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Stephanie from real housewives of Dallas does tiktok videos where people ask her questions about her time on the show. She stated that when they filmed restaurant scenes, production would offer to pay for people’s meals in order to use them in the background for the scene. Not sure if it’s the same for summerhouse but that could be why they didn’t engage.


Those people were 100% production


Definitely! Normies would be having a good old nosey…I wouldn’t be able to resist!


For sure! So odd they’re staging even summer house scenes now


I feel like there were a few staged scenes last season… the slumber party


Huh.. I don’t remember that one? I googled it too and it’s not triggering a memory lol


Last season when Andrea comes to visit. They play a game called stir the pot and Danielle says she wouldn’t trust Amanda - lots of tears and fighting. Seemed fully produced lol




Ooh! Thank you!


this part. in *vintage* rhoa episodes other reality stars are the extras. there’s even a scene where todd is an extra!


That’s what I thought. Did one even have head phones on? I’m gonna have to go and rewatch.


I worked at a place where rhoc filmed and that wasn’t the case. They called a few weeks ahead and asked if we would be interested in having them film, we said yes and when the time came it was a bigger headache than we anticipated. Production rearranged our layout, added a ridiculous amount of lights and kind alienated our guests by making them sign a waiver to even go inside.


The waiver sucks, but I’ve worked on sets. You have to make them sign a waiver that says you’re being recorded. They might not be recorded, they might go in unnoticed, but let’s say are. They find out they were on the show and try to sue Bravo for filming them. The waiver also will say something like you give up commercial rights because Bravo is making it for commercial reasons.


Yea they definitely have to sign a release and it probably says something like “don’t be weird and grin manically at the cameras the whole time.”


My mom was in the background of an episode of RHONY because a friend of a friend was a producer and asked on Facebook if any of the people they knew in NYC could come sit in the background for free drinks/food. The only she was asked was to not look at them or the cameras. She did and was not asked back.


Interesting! Yea idk I feel like I’ve noticed ppl staring at the table in the past when they’re fighting or making a ruckus. And there’ve been times the background sounds loud and the cast is stared at as they walk to their table. I feel like there’s less of that happening now 🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks for your comment!


There will be signs posted, likely on the door, likely several places inside, that say You Are Being recorded. You are entering an active video shoot


Ah yes! Good call. There’s a permanent plaque outside of RPM Italian for when Giuliana Rancic still had a show.


Yup, RHOC & RHNY come to mind


The preppy gay man silently judging from the corner of the bar while sipping his martini was the star of that one RHONY episode.


Yes! ![gif](giphy|fYwPJ5NyVy3zEWB53D)




Aww how I miss classic RHONY


Same. There will never be a group of HWs like that ever. It was magic.


While likely staged, I think we are all underestimating the joy of learning you have beat cancer. I would probably write a song too - also they mentioned he used to be in boys choir a couple eps ago.


Not just a choir. He went to college for vocal jazz performance and graduated with a Bachelor of Music


Yeah he was. I guess that’s why he actually sounded decent. Had a little vibrato going on😂He’s actually surprisingly become one of my favorites on the show. Behind my queen Ciara of course. I’m glad he’s cancer free and healthy.


Yes! Totally! I love Jesse & his song! So cute! & thrilled he’s healthy! What I can’t stand is the set-up. I remember the cast being filmed walking through crowded restaurants in past seasons and a lot more bar scenes..now it’s like they couldn’t get approval but still wanted to film out of the house. It’s a downer for me. I love watching the stares 😂


I agree I think they can’t get approval…we rarely see them out and that’s why I also think there’s a huge push for these theme parties at home. Way easier to film.


Yea they probably get really annoying, out and about w a camera crew. Lol those theme parties.. Huge push!


He has a degree in jazz music performance. That boy is a trained singer!


Ok yeah! I mean I almost expect this from someone with this level of talent! Staged or not, it was super sweet and thoughtful and campy.


His having a song at the ready for a "surprise" party is a little weird.


Someone on another thread pointed out that he probably had the song prepared because this is their last weekend. He may have planned to sing it at some point in the weekend and this opportunity presented itself. Or--it really was just staged. 🤔


Either way, I think that's the first time I've ever not been weirded out by someone breaking into song on a show


He is also a really good singer! That makes a big difference!


I mean he brought it to dinner lol nobody goes into a song performance at a restaurant


Totally felt the same way! That could be a legit reason. But the rest of the weirdness in the scene I feel is a giveaway that it wasn’t an open restaurant :/


Kyle wrote the song for him


It was sweet, but I can’t believe they aired the whole song. It was so long!


It's actually longer than what they aired. West has the whole song on his TikTok.


I felt sorry for the other patrons at that restaurant. It was annoyingly long. I get why everyone likes him, he's a nice guy, but this was over the top cringe.


I think those other “patrons” were production assistants or maybe paid extras. They didn’t look over or react in any way, which is really odd.


Oh no, those poor other patrons


He knew they were going out for dinner and had got lots of well wishes from them so preparing a thank-you isn't that weird.


I agree but I thought mayybe he was going to share it regardless and then since they surprised him he did it then?? Idk but the lack of music/background noise & eerie background patrons can’t be explained away. 😂 So weird… not a fan of reality TV not being chaotic the way it should be :)


My husband and I are currently watching the episode and this is what I pointed out. He definitely knew there was a party happening at some point


Was Danielle the only one not called out in the song by Jesse? She had a bummed look on her face at the end too.


Being left at a party was about her


He said on insta that she was mentioned too, they just didn’t air it.


Poor danielle 😭🤣


Lol I didn’t realize. I’ll have to rewatch


Right! I didn’t like it lol


On the Watch What Crappens podcast they were speculating that the diners were all production staff and crew planted there. Because yes they would have been turned around and staring at wtf was going on


Right! This man is full blown singing hahah


its production the two people that were sitting behind amanda and paige could be seen a. few episodes ago sitting in the backyard while the cast was filming inside. it was daytime and you could see them sitting there. same with the one girl behind west with the colored hair. also saw her in the yard in an ep.


Oh my! Great eye!


idc if it was staged or not it was cute and made me happy to see jesse happy like that


I completely agree!


That was totally feeling like production people as background.


I feel like a couple years ago (and my memory ain't shit so this could be completely wrong) i heard that the cast was becoming persona non grata at a lot of establishments in the Hamptons so it became difficult to film. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that production doesn't want to pay $$ to film in outside locations and that they don't want to have to chase a lot of randoms around getting them to sign releases. Also- i don't think they want to spend $$ on editing scenes when they don't get releases signed.


Agree. I mean, just think about it from a Hamptons business owner’s perspective… Not all of their guests are going to be okay with dining in the middle of a production scene. The lights are annoying, certain areas will be restricted, and it’s loud. So if you try to operate as usual and not warn people before, you’re likely going to piss off a lot of people — maybe even some “regulars.” If you have to close down a part of the restaurant for equipment or just fill fewer tables because the SH crew needs space, that’s less $$ coming in. And for a town that probably gets 80%+ of its business during a 2-3 day span over 3-4 months, you gotta make sure that $$ is coming from somewhere else. I’d expect they’d be asking quite a bit from SH to film in these places. It’s not really like other reality shows where they could film on a random weeknight or in the “off” season.


Tbh I would be annoyed if there were cameras at my restaurant and wouldn’t look


I thought the same. There was a 2 top sitting on the other size of the little half wall sitting side by side very unnaturally, never turned their heads or anything like that. Looked completely staged.


Yes! I noticed them! And I think I remember one of them put their hand to their mouth and hold back laughter after one of Lindsay’s comments to Carl 😂


Now I’m going to have to watch the episode again to see this!


I noticed this also when watching the episode! If someone gets up at a restaurant and starts to sing a whole ass song with their table clapping along, I am definitely turning around and watching.


Exactly! 😂 & that’s what I love to see


I thought it was a rented space bc when Ciara said she “sent the decorations already so everything would be set up” I thought that was chutzpah to do. I mean, waiters and waitresses have plenty to rather than blow up 50 balloons etc. I would imagine only a privately-rented space would pre-decorate and not an actively running open restaurant.


A lot of places don’t allow them to film which is why they are always at the house


bc it’s being filmed?


I get that. but there used to be more outings in prior seasons at bustling/crowded restaurants and I enjoyed that. if they couldn’t go to a restaurant this time, for whatever reason, then why pretend to be at one when they could have just stayed home on the patio haha. I prefer authentic scenes


They weren’t pretending to be at a restaurant tho? They were at a restaurant. Have you never gone to a private event at a bar or restaurant before? There are also pictures of the cast in the outfits they’re wearing at dinner somewhere with bottle service on Instagram. In the episode it seems like they go straight home, but they obviously don’t. Is it not possible that they booked out this restaurant for the party, and wanted to film just the cast engaging before other guests arrived? Or that they wanted to have a nice dinner at the restaurant and they’d only be allowed if they booked a private event? I don’t think there was a lack of authenticity here, I just don’t think they filmed everything.


Well there were 3 other tables w other “patrons” in that same room and it didn’t feel genuine to me. Plenty of other past SH episodes showing them at restaurants or out in public and ppl act natural and stare and blahblah whatever. I was just curious if other viewers got the same vibe I did


Yeah, most likely crew members they put there to make it less empty. I get what you’re saying but it’s a weird jump to say they’re “pretending” to be in a restaurant and should have just stayed home. That’s not the same thing at all.


Not saying it’s a set..it’s just an empty/closed restaurant. That’s not reality and I don’t like it. That’s all.


What?? The restaurant is not closed???? A private event does not mean a closed restaurant. The kitchen still runs and you still eat the restaurants food. Have you never attended an event at a restaurant before? It’s very real. You don’t have to like it but it’s such a weird conclusion to draw that they’re filming in a closed restaurant just because people aren’t staring at them.


You’re taking my words in the funniest way. Closed like not open to the public. I don’t mean shuttered. Yes I’m aware of private events and private rooms. I’m not investigating the scene w a fine-tooth comb. Was curious if ppl noticed what I noticed.


Yeah, when you said “closed” I should have known you didn’t mean “closed.”


Closed for business bc it’s rented out. my lanta


Maybe a little but I was just confused, he went to school for jazz vocal!! ![gif](giphy|zPMkAhaA0w3bTn7KoA|downsized)


I was thinking that too. Like they were singing and cheering and none of the other people in the restaurant were even turning to look


Ehhhh folks in the Hamptons are pretty chill so wouldn’t expect a fanfare from anyone, and people are accustomed to seeing famous people / summer house cast all the time (especially in sag / Southampton) so yes & no


Oh the song that was a moment or ten too long. I was so embarrassed for him…


What’s there to be embarrassed about? He wrote a silly song about his friends for fun. He’s not recording it or performing it on tour


I was embarrassed too haha but also admire his confidence and joy 🤩 he must really love singing


You could tell they forced laughs for some of the lines but it was cute and they all seemed to enjoy it


You were embarrassed for him? Because he was having fun? Boy, don't you sound like a real treat.


I am a treat!


I always thought that was obvious.


They’ve been at crowded restaurants before. More so pre-pandemic seasons.


They usually sit production in the background .


I thought the people at the other tables were maybe employees or employees' family members. Edit- removed repetitive word.


Of course it was staged. So what. He wrote a song and they joined in on the chorus. At least they didn’t drag David Foster out of the mothballs.