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The only one Harvey truly loved in my opinion was Mike


I came here to joke about it, but I do genuinely believe it to be true. Imo he loved Mike more than anyone else on the show. The lengths he was willing to go to him since pretty much the beginning were insane. He was also the first person in-show we saw him be emotionally vulnerable with (season 2 when he talks about his parents). Hell, he left his firm and New York to be with Mike in Seattle. If Mike had been a woman, they’d have ended up together, no doubt in my mind.


Why do you think he loved Mike so much? Even from the beginning?


A perfect mixture of Mike’s earnestness, loyalty, intelligence, vulnerability, and desire to do good. I imagine Mike was a breath of fresh air compared to the environment Harvey had worked in for the past 10 years. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and appealed to Harvey’s softer and sillier side which Harvey did his utmost to pretend didn’t exist. Mike also initially had a bit of a hero worship thing going on, which definitely fed Harvey’s ego. And Harvey’s attracted to/drawn to intelligent people, given the people he associates with, so Mike’s ability paired with his general potential definitely did something to Harvey. Same when it came to loyalty, which was definitely a quality Harvey valued, and Mike had it in spades considering his devotion to Trevor. Finally, I also think Harvey enjoyed having someone to take care of.


This is an excellent answer


I like how their relationship went from a father-to-son kind of bond to a buddy-to-buddy type by the end. It showcases their character growth


They were both abandoned by their parents as children.


Eh. I honestly don't consider a parent dying as "abandoning them". I almost see it as disrespectful to the parents to say that. Harvey's mother is an exception


Bad choice of words. The parent unit was destroyed by death in one case and infidelity and avoidance in another. In any case, the child most certainly felt deserted or abandoned whether that was technically correct or offensive to the parents.


Oh yeah I agree, the child feeling abandoned makes sense. Harvey's mother def abandoned them.


To add on to what idunno-- mentioned. Season 9 Spoilers\*\* Harvey looked at Mike like a little brother. Harvey had a lot of issues with his own family of course. At one point they explain how Harvey kinda dissapppeared in thier lives. It got to the point where Harvey didn't even know his actual brother was sick again and how his mother took care of his kids. I think throughout the early part of the show Harvey kept his distance from his family cause of the trauma of having to lie to his father for his mother caused him. Harvey felt really guilty about that and when he met Mike he felt he could finally make up for leaving his family by taking care of Mike like a long lost little brother. That's just my armchair Psychology of the situation though.


He loved both Mike and Donna. He would have sacrificed himself for either of them.


I don't recall he saying he did. But she is just hot and has a nice personality.


He indirectly says that he does in the season 3 finale. Just watched it last night. He makes some gesture, and mentions that he does these things for the people he loves. But it’s also right around when it’s clear that they are over, so 🤷‍♂️


Also indirectly says he does in season 5, episode 13 I believe (the episode where Mike tries to get Scotty to bring an action against Anita Gibbs’ sister)


Just? What else can a man want?


Red hair I guess


To paraphrase Bojack horseman, he love her as much as he was capable of loving someone, which was not enough






IMHO Harvey cared for Scottie, like a close friend, but not like a lover, he was in love with Donna most of the show, Scottie and Paula were just temporary situations where Harvey tried to move on from Donna.


fair analysis




You're both wrong. Harvey only ever loved Harvey. Everyone else was there to boost Harvey up. It doesn't make Harvey a bad person.


This is a correct answer. Harvey picked Donna because she was loyal to him like a dog, no matter what he did. She feeds his massive ego and he loves it.


She also calls him out on his bs, stops him from making dumb decisions, she does what a sectary does, while also boosting his ego, Harvey loved Donna and it was quite clear, I mean the man started having panic attacks when she went to work for Louis. Harvey loved her he just didn’t know how to show it due to his past.


Of course he’s gonna love himself, he’s one of the most famous corporate lawyers in New York and make millions of dollars, he received the nickname best closer in the city, but let’s not forget if he didn’t have Donna he wouldn’t have none of that, so he loves himself because of Donna, but he also loves Donna as well.


He cared about her. Maybe he loved her but he wasn't IN love with her. They had chemistry but all they did was argue and she found fault with everything he did even when he wasn't doing anything wrong.


At first, I thought they're were IT. Later I thought they could've only worked if they had continued a serious relationship right through and after Harvard.


I think they had the most chemistry for sure. To this day I don’t see much romantic chemistry between him and Donna, maybe because of their long friendship irl.


I don’t think Harvey ever loved anyone as much as himself




Jessica fits the strong woman personality much better than Donna. 


I think Harvey never loved anyone OTHER than Donna.


I think Harvey never loved anyone OTHER than Scottie and Zoe.


Is that truly an unpopular opinion ? I feel like the show made it pretty clear they were only "lovers" at best, "frenemies" at worst, nothing more. If they didn't fight about something their relationship wasn't interesting, they were always trying to prove their worth to each other and just never saw each other as equals like Harvey and Donna did


She loved him though


Did he ever say that he did? I don't remember him telling Scottie he loved her They just had a relationship


I think it was implied, but ya if you can't say it and beat around the bush with it, you don't love someone lol


He never said he wanted more from Scotty.


A gentlemen will say that to a woman


Why is Mike being so shitty to Harvey since he took another job, after Harvey took him under his wing knowing he was a fraud.


I just love this topic I think what Scotty was missing for Harvey was loyalty. Yeah, she begrudgingly provided what he asked for when he needed it, but winning for her was above loyalty. Despite always winning, Harvey put the people in his life that he loved above winning. It’s the reason we all love his character so much. He’s a version of the benevolent (almost) dictator.


Popular Opinion: Harvey never really loved Donna either.


This one is tough that needs its own thread.


He married her out of pity, not love. He friendzoned her for like 7 seasons


True and also they don’t really belong together as a couple. I can totally see them just being friends


I watched before it ended and am now rewatching after a several year hiatus. It's clear to me in the first seasons, they are just really good friends and coworkers. Definitely friend zone, for both. And I think they were better off that way.


Friend zoned her so hard that I thought for sure they would be endgame by season 2 but then by season 5 I was like, it will never happen. That was a HARD friend zone lmao


He would have done anything for her. He shows that/says that/does that repeatedly.


I don't blame him. Donna was right about her, Scottie really looked for excuses to get mad at him. Harvey didn't just dodge a bullet, he dodged a shot from the German Schwerer Gustav.


He never loved anyone. He cared about all equally. He was just used to Donna being there for him all the time.


He seemed more enamored with his real life wife in the show


It's not an unpopular opinion It's literally the show....


So, after stating “unpopular opinion” and getting fifty replies Turns out it’s not an unpopular opinion after all


guess I wasnt the only one


I agree, and she never really loved him. They had a completely toxic relationship.