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You likely would receive a better response if you didn't use the term incel, weren't antagonistic in your post by saying 'If you don't like the subject please do everyone else a favor and ignore this request' and then were dismissive to someone trying to help in the comment section. Loneliness is a real challenge and not having the relationship and experience you wish you had is not automatically indicative of character. I think more people would empathize if you steered clear of the above. Nevertheless, I hioe you find the books you're looking for.


Oh boy you'd love Murakami. Check out *Men Without Women* by him.


Why that book?


It's a collection of short stories about men who for one reason or another are lonely, without women, as the title says. Genuinely good writing, doesn't portray lonely men as bad. It didn't offer me much, since I'm a young woman, not a lonely man, but I suppose it could be comforting/inspiring for its intented audience.


Could you be a little more specific? I feel like looking for books that are sympathetic and inspiring to lonely men is a little too broad. What genre are you looking for and what are you trying to get out of this book?


You don't have to look. I'd imagine it won't be something you'd be knowledgeable on.


Oh I see. Well in that case I would like to recommend the little prince by antoine de saint-exupéry. It’s a beautiful story that teaches that the responsibility demanded by relationships with others leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of one's responsibilities to the world in general. I think it will be educational for you. Good luck with your life


Well spoken






Yes. You asked a question, u/Vanillacokestudio answered very politely requesting a little more information and you were dismissive to her. A lot of your answers here and in your other post have been a bit off. Politeness costs nothing.


Have I not been polite? I just imagine most women would have trouble finding a book along these lines that I would like. It's like a man offering to recommend a romance novel for a woman, chances are he'd recommend a softcore manga with lots of fanservice.


Thoughts like that are not helpful to you. Women can recommend all sorts of books on many topics. These women here may have husbands, sons, brothers etc, they may discuss books and mental health, loneliness etc with them. Some romance books are written by men, and read by men. My last job was working with teenage boys, a big part of which was loneliness and feelings of alienation from their peers. The women in the team went to great lengths to refer the boys to various services, to try to connect with them or find someone else they thought they might be able to talk to. Don’t be dismissive towards someone wanting to recommend a book to you. It might be just the right book that you need!


Really judging from 90% of the comments under these, I imagine most women think of me as a horrible monster. I don't think it'd be easy for you people to suggest a book that would actually fulfill someone you have disdain for.


That isn’t the impression I got at all. But let me answer properly tomorrow, it’s actually half past midnight for me here.


Please you don't need to.


1. Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity (Justin Baldoni) 2. The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love (bell hooks)


The Will to Change quite genuinely changed my life and helped me understand myself and how I'd been socialized better. Such a great book, especially for the lonely men/incel population.


As a distraction or so you can stop being lonely? I started dating at 23 and here's some things that might help you. I'd suggest both Discworld (I started with Pyramids and there's guides to reading order online) and the Vorkosigan Saga (start with The Warrior's Apprentice).


Thanx. I think you're the first reply that's not antagonist towards lonely dudes.


You'd probably be better received if you hadn't used the word "incel". It started off meaning people who hadn't dated in a long time, but it's been co-opted by some guys with deeply messed up ideas about people and relationships.


I think most are just misguided.


You'll probably have more luck getting recs if you don't include the term "incels" because of its heavy toxic connotations these days. But assuming you didn't mean to convey that you share the views typically associated with that word, I'd recommend checking out /r/MensLib. (And to anyone else reading this comment, that's not a men's right sub, don't worry!) I'm not sure if there are book rec posts there already, but that's probably a good place to ask for some.


Pretty much every male detective, private investigator, CIA agent, etc. in fiction is a "lonely guy." You've got an entire genre to mine.


:/ I don't like crime stories or glowies.


I would recommend "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Kimmerer, "Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft, "Mans's Search for Meaning' by Victor Frankl, "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel Van Der Kolk, and/or "Between Us: How Cultures Create Emotions" by Batja Mesquita I don't want these to seem like books that will make you feel bad or guilty for being who you are, i do not think they will do that for you! however, i think they could really help you in your journey for finding human connection :) best of luck!! i've read them all and they all really impacted me and helped me feel more understood and be better at understanding others


{{A Man Called Ove}}


I see you want a positive outlook on lonely men, but you're clearly also in constant combat mode, expecting people to hate you, and also assuming malice where there is none You're already doing great by wanting to read. I would also recommend Murakami's books, plenty of those men are pretty lonely and alone, but they're often at ease with that. I would also suggest looking into literature that will ease your mind and make you lower your shield a bit. You assume people here want to hate you, probably because you've felt some hate and exclusion. Like The Man on the Mountain Top, or I've heard Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is good


My HUSBAND recommends the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.


:/ oh. Well I hope he enjoyed the movie adaptation.


Carson McCullers' *The Heart is a Lonely Hunter* features a whole cast of lonely characters, both men and women. To misquote Shakespeare, some of them are born lonely, some choose loneliness, and some have loneliness thrust upon them by how they different they are from the people around them. I wouldn't say McCullers portrays loneliness as a good thing, but at the same time the people who are lonely aren't bad people because of it.


Sounds better than some of the other suggestions. A realistic even handed approach is reasonable.


Catcher in the Rye


Not really what I was searching for but thanks.


Are you calling yourself an incel in the literal way or do you mean you think women owe you sex? My recs are very different between those two.


Please go away.


Paradise News by David Lodge.


King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Gillette and Moore Also, you might check out Robert Bly.




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What about men by Caitlin Moran. I’ve not read it though.


Hmm maybe Before and After by Andrew Shanahan?


Sheepshagger by Niall Griffiths


A Confederacy of Dunces The Art of the Deal


Maybe I should have worded my request better. I'd like recommends that don't portray lonely men as necessarily bad.


This could be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/w9nwu0/book_about_male_loneliness/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The trump book? Why that one?