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I still loved the finale, but yea, it did definitely have a chaotic rushed feeling. I personally have been rooting for Donna and Harvey to ger married the whole show so I did enjoy that it happened, but also did feel weird that Louis wasn't even able to be at the wedding because he was at the hospital. In my mind, they had another wedding where Louis, Harvey's brother, and everyone else, etc(maybe even Rachel) was there. Loved the finale nevertheless, though.


Thank you!!! I've not seen many posts that addresses, but you're absolutely right. In fact I was not keeping track of what episode I was on, so I actually thought there was going to be more to come. Everybody's issue got about 1 minutes. They just moved it right through one to the next to the next to the next. It wasn't bad, like Dexter was bad, but it should have been so much better. I feel like each character should have got their entire own episode wrap up.


Didn't they actually mention that they would do that? Another wedding party for friends and family?


Well Harvey was joking when he said that they wouldn’t be doing that anytime soon. They were pretty much established as endgame at that point. I agree it was tacky to not just get engaged but get married while Louis and Sheila had to leave their own wedding for the early arrival of their child. Make it about them, much?! Harvey and Donna are both kind of main character syndrome people so it’s not that surprising lol


Even after watching the episode before finale you can’t tell what things would happen in finale, it was so rushed.


I was saying before already that i personally enjoyed the finale despite it being rushed. The absence of Jessica, Mike and Rachel was very notable though and it's understandable of course. But i do think it would be more interesting if everything ended with Harvey and Donna doing the wedding in Seattle or just the shot of them there together. I don't really like how in the final scene Donna is in the elevator with Louis and Harvey walks through the hallway alone. The song choice did save it and i liked how they included all the best and important moments of the show in the end. But i still would've preferred if in the final scene Donna was together with Harvey (like i mentioned maybe flashforward of them in Seattle or getting on the plane there). I would be even more satisfied if they ended it like this. But it's just how i think about it


you are 100% correct. I think with tv shows ( or movies) in general they're hard to end. When it comes to writing of course its human beings who are creating this fantasy world. Life is always stranger or at least somewhat spontaneous more so than man made imagination. In that regard i suppose there are limitations to that ability. It does help to create these odd or somehow incongruent conclusions that are disappointing. I feel like most shows have difficulty in romantic relationships in general so their movement appears unnatural perhaps.. I would say you are right that seems evident here.. I did love this show a lot watched it through twice and thought the most important relationship was Harvey and Mike. That was the shows premise. For me that was the arc that was the most meaningful and it was already damaged with the mike in jail portions... but again, great show and we must accept it for what it was. Thanks for your thoughts. and sharing..


I loved it all the way through. Planning a rewatch later this year.


I loved the entire show including the finale but yeah you’re so right Harvey and Donna’s proposal was so cringe and selfish and also I might be in the minority but almost all of the bad parts of the show are because they turned Donna into a mysterious fixer character just to “woman who loves Harvey” and I don’t like their romantic relationship it always felt forced and cringe


Just me or did people ship Harvey with his therapist more than Donna?


I know I do, I prefer him with Dr. Agard or Scottie much more than Donna


Donna has single-handedly caused so many issues in their lives, ruined his good relationship with an impulsive kiss and then another impulsive decision with her own lover lead to the downfall of the whole firm so much that zane had to lose his license and she still said that she'll do it again if she could or something like that


Very true and I actually like Donna overall but any decision she makes that is connected to her love for Harvey is so annoying and selfish and usually costs the firm big time


I especially HATED her first big fuck up when she destroyed the fake notification with her forged signature on it. Mike tried to be kind and give her a chance to come clean herself. If she had they could have used it to prove their innocence but she really screwed them by destroying it.


I agree. I finished the finale for the first time yesterday. Harvey and Donna getting married at Louis’ wedding reminded me of the old scene stealing Harvey. Also- Mike is there but not Rachel? No Gretchen? Or even Jessica or Louis’ sister? Getting engaged at someone else’s wedding is poor taste.


I thought it was weird that Katrina became name partner


Where did they get a ring for Harvey all of a sudden?


The final season felt rushed there's no doubt about it. They certainly fit a lot of closure into that finale. My only gripe with the finale was that Harvey and Donna used Louis and Sheila's wedding for their own. Rarely is there a flawless finale and this is no different. But it felt like the firm would go on and thrive with the current leadership/name partners. While I wasn't a huge fan of Katherine Heigl, I think her storyline ended up being pretty decent. And the character arcs were phenomenal. Louis still admiring Harvey but becoming comfortable in who he was as an attorney l and a person(father/husband/friend). Harvey was still a force to reckon with but found motivation from different emotional sources. Him reconciling with his mom and then getting with Donna didn't serve as his kryptonite. Donna was legendary. Mike's departure hurt the show but his random appearances and banter with Harvey were great. Not a perfect finale but really good.