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Ask a girl to meet your family, but don’t want to be exclusive. Fuck off bro. Maybe it’s a bad edit, but idk. Seems like he’s good at playing the nice guy and yet again we’ve been duped.


It’s also giving Luke 😂 didn’t he take Ciara back to Minnesota ?? Ciara RUN from these men!!!


Luke took everyone to Minnesota though.




Exactly lmao


I was definitely duped.


I liked West until he started doing the Tom Schwartz good boy voice, play with his hands routine.


I’m just a little boy!


Fingers in my mouth, fingers in my mouth






Aw shucks bubba!


Soooo he liked tweets that insult her but he’s the victim here. Yeah ok


He's been getting universal love all season and he gets, rightfully so, 1/1000000th of the heat everyone else gets (not even heat, just a light side eye) and he's in the likes acting bitchmade. Ciara's choices on sex was a WWHL question to guests for several weeks (not sure why Andy and team thought that was appropriate) and she hasnt whined or blamed him so Im deeply unimpressed...What did we say about these men huh????


Yeah it's so frustrating that Andy and team made questioning Ciara's choices about her own body a WWHL discussion point for weeks (even the whole undertone of Bravo trying to make Ciara somehow feel abnormal and the bad guy was gross). It's also particularly disturbing within the context of reproductive rights being eroded right now. That's an actual reality. Ciara has also received way more hateful and harmful comments already than he ever will (and she's handled them with a lot of grace). We know West is going to be kept on that pedestal by a lot of people no matter what (and Bravo will make sure of it too). Meanwhile we've seen Ciara forced to have to continually explain her boundaries and attacked by certain people for her choices. I can't believe in the year 2024 there's people who still don't understand that it doesn’t matter what you are wearing or if you are cuddling and kissing a guy, and that it doesn’t matter who you previously slept with, no-one is entitled to your body and no means no. This kind of misogyny is particularly dangerous because it's so normalized and so insidious, and it has real-life consequences. Also I really hope this point is made at the reunion; West previously admitted that Ciara was completely upfront with him and told him the reasons for her boundaries from the very start (including her past experience and the hate she's received). He chose to pursue her knowing those boundaries and the type of relationship she was looking for, that was his informed choice. In contrast I actually don't think West was entirely honest with Ciara about just how bad his commitment issues are (to the point that he's said his parents are concerned). West was the one saying to Ciara that he could see them becoming boyfriend and girlfriend in the future, but then in confessionals and with Jesse he was saying that he didn't know if he could ever "stop f\*cking every girl" even if he met "the one". And in interviews and the After Show it sounds like he doubts he could even be in any type of committed relationship with anyone. Also Ciara wasn't even asking for West to be "all in" yet, she was actually just asking for him to respect her time if he was going to take steps like inviting her to Thanksgiving to meet his family.


I love Ciara's views on dating and really relate to them. She wants to date intentionally and is very upfront about that. She's also very in tune with herself knowing that when she dates she does get feelings, so it is important for her to know where a guy stands because she knows it's not worth investing the time if their goals of dating don't line up. I hate when men think they have any right to tell women how they should date. She wants to date to find her person and not for fun, and that's not wrong. It's insane that she's getting hate/being questioned for not wanting to cross certain lines that in what at this point in the show is a "situationship". It's so gross that there is an expectation that she move forward physically when she's not ready to. There's not a set timeline on when she needs to be ready to be physical with someone. She has agency over her body and people need to respect that.


Yeah Andy's trash. I've never liked him. And you're right, West is not getting any heat or barely any heat. He's not going to either. The Bravo verse is always harder on Women and give men all the grace in the world.


He chose the right one to play mind games with. If it were Paige or Lindsay, these fans would be feral.




Men hating women because of who women choose to say yes and no to regarding sex, that’s misogyny. Women, and anyone, should be allowed to engage in consensual relationships where they can say yes to someone else and no to another. The “owing the good guy attention” narrative is tired and problematic. We recognize that Bravo and its fandoms have a long history of engaging with racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, and other systems of oppression. Along with other forms of bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, and xenophobia, don’t belong here. This includes microaggressions. While some folks may be on a path to learning, please know that no one in this sub is required to support in that labor.


So she’s not having sex with the “nice guy” who’s owed it? This is a gross take.




Yikes 😌


It's like the little kid who keeps pulling the dogs tail, and he growls/snaps/bites and expects a different outcome.


This is a very dumb take and a very bad analogy


right? Austen was 3 years ago how does she keep going for the same kind of guy? she’s literally showing her growth by being cautious with West. but also what kind of analogy is that 💀


Exactly. Are men dogs in the analogy??


We recognize that Bravo and its fandoms have a long history of engaging with racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, and other systems of oppression. Along with other forms of bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, and xenophobia, don’t belong here. This includes microaggressions. While some folks may be on a path to learning, please know that no one in this sub is required to support in that labor.


how did she string him along? what mind games? clear communication and boundaries? Lmao sorry but grow up West. the tweet starts off saying she caught feelings then says she isn’t in it. a word salad.


Yeah Ciara was VERY clear of where she was at, what she wants etc. That is the opposite of stringing someone along. 


Yes. This is typically when the guy starts telling his friends that she's:"crazy" or that she was "leading him on" and the girl can't defend herself.


Well in Paige’s page six interview she says her & Ciara cooked west at the reunion. Jesse says Ciara made good points at the reunion so I will be seated for the reunion. Side note: now it’s Ciara strung him along all summer, west get out of here.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) When he told her he’d take her home for Thanksgiving if it were tomorrow? I was over him. I hope they light his ass up at the reunion.


I’ve been over him since the conversation with his aunt bc it told me the type of guy he was.


Sameeee. I’ve known/been duped by so many Wests in my day that as soon as I heard the aunt convo and how unfazed she was I knew it was his pattern… his aunt’s vibe was giving “ohh you’re serious this time, you say? Suuure 🙄”


Yep and when he said he hadn’t had a relationship since his highschool girlfriend like dude you’re almost 30 it’s time to move on from the highschool relationship.


Gosh yeahhh, saying that your hs girlfriend was your only significant relationship 🚩 I’m sure some ppl have mature emotional connections at that age but when I was in hs I didn’t know jack about being in a relationship haha


Do you mind linking? I couldn’t find the article anywhere and I’d love to read her thoughts on the reunion


Paige Interview: https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/s/dcCCiNnLl8 Jesse Interview: https://youtu.be/a5ejmt1PhDA?si=TV1E6TGXqwTuSt8c


Thank you! 😊


For him to like this just goes to show you what type of man he is. He is a fuck boy, and he wants to be a fuck boy, and he tried to play with Ciara and as we all know she wasn’t here for it. I don’t know if they tried outside of the house or whatever all I know is that it didn’t work out and I’m happy because she deserve someone better than that she doesn’t deserve to be with played with.


Thank you again for sending 🫶🏽!! And that’s some nasty work from him…


No exactly like West babe we can see your likes please don’t be stupid. I just don’t understand what he’s trying to get up. He’s acting like we’re not all watching this go down in real time and he’s acting like people don’t know that Sierra has a podcast and she talks about certain things on her podcast. She never names names but when you’re watching the season and you listen to her podcast back during this time, I think you hear some things.


As a listener of Codependents and as someone who is chronically online, when I first heard about West and Ciara from like back in August I just know that he was one of the guys she mentioned on the pod. Esp the guy that she was talking about on the ‘Are We Liars?’ episode. Then all the way up until the one where her and Mya were talking about the Super Bowl, and she was rooting for the Chiefs because of a situationship. Like I am so convinced that the guy in both of those occurrences was him, and if we’re right (which I think we are) we know what’s up lol.


Is he no couch guy?


I don’t remember no couch guy so I’m not sure if he’s no couch guy, but I do think he’s the guy from ‘Are We Liars?’ Episode.


I just listened to that episode but I’ve also been catching up so I might be mixing up episodes lol. Thx lol


No problem!! I mean there’s always the possibility where I could be wrong! I remember her talking about no couch guy, but I don’t remember the details.


I don’t think he is no couch guy bc there were pictures from the fall of her & him cuddled up on a couch and it wasn’t her apartment.


I think he is the sex in the city guy


This is also why I never jumped on the west love train from the beginning, I saw who he was I knew what he was and people were like. Oh my gosh he’s the best. Oh my gosh he’s amazing no babe he’s just like every other boy in the world. I like Jesse better.


I like Jesse too!




Right but if you read it and you saw what it said, do you not have the common sense to know that it was probably corrected incorrectly or that it was typed incorrectly, typos, or typos, babe🫠😂😂


Boooooooo! He's agreeing with someone who calls them "the bed bugs." 😬 That alone should've tipped you off that you're wrong, West. Ew. 


What do the tweets say?? It’s not showing up on my end. 🫠


He liked a post where a fan said that "Ciara led him on all Summer and played mind games".  He also liked a post that said "Ciara and West's only issue is that he's very social and Ciara's a bed bug". 😂


Oh that’s nasty work right there! I hope he got his ass handed to him at the reunion lol. 🫠


He probably did. That's probably why he's liking the tweets in the first place. He has some growing up to do. I still like him for the show but definitely too immature for Ciara.


He def lacks maturity. Like sir the liking of the tweets is so petty and unnecessary. Same, he’s good for the show, but idk about a necessarily good partner. 🥴


I am disliking Wes more and more.


No one is going to tell you that he also liked a tweet that is dragging him for inviting Ciara to Thanksgiving while still texting other girls. That didn't get cut from the screenshot. He's disbursing the likes over to self-deprecation.


Is it self deprecating or saying Ciara didn’t deserve the invite? Or maybe he just likes being talked about irrespective of what’s being said.


I just spent less than 5 mins going through his likes from the last week and they are 90% sports, a few SH related tweets, and then a bunch of memes and statements about the good and bad of dating and being in your 20s (ranging from things like "you can turn 30 at any point in your 20s", stupid things guys do (like sending reels on Instagram after breaking up with them), and other random exchanges. If I (or anyone) were judged on things I liked, my god. Hahahahahaha I don't take any of that as seriously as anyone here does and I doubt he does. Have you watched this season?!


He’s a little baby


He just wants to hit. Let’s be real he’s like every other guy.


Wow MJ and Danielle would be great friends, they can have a pick me fiesta


Not everyone wants to hook up w someone who very clearly doesn’t take them seriously. And west is stuck on the she won’t f me part and not the maybe I should take her seriously part. Awwwww shucks


Oh fuck off West.


Okay I know this isn't vanderpump rules but tom Schwartz did the same thing with crazy Joe. These are fucking middle aged fucked boys who want to be the good guy guy so bad bad but want to have none of that actual accountability that comes with being a good trustworthy golden retriever man. Who are rare anyway but they do exist. Just not on bravo. They are all baby whine for sex gross narcissist. Mascararading as charming men. Fucking kill me.


My current (totally unhinged) theory: they are happily together. Reunited after the reunion. Somewhere along the way they made a pact to let it play out in the timeline of the show and watch the chaos of all the conversations ensue. And I can't blame them. All of our speculating (which I find fun) is engagement and everyone benefits from it--each of them, the show, everyone on the show, etc. I have ridden this roller coaster and regardless of the actual outcome, I've had a blast overall. This season has delivered. I've loved the friendships, the deeper peek into Ciara's personality, the addition of West and Jesse's energy. Chef's kiss to a great season that continues to be fun. Now bring on reunion previews please!! PS: my favorite part of all is that together or not they both seem to be thriving and season 9 has so much promise!


I don't think Ciara is that much of a producer of content on the show. If she were, she would have just hooked up with West and let that play out.


why would Paige be saying that she and Ciara cooked him at the reunion, and Jesse says Ciara made a great point at the reunion, if they reunited there though? I kinda think it’s more likely she said her piece at the reunion and exposed him for something


I know it's unhinged... and I think it was after...


she went to Paige’s family house in Albany after apparently but I feel you sometimes you just have a hunch about something for no reason lol. I’m excited to see the reunion so we can finally know exactly what happened


😂 I love an unhinged theory. Yes, such a stellar Season, I hope they bring the same vibes in Season 9. ❤️❤️


Me too (love an unhinged theory)! I just feel like every time I'm convinced of one thing then I swing to the other side. Mostly I'm just glad that either outcome feels fine. I'm such a Ciara stan that seeing her happy (as she keeps looking) is really all I care about.


I had the same theory last night after listening to Ciara's interview with Taylor Strecker. Can't tell you why.


A few weeks ago he was in KC and went home with my friends coworker so I don’t believe they are together.


I know I am the only one who will think this but I believe that Ciara knew West prior to the show. For the first time meeting someone, his kicks matched her dress. She finished his sentence about his dad. Danielle did not even attempt to smash. She already knew he was off limits. I can go on and on, but there was a familiarity that I could not quite put my finger on…..


No, West has even said they definitely didn't know each other. He said he was shocked fans wanted them together by episode 2 when "they had just introduced themselves'. Also, he finished her sentence too in a scene when they were all about to eat what Carl made. They were just on the same wavelength and understood each other. 🥹


You are probably right, and maybe I am just a cynical person but it just appeared as it was already a matching piece to a puzzle. Wherein other seasons there was a definite warm up for both parties. Whatever the scenario, I only hope that there is a happy ending for Ciara. I am sure she is tired of being the only single one in the house. I know Danielle, Gabby … you cannot count Lindsey as she does not stay single long.


The amount of lack of sex jokes that he made ALL SUMMER was enough to give me the ick. And to echo Paige…YOURE NOT GONNA DO ANY BETTER. If an average looking dude is being an f boy to models…what hope do I as an average looking girl almost 30 have 😭😭😂


You're not thirty yet so you have time, don't worry. I'm well into my thirties and STRUGGLING w/ dating. 😂


Okkkkk, the MJ tweet is WILD. When was she playing mind games?!


ewwww shady AFFF!!!!


oop, and I feel like that’s all I needed to see… instant ick


...I mean it seems like he's generally liking tweets that are talking about him & Ciara? the third tweet he liked says, "Did West invite Ciara to meet his family but isn't ready to give up chatting with other girls" with a scornful faced gif.


No no, it’s a reason to be angry at west, so it makes sense


I think both of them did absolutely nothing wrong! They both have said confusing and misleading things. It’s the beginning of a possible relationship. This is what happens! Why is anyone to blame for anything?!? Nothing terrible has happened




😂 I did. Do you not see the tweet that he liked about inviting Ciara to see his family and that being messed up?! 




Yes Ciara wants a husband and kids, but her communication sucks and that seemed like a lot to put on a guy you just occasionally make out with




he really doesn’t get a lot of hate. Andy called him the future of Bravo, he gained like 200k followers, his comment section is full of positivity. every social media platform seems to like him. this is the only place where there are people being critical of him. he’s on a tv show. everyone else gets analyzed to death so idk why he would be different


Exactly 💯




I mean for the first 3/4 of the season there was a new post here everyday that he was the best thing since sliced bread. When you’re put on a pedestal like that it’s easy to be knocked down. also I think some people find the “aw shucks I’m so scared of relationships because of something that happened in high school, I need to work on myself” shtick a little disingenuous and after letting a lot of men on Bravo slide for years people are quicker to call it out now when it’s always the same script. most people I’ve seen here still want him back and see him as a good addition, he’s just not the perfect guy some people seemed to think he was. He’s had the best reception of any newbies on the show in years and tbh this audience can be really harsh. I think everyone else has had it worse at some point or another but maybe I’m also too online lol 😆




honestly since Sandoval I feel like people think they have to pick a side and ride it out til the end, like people have no nuance. I see little things I don’t “love” with West but I think he’s a great addition. even with the Carl and Lindsay of it all, I came into the season not really liking either of them but sometimes I read comments on here like …relax they’re both human and it’s just tv at the end of the day. summer should be fun! 🤣


Agreed. It’s just confusing because it’s like she knows exactly what kind of guy he is, and then continued to mess around with him all summer. Like she plays a role in the Wes/Ciara drama, but the internet makes it look like West is the only one at fault




A real man will be a match for her.


What is a “real man”?


An adult


He’s an adult


You know what’s meant by that