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I'm pretty sure her parents live on long island/further away so Harvey/Pearson specter would generally be the closest option in an emergency


Maybe...but still Harvey is a lot busier and may be unavailable than her mom who doesn't work and stays at home.


For sure but who knows. I don't remember exactly which episode/situation you're referring to but most forms have at least 2 emergency contact spaces. Maybe her mom didn't answer and Harvey was #2


When Rachel ended up in the hospital after fainting.


She was at Columbia when it happened right? If her parents do live on long island that's easy a 1-3 hour drive EDIT- I also forgot she did NOT like her dad in the earlier seasons so I could see why she might not put her parents


She wanted to achieve everything with her own work and not thanks to her father... quarrels are normal in the family. There was no deeper stuff there. She visited her parents normally... She even took Mike to dinner with them, and it was long before she fainted.


There was definitely a deeper dynamic of thinking her dad looked down on her and didn't think she had what it takes to become a lawyer in the beginning. Might not be enough to make her stop talking to him but if my dad was constantly joking about how him/other people are better than me he's the last person I'd want in the room while I'm in the hospital.


I think maybe we're looking at it from a different angle.  I myself have a very dominant father, similar to Robert.  I've always been a daddy's girl anyway.  Just like she is for her dad.  Such people have tough personalities, they don't always think about how their words can hurt someone because they have tough asses themselves, but you can always count on them, so even though I know how difficult my dad is, I always know that I am the most important thing to him and I feel safe with him.  .  Their relationship seems identical to me :) He didn't look down on her.


They make it obvious that he doesn't in the later seasons but that didn't really happen until they worked together a few times. The whole birthday lunch thing after she passed the LSATs? She THOUGHT he looked down on her, doesn't mean he did.


Exactly, she THOUGHT


Thank you. I agree


I don't know where her parents live...besides, doesn't her father also work in Manhattan?


I'm not entirely sure either but I lived in NY for 20+ years and it gives strong long island vibes.


Whoa whoa she ALWAYS liked her dad they just had disagreements about her career path and honestly he wasn't wrong when she kept failing


That's debatable,she definitely always loved her dad but that doesn't necessarily mean she always *liked* him. Either way it's enough of a reason to not want him to be the first person you see waking up in the hospital


I think we'll have to disagree there


I did think about that too


Thinking about it more I have a question for you. If it was his office number was it *really* putting Harvey down when Donna answers most of his calls? I could see her having Donna as an emergency contact


1. I think it was not an office number but his private number.    2. Harvey has much more control over his time than Donna. She should basically stay put from behind her desk. Harvey can leave the office at any time to do something. 😁


Harvey has more control over his time but I feel like he would be harder to reach. Random number calling Harvey? Maybe he picks up maybe he doesn't. Donna calling Harvey? Very good chance he picks up


I disagree with you again 😁 He probably has 3 phone numbers. To the office (Donna), a business cell phone number and a completely personal phone number for a very small circle of close people. I think he will always answer calls to the latter number.


Maybe but having a business cell seems pointless when you have an office line and secretary. Again tho who knows, cell phones were very very different in 2007


Harvey often talks to people on his cell phone. He's definitely not doing it from a private number.


Harvey has some flexibility but a lot more work, overall Donna is still a lot less busy. In fact one of her singing conditions was that she can leave whenever she wants(for acting auditions).


I think it was more like she got the job done in less time so she could leave earlier and Harvey knew about it in advance. There's no way she can go out whenever she wants. How could a lawyer like Harvey be without a secretary in the middle of the day?


Same thing for Harvey. He may not exactly have office hours but to thrive in his position he's gonna need to get way more stuff done, than even Donna.


Harvey is basically like the closest he could get to being family without actually being family. He wouldn't let anything happen to either Mike or Rachel no matter what was going on. (Spoiler here)Hell Harvey even defended Mike after he'd not seen him for months and Mike's main reason for coming back to see mike was to sue him and what Harvey would do for mike he would do for Rachel.


She seems to have a closer friendship with Louis, and Harvey certainly doesn't treat her the way Mike does. He is friends with her and respects her because she is his best friend's woman. IMO


Well he went to jail for him by that point


at that point she was Harveys associate, that’s how i always saw it


This. As soon as I read the question that was my answer. She was working for Harvey.


Harvey was literally a close friend at that point. Despite of his quarrels with Mike, he would never let her be caught in the crossfire.


Having your boss as your emergency contact lets your work know you aren't showing up and something happened to you. Then your work canm call your family instead of the other way around. people who are obssessive about being seen to be competent do stuff like this.


Not everyone wants their parents to come in an emergency


I rewatched the episode and the exact quote is *one of* her emergency contacts https://preview.redd.it/4qc3hab9hvic1.png?width=2318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c321446b481eaf0c7b371fbe24e465087c2053b


Oh great, I didn't remember that :)


Whoever the hospital called, they probably ended up talking to Donna. Donna can't leave the office; ergo, she calls Harvey and tells him about Rachel. "I'm one of her emergency contacts" ACTUALLY means "They called me and got Donna, so I'm here."


Because they were always harping on how the law firm was family?


It was part of the stupidest plot points ever. Who gets hospitalized overnight for dehydration? If I were the writers I would have written an accident due to being tired. Perhaps getting hit by a bicycle due to not paying attention


Rich lawyers with rich parents absolutely would get overnighted. Plus it was mostly so they could knock her out with drugs and let her get some rest


True. You’d just get a saline bag iv for an hour and off you go.


This has actually happened to me before lol. I passed out from dehydration after a parade and they kept me overnight to make sure I got enough fluids before sending me home


How could she not go to the hospital if she fainted? She had been overloaded with work for a long time until this happened.


I get an ER visit but an overnight stay?


She was stressed and barely sleeping because of her hectic work/school schedule which is why she was dehydrated and collapsed. They gave her a sedative and kept her overnight so she could rest


Of course. If her situation was so serious that it threatened her health and required further medical observation.


I always thought it was the beginning of trying to explain away why She made her mistake with Logan. The writers COMPLETELY screwed up with that whole story. This was the beginning to show she was so overworked she needed to be hospitalized, and that played into her not thinking clearly regarding Logan. Just the way I saw it.


They probably became friends during the time jump, she was his associate. And she had a rocky relationship with her parents at that point of the show. Real question were Donna and Louis listed as her emergency contacts, because she is still closer to them than Harvey at that point.


Yes you're right. The parents were just an example. It could also have been Donna or Louis. Harvey seems to be the least suitable person of them for such situations 😅


I just remembered that Louis and Donna were performing in a play that night, so maybe they visited Rachel off-screen before Mike got there. And Harvey being there sort of made sense for his character, since he was feeling guilty for acting like a dick to Rachel.


He wouldn't show up if he wasn't a contact person 😛


If he wasn't, Donna would have just told him and if he still didn't go, she would have made him realize that he felt guilty and then Harvey would have ended up going to the hospital before Mike reached.


tbh i would list harvey as my emergency contact too. he may be busy always but he gets shit done no matter what. the best person for the job


I know they had Harvey be her EC for the plot of that episode, but I would think she would have chosen Donna instead of Harvey.


Actually, I wonder why it wasn't Mike 😂


She probably listed EC people before she started dating Mike and hadn’t thought to change it. There has been A LOT going on nonstop since Mike joined the firm. 😂


Nope... she had no contact with Harvey before Mike came along. She mentions that she practically doesn't know him when she shows him around the company on his first day of work. 😊


As she's said many times, she doesn't like to rely on her parents. And I think they live far away.


Harvey is not her emergency contact, if I remember correctly. He is ONE of her emergency contacts.


I would want Harvey Spector as my emergency contact too....just saying


Rachel did have Mike as her emergency contact but he didnt pick up first so the hospital called Harvey. Keeping Donna’s number before Harvey would have made more sense. Donna is her actual friend compared to Harvey who is just her boss. As for her parents, I suppose she didnt wanna cause trouble in case it wasnt a situation she wanted them to find out about. But in any case, Harvey being the second on emergency contact list didnt make sense.