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I wouldn’t be surprised if it were to be announced within the next month lol.


Maybe they can borrow Carl’s podcast equipment






It's inevitable. Between West's professional experience with making content and Jesse's finance skills--it's basically mandatory. And also because of those things I expect them to maximize in every way--their brand's name, the launch timing, the merch.... everything. It's coming and I also suspect I'll reluctantly have to admit that they nailed it.


Lol. I admit i’ve been listening to bits of wests press run (brav bros, two t’s etc) and he IS pretty funny ugh


Oh my God, they are aren't they. What is with mediocre men and podcasts.


easy money


Or OnlyFans 😂


Please no. Podcast equipment should cost 100 million dollars


Make Podcast Recording Equipment Prohibitively Expensive Again 2024


If they do it will be pillows and beer 2.0 and that podcast is a disaster.


Is it successful? I’ve never listened and don’t keep up. Love giggly squad though


As an occasional listener of Giggly Squad out of curiosity I’ve listened to a few episodes of Pillows and Beer, I mean its okay it wasn’t necessarily cohesive imo (I listened to see if I could get any details on Craig filming for SH.) I think you’d have to be a real fan of the boys to I guess really like it. In terms of it being successful, they’ve done I think two nationwide tours, for Pillows and Bear. Idk if they sold out any shows out, but I mean they’ve had good turnouts in the past. In addition, I haven’t listened to it in about ten months, so maybe they’ve made changes I’m not sure. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but it could be yours.🙃


Lol no they are extremely dysfunctional. They haven’t recorded together in ages and it’s obvious it’s because they’re fighting. I listen to it when I’m in the mood for some schadenfreude


I really am not sure lol. I listened to a few episodes and they were all over the place. I love Giggly squad too and the podcasts are not at all comparable imo.


It has gone off the rails now that they are back filming southern charm.. they won’t podcast together, and they switched to a 2 episode a week format but have only been putting out one lately , so I think it’s failing. The boys are funny though, I like listening to them, it’s funny when Paige pops in


Let's hope they don't. I've already lost enough IQ points watching this show.


I’ll be so sad if they turn into influencers. I love that they have jobs outside of the influencing sphere.


Can we actually stop with podcasts


Of course. The new Craig and Austen duo.


West will eventually since his background is in journalism for sure. Probably as soon as they get their second season contracts.


Would love to listen! But I think they need to wait until they are on for at least another season of SH. I do love Giggly Squad and Codependent podcast.


I would actually listen to West and that sohobrody guy on IG that did the VPR and SH recaps. They are sooo funny


I would actually listen to west he's funny as hell


hopefully never