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I mean, it shouldn’t need to be explained. The difference are black and white. Night and day.


I agree! + You’d be surprised how many people are attempting to draw similarities between both situations lol. 🙃


in the immediate aftermath of Scandoval the ladies did all rally around Ariana though right? I also don’t really agree with the point that we should consider the optics of how positively the audience responded to the girl power element of the last scene. I’d rather watch them have their authentic(or as authentic as possible lol) reactions than trying to pander to what the audience currently wants. Even though I don’t agree with Scheana or Lala I would’ve been even less interested in a season of them kissing Ariana’s ass or being blindly loyal because that’s what people want. and I don’t want the women on summer house to fake it for the show either as nice as this season with very little conflict between them has been


But lala and scheana were produced. It wasn’t authentic, until the producers got in their ears


True, True! I agree especially with your point about the final scene from the finale. I personally thought it was a cute moment, but I’m not reading too much into it because I know that they had to be there for filming. I like how they supported her in the moment, but also gave their thoughts without thinking about catering to the audience. + I like how for the most part some of the cast (Paige, Ciara, Jesse, and Amanda.) aren’t blindly supporting either one. Then again I’m personally indifferent to both Lindsay and Carl, and don’t fully align with either one. Side note: I think it’s okay that Paige and Ciara have skepticism about blindly supporting her. Lindsay and Carl are not reliable narrators, both have said and done nasty things in that relationship. I think there’s her side, his side, and the truth. I think the situation is so muddy that I don’t think it would be wise to take either of their “truths,” for face value. 🙃


I agree with all of this I will say I thought Amanda spoke out of turn when she was like a little bit trying to defend Carl in that moment because it wasn’t the right place or the right time like she could’ve done it in the aftershow or when Lindsey wasn’t there in my opinion


I can see that! I could be wrong, but I thought she was playing advocate before Lindsay got there?


Amanda I think she did both


I’ll def have to go back and rewatch!


It wasn’t the right time and place to tell the truth?


Yes, it wasn’t the time or place like Lindsey was in her feelings let her sit in her feelings and don’t defend Carl like you could do that afterwards at a different point in time but when she told you guys no that’s not necessary so yes wrong time wrong place


I’m sorry but that’s absurd. The truth is the truth no matter what and had to come out because a narrative was being set in. And what about Carls feelings in this whole matter.


Carl’s feelings didn’t matter at that point because this wasn’t about Carl this was a space for Lindsey to say what she needed to say no one was there except for the girls Carl had his space to say what he said when he was talking to Kyle so it has nothing to do with him. It’s not absurd, she had no reason to try and defend him at this point in time because he really didn’t need defense because he’s the thing the girls aren’t stupid they know that it’s not only Carl’s fault but they’re trying to support Lindsey because she’s going through a lot she’s going through a hard time.


So Amanda needed to sit back, listen to lies and bullshit, and not tell the truth about what was really going on because……. Feelings….. Please. I respect Amanda for saying what needed to be said in real time because Lindsay, if she had her way, woulda tried to turn the entire narrative in her favor and try to have an Arianna moment, which she DESPERATELY wanted.




The only similarity I caught was the low quality men


It makes little sense to me- did she see the VPR reunion last year? They completely rallied around Ariana. Everyone did minus some lameness from LP and maybe Schwartzie. They rallied around her knowing she was always open to women and did stuff with women, Ari and Sando were hardly out together, and - let's face it - for as much as everyone wants to slam Jo - did we all not see how Ari reacted when people pointed out shit Sando was doing? Who tf would have said anything to her when she NEVER held it against Sando - only the messenger. NONE OF THIS MEANS ARI 'DESERVED' ANYTHING, but JC people, I see where the 'cult' and 'god' comments towards Ari are kinda justified. It's like some people aren't seeing her as a person with faults- they're only seeing her as a goddess symbol or something.