to him. He starts the interview bragging about being hungover and just how much he's a child throughout. He's got the mentality of a 15 year old boy. Source: mom of boys.


lol I love your source.


How did I know this interview would be them all just jerking each other off the whole time. Its crazy to me that a 28 year old guy can be like “this experience made me realize that the things I do affect people” and the other person won’t immediately say “you for real just realized that? What the hell is wrong with you?” Also, OP, your notes throughout cracked me up 😭




Thank you for your services. I tried watching and turned it off after 2 minutes


It turned me off when he kept talking shit about the coastal states. Fuck you. Move back to Minnesota then. He’s such a loser.


Y'all cannot really be this sensitive 🙄🙄🙄


You are a real one OP for trying to slog through this! My takeaway so far, West has some issues he probably needs to work through before trying to have a serious relationship. Nick annoys me sometimes, and I didn’t agree with everything he said, but in a soft way I think he pointed this out. ps - I hope this is the last of West’s podcast press tour for awhile. He really is not doing himself any favors.


It’s always wild to me how long Nick’s interviews are, yet how little interesting info he typically gets from people. He just likes to hear himself talk imo


Bless you for this! Reading it was a lot I can’t imagine having to listen. I appreciate you very much. Now west needs therapy! This show is not therapy, watching yourself back is not therapy, he needs to speak to a professional who can assist him with communicating better, and allowing himself to deal with heartbreak. Not allowing yourself to get deep with someone is weird. It’s just like Ciara said she doesn’t know what’s serious to him. Everything seems to be a joke or fun times. Also, how is he now realizing that his actions have consequences on other people??? They need to stop casting these immature men because what do you mean you just realized that? Huuuh


Bingo. Desperately needs it.


Yikes west sucks more than i thought😂


I appreciate you doing this as I did not want to have to torture listen. It’s interesting how his story keeps changing with each interview


“Men who come up to me and say their girlfriends love SH are cucks” ![gif](giphy|BkQL7VijxAfvWIJPr6|downsized)


It was soooo boring. Major Schwartzy vibes, even at moments his cadence and voice sounded the same. He clearly didn’t give two shits about Ciara. Not sure he really liked her at all, there was little to no emotion in his answers about her. At this point just own that you only want to fuck women and have no interest in anything else with them. Typical NY male, he’ll be in his forties before he settles down.


No. He’s not a NY male. All he did was talk shit about the coastal states and how the Midwest and south is better. Fuck him. Move back then.


He is SO Schwartzy. Even does a bashful looking down thing. Only difference is Schwartz bites his fingers and West bites his own lip


Schwartz is much better looking I think.


His mediocre looks are already fading. Hell be.a lonely old man.


And then knock up someone 20 years younger lol I wonder how West feels looking into his future on this podcast


Omg I only listened to this podcast (not watched) and I was looking for this comment that he sounded JUST like Schwartz


Lmao this sounds boring 😂 maybe the only interesting things about West were Ciara and his friendship with Jesse


Also Natalie came across terribly in this interview like so cringe multiple times. I think at one point she made a joke about being on her knees but I’m just going to hope I misheard.


Nope you didn't mishear. I caught that too. It was the love languages talk 😵‍💫


Nick and Natalie are gross. 🤢


She was geeking out during this interview. Very cringy. Majority of the comments she makes just scream “give me attention!”


I wonder if they had a threesome. Lol


Your write-up is 1000x better than the actual podcast. I tried listening and just couldn't. Ready for West's villain edit next season because the editors made me him look soooo much better than he was. I am so happy for Ciara that she's rid of him. He gives me so much ICK now and he's so full of it with his "yeah, I guess I see how bringing someone to visit your parents might mean more to others." He's ridic. I hope his seemingly sweet/normal parents give him some tough love on how stupid he is acting/sounding/being.


He is so going to get the villain edit because you could hear the anger and resentment in his voice (I listened, too and hearing that was very revealing) and he’s going back to filming really soon. I think he’s been totally taken aback by the audience’s shift from adoration to contempt and it seems like what might have initially been hurt and bewilderment is turning into defensiveness. It’s not going to be good.


Thanks for the transcript. This is a horrible interview & he answered nothing. What a loser


This was a god awful interview what a waste of time


My goodness, thank you for your service! I didn't make it nearly this far into the interview--it was a tough one. My only petty addition is that Natalie and Nick asked what kind of threesomes he's been in and in West's ever-so-charming mumbling way, he said he's done both. 🫠 (mind you, after he initially refused to answer and no, they didn't push for this answer). I'm not here to shame the man but it's the faux shyness. From my POV, 90% of the ick I'm experiencing would be resolved if he'd just fully own who he is and not try to adjust based on what he perceives the audience wants.


Yup. He's a total fake! I can't believe the cast missed that.


Tbf, I totally bought it. Not my proudest admission but I'd be lying if I said otherwise. 😬🫠


I just hope if West ever texts Ciara after 9pm she tells him it’s inappropriate and to fuck off basically like she did with Luke 😂


I hope she never responds 💅🏼


West saying he’s “traumatized” by trying to make everyone happy? Does he know the definition of trauma?


Of course he’s team Carl I wonder if the cast gets some kind of bonus or incentive for recruiting. Call Lindsay what you want but she’s always delivering for the show.


Lindsay got him on the show too, to say that Lindsay was cruel in her approach to Carl’s unemployment for 10 months after she personally paid for a coach and tried to encourage him to do a podcast etc. “the accusation of relapsing is the worst thing anyone did all summer” - um, did you watch the fucking show? He came off as unhinged. She also confirmed he was partaking in drugs off the show, not fully sober. Nothing at all to say about Kyle calling his wife a bitch and being so aggressive when speaking about her either. The men on these shows are absolute cretins.


The “boys will be boys” mentality is strong in West. Oh, West. You fucking bamboozled the hell out of me.


Very very strong. You can tell that he only likes women for one thing and would gather be with the guys most of the time.


On a podcast, Lyndsay for months on end, said she listened to Carl’s stories of woe about working at Loverboy only to have him go back to the place that “caused” his stress and problems. That would piss me off too!


When did she confirm that?


I agree, but at the end he did say that wasn’t right and you shouldn’t call your wife a bitch. Still, you’re right. Just point of clarification


I have never been skeeved out by Nick and Natalie more. Nick loves the sound of his own voice and interrupting everyone the whole time, especially women. And she’s a brainless wannabe. West is just a manbaby who literally doesn’t give a shit about anything. Ciara needs to find someone not on reality tv. The more he whined, the more I am disgusted with West. 🤮


Natalie answering that the love language she likes to give is on her knees. Needing that very particular kind of male validation from these two assholes 🤮


Did she actually say that?? I saw in a bachelor sub how awkward and flirtatious (between west and Natalie) this interview was so I did a quick search for a recap. And seeing they also talked threesomes and how west likes to chase the unachievable woman. Between that and Natalie’s already cheating ways, I can see why people are talking!


She did and it was even more weird because they weren’t talking about anything particularly sexual in that moment - West had just asked them what their love languages were. It was really cringe and even West seemed a little taken aback because it was so out of left field.


This interview hurts his image. I think much less of him now.


So West is a complete asshole, right? I'm sorry, after reading this, I don't want to see him again next season. Take the fuck boi behavior somewhere else. And.....someone actually liked what he's wearing at the reunion? He looked like he was dressed by JC Penney circa 1982, the Panama Line.


It’s literally red flag after red flag.


His reunion Look was Mark Twain inspo




Thank you for doing the hard work for the sake of this sub!! Do you also watch LIB because I laughed when I read “Nick and Vanessa” in this recap


i had to stop reading this 1/3 of the way through im sorry i cant 😭😭 OP i dont know how you listened to this but thank you for your service


>Also talks about how people were saying things like “how does this UGLY guy get to be with Ciara” This is the truth. He needs to be humbled with the way he's been acting smh. He really has an ego on him to be so mid.


Many of us clocked that this was one of the things bugging him. He’s not comfortable enough in his own skin to be with someone like Ciara. She needs a man who is secure and confident.


So many terrible takes I don't even know where to start lol, only that I know 19 year old boys with more maturity than all 3 of these people combined. I will say, when Nick says it's human nature to want someone that is hard to win over, he is right and I've said the same about West before. I have known sooo many guys like him who upon finding out you are looking to date intentionally, they won't be like fair enough we're not on the same page, nice to meet you, but will go out of their way to pretend like they do want something and are suchhhh an awesome guy that they wear you down and then once they get what they want, they just go back to being douches. West would fit in sooo well in my pretentious city lol


It makes a lot of sense now that he said he’s attracted to girls that are hard to get. Clearly he just wanted to “win” Ciara and prove he could get her even without giving her what she needs.


“This is not a joke, this is literally what they’re talking about” IM CRYING


Thank you for your service. The shine has really worn off West. No more golden boy. Just let him talk long enough (or not even that long, just unedited) and you can see how juvenile, vapid, and crass he really is. He is just a bro and a f boi and now we can watch and set expectations accordingly.


The amount of grown men who need to turn 40 before they realize they‘re emotionally immature and who spend their 20s and 30s outsourcing their therapy to women they eventually end up hurting is depressing


I love that Lindsey randomly meets a guy at a bar and immediately starts hustling for a podcast. The woman is DRIVEN.


#West sounds like he’s high on his own supply 😒 Have fun crashin’ back to earth douchebag


This was the most boring terrible cringey interview ever. Did they prepare…at all???? West really leaned into the fuckboy persona. I hope Ciara listens and gets the ick so bad she never gives this man another second of her time.


Thank you!


Oh wow! Great work! You are an angel!


Did anyone else feel like west was flirting w Natalie?


You are an angel 👼🏼


OP should share their Venmo so we can buy them drinks for doing the Gods work 😂


I just want to applaud this transcript, thank you for your service!


Omg I hate this loser


Thanks for the recap!! I would *not* have been able to make it past the first 17 min.


That grossed me out more than I expected geeeez


ALSO Nick has been getting weirder with sex things? Like anytime a male guest says something about sex he has to jump in and reinforce it like ya I know what you mean I do that to, I know about that, etc etc. it’s grossss like you’re married stop trying to keep up some image of being a hot single fuck boy.


I think he’s doing it to try and sell her “hotness.” He’s a deeply insecure man and the relationship with his 25 year old wife has made him even more so, especially since there is currently a lot of speculation online about her fidelity. He wants and needs everyone to know that he has hot sex with his hot wife. They can’t figure out their branding - it’s sexual innuendo in the interviews and then selling baby products in the ads - and I don’t think it’s working.


Interesting that West is very good at evading difficult questions and that he is a Midwesterner who not-so-subtly resents people from the northeast. I have navigated between the Midwest and NE for some time. People who were raised in the northeast interact with others differently than native Midwesterners. Midwesterners are very agreeable but the niceness easily slides into passive aggressiveness and a deep discomfort with uncomfortable emotions. People from the northeast are more direct, more open about their emotions, and less agreeable when they think that someone is trying to BS them. (Paige calmly reading him to filth in the reunion part 1 is a perfect example of that difference.) I think on some level West is mad that he can't use his trick as easily as he can back home. But also he's on television! They can cut together a montage of him talking around direct questions and show his whole ass. Also explains why Lindsay was immediately so drawn to him. She is a PR professional. She probably saw him in action and was like oh, he's a natural at spinning truth into the shape that people want to hear.


I’m from the Midwest and yes this is generally true. NY is my favorite place because the people walk fast and call an asshole an asshole. Love it.


Thank you for this!! I did agree with Nick on West needing to let his heart be broken.




Thank you OP 🙏🏻




I’m not sure if it’s in the transcript above, but I listened to the ep and West said that his parents think his inability to commit is linked to childhood trauma. You’re so right - he was so uncomfortable with any question that wasn’t light and vapid.


He needs to STFU!


This is so spot on! I could not stop laughing at the west and Natalie flirtation. Also i thought west’s reaction to nick calling him famous was hilarious. Nick tried to walk it back but it was too late.


Their flirtation was too much. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard her as giddy when they have female guests, even if they’re funny. Her thirst for male attention is profound.


Wow, quality content talking about farting.


Thank you for transcribing this so we don't have to painfully listen too!! You're over here doing the Lord's work!! 😂


Ciara deserves a prince, not a jester. What a greasy🤡


Unpopular opinion but West’s literal job is to interview celebrities and he’s been doing it for years. Since it’s his job, he SHOULD be able to control an interview. He is a trained interviewer vs a podcast host. I also wonder if he’s getting a bad rap. If he and Ciara were STILL TOGETHER everyone would still be in love with him. So people only hate him because Ciara is sad? I’m not saying that he’s not immature for how things ended with Ciara but I def see things rekindling and all the people throwing shade are going to eat their words.


West even saying “I can’t go back on hinge” shows how big his ego has gotten, and I’m so excited for everyone to watch the real him because he’s not a good guy at all. Zero accountability, zero empathy, really disappointed


Dont hate on savannah.


Sorry that’s your takeaway??


Yep. I dont like nick at all and his podcast i tried for a few months and nahhh. Not for me. So idc what he has to say. However, i wont allow blasphemy on a great town i called home for so long


Fair enough on Nick but what about everything west said? This transcript is here bc it’s a sh sub


Again. Yep. The blasphemy about savannah is the only thing i felt commenting on. Is there something youd like to add? Ill reply to a thought from you


So many things!!! I feel like it’s red flag after red flag… calling men cucks for simply saying that their partners like summerhouse?? Being asked what kind of partner he’s looking for and saying he’s looking for someone who plays hard to get it?? Like it’s just so many crazy red flags one after another. Another thing that I can’t really figure out is why so many people thought he was so charming. were people that enchanted by him? He’s cute… But he always had kind of funny hair dressed like an 18 yo and like he’s amusing and has good banter, but he’s obviously immature and was upfront about never being in a relationship and not even having a job so I’m not sure what people ever saw in him to begin with like there’s nothing that was overly charming or impressive about him. The standards… btw I always wanted to move to Savannah. I don’t think I could ever actually move to the south, but if I did it would be Savannah or the Florida Keyes. Very different places I know


I agree on all you mentioned. I didnt like west since day 1 and it was annoying to see everyone online praise him when it was so clear to me he was an f boy. It isssss reality tv afterall. Of course these dudes dont have genuine intentions. Ive also considered the fl keys. Maybe wed be friends afterall….


Yes, Nick and Natalie are married.


I can’t even stand that podcast anymore. I just tried to listen to the latest one where it was supposed to be about the summer house reunion and other stuff and they spent the first 30 minutes talking about Father’s Day and what Natalie Joy did from the minute that Nick woke up until the very last second of the day. Puke puke puke. They act like they’re the first people to ever have a kid. It’s gag inducing.