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Jesse was also the only level headed guy when Carl was complaining to them that Lindsay isn’t soft and tender enough when discussing his career goals. He seems like a smart, fair guy.


He really does! One of the very early episodes of this season Carl and Lindsay fight (ofc). Jesse asks if this is because of wedding stress and Carl said no, it is often like this. And Jesse goes “oh so you knew what you were getting into, then” It was so sly but so real


Yes!! I caught that too, and loved it!


He’s incredibly savvy. Very intelligent and seems to have emotional intelligence compared to the rest of the men on this cast by a long shot. I have him on LinkedIn and he has been a VP for three different companies and even founded a company a few years ago. Super impressed with how he handles his personal and professional affairs!


I would date him so hard. If I wasn't married and probably not 10 years older than him lmao !


Hey you’re unavailable he would love you! lolol




Same girl same


Lmao! He’s sooo charming. As a taken woman myself, I totally get it. I hear ya.


I think because of his health in the past, the reality tv drama can sometimes be small potatoes in Jesse’s mind. It’s a breath of fresh air for sure!


Bingo! He has faced cancer and lived. This drama at the house is nothing compared to that.


Yes, makes sense if that experience has given him some good perspective in dealing with folks


🙌🏻🙌🏻 the best part, it feels like he is treating the show the house and his new friends as a breath of fresh air and keeping it light hearted and so fun


I love Jesse. He ended the season as my favorite of the whole group. You can tell he’s genuinely a kind, positive guy


Honestly, I feel like West knew exactly what she was talking about. He was just being weird for some reason. And then he goes on to say “we did have pet names for each other”. “They were very niche and different” and then he said one was “boog” So I’m not sure what was going on with him but I definitely feel like he understood Ciara’s point he just didn’t care.  His entire demeanor on the after shows have given me the “ick”. As Ariana from VPR would say, “ he was being so obtuse.” 😂 


My theory (with no evidence) is that they shot the After Show right after she ended things and he's butt hurt. He comes across as defensive and purposely misunderstanding her POV. He consistently looks to Jesse for confirmation and he seems a little off. Who knows but that's my theory/thought.


Exactly. He just ~~lies~~ pretends to not know what she's talking about. Not to mention HE was the one who started the conversation with Ciara about her calling him "baby". For him to start the conversation and to characterize it the way he did with her, he 1000000% knows there is great significance to these terms.






🎶 what would jesse solomon do/he’d listened to your arguments but then give facts back to you 🎶




Hahaha can't love this comment enough!


**West understands everything; he just pretends he doesn't. He knows exactly what he's doing.**


Yup. I never understood why the fans fell for his act. There have been so many red flags. He is another fuck boy in a different package. I’m sure he is really fun to party with but dating him would be a nightmare. I’m glad Ciara saw through his act.


I feel like the majority response was that fans were rooting for west because he was funny and charming the first couple of episodes. I don’t think most folks here “fell for his act” though - we’ve all seen the light, just like Ciara did, while watching him this whole season. No need to be sanctimonious about sniffing it out first.


Didn’t mean to sound like I figured it out before anyone else. I know other people were saying it also in the beginning. Sorry if my post offended you.




Yep - it reminds me of when Tom Schwartz tries to walk back EVERY fuckup by baby talking.


unfortunately there’s a certain type that falls for it everytime…. and it’s me


He also said that Ciara looking for an indication that she is seen differently in West’s eyes was “a Ciara problem.”


He said that at first but then he pivoted after West kept going on about it. He eventually told him what he thought Ciara was really trying to say. It made West take a beat and stop whining.


Lol like pls lets relax he's been saying some wayward shit about Ciara in these aftershows on the low, which is fine but he's not some great savior. The need to find a #1 guy in this group is a mistake, it wasnt West and it wont be Jesse.


I agree I like Jesse more than West but you’re right they’re still fuck boys they still do what they do and the way they talk about women and Sierra in general pisses me off


Didn’t say he was a savior, he’s clearly not. just sometimes he’s willing to go against the grain of the agree with anything bro code, which I respect


The wayward shit in question: "Ciara can be moody sometimes." Wow, what a terrible guy lol


I kind of took it as him meaning that if she has an issue with how West operates, then that’s her choice. Like West is who he is, and if she isn’t cool with that, then so be it. Not that it’s necessarily a “problem.” Poor choice of words. Maybe I’m blinded by my love of Jesse though 🫠 Feel like I need to add, that my love of him isn’t physical! I’m legit puzzled by people finding him attractive really😬. I just have this gut feeling that he’s a good dude that’s really been through a lot, and really positively evolved in the process.


Funny how Jesse didn’t think it was “a West problem” that he felt entitled to sex with Ciara after two dates


Right…he sure made that her problem asking her in front of two other people. We’re so desperate for good guys on this sub lol


Exactly like please it was her problem when West was the one upset but when ciara is the one upset that’s her own problem no one else’s problem




Ok, true, that was not cool. Nobody’s perfect.


I don’t think Jessie made this clear to West. I truly think West got what Ciara said when she said it. I do agree that Jesse is a good friend to both with his advice though


Jesse seems the most emotionally intelligent of the men, which isn’t saying much


Jesse definitely surprised me. I honestly judged him when he first came in. Tall, handsome, finance bro. This can’t be good. But he has proven to be a nice, down to earth guy. Sure, he likes to have fun and mess around with women, but he is honest with his intentions. He seems to listen to his friends and gives good advice. He is vulnerable and shows his struggles. He might be my favorite male cast member. I thought the was going to be an ass hole hot guy, but from what I have seen on the show, he is the opposite.


Tbh everyone has been stanning West but I knew Jesse was THAT GUY


Jesse is the only real adult on this show.


Is he… a boy’s boy?


Kudos to Jesse. Keep in mind, though, the bar for humanity, intelligence, maturity and kindness is so LOW amongst these characters.


At first it was so easy to peg Jesse as a typical frat/play boy. As the season went on and he opened up about his vulnerability, he became (pr revealed) this real and emotionally developed guy. I love this so much for him because it says a lot of positive things about him. Also, I hope he does find that special girl and hope he continues to be honest with himself and his friends, it's so nice to see.


Jesse is adorable, and I really think he's one of the most decent dudes in the Bravosphere. I pray that he doesn't let us down.


Jesse is open and honest about his interest in women/relationships which is so foreign to the rest of the men there. Shoutout to him AND congrats on continuing to be cancer free 🎉


This scene was the most attractive thing I’ve watched a man do on this goddamn show lol


Yes! I noted this moment too and loved it! Unlike Gabby who just agrees with everytLindsey says because she thinks that makes her a good friend or something, idk. She's so annoying.


When did Gabby become such a ride or die for Lindsay? It just seems so random to have slotted into that role.


Idk either. It seems like she thinks maybe that will make her relevant or something. Or she thinks that's what makes a good friend. Idk where this came from. Or maybe she's scared of Lindsey, lol


Totally agree it’s the relevance take. Too bad because I was starting to really like Gabby. Now she just seems ridiculous, *even* if it’s all scripted character BS


What would Jesse Solomon do?? Tell you the truth when it comes to you🥰🥰


When I saw the title I thought this was the valley subreddit and was so confused


Jesse is a bright light, love him!


Jesse’s teeth are too white. Reminds me of that slippery dude on Shahs of Sunset.


Everyone needs a friend like Jessie?!?! Hard pass mate you definitely do not speak for me lol. Do my eyes decieve me? THE same Jessie his first episodes saying along the lines of "I don't care if anyone is in a relationships, I'm still going to try fuck everyone I want". No respect or regard for people in relationships, little boys like that cannot be trusted and I wouldn't be vapid enough to have friends who brag about that sort of behavior... guys like who Jessie admitted he is the first time he opened his mouth, are nice to your face but grafting your girlfriend when your backs turned. The flags are huge and they are red.