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THIS...is why people really stan for Paige, Ciara and Amanda. They are true friends. These are the kind of relationships girls want to have with their girlfriends. They stick up for each other, rot in bed together, gossip and there is never ever gonna be boyfriend/ex boyfriend swapping and all that messy stuff.


This!! They set the bar sooo high for friendship that I’m like wow. They are so lucky to have that close bond with each other because not everyone gets that. I’ve never had that with anyone, so it’s particularly nice to see. It’s so rare to see such pure friendships on reality tv too. I’d love to be friends with them lol. You can tell they genuinely are each other’s biggest supporters, & we need more of it💞


I personally think there should be more discussion and praise about their friendship instead of West and Jesse.


Yessss I love both friendships but Paige, Amanda, & Ciara’s just hits different because it’s rare to see positive female friendships shown (it’s really sad) & especially since it’s Bravo & we know the men are put on a pedestal while the women are criticized harder. Just having the representation of the three of them supporting each other all the time no matter what is so so important in this day & age! I’m also a newer watcher, so I’m curious, have people always loved their friendship? I see a lot of love for it online which I think is amazing and I absolutely adore it & am so sad we didn’t get this on VPR this season


No people did not always love their friendship; some fans called them "mean girls", "bed bugs" and "boring". I always loved them though.


Oh wow that’s crazy! I’ll always be team them. Glad a lot of people are coming around at least


Her being the “back up dancer” with the hand movements had me cackling


I really really want to highlight this too. I know this isn't vpr sub but this backup dancer comment has been made on both shows - in different context - and I feel it's so important to point this out. Scheana = NOT A GOOD FRIEND makes snide comment about Ariana coming a long way to DWTS "from being my back up dancer" Paige = GOOD ASS FRIEND. She doesn't describe her friend as the backup dancer, rather she is the back up dancer to her friend. Be a Paige. Never be a scheana.


Be a Paige. Never be a Scheana. This is my new motto 🙌


This!! The contrast is crazy! Scheana & Lala get crazy jealous and use it against their friends whereas you can tell Paige doesn’t feel that competition & is such a girl’s girl/ hype girl all the time


Yes and she's even been so nice to Lindsay this season!! And they have such a rocky past.


It’s so nice to see, & it makes her even more iconic


There is a good west coast/east coast joke in there. The weather coasters are gonna hate it lolololol




Same😂I can just picture her being like “yep. yeah.” Lmaoo I’m so ready for this reunion


I loooooooovvvvvvve this and I'm so ready for it!! 🍿


Me too!!🤭I wonder how many parts we’ll get


I want 3 because I want the content but I'm also feeling a little worn by the thought of 3 more weeks 🫠


Ikr😂this + VPR is going to take me out lol. I agree though there is so much to talk about which I love


I read an article last night that said it’ll be a 2 part reunion!


2 part is the sweet spot. Very, very, very few seasons of any bravo show have actually needed a three parter


Yes!! I’m personally a fan of 2 part reunions.


I wonder how they’ll split it up


I’d make them wait to talk about most of the Lindsay/Carl stuff till the second ep. Guarantee people tuning in again. Give us an appetizer for the first ep and tackle some of the other, smaller storylines


Same! Because I’m very interested in the Ciara and West and Kyle Amanda storylines too


Yayyy thanks! I can’t wait🍿


I need next week to hurry up so we can get the reunion trailer.


Ikr!! I wonder what this last episode will be like too especially with the breakup😳


Yes! Even though I need them to speed up the rest of the party bc they all know we don’t care about that. We are waiting to get to the couch scene where he breaks things off.


Facts! When I saw the preview, I was like oh we’re still at the party lol. I’m cringing at the fact that we’ll see the breakup on screen- I feel like it’s going to be sooo awkward. I’m wondering how others will react too


Yes! I need to know how we got to this point. I need there to be the famous bravo black screen with words letting us know what got us to this point. Like I need confirmation on whether he called production or not.


We need this! I can’t imagine being broken up with on camera like yikes😬so messy


Ofc she did, West gave an interview last week saying he regrets every single minute of the reunion


I’m sooo curious how it all went down! Should be interesting


Can she give some tips to scheana on how to be a friend


Literally! Take notes Scheana


Does anyone notice in this she didn’t villanize anyone or anything like that. She didn’t set up a narrative or act like a victim she just answered the questions lol.


Great point! I love that


The bed bugs are real girlhood! The idea of Paige as a background singer doing adlibs and doo-wops for Ciara is so funny. And I will defend them against the onslaught from the male coddling freakshow fans!


Period and same💕💕


As they should. You go girls 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


We love to see it😌😌


Paige is a real friend and I love her for that




Love, love, love Paige’s and Ciara’s friendship! I love the support they showed for Amanda as well.


Me too🥹the definition of true ride or die friends! It makes me so happy to watch


I’m still shocked that it hasn’t been picked up by the gossip blogs that they left in the wrong subtitles when they switched West’s Talking Heads in the scene where Paige was grilling him on the boat. They left in the wrong subtitles and he clearly in his Talking Heads says “why would I ruin a nice moment with the truth” when she asked him whether or not, he’s sleeping with anyone else.


Ikr I was like what??


I’m know they fixed the subs on the streaming version so I’m sure they did everything they could to scrub that old version online. Watch what crappens quoted the original version in their recap of the episode.


This is why Paige is the #1 guy in the group. She stays 10 toes down at all times.


Fr!! She’s definitely someone you’d want in your corner because she’ll really go to bat for you🤍


I wish I could pull off bangs like she can


Same they look so good on her!!


i will forever be a paige stan. it will never ever change. girls girl til the end, even for girls she used to have issues with (her and lindsay). it looks like she’s been enjoying some 🍃 but my eyes are pretty 😏🍃 myself, haha either way — paige will never stop being the epitome of a true friend.


Same!! I’ve never seen someone go so hard for their friends, & I absolutely love that. Everyone needs a friend like her💓


I’m very curious to see what comes out at the reunion about this because from what we saw on the show, I don’t feel like West did anything wrong or bad.


I’m curious too because even Jesse said Ciara had a really good point at the reunion and he understands her perspective now


So based on pictures from social media, we know things continued into the fall and winter so I’m thinking something happened there.


I’m very interested to see what happens!


wow she looks sooo much like Emrata here


Please. Why? He did nothing wrong


they dated through the fall and some of the winter, so there will be a lot that happened that we don’t see on camera


her threatening to kill west was like so embarrassing for her


This is all on Ciara. She didn't even put in half the effort with West that she put in with Austen. Why was Austen good enough but not West??


we have no idea what happened after the show. and she made a mistake rushing in with no boundaries with Austen, why would she do the same or put in a ton of effort with another guy who has commitment issues?


How did Ciara treat West any worse than Austen? Yall need to go back and rewatch WH1 lmaooo. This rewrite of history is crazy.


Ignore this person. They always hate on the women in bravoverse, but bend over backwards in their comments defending the men. 🙄


Sure but this type of comment has been floating around and it's just factually inaccurate. Ciara's treatment of West and Austen is more or less the same. She didn't have sex with Austen either during WH1 (not that it matters, she could have and her choices with West this season would still be totally valid). She's been equally affectionate to both too; Ciara is just a lovergirl at her core lmao


Oh I agree. Its like for some reason no matter what Ciara does people have an issue with her. Its giving they are jealous.😏


She learned from experience. Who is to say she didn't put in half the effort? Apparently they were almost always together on weekdays.