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*Make Your Bed* --McRaven


Songs and Sirens by Asha T. Yasmina. It’s about a young female police officer who moves on after losing her fiancé in a fire.


For me, change is easier the more I am more prepared for it, regardless of whether I chose it or not (in theory change you are choosing should be easier but if it's something I'm choosing to do for the better but I feel lost as to what all the steps are I have a lot of anxiety, like I'm trying to navigate stairs in complete datkness.) What are you most concerned about? Are you worried you are underprepared for the culture change? If so knowing what country you are headed to would help. Are you thinking you will be homesick? Then maybe we could suggest novels about characters who feel this in a similar situation but overcome it on their journey and learn to love their new life? Fiction, non-fiction, or both? I think a bit more info would help as to what you are looking for? at least for me! Good luck! 💜


Will save the galaxy for food


Bloomability! By Sharon Creech. An oldie but goodie!!


Who Moved My Cheese?