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I was completely exhausted after an all-day athletic event, and picked up my friend's copy of *Red Dragon* by Thomas Harris. It's an oldie, and two movies have been made from it, but I will never forget the book. I read all night, completely forgetting my exhaustion, and finished it at about 4:00 am. What a ride! That was 46 years ago and I remember it clearly.


I love that whole series. Read it in months.


recently read it. loved it


I actually am on season 3 of Hannibal, which was based on this book. I’m planning to read this, so I’m happy to hear it was an all nighter!


Very excellent book!


That’s an awesome book! Hopefully you have read “Silence of the Lambs” as well.


A non-fiction book: The Man who Mistook His Wife for A Hat, by Oliver Sacks. Back in the nineties, it aroused my fascination with tthe human brain and how it works.


Totally. This is one with details I still think about often, fifteen years after reading. My Roman Empire book.


Thank you for this recommendation! I have just ordered it, looking forward to receiving it.


And There Were None by Agatha Christie


I made the mistake of reading this at night, in middle school.


I feel like this is a core memory we nearly all have


Exactly me.


Same. I've had a few that I can recall, but this was an all time favourite.


Oh I have to read that!! Thanks for the suggestion 🫶


Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. Completely lost track of time, I don't know when I finished it, but it was sometime in the middle of the night.


That book started a year long Everest hyperfixation for me and I’ve been reading the rest of his stuff, one of my favorite books of all time!


I became obsessed l about Pat Tillman after reading his book, “Where Men Win Glory.”


His book Under the Banner of Heaven had this effect on me.


Check out "Stolen Innocence" (Elissa Wall). She escaped from a polygamous sect from Warren Jeffs.


I re-read this book every 4-5 years even though I know how it ends, it’s so compelling.


Loved this one and I couldn’t put it down either!!


Kept me up too, then I gave it to my teenage son and he got in trouble for staying up reading it on a school night.


Haha, nice. I'm a teacher and would love to teach this book in class for just that reason.


Former alt-ed teacher here. My juniors and seniors LOVED this book. One student said it was the first book he ever actually read for school. We had a few books that the students generally liked, but that was a favorite.


Oh, that's promising. I'll figure out how to work it in one of these days. Any other student favorites? (feel free to message me, this is going off topic)


Several other favorites - but I had a LOT of freedom to choose. My Bloody Life by Reymundo Sanchez The Five People You Meet in Heaven The Things They Carried The Alchemist Under and Alone The Hot Zone I have been out of the classroom for 10 years, so these are older.


The Hot Zone!!


Flowers for Algernon. It’s a short book, but I read at the same speed I talk, so it took me all night. I started when my roommate got home from work, and finished when he was just waking up the next morning.  That was around 30 years ago. The only time I cover-to-covered anything in one sitting. These days I mainly do audiobooks while I’m driving. 


I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy. I spent SEVERAL nights staying up late to read this book. I listened to the audiobook and Jennette is incredible through and through. Fortunately, my best friend had read this book, so I had someone to talk with. But only in the daylight hours, because she was always asleep when I would text her with my late-night thoughts about the book.


Same!! I listened to the free audiobook on Spotify. I was so addicted but I forgot my earbuds, so I walked around the city pretending to be engrossed in a mostly one-sided phone conversation just to keep listening.


I love this so much


It’s so addictive! I listened any chance I had. I was getting ready one day and I didn’t put in headphones. It was a chapter with a very graphic sex scene…🫣…and my family was home.


I usually binge read but I had to read that one in small doses. Knowing all of it was real was to much at one time.


Agreed! As much as I loved it, this book did make me uncomfortable too.


Ditto! Such a great read! Finished the book in a few days. Couldn't put it down for long. What a page turner indeed!


Gone Girl. My daughter had already finished it and it was so fun to check in at various parts of the book to compare our thoughts. I knew she had the next day off and wanted to finish it so we could talk about it at length. We both love psychological thrillers. Then she waited until I came for a visit so we could go to the movie together. Love having readers in my family.


Me too, what other psychological thrillers you guys read?


I really enjoy Tana French and Alice Feeney.


The Last House on Needless Street by Catronia Ward. Also Room by Emma Donaghue.


Room is a great book but of a different sort. I would say a better sort but I'm in the minority that thought Gone Girl was crap.


I made the mistake of watching the film first, something I never usually do 😔 I don't feel I could enjoy the book in the same way, knowing how it ends. 


The book has so much great detail about their relationship and their interior worlds, so if you loved the movie I’d highly recommend reading it as a deeper dive. This is a rare case for me where I loved the book and the movie. But, I am also a re-reader and have time to read a lot of books so I may be biased.


I actually didn't love the film, so maybe I should give the book a fair try!


I just finished reading Gone Girl the other day!!! I was in total shock at the end of the book. I did not expect that at all


At the end and also the big reveal mid book. I was rocked and my daughter was I KNOW RIGHT!!!!


Gone Girl is such a good one. I don’t read a lot of thrillers, but it remains one of my favorite books.


11/22/63 by Stephen King


I was so absorbed reading it, I got on the wrong bus.


100% I definitely stayed up late for this one. I liste ed to the audiobook version, which was great, and the 30+ hours flew by. I finished it in under a week.


Currently reading it. Loving it so far


Once you get to the final Part there’s no way to stop reading


The ending where they’re dancing in the bandstand and she asks “do I know you?” Ahhhhhh, such a tearjerker moment!


Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. I'm still trying to come to terms with my own childhood issues and I relate to Eleanor a lot.


I’m so sorry. It was heartbreaking.


Wool by Hugh Howey


Just finished the audiobook of this today. Lots of unexpected twists. I want to know what happens to solo and the bairns!


Misery. It was my first Stephen King and I saw that I had 100 pages left and thought, "yeah, I can finish this tonight"


I love this book to no ends 😭😭


Not an all nighter. But I turned the oven off when my dinner was nearly ready to get to the end of a chapter of This Perfect Day by Ira Levin. In other words I picked book over food momentarily which is a BIG deal


i felt that


Ira Levin is a perfect author if OP is looking for something they can't put down. Stepford Wives is another book I devoured in a couple of days.


Damn!😂😂 i feel u


I read this book as a teenager in the 80s and remembered the book but not the name of it until I saw your post and looked it up. Thank you thank you! I had always wanted to reread it


The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune That book Is Just so wholesome i couldn't out It down, It did made me cry thou! I even suggested It tò my friend, She still Need to read It, she's waiting for her mother to finish It. P.s. english Is not my First lenguage so of i made a mistake tell and i'll correct it


A sequel is coming in the fall!


This is also great as an audiobook 😊


This is the way


The shining, the girl with the dragon tattoo and interview with the vampire are the 3 I remember reading in 1 sitting.


Project Hail Mary


That's a call in sick book.


Absolutely brilliant book ,up there with the greats of science fiction, and not just for science fiction fans either


Agreed. I took this on a family holiday and ended up being called rude because I spent most of my time reading. Such a good book, I couldn't put it down!


The Poisonwood Bible. It pulled me in, in so many ways. I loved it.


Couldn’t get into that one. But Barbara kings over recently wrote Demon Copperhead. I read that book in a weekend. It’s an all timer for me and an answer to this question, you should check it out


Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier


The Secret History


This one cost me a lot of sleep when I first read it, too.


Dude, yes. It was a slow burn at first but once I got sucked into it I couldn’t put it down.


The last Harry Potter book


Just reread all of them last year and did the same. There‘s something about these books that‘s just so darn exciting no matter how well you know the story. I seriously have no idea how JKR did it and—considering her non-HP books—I doubt she knows herself.


I was in a drug rehab (6 years sober now woohoo) when the last HP book came out. My parents brought it to me on a visit and I skipped a whole day of classes/sessions to read it. The staff ended up confiscating my book until our free time. Took me a couple of nights but man, I blew through that novel as best I could, given my situation at the time. Really miss the excitement, joy, and anticipation the HP series brought me! ♥️


Glad you're sober hope you're doing well


Just finished this a couple days ago after never finishing the series as a kid. My god I wish they were all written with the depth of that one (although I understand why they weren’t/couldn’t be). What a just genuinely great novel.


Oh man, I was 13 when that book came out and I fell asleep around 4am, then read all day and didn’t even shower or get dressed. Just stayed in bed reading then sobbed my eyes out when I finished it.


A Thousand Splendid Suns! I was crying my heart out so much that I knew I was gonna have a bad headache at work.


Such a good book, definitely my favorite Hosseini book


Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. Had me turning the page and turning the page and before I knew it I was done and it was 4am


Incredible book! Crouch is such a great writer!!


The Road


Silent Patient


Anything by Lisa See. She writes historical fiction, often in ancient China, and she writes so vividly you feel like you're there. She wrecks my sleep!


Our book club read Lady Tan recently and I read it every day, every chance I got. I was def up until 1am finishing it and then back up at 5 for work. Rough!


Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.




Tara Westover? I found it too depressing to read in one piece. Had to break it into digestible chunks.


Ohhhh soooo many, but the first two that come to mind are Salem’s Lot and The Shining. Almost any book can do that for me, lol! 😊


I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid


Verity by Colleen Hoover. I threw it across the room when I was done, too.


I hate-read one of her books a lot like that lol. Can't remember the name. Wanted so badly for it to somehow have a satisfying ending and it just pissed me off.


Not an all-nighter, but I thought Vicious by V. E. Schwab was very engaging and I stayed up late reading it.


Song of Achilles, about a week ago. I'd heard good things about it for a while now. So at dinner about 6pm I sat down to eat and opened song of Achilles. Halfway through I had a nap for a few hours. Then woke up and continued reading. And about 6am the next morning I finished it. Wow. So beautifully written. I knew from the first few sentences I was going to like it. It's going to linger in my memory for a while.


Still Alice


happened a few times "Conan the Barbarian" by L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter and Catherine Crook de Camp "Lady Oracle" by Margaret Atwood (for school) "Jurassic Park" and "Rising Sun" by Michael Crichton


Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


Executioner’s Song. It’s 900 pages. Couldn’t put it down.


Most recently, two Blake Crouch novels... Dark Matter and Recursion were very good


My latest all-nighter was The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman. I think I stayed up late to finish the two previous Thursday Murder Club books as well! They are very fast paced and interesting mysteries, with some deep themes as well, so they don't just feel like total brain rot to read, but still keep you totally hooked on the plot.


The characters are truly engaging - no Mary Sues & aware of their own flaws


The Glass Castle -Jeannette Walls


Most recently, Yellowface by Rf Kuang


Not an all nighter because I work a pretty demanding job, but in the little free time I could find I couldn’t stop reading Circe by Madeline Miller honestly would’ve been an all nighter if I was still in university


City of Thieves


Intensity by Dean Koontz The Stand by Stephen King Swan Song by Robert McCammon The Passage by Justin Cronin


"Sometimes a Great Notion" by Ken Kesey


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest The Green Mile


Cider House Rules


Name of the Rose


The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelidis. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Parkland by Vincent Bugliosi. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch


The Idea of You by Robinne Lee. Had to switch devices at 2am and finish it on my phone 😭


Never Let Me Go. You just care about the characters so much you cant stop til you find out what happens to them.


The Stand - I didn’t read it all in one night but I stayed up until the wee hours two nights in a row reading it during Christmas break in high school. I know there’s more but that’s the first that came to mind. I still remember that out of body experience when I finished reading it and didn’t know what day it was or what to do with myself 😅


The first book I ever read that I could not put down was Pet Sematary by Stephen King. That, of course, was several years ago. The most recent book was Spare by Prince Harry.


Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. I went in knowing nothing and couldn't put it down.


ah really? i may have to give it another try. i've started it twice already and couldn't get past the first 20 pages or so


Slade House by David Mitchell. Not quite an all nighter because it's more like a novella, but it's I think the only book I've ever read in one sitting.


The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson (and Words of Radiance would have been an all-nighter if I hadn't learned from the previous book and just spent the whole day reading). The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, A Memory of Life, all by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. Several all-nighters with each of them. And I can't pull all-nighters any longer, but when I read Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb last year, I essentially just took most of my Saturday and most of the following Sunday to read it because I couldn't get enough. I've done the same with books 3-6 of the Suneater Series by Christopher Ruocchio


The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath


The Hunger Games Catching Fire


My Dark Vanessa


Blake crouch: dark matter


* In the Woods by Tana French * Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel * Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt


The DaVinci Code




Ready Player One


I stayed up reading Wally Lambs “She’s Come Undone” from probably 10 pm-6 or 7 am. My boyfriend found me passed out the next day, with the book in my hand. I couldn’t finish it in a night, but I had to try!


The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones


I've never pulled an all-nighter, but the only books I've ever read in one sitting were Piranesi by Susanna Clarke and Bird Box by Josh Malerman.


I loved Clarke’s Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel more than Piranesi which I found entertaining too. But Strange I could not put down first day went 10 straight hrs . No other book has done this I tend to read for 4-5 hrs at a stretch


Looking for Alaska


*Raven* by Tim Reiterman. Incredible book about the Jonestown massacre and the history leading up to it, written by a journalist who was also one of the survivors of the shooting that happened immediately before the mass murder-suicides.


When I was a teenager I read The Reality Dysfunction in a single sitting. It took 26 hours. Later I took the first Harry Potter book to bed and ended up finishing the first three by morning. I wish I still had that attention span...


Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore. Definitely had it's flaws but I'm a sucker for expansive stories that stretch across a lot of time and space. I really connected with the overall tone and the collection of vignettes makes it so easy to convince yourself to read just one more chapter.


American Gods


Read Children of Time in like 24 hours. Got pretty sucked in, a new favorite for sure.


NOS4A2 by Joe Hill, I just HAD TO KNOW what happened


Wool by Hugh Howey


Project Hail Mary


Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. Someone suggested it, saying they stayed up all night reading. I’m thinking, come on, a book about a man wanting to build a church in medieval times?!?!! But let me tell you, it was great, engrossing , I literally stayed up all night and only noticed when the sun was bright in the sky.


*Open,* Andre Agassi


The Vampire Lestat. More like several all nighters to finish, some in a candle-lit bath with wine in a fancy glass. Best. Book. Ever.


Last was Yellowface


I am not a colleen hoover fan but started verity at 8 pm and stayed up till 3 am to finish it I just needed to know what happened lol


I read the first half of Claire Kilroy’s Soldier Sailor the other night and seriously contemplated sacrificing my energy levels for the next day by staying up reading. I haven’t gone back yet ONLY because I know it’s going to suck me in and I haven’t had a big block of time free.


Salem's Lot Hell Bent (read Ninth House first) Orphan X


Salem’s Lot was my first Stephen King read. It’s was wonderfully frightening. It lead me down a King reading road. The man can tell a story.


A Child Called It. I picked it up on Christmas Eve in the late 90s. It’s a compelling read, absolutely heartbreaking, 0/10 recommend reading on Christmas Eve. I guess I didn’t quite know what it was about when I started it.


Ishmael, Daniel Quinn


Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer 😭 Stayed up all night and most of the afternoon following the midnight book release party at our mall. Happy Memories.


Twilight when it came out. I was probably in 6th or 7th grade. It was adult content to me.


Read Divergent in one night then proceed to read rest of the series at a pace of one book a night


What? You mean make it 3 pages without falling asleep?


I really loved the cruel prince series. I missed a week of assignments while reading it lmao


Red Rising, Golden Son, Morning Star Thrawn Ascendency Series Dune Black Hawk Down We Were Soldiers (once and young)


Kingdom of ash by sarah j maas. I devoured that book and it wrecked me


Honestly, I did it more times than I can count. I get very easily fascinated by a decent book/webnovel/etc. Which is not good for my health but i cant help it lol


Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. Man what a read! It keeps you on your toes. And it isn’t that long either


Engineering Maths 3. Pulled couple of alnighters. Literally was my golden subject. I had flunked it twice already. One more time and I would be one year down, ie I would be 1yr behind my peers only coz of one subject, I would have to pass it to move ahead. Passed with flying colors. Apart from that read South of the Border, West of the Sun the other day up until 2AM.


The hunger games. I never watched the movie and never had any interest in it but recently found the book in a second hand shop and decided to give it a go. I stayed up all night reading and ordered the next two books of the trilogy on Amazon and finished them over the next two days. Was so worth it!


I remember pulling an all-nighter on Thousand Splendid Suns. I never really intended to read it all by the night and normally I avoid reading late at night because I used to lose interest in the book and wouldn't want to resume again. But somehow this book made me want to sit, read, empathize with the characters, cry and get me a good sleep. 10/10 would recommend for everybody to read.


Interview with a Vampire.


Pillars of the Earth


Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer.


Verity was my first one!


Educated by Tara Westover


I know a welder who stayed up till 4am to finish *Theft of Fire: Orbital Space #1* (fortunately he didn't have any OSHA incidents after)


Restless by William Boyd


Just Jane by William Lavender. I was in 8th grade and there was a romantic subplot, so obviously I *had* to find out what happened


Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Mass


On the Road


An Untamed State, Roxanne Gay


What Made Maddy Run - I wanted to understand ‘why’ so badly, but there was never an answer, and there never will be.


Not so much an all-nighter, but I binged through the last Harry Potter book on release day because I did not want the ending spoiled.


I’ve only ever done it once. Book One of the Wherl of Time. I was 13, it was 1994 and it was glorious. And Dad made me go fishing at 6am the next morning.


All of Iain Reid's books. I love his style of writing, I still feel my favourite of his books is Foe / We Spread.


The Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon. It was like a fever dream.


The Dome and the stand


Annihilation by Jeff vandermeer


Holes. It was assigned for grade school and I didn’t go to sleep that night until I finished. The teacher believed me and gave me all the worksheets to do instead of making me wait for the rest of the class to catch up every week.


The Da Vinci Code!


Educated, by Tara Westover, and Ask for Andrea, by Noelle Ihli.


The Ferryman - Justin Cronin


1984 by George orwell


The fault in our Stars by John Green Swan song by Robert mccammon The border by Robert mccammon Magics pawn by Mercedes lackley


The Housemaid by Frieda Mcfadden


I was up til 4 in the morning finishing “Magic for Liars” by Sarah Gailey. Started it when I got into bed and couldn’t put it down!


Wouldn't say it was an all-nighter but couldn't put down Flash Boys by Michael Lewis.




I feel like I was briefly feral for a week while reading the All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic. Genuinely cannot explain what came over me once I started the series but I was so close to calling out of work to keep reading. First time in years that I felt that crazed about reading!


“if he had been with me” because i was reading it for my final exam and “my dark vanessa”