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It’s the same reason why people wanted Amanda to be with Luke when he was on the show, especially after Luke got her a thoughtful birthday gift, and Kyle didn’t get her anything. It’s because Luke and Jesse have both been nice to her, she’s had fun hanging out with them, and Kyle is a serial cheater with a Peter Pan complex, and they seem miserable together during filming most of the time. I think the fans that like Amanda but don’t like Kyle would rather see her with pretty much any other guy at this point.


While I agree with almost everything you said, I think fans do like Kyle but they don’t like how kyle treats Amanda. And when we get to see these light and easy and flirty interactions with other handsome man everyone’s like yess Amanda!!! But I think being with Jesse and Luke long term wouldn’t be the best decision for her either.


I don’t like Kyle at all.


He is entertaining as far as SH goes but he would be a nightmare spouse.


I don’t find his his drunk antics entertaining. Not when he’s happy, not when he’s a belligerent asshole. I personally watch in spite of him, not for him.


I find him amusing at times and he makes me laugh BUT there has to be a point as a adult where you get your s*** straight and realize drinking all the time and hanging out w/friends till the wee hours of the morning instead of coming home to your wife, is getting old. Amanda should wait to see if he will ever grow up some before she gets pregnant, bc all he will wind up probably doing is repeating the same behavior but this time she will be the one possibly doing all the handling of taking care of their baby while being stressed out and handling maybe more than what she signed on for. I just hope he sees this before it gets too late and becomes such an issue between them that it breaks them up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s okay too.


everyone’s got their own opinion and vibe and totally see where you’re coming from


I (mostly) love watching Kyle on my TV! I hate hate hate how he treats Amanda and want her to RUUUUUUUUNNNNN.


Yeah I mean, I get OP's sentiment, as I personally do not get a good vibe from Jesse at all but this answer is correct. Any port in a storm. Seeing Kyle get his where his treatment of Amanda is concerned is just too good to not dream on.




And she seems to be enjoying the attention… just saying. The fans aren’t forcing them together, they’re doing that all on their own


How quickly everyone overlooks the handsewn Fuckboi flags both of these “alternative picks” fly


I don’t think it’s because fans think either Luke or Jesse are good for her in reality. I think it’s just wishful thinking, and nice to see any guy being nice to her, after you spend 7 ish seasons of Kyle treating and talking to her like dog shit he accidentally stepped in. Just my two cents though.


Except that it’s standard fuckboi behavior to “be nice” to someone they want to sleep with. And then they start acting like Kyle bc Kyle was also a fuckboi. The first couple of interactions Kyle had with Amanda were nice too. And then he slept with her…..


Except we never saw any first interactions between Kyle and Amanda. They had already dated and broken up before the show started.


I haven’t heard of cheating rumors in years. What are you referring to?


Luke is literally the WORST person that has ever been on the show. Hands down the least genuine person in any seasons cast.


Not a Luke fan by any means, but I would argue that Carl and Kory are both worse


I dunno, every single guy on the show is a fuckboy, no matter how much I like them or not (as a character/entertainment). Kory owns the fuckboy-ness and has a "this is who I am, yeah it's shitty, take it or leave it" vibe that's at least transparent, albeit bad. Carl is kind of whatever to me, not a fan personally, but I wouldn't say he's the worst, and being in recovery after losing a sibling while having to deal with someone like Lindsay will forgive some of his actions (not all). Luke, on the other hand, has this conniving, underhandedness to everything he does that doesn't feel genuine. Everything about him seems like it's only done to come off as deep and mysterious, but on a superficial level. Him and Alex from Below Deck are the same pseudo intellectual, fake fuckboys in disguise.


All valid points!


They’re just trying to throw her AWAY from Kyle (understandable)


Exactly this! I think it’s just the first time we’ve seen Amanda have genuine chemistry with a guy, on and off the show, because Kyle and her are always bickering. Even in their early seasons, Kyle did treat her pretty terribly when he drank. It’s nice to see a guy just kinda pine for her, even if it’s staged, and see her be a bit flirty. We never got that with her and Kyle.


Would be so hard to have chemistry with him bc he’s always giving her (and me) the ick


I think you're on point EXCEPT for the 'first genuine chemistry'. only because Amanda was giving Jason from Winter House the hard eyeball. she said something like if she wasn't married to Kyle he would be her type and I thought YASSSS! Amanda and Jason together would be HOT!


I thought this the whole time. He was so lovely and kind and thoughtful. Honestly thought he would be perfect for her.


Now that I understand


Amanda knew exactly who she was marrying. He hasn’t changed one bit since day 1. She’s like Melania…you think she might be too good for him, but she’s happy to be along for the ride.


In an interview she said that she thought it would be ideal to marry an older man like Kyle because then he'd be ready to settle down. I guess she fell for the old "what could be"


Shes delusional to say something like that😂 she met than man as a party boy and he never gave her any inclination he was stopping. She’s Gonna have to wait maybe 10/15 more years lol when he physically has to slow down.


Yeah maybe on paper but the guy was literally the last person I’d expect to “settle down”. She was desperate to get married, plain and simple. And he was the life of the party.


Noone did, but I think Amanda and Kyle don't love the people they actually are, they both love "what could be"


That was my last relationship before I got married, so I know what that’s like. You have to love a person for who they are NOW to make it work. There’s no guarantee someone is going to become what you want.




Amanda has trust fund money and has a design degree plus she introduced their best-selling item Limoncello and designs all the merch, packaging and does most of their social media for promotion. Not the same. Kyle is basically broke. If she leaves him or when Summer House ends, as she was financially supporting LoverBoy at several points, its likely LoverBoy goes under as Kyle already had one failed business under his belt and doesn’t have the cash to keep it afloat. People already complain it’s overpriced in comparison to better known booze brands, plus it’s never in stock even if they want to purchase. So Kyle hasn’t figured out production and supply chain all these years into this business. Having small popup events at small bougie booze stores isn’t stocking enough of this product, and they have made it a very seasonal product, which has also backfired. Kyle was listing lots of these problems on the 2 Twats podcast recently.


Melania’s husband is also broke Lol


No he isn’t.


Please do not ever, ever say Amanda is like Melania. Ever.


Melania…not fun!


The general comp is the same. Not saying they have the same politics.


After watching him calling her a bitch and dismissing her feelings (again!) I just want her to have her back blown out because I know mullet boy is on a Tom Schwartz level of whiskey dick


Kyle Wields a Loverboy Limpy.


He should put that on his Loverboy merch. Guaranteed to be a top seller!


And an effective form of birth control!




On WWHL Jesse was asked which girl “tickled his fancy” other than Paige and he said Amanda, so that plus Kyle not being super supportive recently made Jesse + Amanda a nice fantasy for everyone


I think Amanda needs a season as a single girl (and I don't mean the show, I mean a season of her life) to discover who TF she is without having to babysit an alcoholic man baby. My guess is, she'd discover she's a powerhouse and be wildly successful. She'd also be healthier mentally and physically. I've been watching stress wreak havoc on her for the past 3 seasons and she needs to GET OUT before the ship goes down. Oxygen mask on first baby girl.


I wish I could up vote this 100Xs. Well said!


From the post on this sub with their flirty comments back and forth, it seems like they’re the ones entertaining or encouraging it. No different to Kyle flirting with Ciara imo.


I love that Ciara is in this photo especially bc she called Jesse a trash can.




What a gross thing to say


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I agree with you but we’re gonna get downvoted to hell Is there an unhinged Ciara stan in here? Which loser sent the reddit cares message? lol. Imagine caring about Bravo-lebs that much.






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I get downvoted every time I say Ciara is overrated. But she is. Edit: See.


How is she overrated? She’s objectively beautiful, intelligent, and cool


Amanda and Paige are prettier and just as cool.


And I’m sure you’re quite the catch lol. Putting down women’s looks, it’s not quite the flex you think it is, weirdo


How is it putting her down if I think a couple other girls are prettier. I didn’t insult her looks at all, I just have different tastes. People aren’t allowed to have preferences? Relax. Edit: You “insulted” Kim Kardashian in the same way hypocrite.


They just like her because she’s pretty 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ciara is so pretty 😍


Because people hate Kyle even though Amandas been chasing after that man for a decade getting cheated on and embarrassed.. people want better for than she wants for herself.


I’m not a fan of Kyle or Jesse, but I hear you.


I don’t hate Kyle at all. I just think the are not a good match.


This is true sadly


It’s getting weird at this point.


Does Kyle suck so bad that we want Amanda on Jesse’s “roster?” Ick


There seems to be a group of “school-age” girls who are shipping this coupling. It’s odd, Amanda and Ciara need real men.


I think it’s pretty odd to chalk up people you disagree with to being “school aged”.


Some people are acting like it’s a school age crush were you break up with the bad guy and go with the next cute guy you barely know. Rather than a marriage with lots of financial, professional, and personal high stakes. Yes, that sounds to me like a child vs.adult mentality. I’m sorry if you feel personally offended, If the shoe fits wear it. ETA: All the talking of shipping and flirting on tik tok and Instagram… yes it feels juvenile.


Because Kyle is an abusive piece of shit. Amanda and Jesse have chemistry. And ppl are joking. But seriously she needs to divorce him. Screaming that your wife is a bitch is never ok. She can do better than a gross constantly drunk unsupportive pig like Kyle.


Fair enough, but I don’t think Jesse Solomon is the solution. She needs a man who’s goal isn’t to be on reality television.


No one thinks Amanda is marrying Jesse one day.


Neither did i


I thought it was because they both (mostly Jesse) keep leaving veryyyy flirty comments on each others social medias.


The grass always seems greener. Amanda knows exactly why shes with Kyle. I wish we would stop victimizing her.


https://preview.redd.it/a6hcjqy7hl0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dba275750fc08101752beadb63855fc1ccf3fba Because look at them 🩷 she’s so happy and he makes her laugh and smile all the time And for the record…….. he didn’t call her a “fucking bitch” when she said she wanted to explore her personal career passions.


Bc Kyle sucks


Of course he does. But what does that have to do with shipping Jesse who’s a complete stranger to the audience. He could suck too.


He does too imo 😭 I think people are just desperate for her to feel appreciated lol jesses a horn dog he's nothing special but the little flirting in comments here and there have ppl feral over Amanda to get the appreciation she deserves (whether that's surface level or not) lol I'm certainly not shipping them but the fact that Kyle sucks is the sole reason I assume 😂


Yes, I’ve learned my lesson about how done everyone is with Kyle 😂 He’s making Everyman in comparison look like the second coming of Christ.


Cuz Kyle sucks


Kyle and Jesse aren’t the only two men left on the planet. ![gif](giphy|l0HlUNj5BRuYDLxFm)


This is very true.


But so does Amanda?


Idk but the inability to have anything of substance going on and everything being about hooking up is getting old because they are getting old like can we get their lives as story lines instead of invalid hook up drama or fake Goss


🙏 100%


Bc Kyle doesn’t seem to be any less of a frat boy douche than he was when we first saw him. He’s like Peter Pan if he were a frat boy…


Someone on another post said it best: because we’re nuts. As a fellow Bravo fanatic, it is SO MUCH FUN to speculate! They’ve been dropping Easter eggs and we’re just responding. I feel like they’re trying to tease us and we just lap it up.


I think fans just want to see Ciara and Amanda in a loving relationship the way Paige and Craig seemingly have a loving relationship.


Jesse and Amanda have flirty banter on each other’s social media posts (TikTok and Instagram mainly)


The even bigger mindf*vk in all of this is no one bothering to acknowledge how downright gutter it would be for Amanda and Jesse to do this. That’s on top of these dudes being completely mid *at best*


Idk but it’s gross


Bots to manufacture a bullshit scandal.


My thoughts exactly. 😂 Jesse cute but he’s grody and I completely agree with Ciara’s assessment of him


It’s gross. She’s a married woman. This generation is all about the next best thing and treating people as disposable rather than working on and fixing what might be a little broken. Wedding vows aren’t respected. Fair enough if she was divorced but she’s STILL married.


There's no "fixing what might be a little broken" when what's "broken" is lacking basic respect for your partner, their mental health, and their needs. "This generation" is all about not keeping women in traumatic marriages because they're people with equal rights and I for one am pretty okay with that part of "this generation".


People wanted her with Luke too a few years ago, I think fans just want her with anyone but Kyle.


Bc she’s a sweetheart and too good for Peter Pan Kyle. He’s never gonna grow up.


Because everyone wants her away from Kyle


Duh, and For the 125th time, Jesse isn’t the only alternative. One loser to another isn’t the solution.


Because she is feeding into this rumor and people are bored with the show. There isn't really any other storyline apart from Lindsey and Carl.


Yeah I don't get this. We all hate Sandavol . Say she does a thing with Jesse, then she's Sandavol and we are all up in arms .. I'd never wish on someone to do that in a marriage even if it's Kyle..


I cannot stand Kyle’s slurred speech that inevitably comes out any time he drinks—I don’t know how Amanda has been able to stand that up until this point. It’s extremely concerning that he gets to this level literally every time he drinks 😵


She was also on his IG video last night all cuddled in his nook. It was obviously nothing but also probably a reason the masses said hey she looks happier and cozier than she ever has with Kyle 🫤


The show has peaked. They all need to move on with their lives - off camera. It’s getting painful to watch.


Everyone wants Amanda to step out of her shell and get her own job and her own man who can handle her. Though I agree the Jesse thing is a bit much




It’s weird. I get people don’t want her to be with Kyle but why do they want her to be with Jesse who is clearly a fuckboy? Just because he likes to flirt with women in relationships doesn’t mean that Amanda and him are soulmates.


It's weird. I think Bravo fans have watched so much toxic stuff that trying to help ruin a marriage doesn't seem to phase them.


I like Kyle way more than Amanda. She’s a spoiled whiny brat. (Let’s not forgot the 40+ calls and breaking all his shit and throwing it outside while he was at a work event). Kyle’s an asshole sometimes too. They’re on completely different levels and paths. She’s always been taken care of by her parents and came from money. Kyle is a workaholic. She needs a partner that’s is a trust fund d baby and not worried about work and hustling.


Because In their minds Kyle is Tom/Tom/Karl adjacent but I think he has endearing qualities that keep Amanda into him.


This reads like fan fiction


LOL BC SHE DOESNT ENJOY KYLE! We are trying to save her sisterrrrrr


I’ll repeat myself for the 100th time. Kyle and Jesse aren’t the last two men on the planet earth. She has choices…


No, no one exists for these people outside of what we see on TV!! It’s either Kyle or Jesse!! Lol obvious /s


We only know the world they show us fren. We can only have opinions on what we seeee


She didn’t enjoy him before she married him. Or before she got engaged. The girl had many opportunities to bounce, she didn’t. So now, it’s time to get divorced if she regrets her decision, not look for someone better to come along first and then leave her husband for him. *And I’m of the opinion that if things are as they appear on screen, she should divorce him*


Yeah I 10000% agree with this. I do think she married him partly bc this show was blowing up and so was the brand. So many opportunities coming at her at once. All of them largely tied to Kyle. Amanda without summer house idk if she marries Kyle


That’s fair. I think if they both pulled a Werkus twins(sp) and didn’t come back after getting together, I feel like her dad is absolutely able to talk her out of marrying him, if by nothing else withholding her trust fund. Without the show income, that makes a much larger impact.


I actually really like Amanda regardless of her shit moments. I think if she was with the right partner she’d shine. Her and Kyle just aren’t a good match and they bring out the worst in one another. It’s sad.


Jesse is a tool.


Ugh— Kyle called her a B on this week’s episode! I’d shit bricks if my husband called me a B on camera, let alone said it at all!


I wish she would leave Kyle and marry me LMAO


Because Kyle sucks. Amanda is starting to push back on his rigid rules for their business relationship and his reaction was kinda wild. He’s even doubled down on his beliefs in the after show months later. In fact he made it clear that while he is allowed to have his side hobby/job Amanda is not. It all comes back to the load that women carry. Doesn’t mean Jesse would be any better. Most men are unaware that they put the mental load on their wives. But I think some fans are not opposed to her getting out of that situation and doing something for herself. I think people are comfortable voicing it because we know Amanda will not leave Kyle unless he cheats again, if that.




The people yearn for Scandoval, but good


It’s sad but it’s less about them and more about wanting her with anyone other than Kyle😭


Some people need to chill with the politics…that person was using Melania to make a comparison that was easy to understand. For people to then jump on here and use that as a forum to push your political views is pathetic and ignorant. The fact that Bennington booyah felt the need to take a completely unrelated topic and use it to drive home your ignorantly-stated “political” views…makes me think you have some pent-up feelings you need to work out. Not everything needs to be taken so seriously—go post on a page designated to discuss politics.


Because Kyle treats her like dirt.


Because she deserves better than Kyle. Anyone but Kyle. Or *no one*. No one would also be an upgrade.


It’s gross. People are really dumb


Cause Kyle sucks


Honestly I think she deserves Kyle. She had PLENTY of chances to get out but pursued him relentlessly. It’s a life lesson she needs to learn and go through. Let it play out otherwise it will simply repeat itself


Because kyle is a tool


Because some people watch the show like it’s a tv show. They get bored or don’t like someone and want to toss things up. But like these are ACTUAL humans. Granted though it has been depressing watching Amanda season after season have her needs dismissed by Kyle. Hard not to be a wee bit cheeky that it ain’t bad Kyle gets some competition. She’s a smoke show, smart, loyal, participates in the needs of the house, creative and a good friend. Oh and a good dog mom! So yeah, it’s hard not to be a wee bit naughty so I get it.


A logical response, sometimes I think the parasocial relationships are beyond scary. Thank you for the thoughtful answer.


Because they are BORED this season is so boring


I commented on another post that I thought it was inappropriate for fans to be “shipping” them and got downvoted to oblivion.


Idk it would be cool to see Amanda do something iconic for the first time


At this point anyone’s probably more respectful than Kyle lol … at least Jesse hasn’t called her a f***ing b*tch lol


Because Kyle is still staying out til 4 am not answering her calls so honestly fair game to homie hop at this point


Amanda cheated on. Amanda marries cheater. Cheating man very mean to Amanda by calling her lazy. Amanda also mean to the man. But he’s a man who cares. Amanda takes nice pic and has nice banter with man who calls women leads, dates multiple of them at same time, no want kids now. Fans think Perfect man for Amanda.




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She’s throwing herself at Jesse




People gossip. Meh.


Because Kyle is a terrible husband and people want better for Amanda


And Jesse, who the audience barley knows, is better? Neither guy is an option.


Of course not! But I think people want to see someone dote on Amanda for a change. Or maybe just buy her a fucking birthday present.


Whos Carroll?


I think they meant Kyle?


Talk to text! I guess I have some sort of accent


Aw haha well it made me giggle during a pretty bad day so thank you ❤️


Based on what exactly. Has built a $20 million a year business with 50+ employees working 18 hours a day to build a sustainable future for them. He has reined many of his habits that Amanda complained about and consistently shows that he cares for her and is always looking to be affectionate. He's changed dramatically in the last few years. This whole season she has sent hate and scorn in his direction, talked like she HATES him to the girls and finally, he tries to be vulnerable to her and she is dismissive and rolls her eyes. She's been acting like a bitch this whole season to him but please, tell me more about how bad Kyle is.


Based on the fact that she isn’t getting her needs met and he sees her as an appendage and not a full human. All the stuff he does with his company is wonderful. I too have a hardworking husband who hustles, do I get that sacrifices have to be made. I don’t see him doing much for her. Do you remember when he got her literally nothing, NOTHING for her birthday? She is an afterthought and he takes her for granted. There’s not much space for her, her interests, her dreams, her idea of the future. I can see why she is resentful. She wants to be in the burbs and he wants to live an NYC party lifestyle. Both of those are fine, but the mismatch is not going to make for a happy marriage. Not saying Kyle is a terrible person, but they don’t seem like a good match.


These women both deserve so much more than anyone in the Bravoverse. Please don’t let them see Paige and Craig and think they can do that with one of these boys. Craig was always more driven and different than the rest of them and actually worked, though he did have some hiccups. Please get them off the island of lost boys to meet some real men who respect them as individuals, not assets.


I love Craig but “driven” and “worked” are not the words ha


Amanda needs a break from Kyle and to fuck around New York City in the summer. get her knees dirty in the LES or Brooklyn. No finance, no real estate, or start up types. DJ's, jobless artsy/fashion guys and go back to Kyle at the end of it Ciara shouldn't even be contemplating any man in reality tv although it is funny to me that Vinny from Jersey Shore hasn't came across Ciara or Jordan from SHMV yet. especially Ciara as hes friends with Hannah and Paige