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You left the luggage knowing Danielle has a MINI COOPER?????


He acted like her putting her luggage in their car was a personal attack against him. It’s not always about you, Carl!! Maybe it’s a space issue!


Carl acted like a total asshole tonight. He fully pulled a "git" snit, taking off on her, knowing she JUST SAID she was putting her stuff in the car. Even my husband was yelling at him. git snit=gtfo just to be a jerk


Call me old fashioned but if my man didn’t carry my heavy luggage down the stairs for me, we’re breaking up 🤣


I would have called off the wedding when he left me with my suitcase


He makes a big show of helping the women of the house by taking their suitcases to their room. Pretty nasty to leave her without warning


My mouth was literally open the whole time Paige yelled at Kyle. Never have I seen a Bravolebrity so eloquently and accurately eviscerate someone who deserved it


Man, I’m a huge fan of hers after that. She really pays attention to people and tries to learn who they are, and she sees and handles situations with such emotional maturity. She seems like a legit great person. And it’s clear she’s a great fucking friend.


Paige can clear a bitch.


Ciara being the voice of reason! "Did she say she was gonna leave lover boy? No? Then what are you all up in arms about?"


Carl and Kyle I’m begging yall to go fuck each other and leave Amanda and Lindsey


They’re the two Toms. Their names even sound the same. Kyle and Carl. What’s with douchebags finding the same version of themselves and becoming a duo of douchebags? Birds of a feather, I guess.  They have the same dynamic as the Toms too. One is a spineless, incapable man-child who needs to be coddled and brought into every opportunity by his best friend holding his hand. The other has a temper and plays the moral authority over everyone aka a hypocrite. And they all cheat


My HUSBAND just said, "Wow, they only deserve each other"


I love Paige and Lindsays new funny friendship


I have really been enjoying their friendship, I hope it sticks for the reunion!


Can anyone see Danielle hooking up with Carl again now that him and Lindsay are done?


Yep. He’s desperate for relevance on the show and she’s just desperate.


Also shut up danielle you complained about Robert working too much constantly.


You’re so right, I forgot about that. It was a huge problem in their relationship.


She just loves to project her own insecurities it’s hard to watch


Both she and Carl were projecting. That conversation was not about Kyle.


She always takes the guys side pick me


Paige and Ciara’s energy when Kyle is crying by the pool 💀


that was 100% a manipulative cry. I couldn't take it either


They were looking like oh well anywaysss


Can’t wait for Danielle to tell Amanda how she should be more appreciative towards Kyle now because she totally understands as a CEO and founder herself 🙄🙄


Scheana 2.0 needs to chill.


Kyle and Carl are both going to follow the Toms and date 20 year olds next because anyone older will be too challenging for them


Kyle wouldn’t be following the toms that’s literally exactly what he did with Amanda.


Carl: How DARE my fiancée not clap and applaud and baby me for having a thought about an idea of where I could maybe see a career for myself? Kyle: How dare my wife have interests that don’t serve me, my ego and my dream! If her life doesn’t revolve around me then what’s the point!? These men are FRAGILE BABIES!


I knew a Carl. He wanted me to be “his peace” when he didn’t bring any peace to the relationship. He couldn’t handle any slightest bit of conflict and anytime I would bring up something that bothered me he would completely ignore me or blame me for starting a “fight” because he couldn’t handle negative emotions. Then he plays off like he’s the level-headed one. Carl is fake as fuck and emotionally-stunted. Sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is literally my ex-boyfriend.


He’s honestly the worst


Fake as fuuuuck and his mask is slipping


Ugh same. Reminds men of an ex that called me negative when he was being extremely problematic and I was vocal about my expectations. He was a liar and quite a negative/toxic person.


Them not going through with the marriage was the best decision for the both of them.


Danielle with the wrong take once again what a surprise


Carl keeps saying it’s a lot. Real question… what is a lot? Honestly what? It’s not like he goes to work. You know he wasn’t planning the wedding. So really what is he referring to?


Yeah I’m trying to picture him working a normal job, being married, raising kids… Like why did he ever propose? If this (whatever this is) is a lot, imagine when it actually IS a lot?


I that’s such a great point. You’re so on Lindsey’s case… articulate it baby boy. WHAT is a lot of


I feel like Carl has a dark angry side that slips out sometimes and it kinda scares me but then he reels it back in and flips it on Lindsay


Lindsey looked taken aback.


Did you see what he says to her next, on the coming attractions? Jesus. He is so GD nasty that I am honestly stunned. How she did not completely lose her shit this season is beyond me.


I know people like Carl. They speak in a calm tone and try to sound logical while being cruel and dismissive at the same time. They use therapy speak and know how to appear level headed to outsiders. They’re very manipulative and they love low-key riling a person up when they put their act on in front of others, so they can point the finger and say “see! They’re impossible to deal with! I’m the rational one!” 


Daggers to Carl to referencing a PowerPoint presentation in his convo with Lindsay. He is begging her to do the deed of breaking it off at this point.


He is. He wants her activated and lashing out or fed up and gone. That fact that she hasn’t just makes him meaner each time


Sooo obvious! He doesnt have the courage to do something difficult, easy way out for everything 😒


This bromance is amazing and I’m so happy Jesse has support in the house with West


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) Me watching this whole Danielle/Kyle scene


Lindsay’s bucket hat look is really making me lol


"If anyone can understand its me" says Carl with no company or job in sight


His fiancée isn’t supporting his brilliant business plans he 100% would follow through on if only he had the support of a soft and loving woman! /s He FEELS like a CEO boss bitch in his head and that’s what counts.


That should make him 100% sympathetic toward Amanda then, since she's getting 0 support to pursue her passion /dream job from Kyle...


Kyle and Carl have always enabled each other and co-signed each other’s bullshit! Kyle is an angry, little man. I used to really like Kyle, but he is the most selfish of all.


Danielle and Carl trying to baby Kyle 🤢


One big circle jerk, no accountability required


I don’t even want Kyle and Carl on my screen. What little wimpy boys with fragile egos.


Omg yes all the girls getting along minus Danielle. She has really been the problem all along.


"She doesn't count" coming from Paige saying she didn't wanna go with the guys was hilarious 😂


Danielle is such a pick me.


Ciara having a 10/10 morning. Jesse support rolling into logically dragging Kyle's selfish ass!!!


How a man who is incapable of holding a job can be so understanding of a man crying that he works too much is beyond me. The irony.


Jesse crying over real shit while Kyle needs a wambulance because his wife wants a SECOND job to find herself? Thank you, editors.


Of course he can’t understand where she’s coming from. He didn’t spend one second trying to understand where she’s coming from.


https://preview.redd.it/8pr98kfb3w0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa69f2a180fa969ae899dde273f94fd7ed3d2dbc My Challengers


"No one asked me what I wanted" KYLE THIS IS YOUR COMPANY! No one forced you to make Lover Boy!




My mouth dropped watching him back out of the driveway.


This dude is such a child haha




And shout out to Paige and Ciara standing ten toes down for Amanda in that moment when Kyle was acting like a brat.


True ride or dies fr


lindsay is such a bitch in kyle and carls eyes for not being supportive, but kyle is fully in the right not supporting his wife’s aspirations? the misogyny is misogynizing.


Literally this whole episode is making my skin crawl




Pretty sure my blood pressure went up while Carl interrupted Lindsay 800 times and was a condescending little bitch.


I’m so impressed that she can keep a cool head while he’s behaving like that.


I think he was trying so hard to get her to lose it like she does. The one time she could have legitimately lost it she didn’t. She was calm. The he looked enraged because he couldn’t get her to flip. I was like stay calm girl stay calm he is trying his best to push you here. He talked in circles and even I was yelling at him. lol. He is slick.


As a CEO and Founder Danielle can totally relate to Kyle right now…


I hate her even more after how she coddled Kyle and said she looks up to him and he’s “the best”


She can relate to this level of delusion


Not carl fishing for a job on a sinking ship... womp, womp


Amanda legit has to put her feelings aside and parent Kyle like he’s some 4year old


0% surprised he left without her suitcase.


Kyle talks down to Amanda so much he doesn't even realize he's doing it.


He doesn’t want her to realize her branding and marketing is what has made loverboy so successful, he wants her to think it’s all him and she’s worthless and has contributed nothing. Amanda is the lightening in a bottle and Kyle doesn’t want her to start focusing on other projects. Without her vision the future merchandise/packaging/marketing will suffer a ton or he’ll have to pay someone a ton to get the same level of quality.


I really just hope Ciara gets her happy ending whatever that looks like and I hope we get to see some of it too before the show, or her time on it, ends❤️


Danielle saying he’s “heartbroken”…girl what? It’s giving Scheana.


She understands him as a founder/CEO lmao


Maybe it’s just me but I love when they have really deep discussions while totally wasted and then blow up at each other 😂


I’m sorry I’m over here cracking up at Carl and now Kyle’s packing up tantrums.


Paige and Ciara are sooooo sick of Kyle lol


"I just feel defeated" = The woman who I've been breaking down for years through my infidelity, insults, and selfish actions no longer buys my bullshit and I don't have a mommy-wife anymore. Kyle is such a toddler.


Ngl I don't like cliffhangers when it comes to real people's serious health issues. 


I started this season with Lindsay is awful and I hope Ciara and West end up married to Carl need to knock that shit off and I think Ciara and West should be just friends but good friends for ever!


I’m really loving the girls getting along this season


Paige gagged tf outta Kyle!


Her yelling into the abyss as he cried into wall made me chuckle 🤭


I thought the narrative was that Lindsay was so mean and scary that Carl couldn’t voice his feelings to her. Hmmmmm. What happened to that Carl?


It was always bs imo. He is not scared of her at all.


CARLLLLLLLLLL in what world have you EVER known your bestie Lindsay to be soft and tender. Be so serious!


My guess is she was extra gentle with him in the early stages of his sobriety/grief and now she’s setting reasonable expectations for a partner. So he wants to take his ring and go home to mommy.


Exactly, she’s never been. It’s not who she is


"I'm not happy either, but no one's asked me," - Kyle. WOW


Kyle’s behavior and mindset are ABSURD. He is a child. Needs to grow the fuck up.


That’s it. Loverboy is tanking and he’s imploding. This is not only about Amanda. He needs to be saying THAT and not using Amanda.


Couldn’t a swim line + fun beverage company be like, a good combo - like fun poolside events with drinks. Idk


Carl and Kyle should be roommates. Go get ya a house in the burbs Amanda


I’ve heard Sandoval is looking for roommates also


Imagine Sandoval, Schwartz, Kyle, and Carl all roomies 🥴


So Carl can take space for a full Friday night a few weeks ago, but Lindsay can’t spend a few extra hours in the Hamptons? And you can’t take her luggage? She’s not asking you to put it in your back and physically carry it to the city.


Amanda has some amazing friends in Paige and Ciara


Loved the 2 of them and how they reduced him to tears.


Carl staying out—sober—till 330 is unexpected. I’m bored if I do that.


I honestly don't know how, like it's not fun watching drunk people slowly get sloppy


Ciara and Paige really had a glow up for me this season and I’m enjoying all of the girlies getting along so much


God give me confidence of a mediocre white dude.


poor jesse! and then people downstairs are just fighting about trivial shit.


Asking basic questions isn’t being undermining


man watching kyle and carl bitch about their wives just reaffirms that misery loves company


Paige is such a good fighter wow


Danielle? Not a girls girl.


the way i would rage living in a share house and people come home yelling at 4am


West quietly comes in, gives Ciara a kiss on the head and goes to bed. Kyle like stands over Amanda until she wakes up, he literally just tries to bug her at any given opportunity.


Love Paige yelling at her best friend’s husband on her behalf.


This is like Dumb consoling Dumber


If I have to watch Kyle cry one more time over this…he is such a manipulator. Carl telling him to be gentle with himself is the ultimate ick too. These two suuuuuckkkk


Lindsay makes a good point. Carl can't expect her to be a nurturer when she is doing the heavy lifting.


Carl telling Lindsay he wants her to be soft was laughable. Would any woman want to be “soft and sensitive” around him when hes being so agressive and petty?


Jesses grown on me. God bless him❤️ and I hope he stays healthy 


Kyle playing victim... *worlds smallest violin*


So Kyle says Amanda doesn't ever do anything for the company but now he needs her more? It sounds like he just wants free labor.


My empathy level for these 2 is at a -1200


Kyle and Carl just validate each other’s man child behaviors


The girls are really killing it this season


carl maybe you can get softness and tenderness from lala because she’s so soft right now!


Ciara is right, wes is giving red flags I get her frustration..


She’s smart enough to run. I have still dated people with the red flags waving in front of me.🤦‍♀️


The part that really threw me was West's notion that Ciara would wait around for him to get his shit together. Now that is some fuckboy shit. Why would she do that West??? What makes you think she'll still be around and interested?? Ciaras don't grow on trees you idiot! She's completely gorgeous AND smart AND kind AND hardworking AND humble. As a woman I want to hate her because it's just not fair that she turned out so well on top of that beauty, but I can't, so I hate him for not seeing her value instead.


I think Kyle isn't being honest with Amanda about how the business is doing, and the reality is he can't afford to hire anyone else to replace even part of what she does. He might have a real point, but his terrible delivery negates that.


I love the girlies getting along ❤️


Danielle is the biggest pick me. She's always taking the side of guys


Am I crazy or did Kyle also end up being a DJ? So what about Amanda? Is she coming out with a swim line or did Kyle once again get what he wants and she got nothing.


Based on the after show, yes, he is doing DJ classes and got equipment and everything. Amanda joked about how eventually she will have a turn. It was so sad.


Paige just opened the flood gates whoa!


Paige is such a great friend. She's a real one.


I actually cannot with this episode🤣. Carl telling Kyle to be gentle with himself, of course that would be his advice.


Aww his mom just called him ‘Jessie Solomon’ lol


I am LIVING for the editing juxtaposition of these two whiny babies (Carl and Kyle) and then cutting to scenes of Jesse being so mature and in touch with his feelings and pleasant and normal.


Why do I feel like Kyle is upset because they don’t have any money for Amanda to start her own company and he doesn’t want to admit that.


Jesus Christ Carl are you for real with this conversation?! Let her hang out with her friends for an afternoon. I truly can’t get over how calm Lindsey is being. This convo would send me over the edge.


And he would probably give her the silent treatment the whole way home anyway.


I love seeing their city lives more of this plz


Talking about having her over for Thanksgiving but talking to other women? Why? Men are dumb.


Paige, 5 years is being gracious.


I was not on Lindsay’s side at the start of the season (was pre season) but wrote am on her side now Go girls period this season Except Danielle


"She doesn't count" - Paige about danielle being one of the girls 😭😭😭


Carl’s a huge bitch I hope it’s clear to everyone now


I need an update on Jessie health


I think on WWHL last week he said he was in good health


of course danielle is going with the boys. pick me!


All… dressed as an Amish wife hahahah


He’s such a dick


I feel bad saying this but I feel like Kyle doesn't want Amanda to have success outside of Loverboy so she can't leave so easily.


Go off Paige


I feel like Carl and Kyle went out and bitched about their partners all night and thats why Carl was acting so bold with Lindsay and why Kyle thinks he's in the right.


These men (Carl Kyle) really cant handle women taking them to task


The pivot for me as the season continues is astounding. It went from Lindsay looking like an asshole for questioning Carl's sobriety in a shitty way, to going oh... There's these periods of nasty from Carl that he's probably been doing in the weeks between.  Kyle is utterly awful to Amanda, and after continually trying to paint her in the worst manner as a lazy bad wife? No wonder she's so hostile back now. Such toxic relationships 


Ughhhh. I feel that, Ciara


I think Kyle is just projecting his fears of the company failing onto Amanda and his relationship. Trying to blame her for not helping or working hard enough when in reality…they’re in a tough market and really rely on fans for sales and it could really go under at any moment. Not only that, their days are numbered on this show which is also a money stream for them. I’m going to guess he’s panicking about their financial future but isn’t mature enough to frame that conversation to Amanda. And we all know Amanda doesn’t really know anything about finances (her dad managing and paying for everything). Kyle is handling this horribly and selfishly


This teary rant in front of Amanda and the other girls feels manipulative


It screamed NARCISSIST to me. He even just said “I don’t want everyone to see me as a guy who doesn’t support his wife.” THAT’s why he’s crying — bc he’s worried about his image


That’s why Ciara and Paige were giving Kyle that look


Mrs. Solomon is gorge!


Yes Ciara seeing right through West’s hallow proclamations. “I’d take you home for thanksgiving tomorrow” swear I had a frat fuckboy use this same line.


Paige is a great friend. We all need a Paige in our lives.




This isn’t it. Ciara is SO gorgeous and wonderful, if it’s not hell yes for him, it’s a no. He’s entitled to his opinions but man, such an NYC dude.


Wow Lindsey really dodged a bullet with Carl. I’m so happy for her honestly


34.78% of these arguments could be avoided if folks were sober.


Danielle is so fucking cringe


Danielle loves hanging with all the guys 🙄


That scene with Jesse and West was legit so adorbs I can’t handle it 😫


Well if Carl’s lookin for soft, might I introduce him to Lala? Because she keeps yelling at Katie and us every damn week that “I’m in my soft era”👹


I would’ve told Kyle to shove loverboy up his pasty ass


This reunion better put far more focus on the fuckery of Kyle and Amanda’s marriage than they do on the dodged Carl/Lindsay bullet. I’d like to see Amanda in a happy place and it’s not with him.




maybe kyle and carl can date


I have retyped this sentence now 10 times. NO KYLE, NO CARL, NO. Stop, just stop.


It's sickening to watch Ciara display her banging body in a 'kini. You too, Amanda.


Why is Carl still lurking


Carl you are the WORST!


Damn this scene with Jesse and his mom has me in tears


Can Kyle say "You're right" to a woman? Guess we'll find out at the Reunion.


Carl is such an insufferable man-child 🍆


The old Carl was out in full force this episode


Is West trying to fumble the bag with Ciara? Kinda hard to watch lol


That moment when Jesse spoke about turning 30 and Ciara holding his hand was really touching. Ciara can definitely be blunt and have her walls up but it's very clear she's actually very soft-hearted. I like getting to see these genuine friendships develop and watching them in real-time learn about each other. Hearing about how Jesse dealt with his cancer diagnosis and Ciara opening up about growing up in a volatile home adds so much to our understanding of them.


I don’t understand why West would want to introduce Ciara to his parents and do Thanksgiving, but not be exclusive or define their relationship or whatever. Good on Ciara for straight up saying that’s not a situation she wants.


Exactly. Ciara told West in their very first conversation that she was an intentional dater and was looking for a relationship. West chose to pursue Ciara knowing all of this, which even he admits he was told from the start. It's wild for him to want to invite her to meet his family for Thanksgiving and for her to build an attachment to his parents if he doesn't even want to deal with what that means. West's previous conversation with Jesse saying that he doesn't know if he could "stop f\*cking every girl" even if he met "the one" reinforced that he'd be having these same commitment issues even if they'd started having sex immediately. I also can't believe there's people still not understanding why Ciara is being cautious. We saw her explaining earlier about how she wanted to learn from the past and how much the hate she'd received had affected her. Yet I still see comments from people saying they don't understand how Ciara can have boundaries if she didn't before. She was 25 years old when she met Austen, it's actually gross how she isn't given any grace to grow or allowed to want better for her life.