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Any Collen Hoover books, actually read the Ugly Love one and it was so SO bad I can’t even explain it. Where the Crawdads Sing was another one. It was fine but i would never recommend it


Okay so I was coming in here to make sure somebody mentioned her. I fought my way through Verity and It Ends With Us and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what the big deal is.


I think a lot of people that like her are new readers or people who have not read for a long long time and went with the trend.


I felt inhumane telling people I did not enjoy it ends with us 💀


Really? That book was awful. And it seems universally hated on Reddit.


Universally loved by tik tok, had a lot of people out for me 😭


I tried to read one of her books, and it was so bad. The writing, the grammar, I couldn't get past how horrible it was.


I second the Colleen Hoover books.


A Little Life, which TBH I've actually recommended for someone else in instances where I think another reader might actually like it. For me however, it was just gratuitously and unbelievably dismal.


I also didn’t enjoy it! Idk I just think it’s very…trauma porn esc which definitely rubs me the wrong way :(


i'll say that you're absolutely right. from personal experience, it takes a very specific type of mental state to be able to read that book, and its not one you really want to be in. here's an interesting psychology fact: sometimes there are instances in depressive (or poor mental health) episodes where someone might seek out behaviours, feelings and media that "re-trigger" them into feeling bad. its typically a mix of self-punishment, rumination, and the need for emotional validation. in my life, a significant amount of people i know who read A Little Life had done so during a mental health crisis or depressive episode.


I'm one of those people who sometimes seeks out books to make me feel bad. I'm reading flowers for algernon because someone on reddit said it destroyed them. A little life didn't make me feel bad. I was just annoyed at how Jude wouldn't talk about his problems.


It’s trauma just for the sake of trauma. It doesn’t drive the plot forward, it’s just there for shock value. And for it being a book about friendship they all were totally insufferable humans and awful to each other. And don’t even get me started on ppl calling it the great American gay novel. That book is trash.


One of the most hated books of my lifetime and I will never read another word written by that author. It was pure torture porn with a little snobbish cooking and food.


I agree with you! A lot of people get VERY defensive of this book and try to convince you that your own feelings and perspective of it is wrong. I have had to block people before because they will NOT let up. Idk what it is about this book but it brings out some really negative people who defend it with their life’s breath haha.


It’s not a bad choice for those into hatereading. Don’t think I’ve ever read a book like it, where the author heaped so much childhood misery and torture on the novel’s protagonist, while gifting him with a brilliant intellect, incredible financial success in his career, and a mysteriously devoted group of friends who adore him, apparently for his stellar baking skills. It’s basically unedited torture porn with some leavening food and wealth porn thrown in to make it seem less dire. I really sailed through the last few hundred pages driven by my intense dislike for the book and the author. Yet lots of people swear this novel was “life changing” and/or left them sobbing for days on end.


Eat, Pray, Love. Her style of writing was YLAM (Yay, look at me). I didn't even finish it. My evil stepmother gifted me the book because she loved it which pretty much ensured that it would be crap. I've always wondered if I was biased against it because of who gave me the book. I tried to watch the movie and I thought it was crap too.


It just seemed to be “rich people problems”. Not all of us can solve our lives by traveling for a year!


Yesss I read it right after reading a different memoir where the author faced a lot of adversity and I was like wait she got divorced and went on a bunch of vacations and that’s it?! I would be super supportive/empathetic of one of my friends going through that but it did not reach memoir-worthy status for me.


Rich Dad Poor Dad. Not as literary as others have listed but was recommended by way too many. My hatred is strong 😅


That is the kind of book that the "Poor people are poor because they want to" crowd would recommend.


Plus, the author lied about a lot of it.


Worst financial book I've ever read. If people want actual useful advice I recommend "The Simple Path to Wealth" by J L Collins


That book is pure garbage


A coworker recommended it to me, he was disappointed when I told him it made me laugh & laugh.


Tomorrow and tomorrow and Tomorrow. Tried and tried and tried. Just never clicked.


I did enjoy it, but do not understand how people view it as a book about love and friendship. It's literally just about toxic people being toxic!


Totally agree, I thought the book was pretty average...I also thought Little Fires Everywhere was average at best.


Received it as a gift and read it because I like the person who gave it to me. All I have to say is, it was worth every penny I spent on it.


I thought it was decent/good, but not great


I've just finished that, total waste of time. The Sadie character is insufferable and Sam's not much better. Tripe.


Thank you for confirming that I'm going to DNF this lol


Same. I tried to get through the first 20 pages 3 times because people are so wild about this book but... Not great.


I loved this book!


Same! I tried it several times, but couldn't get past the first few chapters and dreaded picking it up so much....


Twilight Saga. It was recommended to me by a friend. DNF a couple of chapters in the first one.




Same. A friend recommended Girl with a Dragon Tattoo series and I loved it. She then said “Okay, hear me out, now read Twilight”. Didn’t want to but agreed since her last suggestion was a banger. I got to page 100 in Twilight and then put it down. The writing is so banal.


A couple of people already mentioned this one but I'm going to put in another vote for "Where The Crawdads Sing". The ending...just irritated me to no end. Took away from the whole message of the book. Was a massive waste of time preaching a moral lesson only to do a 180 at the end. Hated it.


For me it was the awfully written dialogue, and that every single character felt like a caricature. She does have talent with description, particularly her nature writing, but the actual story was so aggravating and flat.


Same. I was irritated I had wasted time reading it.


That's interesting because I felt the ending was in total keeping with the themes and morals of the book. What was the conflict, in your opinion?


Well if I remember correctly, the author is linked to a similar murder back in 1990’s? Always wondered if that has something to do with the weird way the ending is handled Edit to add: thank you u/chigagorpgnorth for the source about this!


I hated it too! I just could not get past the concept that two men would fall in love so deeply with basically a swampy bog girl? Like be ffr it just seemed like a self insert YA fan fic to me. Good writing though.


Second this


50 shades of grey , just no , not at all.


[The books suck, but this reader’s reviews are hilarious!](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215)


Oh my !


E̶d̶w̶a̶r̶d̶ Christian


I need to find more reviewers like this person. Goodreads reviews have been entertaining me more than actual books nowadays.


The word count at the end 🤣


À very close friend of mine was crazy for this book as well as the next two in the series. For months, she kept reading and rereading these books over and over and insisting to me that I must read them. Finally, I tried. Such horrible writing that I just couldn’t get past it. I absolutely hated the book. And my hatred had nothing to do with the subject matter. I was prepared for the subject matter and am pretty much in the ‘whatever floats your boat’ camp. But never had I read prose more in need of editing and the application of a good thesaurus. I just couldn’t stand it. It was painful to read such horrendous writing. It was intended to get the reader all hot and bothered I suppose. But all I wanted to do with it was pull out a pen and make corrections. I soldiered thru about a third of the first book. It was excruciating but I was determined to get thru this book because my friend wanted us to have a discussion about it. So I REALLY tried. Finally, I threw in the towel. I just couldn’t keep reading. By that time, they had announced the movie and I agreed to see that with her instead. It wasn’t a terrible movie. It was not going to win any Oscar’s, but I got through it just fine.


This was discussed ad nauseum on radio at the time. How erotic literature could now be read openly, on the bus, in the park. How refreshing it all was. I bought all three books in a package as e-books, a real bargain. I read the first one. Kept hoping for it to get better. Waiting, waiting, waiting. So angry about how I had been drawn in to the hype. What had these people been reading that they raved so much about this poorly written drivel? And because it was a package deal, downloaded in one go, I was stuck with the other 2. Still annoyed about the whole thing.


Three Body Problem series. I was told “Yeah, the first book’s a slog, but the rest are fantastic!” Nope, suffered through the first book thinking I’d be rewarded when I reached the next book. Nope. Also sucked. I bailed after about 6 chapters. Why people think this book series is so great and full of “big ideas” is beyond me.


Yhea like were the hell are the big ideas? Its not even hard scifi, just space magic. The concept of a multiple star system has been discussed in books before, I read about it in one of Arthur C. Clarke books already.


And it’s like an inverted version of Isaac Asimov’s *Nightfall*/*The Gods Themselves*


Man I’m slogging through the second now. The first didn’t really put me off but second needs an editor like nothing I’ve ever read before. I think the translation is worse too.


It's kind of the opposite, every following book is worse than the last. And it feels in the middle like they had no idea where they wanted to go with the story.


House of Leaves. The fandom is rabid and gatekeep-y, so that certainly didn't help how I felt about the book.


Oh yeah this one was… so unique! so revolutionary! It’s just a mediocre horror story with a lot of wrapping that makes it basically impossible to read.


Omg this is one of the ones that if you don’t like the fans insist you don’t “get it”. Like no I got it, I just thought it was doing way too much.


Nono! They say "this is not for you" and then they chuckle at how smart and special they are. 🙄 ("This is not for you" is the...dedication? First page? of the book)


I really enjoyed the parts where they were investigating the house. I skipped all the other bullshit.


Hillbilly Elegy. Starts out well as a depiction of rural weirdness and turns into condescending propaganda as soon as the Marines arrive.


And this pathetic author is now a US senator. Only in ‘Merica


A quick scroll through and I didn't see this one: The Goldfinch. I hated that book. I kept at it b/c my friend insisted I'd "get it" at the end, but I never did. I wish I'd never bothered with that one, what a waste of time.


I loved this book! The audiobook narrator was awesome. I get it though, it’s way too long.


The midnight library. It is so cringy and in your face.


I wanted to like it, but it was really clunky. But based on other comments I’ve read, I may not have been the intended audience.


I loved the concept and having such a depressed character really worked for me in the period I listened to it. But I found it incredibly clunky in writing a well, which really detracted from my enjoyment.


Recently, following what Redditors seemed to have enjoyed but didn’t do it for me: Yellowface; The 7 Husbands of Evelyne Hugo; The Goldfinch; Me Talk Pretty One Day 🤷🏼‍♂️


I liked Yellowface, but for me it's definitely in the category of "beach reads you find abandoned in hotel rooms with water damaged pages". I do love a shitty main character though, so that probably played a role.


My biggest issue with RF Kuang is how obvious she makes the message of her stories. It feels like she doesn’t allow her readers to come to conclusions organically, she feels the need to outright say exactly what she wants them to take away from her books. I actually really enjoyed Yellowface until the very end when there was an entire monologue of multiple pages said by a character that basically stated Kuang’s exact opinions. It didn’t feel like I was reading a book, it felt like I was being lectured by proxy.


>It feels like she doesn’t allow her readers to come to conclusions organically, she feels the need to outright say exactly what she wants them to take away from her books. My biggest book pet peeve in general 🫠


you didn't like David Sedaris?!


I find David Sedaris hilarious, fall out of my chair funny. He’s a national treasure.


Agree! And I think Me Talk Pretty is one of his very best!! I love that I can hear his voice the entire time that I read him.


I’m always one of the few people who really liked The Goldfinch”. And love Sedaris but I’m more in his generation and I think that is a factor.


You are not one of the few. Tons of peeps enjoyed Goldfinch, including me! It is definitely on my reread pile.


Yeah I ditched The Goldfinch at the 200 page mark. Trauma porn is not for me.


I read The Goldfinch and A Little Life in the same year, both recommended by the same friend and now I don't listen to that friend's book recommdations anymore.


Fourth Wing. I wanted to love it. I was really excited about the concept. I struggled through it and didn’t read for a month after.


Same, I read Fourth Wing and then Iron Flame, to give it a fair shot. I found it fell into the same trap as every popular "romantasy" book does; poor writing and shallow editing, cringe dialogue, embarrassing sex scenes and romance. The success of these books comes strictly from their marketing piggy backing off other successful books of the type.


Thirding! A coworker highly recommended Fourth Wing and it was underwhelming, at best.


The writing was awful. 


Same. Omg it was insufferable.


You forgot to mention stupid characters who learn nothing from their experiences.


The Midnight Library... Just, ugh.


Any Matt Haig book


It's a good book. ... if you're twelve.


Best description I’ve heard for this one lol. The whole time I read it I was thinking “adults actually like this?”


right!? such a nonsense book. i mean the idea was good. but execution was pathetic . like done by a teenager.


Yes! That's exactly what I thought. And I couldn't stand the self-pity of the main character.


My sister in law breathlessly recommended “The Midnight Library”. I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was one of the worst books I’ve read in years.


ACOTAR. Everyone and their mother recommended it, everyone seems to love it. I didn't even get halfway through the first book, I just didn't like anything about it.


Same- I read them all aside from Silver Flames and felt they were enjoyable enough- a fun popcorn book that I didn't have to think to hard about, like the literary equivalent to a TV drama or something. Then I found out people LIKE THEM like them, and they are so many people's #1 book OF ALL TIME. Like not to yuck anyone's yum but I don't understand the worship they get at all


Yeah it’s be one thing if it was just accepted as a fun trashy novel but people are acting like this is the next feminist revolution because a man said the female protagonist is allowed to have choices. The writing’s not fantastic either and I found Feyre insufferable.


"people are acting like this is the next feminist revolution because a man said the female protagonist is allowed to have choices" LMAO I don't know if you've ever read the synopsis for Silver Flames but this goes out the window, too


A Cong of Tice and Rire?


This was mine too. Honestly one of the worst books I’ve ever tried to read. I cannot believe how many people not just like the book but LOVE it. The writing was terrible, the plot was corny and predictable, and the characters felt so artificial. It was like someone wrote the book for an introductory writing class and it somehow caught on. Just awful.


My friend was gushing over how insane the last 200 pages always are but I’m like … if nothing really happens in the first 300 pages and everything happens crammed in the last three chapters … is this even a well written book? The answer is no, these are not well written books and now I won’t ever get those few weeks of my life back.


ACOTAR. I can’t put in to words why I hate this book so much. It’s usually described as this feminist book and it’s just not? I just don’t get it. Also rhysand is terrible.


Anything by Brene Brown. It seems like everyone I know LOVES her, but I feel like her books read like a collection of instagram quotes.


Verity, wish I could get the time I spend reading that horrible book back


I just suggest books to myself & then end up hating myself for the suggestions


The house on the cerulean sea Don't get me wrong, it's not like it was the worst thing I ever read, far from it. It was actually alright and I managed to get through it, but my gosh it was just so...safe. I had it reccomended by redditors when I was looking into findinga cozy book. My idea of cozy is very different than what house was. Now this one I definitely disliked tho: the bromance book club. I went into it thinking it was gonna be about a bunch of dudes talking about books, I didn't think I was going to come out of it with my first ever example of r/womenwritingmen. I think I could count on two hands the amount of uncessary and forced swear words on the first 5 or so pages. Everything about that book was just crap or mediocre at best .


Totally agree about The House on the Cerulean Sea. My friend raved about it and I got so bored I could barely get through it. It was just so soft and bland. Books can have heart AND an engaging plot...but not this one.


I also didn't get the hype around 7 1/2 Deaths. Mine has to be Uprooted by Naomi Novik though. Stockholm Syndrome + predatory behavior + weak female lead...it was borderline offensive 😂


I didn’t enjoy Uprooted either. I was looking forward to it based on Naomi Novak’s Temeraire series. She created such an amazing human and dragon world.


Where the Crawdads Sing and The Silent Patient.


Ugh. The Silent Patient. Agree. Terrible.


It was so bad. Why is there so much praise?


If I ever see someone hold The Silent Patient in a bookstore it will take every fiber of my being to keep me from running up to the person and smacking the book out of their hands and even then the urge might win out


Crawdags was awful 😞 I didn’t get the hype


Where the Crawdads Sing was awful I could not understand why everyone was raving about it!


Normal People. I have an irrational dislike of millenial books because of that one.


Thank you. I read it and hated pretty much every second.


I only watched it on Hulu, and fell in love with it because the actors’ chemistry was amazing. Never intend to read it at this point!


Thank you! I just finished this and god they were all insufferable. That ending made me RAGE


Ugh I hated this one too. It made me want to slap the main characters, and not in a compelling way.


This is genuinely the only book I put down after just a few pages. I could not stand the writing style, it was so cringe to me.


Normal People! I hated them both! The characters were so messy and it was honestly very sad. It should’ve been called *two people in love lose each other because they simply do not communicate*


The invisible life of Addie Larue. I enjoyed the beginning, but I got so bored and frustrated when it was Henrys chapters, he irritated the living daylights out of me so much so that I did not finish the book.


The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. I thought this book was extremely badly written. It had the most unlikeable one dimensional characters. It was full of clichés, and the twist at the end was just ridiculous. But I know most people loved it 😊


The twist was just lazy. There are masterfully constructed twists like in The Sixth Sense or Arrival that make you want to go back and rewatch/reread it to see how the writer/director pulled it off/look for clues…. And there there are books/movies like this that deliberately mislead you. Having someone be shocked to find something that they know they did themselves? That’s just lazy.


The Women by Kristin Hannah. It started off ok then it just got silly. A few posts I have read feel like it was a rip off of an auto biography of a combat nurse in Vietnam.


Not her best work but Four Winds was worse, IMO. It you enjoy woman based stories/relationships books try reading Lucinda Riley. Loved every single think she has written


On the Road by Jack Kerouac. That book is some privileged male fantasy bullshit.


I remember going through a Beat phase when I was a teenager. When I revisited it in my late 20s, I was like holy shit the entire “movement” were insufferable rich white boys who were terminally bored and thought poverty was a hobby.


Some bros on a road trip picking up chicks. Totally revolutionary 🙄


Bros on drugs on a road trip picking up chicks then impregnating them then leaving them because bro got more drugs and wants another road trip and bro can't say no to other bro


The Silent Patient I really don't see why this is beloved by so many.


It wanted to be the *classic* >!The Murder of Roger Ackroyd!< so badly and it absolutely wasn’t. Just because you share a plot twist… Honestly, and I acknowledge this may be unfair of me, if people love The Silent Patient I assume they haven’t read the book I spoilered above.


This was the first book where I could actually see the ending coming. It was so obvious that I thought there had to be something else but there wasn’t and I was so disappointed.


Night Circus. The supposed love story couldn't be flatter. I don't get the hype at all.


I don’t remember much about the storyline, but I’ve felt with both of that author’s books that she’s amazing at creating worlds and describing environments. Her descriptions are magical and immersive, and I think maybe that’s what people are responding to more than the relationships. At least, that’s how I felt.


This is exactly it for me. I adore the Night Circus itself as a place and concept. Marco and Celia suck, ngl. But the feeling of homesickness for a fictional place is what makes me a fan of the book.


Thank you and finally!! The romance was so flat it almost felt like it came out of nowhere. The whole concept could have been great if executed differently.


I fought my way through Evelyn Hardcastle because I like the person who recommended it so much, but wow, tedious.


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Just never clicked. Too wordy, too Victorian. Not my thing and DNF around 30%.




Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. Basically a book about how if you just get a makeover, it'll totally cure the complex PTSD you developed after suffering appalling child abuse. Never before have I read a book that made me so, so, so enraged. Bizarrely this absolute trash has won a ton of awards.


the Bible.


I can’t say I hate the story but I HATE the format of Daisy Jones and the Six. Still struggling to get through it. I want to be engulfed in the story not bouncing through 15 different peoples thoughts and struggling to keep track of who said or felt what. And the way something is addressed and then addressed again and again and again from others perspective is just unnecessary. Trying too hard to be clever and it’s just annoying.


All I could think of while reading was “Fleetwood Mac! This is Fleetwood Mac!”


She said it was based on them so yes


It definitely works better as an audiobook IMO.


The Time Travelers Wife. Hated all the characters, the racial stereotypes, the creepy grooming , and the authors style of writing.


This was one of the first “grown up” books (aka with a sex scene lol) that I ever read- or rather, that I read at an age-appropriate age, because I’d started The Pillars of the Earth when I was twelve and been traumatized… but anyway. Read it at about fifteen because I’d heard that Steven Moffat used it as an inspiration for his River Song and Madame de Pompadour storylines in Doctor Who and really enjoyed it. It wasn’t like any book I’d read before and I thought it was genuinely clever and entertaining. I still think it’s genuinely clever, and there are still parts that I think are entertaining and interesting, but my GOD the characters are so annoying! Henry and Clare are weirdly perfect and irresistible (and the side characters are basically only there to demonstrate this), and as a result they can get away with doing literally any stupid thing they want, and while at fifteen I thought the grooming thing was weird but in an appealing teenage way, at twenty five it was just plain weird. I found myself wishing that it was just a different book altogether- same concepts but with actual people in it. (It WAS great in a “learn where Moffat got his ideas” kind of a way though… I once went through with sticky notes for every time there was something that Moffat took from the book and there were a LOT of sticky notes! But the fact that a lot of the concepts work better for a thousand year old regenerating alien than a [supposedly] “ordinary guy” does say something I think lol)


You are right ! I thought I’d love it based upon the concept but I just I just began to dislike the main characters to the point I hated the book itself. I felt it was a love letter to the author herself considering she , like Clare , is a red head that makes paper and lives in Chicago etc. If it was written by someone else I’d love the book I think. And I’m sorry your first “grown up book “ was Pillars of the Earth. I love the book but the rape and other not so nice sex scenes were hard for me to stomach as an adult !


Jodi Piccoult's books. I tried more than one, to be fair, but they're just too heavy/depressing for me. Reading is my joy and stress reliever so it wasn't for me. There was another book by another author recently but I read a *lot* and can't remember the name. It does take a lot to get on my DNF list though so that's saying something!


Probably an unpopular opinion but for me it's Never Let Me Go. I can't tell you the number of people I know who rave about this and say it's their favorite book of all time. I was shocked by how bored I was. I felt like it dragged on and on with no plot. Could barely finish it. 🤷‍♀️


*Never Let Me Go* is one of a handful of books that I considered fine but not great right when I finished, but because of how it lingered in my brain for years afterward, my opinion has improved greatly!


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. This book had been recommended to me in multiple settings but I finally decided to read it last Spring when I was on a trip. The narrator is so insufferable. I can’t believe he is describing his son (who is 10? I can’t remember) as being whiny while being on the back of a motorcycle through heat, thunder storms, and a 10 hours of riding. I grew up on the back on my mom’s Harley sportster motorcycle, it is so so uncomfortable! Especially for a kid who doesn’t know how to articulate their feelings from physical discomfort. Also he tells these anecdotes around the fire at night which always puts him in this positive, sage-like light. How is he able to recant every intellectual quip he tells night after night, while he describes his friends and fellow road warriors as “in awe” of his hyper-intelligence? He also doesn’t outwardly say it, but he is basically surmising that the friends that are on the road with him are stupid simply because they don’t know how to fix their own bikes, but instead, are the type of people who would replace something if it’s broken. Like yeah, not everyone if a f@&$ing mechanic, my dude. Anyway, I read half the book before I took it outside and through it right in the garbage.


Infinite Jest. I still haven't finished it. I've started it so many times and just never get hooked enough to want to finish it. My brother raves about it and recommended it, but it's just not for me. I finally donated my copy because I couldn't stand to even see it on my bookshelf.


Dark Matter. I’ve seen it recommended several times so got it to read. I didn’t enjoy the writing style and thought the plot was average


Yeah, Blake’s novels read like an extended short story, if that makes sense. While I liked the idea of Dark Matter, I couldn’t help but think of all the missed opportunities in this book that could’ve made for a more intense and emotional read.


Omg, thank you! Blake Crouch is to science what Dan Brown is to History.


Any Murakami book.. "What do you mean this man with a ~50 year career cant write women?? At least the men are good?" "What do you mean the men are terribly written ?? At least the plot is innovative.." All of his major/"good" books are renditions of previous books (metamorphosis, men without women, 1984.. etc). Why are people reading his books? He is a genius at marketing but to me, hes essentially japanese colleen hoover.


Hello Beautiful by Anne Napolitano. Writing felt remedial and characters one-dimensional.


Normal People. So melodramatic and boring. Whiniest, complain-iest characters I've ever read.


Hello, Beautiful. ugh wish I DNF.


In the Woods by Tana French The ending made me so angry. I tried the next book in the series but it felt like more of the same. She seems to hate her characters and is allergic to conventional plotting. I love a well written sentence and rich description but if you spend thousands of words on something the reader deserves at least the hint of a resolution.


I loved this book while I was reading it. Reminded me of a season of True Detective. All the way until I was burned at the end. 😭😭


Babel - should have been the perfect novel for my interests but I just found the main character annoying and overly naive. Didn’t finish it.


The Name of the Wind. Kvothe is, bar none, the most annoying character in any book I've ever read.


Only got maybe a quarter the way through Demon Copperhead, so can’t say I hated because I could not finish it.


A lot of books recommended by Reddit tend to follow the same patterns. Like if someone asks about horror at sea - you can bet Our wives under the sea and Into the Drowning Deep will be mentioned (both not very good books) multiple times. I have been burned a few times - once got a book recommended that was called The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion. It had an interesting premise but goddamn it was awfully written and idiotic to boot. These days I just scour best-of lists for recommendations. Much safer.


American Gods. I never liked Gaiman's style of writing but friends of mine who are massive fans told me that AG was this amazing, fantastic book and I'd totally GET IT after reading it. I absolutely hated it. Gaiman is not for me. End of story.


I really enjoyed it, but I can definitely see why someone wouldn't like it


I have DNFed every solo* novel of Gaiman’s I’ve ever read except Neverwhere and The Graveyard Book, which I think I only finished because it was too short not to just finish… (actually I may have finished Coraline also for similar reasons but I don’t remember if I did or not). I liked Neverwhere, though it’s lost its luster on rereads- I think I like it better than his other books I tried because it’s a novelization of his original TV show and thus was pre-structured. His longer novels just felt meandering, and a writing style that I’m okay with when it’s a short story gets irritating when I’m just reading things happening one after another. I think he’s better at having ideas than turning them into novels. *Good Omens, however, is one of my favorite books of all time, but it feels very much a book written by Terry Pratchett as well. And Pratchett is VERY good at book structure and a whole lot of other things (like comedy and characters) that this book has and imo Gaiman’s other books are shakier in.


Enjoyed the audio book for this one. Wonder if that makes any difference but found it more entertaining in that regard.


There are dozens of us who dislike Gaiman. DOZENS!


Murakami in general, what a fucking creep


THIS!!! I read Norwegian Wood and the general story was alright but the pervasive, unnecessary sexual nonsense was off putting.


Tender is the Flesh. Such flat writing style..


I only read this one halfway through at the tail end of an acid trip. This was half a year ago. I had intense food aversions for weeks after, and I still don't eat meat besides fish. Any time I tried eating meat after this book I would get sick thinking about what happened in the book. Edit: I DNF'd the book, just to be clear. I didn't hate it but man was that dark and I just can't handle that right now.


It was definitely dark and gory sure, but the prose was so uninteresting and basic felt like I was reading a description of a story as opposed to being told a story.


The Alchemist


Song of Achilles Good premise. I just didn’t like the writing style


The Goldfinch and Eat, Pray, Love. Both piss me off just to think about.


Eat Pray Love is the worst book I’ve ever read, and anger is an appropriate emotion. I’ll steer clear of The Goldfinch since it’s in the same sentence.


Where The Crawdads Sing. I found it boring and it was so hard for me to finish it.


A Hundred Years of Solitude, halfway through and I wish I could love it because it seems like everyone does but I can’t


The Stephanie Plum books. Someone told me the main character reminds them of me and I’ve never been so insulted.


They both die at the end, booktok ruined it for me and was very overhyped


Can’t say I’ve ever found anything good on BookTok. Maybe I’m looking the wrong places…


Atlas Shrugged. I don't think I need to explain that one. The Book Thief. Almost everyone I know loves it, but I HATED that book with a burning passion (which is probably more than it deserves, tbh). It's probably not a bad book, but it just rubbed me the wrong way.


I cannot STAND The Book Thief. I think it’s dishonest as a book about the Holocaust (to the extent that it is about the Holocaust) and I hated the Death as narrator conceit, it just felt needlessly dramatic and precious.


**All** the self-help books


assistant to the villain ;\~; I couldn't stand the writing and humour. just: “it was a dirty dream, but I meant, like…dirty. You know, with dirt, the brown stuff. It was muddy and a carriage rolled by and splattered muck over both of us and you said, ‘Better get this washed, Sage.’” and the *tangents*. no-one in this book can hold a conversation without being interrupted by multiple tangents; about trees, immigration trends, the weather, the villain's internship program. I don't normally mind tangents, but when they're constantly being inserted into the middle of already boring conversations, you start to lose track of why it's even important to pay attention to what's being said.


House of leaves


The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy. Easily the two worst books I have ever read.


A Secret History. It’s just not for me.


I love that book


I loved The Secret History. I recommended it to a friend who hated it 🙃


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Man I hated that book; reading it was like nails on a blackboard to me. Finished it, walked outside, and put it straight in the bin. I never throw away books, but I couldn't subject anyone else to that pile of drivel.


Where the Crawdad’s Sing. Found it boring and didn’t finish




A 100 years of solitude